Cannot Move Input Focus To A Cell After Re-Defining The Cell

Sep 15, 2011

I have a javascript program that uses a HTML table as an Excel-like grid. The user can use arrow keys to navigation the grid. When the user selects a cell and then hits <Enter> key, the program turns the cell from read-only to editable (an input box), and select all the text in the input box. When the user hits <Esc>, the program cancels the changes that the user has made and turns the cell back to read-only. So far so good. The problem is that as soon as the user hits <Esc> key and turns the cell back to read-only, I find that I cannot move the input focus back to the cell any more. Actually I cannot move the input focus back to _any_ cell in the table. When this happens, the user cannot use arrow keys to navigate the grid any more (like the grid has lost the input focus). The user needs to use the mouse to click at a cell in the table to get things working again.

The user can get around with this problem by un-selecting the text from the input-box before hitting <Esc>. But this is not something that I expect the user to remember to do. I need a way to fix this problem. I tried the logical thing and programmatically un-select the text before turning the cell back to read-only. But this actually made thing worse - this causes the workaround to stop working.

The only browsers that I have tested this program is IE6 and IE8. I have not tested this in any other browser.

Attached is a simplified version of the program that can show this problem in action. This simplified program first adds an empty table on the web page, and then creates an instance of the CEstGrid class that takes care of the grid. CEstGrid will add two rows of test data into the table with two columns in each row. The user should use a mouse to click at one of the cell, and the cell should be highlighted. The user uses arrow keys to navigate the table. When he reaches the end of the table, he will wrap around to the other side of the table. Let say the user reaches the cell in row-1 column-2, he hits <Enter> to change the cell to editable. He will find the text in that cell to be highlighted. When he hits <Esc> at this moment, he will find that he cannot use the arrow keys to navigate the table any more, and this is the problem. Please rename the test program from .TXT to .HTML to test it.

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JQuery :: Move Table Cell To A New Row?

Dec 12, 2011

I cannot change a site's dynamically generated code but I can add HTML/JS to it with jQuery. I have a three table cells in a row. I want to take the third cell and put it on a new <tr> The example code below illustrates what I am trying to do. The problem with using this

$("</tr><tr class='row_two'><td class='new_cell'> </td>").insertBefore(".third");
is that it makes a new <tr> but it closes that immediately instead of absorbing the <td> below it.

<tr class="row_one">
<td class="first">First Cell</td>
<td class="second">Second Cell</td>


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Move A Select Box From One Table Cell To Another?

Mar 26, 2009

Ok i am trying to move a select box from one table cell to another, i have played around and managed to get my script to read values......but struggling to move elements.Looking at the table below I would like to move the select box to the 2nd table cell


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Form Area Code Move To Next Cell

May 31, 2010

I have a form where when three numbers are typed I want to move to the next cell so I found this code on the web


But when I put it in my web page I get one of those java errors in the bottom left of my internet explorer, is something wrong with this code?

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Cell Height - Code Only Works When Placed In Or After The Cell Being Measured

Jan 27, 2009

I have this layout

And then I have this code to determine the cell height.

So basically I need both my first and last cells to be able to have the mainbody cells height, but that code only works when placed in or after the cell being measured, in this case "mainbody", my question is this, is their a way to get the size of the mainbody cell before its done loading somehow?

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Setting Focus To A Tabe Cell.

Sep 14, 2006

There is a tab control on a page with multiple tabs and handful of
controls in each tab. The way it's rendered in html (like grid etc..)
is in table format in tablerows and cells.

On clientside, on form validation in javascript, I would like to set
focus on to one of the tabs
and set the focus to the control on that tab.

I find this (tab) control by looking through all 'td' s and by it's id.
Now that I have "td" control, I would like to set the focus on to this.

Here is what I do. (FindHtmlControlByID method returns the control based on type and id)

firstTab = FindHtmlControlByID('TD','UltraWebTab1td0');
secondTab = FindHtmlControlByID('TD','UltraWebTab1td1'); = 'visible'

textBox = FindHtmlControlByID('INPUT','uiTextBox1'); = 'visible'

textBox.focus() fails with the message it's either not visible or not
enabled or it is a type of control that cannot be focused. If the tab
already had focus, then this works ok.

