Auto-create Cell In Html?
Mar 4, 2010
I'm pretty new in Javascript. I searched alot but didn't find any answer to my problem I have.
What I want to do:
- I have a cell A1
- I want the script to make a new cell B1
- After that I want the script to make a new cell C1
- After that I want the script to make a new cell D1
- After that I wa .... etc .... till I got 20 cells in total.
This has to go automatic so not by use of a client sided button.
I also need every cell to get his own IDnumber like A1 ID=1, B1 ID=2, C1 ID=3, etc to communicate with database and mysql. But maybe I have to use php for that.
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Jun 20, 2009
I have a function in javascript to add new cell in a table...!! tht work perfectly but now i want to create a span tag within cell tag. code...
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Aug 31, 2009
How can I dynamically create a button once the page is loaded. At the end of the page I want a javascript to create a button next to a textarea in a table cell. I have the following piece of html and want to see if this is present in a page at loading time then create a button dynamically next to textrea. code...
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Feb 9, 2010
I'm quite new at Javascript and I'm trying to create a script that will save me a lot of time when creating my website. I'm gonna try to explain what I'm looking for by taking a simple example. I have a page 'Portfolio'. On this page I have thumbnails of my work. 'OnMouseOver' will have the bigger version of the image appear on the screen (no need for a click). The images are named 1001, 1002, 1003, etc. The thumbs are named 1001_th, 1002_th, etc.
When I click on one of the thumbnails, I want the page "Details" to open, on which only the picture and the description is different for every project. The rest of the content will be the same every time. What I am trying to do is avoid having to create a page "Details" for each one of my projects (up to 100 and growing).I figure there must be a simple solution to 'take' the number of the picture and put it in a standard "Details" page.
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Sep 25, 2007
Im looking for a code like the one below that automatically resizes posted images to desired size while at the same time the resized images are clickable for full size which opens in another window.
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Oct 7, 2005
Does anyone know if there is an event that gets fired off when I select text in a cell of a table in HTML????
I know theres a onselect event but that does not work. I need this so I can run a JavaScript function.
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Oct 22, 2005
I have an excel sheet with a graph and cells.If i change the value in
the excel cells the graph will reflect.Now i am going to implement this
functionality in html page.I successfully saved this as interactive
html page.Now my requirement changes a bit.The excell cells will not
visible to others.i have a text box,If i change the value in text box
the excel template cell value need to change.
I did the follwing steps for creating interactive html page
1.go to and click save as webpage link
2.selected selection:sheet option button . the publish button.
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Oct 22, 2005
I have an excel sheet with a graph and cells.If i change the value in
the excel cells the graph will reflect.Now i am going to implement this
functionality in html page.I successfully saved this as interactive
html page.Now my requirement changes a bit.The excell cells will not
visible to others.i have a text box,If i change the value in text box
the excel template cell value need to change.
I did the follwing steps for creating interactive html page
1.go to and click save as webpage link
2.selected selection:sheet option button . the publish button.
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Nov 10, 2005
I'd like to read and modify a cell (e.g. 'Text 1') in the following HTML table with a javascript:
<table id = "MyTable">
<tr id = "Row1">
<td width = "40%">
Text 1
<td width = "60%">
Text 2
var table = document.getElementById("MyTable");
I can access the table and with
... table.rows[var_tabelle.rows.length - 1].firstChild
I can somehow access the row. But I can't read and also not change the
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a table that is populated row and column headers, and data of course, I need to convert one of the row headers to a href that will reference a more detailed report. I have already gotten the parent/child relationship needed to pinpoint the data in that one cell but I can't figure out how to change it to a href using javaScript.
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Oct 2, 2011
I am trying to create a order form that auto calculates my totals as I enter the quantities. It comes up with Not a Number(NaN).Below are snippets from my code this is obviously in a <form>:
<!-- Row 3, Col 3 purchase boxes -->
<td colspan="1" height="120" align="left">
<input style="margin-left: 60px" type="text" name="bed_359" size="3" maxlength="3" onchange="calculateValue(this.form)" /> R359</td></tr>[code].....