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Change Border Of Some Cell By OnMouseOver Different Cell?

Apr 11, 2010

imagine table with 15 rows and 3 columns. If I move mouse over any cell I want some other specific cells to change their borders like with pseudo-class :


.boryellow {border: 3px solid yellow}
.borblue {border: 3px solid black}

this will work, a cell can change itself

<td name="third" class="boryellow" onmouseover="this.className='borblue'" onmouseout="this.className='boryellow'">cell</td>
even when dealing with empty images - click on link will change border of different element - imgs, but not span or td ...
<a href="#" onclick="'borblue'; document.all['name'].className='borblue';


Replacing any element link by "third" or "spanx" will cause stuck ant not executing other actions.

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Script To Change Cell Color When Clicked And Back To Original When Other Cell Clicked

Mar 15, 2011

<script language="JavaScript">
function changeColor(cell_id){var state1="#dde6ed"; var state2="#ffc20e"; var cellid = new Array ("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4", "id5", "id6"); for(var i = 0; i < cellid.length; i++){var nav = document.getElementById(cellid[i]); if(cellid =={;} else {;}}}

what is wrong with this script. I put an onClick= changeColor(this);" in my <td> tag to call the script but still not working.

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Preventing Any Input Into A Cell ?

Dec 1, 2009

Way to prevent someone from entering anything into a cell?

It's the bit in bold below:


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JQuery :: Set Value Of Input Box On Click In Table Cell

Aug 19, 2010

I have a table with one click-able cell (ancor tag). Here is the code for the cell: (php)[code]#flightno is the id of the input field I need to set the value = to table cell value.

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Get The Cell Index Of The First Cell?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a table with two rows and 4 columns, the first cell has rowspan of 2. How do I insert something into the first cell only? How can I get the cell index of the first cell?

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Grab Cell (<TD>) Bgcolor With OnClick And Put It In A Input Type Text...

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following simple code:

<TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" ONCLICK="myform.color.value =

<FORM ACTION="hello.cgi" NAME="myform" ID="myform">
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="color" SIZE="10" MAXLENGTH="10">

When I click on the cell, the text input box shows 'undefined'. How
can I insert the cell's bgcolor hex code (#FFFFFF) into the form's

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Defining File Input Value With JS?

Oct 15, 2007

<input type="file" />

For the above input, is there any way I can change the value? I found that adding: value="asdf" doesn't change anything with a type="file" input.

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Can't Get Cell To Shrink To Zero

Jul 23, 2005

I have a simple HTML table that I want to use as a progress bar - by
changing the width of the two TD elements with javascript, you show
progress. The problem is that when I change the width to 100 and 0
resp., you still see a sliver of white for the right cell... any way
to do this, it's drivin me nuts! I tried also changing the back color
of the right cell to blue when it hits 100, but it only works in
Mozilla/Firefox, not IE....

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DOM Row/cell With InnerHTML

Jul 23, 2005

I've got this code that creates a new new row and cell. I then put some
text into the cell with innerHTML - works beautifully with Firefox but
fails with IE. I guess IE doesn't support this way of doing it, but is
there another way of doing it with DOM?

newr = document.createElement('tr');

newc = document.createElement('td');

newr.cells[0].innerHTML = (nr+1)+". "+sa[ti][nr + 1]+"<br><hr>";
(works in firefox but fails in IE 6+ too...)

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How To Set Text In A Cell

Jul 23, 2005

My web page has thumbnail pictures, and when the user clicks on a
thumbnail, I change the image source of a full-size image elsewhere on
the page. I'd also like to change the caption of the full-size image,
but I'm not sure how to set the value of the text. I've tried creating
a form with a single input field, and I can set the value of that
field, but the field has a sunken style that I can't get rid of, and
I'd like to find a different way of displaying the text.

Is there an easier way to change the value of a text field?

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Cant Get The Cell Values ?

Dec 30, 2007


This is a simple meal order selection.When i click on the radio button,it will insert a new row to a table and insert the value. And there also got delete button to delete each row.

After finish order,i need to total up the prices.But,when i click on the calculate button, it shown error on page.How can i get the values and total up all the values?

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Get A Cell From A Selected Row

Feb 18, 2010

I have a table and i want that when I select a row (onclick event) two functions to be called.

This is the code (it is PHP generated):

The first onclick function (named colorChange) works, but the later does not.

I don't know why is that. I used this configuration before and it worked.

So.. the js function that does not work is this (it shows me no alert):

I repeat that the first function (colorChange) works, and it is put in the same place (file) as the above one.

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Content In A Table Cell

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible change the content in a table cell with Javascript...

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How To Change Cell Background?

Jul 23, 2005

How can I change the background IMAGE (not just color) of a CELL in a table?

I know that I can do this using CSS, but I really need to be able to do it
using JavaScript. Anyone know how?

Must be able to change the image for each cell - not the whole table.

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SSI Nav Bar But Page Name Cell A Different Colour?

Jul 20, 2005

My website formatting knowledge is mostly HTML; I know hardly any
Javascript. Recently I created a site with a nav bar in table format across
the top of the page, and I made the background colour of the cell with the
name of the page that the reader was on a different shade, like this:

Home | This | That | Other | Etc.

If you were on "Other" page, for example, the background colour of the
"Other" cell was a different shade from the others. I created this by
altering the code on each page.

This site was hosted with a web host that has SSI, and the nav bar became
the same file for every page, so we lost this minor navigation aid. Someone
mentioned that the same effect (a different colour or shade for the cell
with the page name) could be achieved with Javascript, but since I don't
know Javascript and we'd run out of time, we didn't do it.

Now I'd like to have this different colour for the page name cell at another
site using SSI for the nav bar. Is this possible? If so, how? To make it
even more fun, some of the page names are entry points to another section of
the site. If I can make "Other" a different colour, for example, I'd also
like to make pages in the "Other" folder have this same feature so that
readers know that they're in the "Other" section of the site. Or is this too

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Table Cell Properties

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to learn JavaScript--(complete newbie--and don't know C or
C++). I've been reading "The Book of JavaScript" by Thau.

I don't see anything about table properties in the book. (I would like
to try to write a script so that the background color in a cell in a
table changes color (between two or three specified colors)). How do I
get at the background color property in a table cell?

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JQuery :: How To Change Cell Value

Jun 2, 2010

I have a table as below, I hope the "ecCurrent" will be changed to "no rank" when I unchecked dat.ECRank, what can I do?


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JQuery :: Get Row X, Cell Y From A Table?

Oct 27, 2009

I have googled until my fingers bled and can't get a working answer to what I expected to be a fairly simple, common problem (but I guess not): I need to get the text value from row 5, column 3 of a table.

The user isn't clicking on the cell or the row or the table or anything like that. The table is dynamically built from the server side and I can't assign an id to either the row(s) or the cell(s), but I do have a table id and a table body id. How do you retrieve text given a specific row and column index?

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JQuery :: Get Value From A Cell Of A Table?

Sep 29, 2010

what I need to know is how to get the value from the cells of a html table, for example I have the following 1 12 12 20w I need to retrieve the value of the position(1,2)=12Better, what I need is to retrieve all the values with cycles, something like

for (var i=0;i<($('#tabl tr').length;i++) {
for (var j=0;j<($('#tabl td').length);j++) {
var texto = [[row[i].sectionRowIndex, cell[j].cellIndex,


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Get The A Specific Cell Data In A Row?

Feb 17, 2011

is it possible to get a specific cell data on an html table using javascript? as of now all I can get is which row number was clicked using this snippet

Quote: function getRowData(r) { var i = r.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex; alert(i); //var x=document.getElementById('myTable').rows[0].cells; //alert(x[i].innerHTML); //document.getElementById('myTable').deleteRow(i); }

and each of my rows has a button which calls the javascript method to get the row number

<input type = "submit" onClick="getRowData(this)">

what I would like to do is to get the first column's cell data of the selected row.

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