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May 3, 2011
How can I use jquery to cycle through all the table rows I have in a table, and hide the rows that contain a specific HTML value that I pass to jquery?For instance, I have a table full of students, and courses each student is taking. If I want to hide all the rows where the course is Chemistry (regardless of student), how would I do that?I already have captured the HTML value, what I mainly need help with is how to tell jquery to hide ALL of the rows with that HTML value, rather than just the row I click on.
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Mar 8, 2010
What I am trying to do is create a slider that auto scrolls 3-4 images from right to left with no controls. And if the user hovers over it, it stops so they can read the content that is featured. Everywhere I search there are bunch of plugins i.e. easyslider, s3slider, etc. that have tons of code that is greek to me. I tried using the easyslider code and changing things around for it to do what I want, but I was unsuccessful.
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm trying to create a button that when pressed will remove the last character entered in a text field called "cell" using jQuery. Here is what I have:
$("#backspace").click(function() {
$("#cell").value($("#cell").substring(0, $("#cell").length() - 1);
It doesn't work Can someone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong.
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Nov 16, 2010
I'm almost finished with this app for XUL / HTML Table Generation, and i have a really strange problem...The HTML strings in the Arrays can be changed, and the HTML file saved, and the HTML page reloaded, and the changes will render.However, i have one array, no matter what i change the HTML strings to, it refuses to render the changes made to the HTML strings.It's quite confusing...the array in question is
// Humidor InnerHTML
HumidorInnerHTML[0] = "<img src='NoImage.gif' style='height:100px; width:100px;'>";
HumidorInnerHTML[1] = "<input type='textbox' id='Others_Caption" + HumidorIndex + "'>";
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Jan 27, 2009
I have this layout
And then I have this code to determine the cell height.
So basically I need both my first and last cells to be able to have the mainbody cells height, but that code only works when placed in or after the cell being measured, in this case "mainbody", my question is this, is their a way to get the size of the mainbody cell before its done loading somehow?
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a javascript program that uses a HTML table as an Excel-like grid. The user can use arrow keys to navigation the grid. When the user selects a cell and then hits <Enter> key, the program turns the cell from read-only to editable (an input box), and select all the text in the input box. When the user hits <Esc>, the program cancels the changes that the user has made and turns the cell back to read-only. So far so good. The problem is that as soon as the user hits <Esc> key and turns the cell back to read-only, I find that I cannot move the input focus back to the cell any more. Actually I cannot move the input focus back to _any_ cell in the table. When this happens, the user cannot use arrow keys to navigate the grid any more (like the grid has lost the input focus). The user needs to use the mouse to click at a cell in the table to get things working again.
The user can get around with this problem by un-selecting the text from the input-box before hitting <Esc>. But this is not something that I expect the user to remember to do. I need a way to fix this problem. I tried the logical thing and programmatically un-select the text before turning the cell back to read-only. But this actually made thing worse - this causes the workaround to stop working.
The only browsers that I have tested this program is IE6 and IE8. I have not tested this in any other browser.
Attached is a simplified version of the program that can show this problem in action. This simplified program first adds an empty table on the web page, and then creates an instance of the CEstGrid class that takes care of the grid. CEstGrid will add two rows of test data into the table with two columns in each row. The user should use a mouse to click at one of the cell, and the cell should be highlighted. The user uses arrow keys to navigate the table. When he reaches the end of the table, he will wrap around to the other side of the table. Let say the user reaches the cell in row-1 column-2, he hits <Enter> to change the cell to editable. He will find the text in that cell to be highlighted. When he hits <Esc> at this moment, he will find that he cannot use the arrow keys to navigate the table any more, and this is the problem. Please rename the test program from .TXT to .HTML to test it.
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Jul 23, 2005
Somebody asked me if it would be possible to add auto-advance to a web
form where there are a lot of repetitive 5 character fields. I took a
look around the web and found a script, which appears to work in the
couple of browsers I tried it in. However, when I look at the script it
appears to have the wrong number of brackets. Then when I changed the
script to the way I thought it should be, it still worked!
I'm totally rusty on javascript. I think I remember that you're allowed
to omit brackets when you only have 1 line following the if (or while,
or whatever).
A couple of questions:
Are the brackets in the original script below wrong or am I missing
Can anyone recommend a different auto-advance script?
Or, is auto-advancing a bad idea all around from a usability/accessibility point of view?....
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Apr 11, 2010
imagine table with 15 rows and 3 columns. If I move mouse over any cell I want some other specific cells to change their borders like with pseudo-class :
.boryellow {border: 3px solid yellow}
.borblue {border: 3px solid black}
this will work, a cell can change itself
<td name="third" class="boryellow" onmouseover="this.className='borblue'" onmouseout="this.className='boryellow'">cell</td>
even when dealing with empty images - click on link will change border of different element - imgs, but not span or td ...
<a href="#" onclick="'borblue'; document.all['name'].className='borblue';
Replacing any element link by "third" or "spanx" will cause stuck ant not executing other actions.
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Mar 15, 2011
<script language="JavaScript">
function changeColor(cell_id){var state1="#dde6ed"; var state2="#ffc20e"; var cellid = new Array ("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4", "id5", "id6"); for(var i = 0; i < cellid.length; i++){var nav = document.getElementById(cellid[i]); if(cellid =={;} else {;}}}
what is wrong with this script. I put an onClick= changeColor(this);" in my <td> tag to call the script but still not working.
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Mar 7, 2010
I have had success using html maps and areas. The way I have done it in the past is to simply write the map tags, then inside that, put the area tags.
My current problem however, is a bit more complicated. I want to create the areas for a particular map with javascript. I will have the following map:
<map id="pm0102" name="pm0102"> <area name="area" id="pa01021" shape="poly" alt="Sun" onclick="alert('bla')"/></map>
<map id="pm0102" name="pm0102"></map>
I need to create an area for it. So I first write (inside a function that I call)
map1 = document.getElementById("pm0101")
But how can I now create an area for this map in javascript? Does it go something like the following?
map1.areas = '<area name="area" id="pa01011"/>'
I may need to have multiple areas.
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Jun 26, 2011
I need to know how to create an web template in Javascript or may be what is the simple way to create an Web template.I don't want to use dreamWeaver or other tools.I have watched some of the webpage and they are using Javascript to create an template.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have a table on my website displaying a list of members details. I would like to create a script where when a button is actioned, the table can be downloaded in a CSV file.
I have found an example using Excel, but it needs to be CSV as this script will be ran on a linux server.
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Jun 19, 2011
Here's a snippet:
canvases[i] = document.createElement('canvas');
canvases[i].style.width = '3px';
canvases[i].style.height = '100%';
I'm trying to dynamically create a canvas element. Later in the script it gets attached to the DOM, and this works fine if the last two lines are missing. I end up with a canvas element that is 3px wide and 100% of the containing div tall. However, the last two lines make it crash, with the error report 'canvases[i].fillRect is not a function'.
If I change the last two lines to:
var drawing = canvases[i].getContext("2D");
It says 'drawing is null'. Something seems to be going wrong with the getContext bit, because setting the height and width work fine. It behaves the same if I append the canvas element to the DOM before trying to do the drawing as well. This is in FF4.0.1 with a xhtml1-strict.dtd doctype and valid html.
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Jul 30, 2010
How do I create html table dynamically?Here is my code:html code:
<div id="dynamicTable">
jquery code:
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Dec 8, 2010
I want to create a drawing board in an html page were i can draw anything by dragging the mouse. and when i have done the drawing, i want to create an image of that drawing,
i found some examples doing this but so far all were using html 5, my requirement is to support most of the available browsers.
does anyone knows how i can do it.
i found one link which had what i required, [code]...
but in this the only problem is that if i drag my mouse faster, the draw line is discontinuous. i want it to be continuous free flowing colored pixels.
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