JQuery :: Get Row X, Cell Y From A Table?
Oct 27, 2009
I have googled until my fingers bled and can't get a working answer to what I expected to be a fairly simple, common problem (but I guess not): I need to get the text value from row 5, column 3 of a table.
The user isn't clicking on the cell or the row or the table or anything like that. The table is dynamically built from the server side and I can't assign an id to either the row(s) or the cell(s), but I do have a table id and a table body id. How do you retrieve text given a specific row and column index?
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Sep 29, 2010
what I need to know is how to get the value from the cells of a html table, for example I have the following 1 12 12 20w I need to retrieve the value of the position(1,2)=12Better, what I need is to retrieve all the values with cycles, something like
for (var i=0;i<($('#tabl tr').length;i++) {
for (var j=0;j<($('#tabl td').length);j++) {
var texto = [[row[i].sectionRowIndex, cell[j].cellIndex,
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Oct 19, 2011
I have the following HTML code:
<th><a href="http://www.google.com">Name</a></th>
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Jun 15, 2010
I have a form as below, the sFilename will be changed in aspx.cs, I hope the table will be showed after sFilename changed, what can I do?
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Dec 12, 2011
I cannot change a site's dynamically generated code but I can add HTML/JS to it with jQuery. I have a three table cells in a row. I want to take the third cell and put it on a new <tr> The example code below illustrates what I am trying to do. The problem with using this
$("</tr><tr class='row_two'><td class='new_cell'> </td>").insertBefore(".third");
is that it makes a new <tr> but it closes that immediately instead of absorbing the <td> below it.
<tr class="row_one">
<td class="first">First Cell</td>
<td class="second">Second Cell</td>
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a form in a table. The info for the input is in the row below the input. I would like the info to show when the user clicks on the input. I have some code that shows the info when it is in the next cell along, but I need the cell below This is what I have already var flyouts = $(this).parents('td').next().children('.flyout'); (I have a bunch of 'flyouts', one for invalid, one for info, etc.)
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Dec 1, 2011
I want to append a table inside a div (which I managed) and within a table a td cell (which I cannot). Here is the code:
{var d=new Date;
I think that sth wrong with the syntax here.
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Feb 14, 2011
I have a DIV element on a page that has a style="visibility: false" when the page loads. When a user unchecks a checkbox, I am using JQuery to do many things on the page. All of which are working but one thing. I cannot seem to make the DIV element visible. I have tried several things all of which have not worked. how to make this DIV element visible using JQuery? Here is one of the things I tried which didnt work... dv1 being the ID for the div.
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Jan 23, 2011
I have several table rows with the class name "recs", each containing a cell with the class name "data".Now I want to copy the text inside the table cell into a text box whenever I click on each row. For example if I click on the second table row, the name "David" would be copied in the textbox "name"
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May 3, 2010
All i want is the width of a table cell...in pixels...here's one way I've tried to get it that's not working.
$('#mytable').find('thead th').each(function(){
console.log( $(this).width() ); // <== returns 0 ???
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Nov 9, 2010
how you can select the first empty cell in a table started at the first table cell?
<td id="td_1">Not empty</td>
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Oct 30, 2010
I must do something wrong, but I don't know what?
<tr> <td id="1">Hello 1</td>
<tdid="2">Hello 2</td>
I want to select the table cell with id3, find the next cell, even if it is in a new table row (like this case) and then get the ID of this cell :-)
EDIT: This code finds the next cell in the row, but can't jump to the next row
// Find the next empty cell var cellId = $('#'1').nextAll('td:first').attr('id') // Result = 2
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Mar 26, 2010
So I have a table with a column that contains checkboxes. I need to get the checked value of the checkbox for a given row. I'm new to jQuery so I only know how to get the html value of a table cell with something like this,
How do I get the value of a checkbox in a table cell?I have a function,
$("#MyTable tr").dblclick(function(e) { });
So when someone clicks on a row in the table, it pops up a form and populates it with the values from the table row, so they can update it and then submit the changes to a databaseOn the form is a checkbox, I want to set it to the value of the checkbox in the table cell in the selected row. Any suggestions on how to do this?
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Jul 20, 2010
I need to find out what row number and column number when a cell in a table is clicked.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have a table with one click-able cell (ancor tag). Here is the code for the cell: (php)[code]#flightno is the id of the input field I need to set the value = to table cell value.
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Jun 29, 2009
I have a table, with the final column having a date and [X] delete.gif image in it.When I click on the image, I'd like the date and the image to be removed. i.e. I'd like to clear the TD cell.What is the best way to do this? I can get an event to trigger, but cannot work out how to find out which cell was clicked and to clear it correctly
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Oct 19, 2010
However, I finally ran into a problem that I can't figure out. When I try and get the width of any cell in a table it's returning a width of 83 or 84. I have the table inside a div that has a width of 757px. I don't have a width set on the table itself, but each cell is set to 100px. I've tried to set the width in a css file and inline neither of which give me the 100px that I'm thinking it should return. I've tried both width(), outerWidth() and innerWidth(). The only one that returns a different number is outerWidth.
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Sep 14, 2011
I need to hide 90% of a div and I'm not able to figure out a way to do wit with JS or CSS. Here is the code I'm working with:
td colspan="2" class="vCSS_breadcrumb_td">
<a href="[URL]">Home</a> >
<a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=208" title="Living room furniture"> Living Room</a> >
<a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=209" title="Living Room Sectionals"> Sectional Sofas</a> >
<a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=235" title="Discount Leather Sectionals"> Leather Sectionals</a> >
<a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=273" title="Modern Leather Sectionals"> Modern Leather Sectionals</a> ><br />
<img src="v/vspfiles/templates/SAR/images/clear1x1.gif" width="5" height="5" alt="" /><br />
<font class="productnamecolorLARGE colors_productname">PAGE SPECIFIC TEXT</font><br />
<img src="v/vspfiles/templates/SAR/images/clear1x1.gif" width="5" height="5" alt="" />
I need to keep the font tag with the page specific text and hide everything else. I've tried using the following in my CSS file but it leaves several ">" symbols that aren't enclosed in a tag (other than td):
td.vCSS_breadcrumb_td a {display: none;}
How do I use JS to hide the > characters in the td, or use JS to hide everything in the td tag except for the text in the font tag (and not use the CSS code).
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Feb 10, 2011
Using Jquery 1.4.4
I m currently trying to capture table cell width using jquery function width(), i m currently getting 1px width more in certain cells.
how to calculate exact width, also i believe the calulation goes wrong if i have borders.
(I believe drupal might be doing similar thing in admin panel)
(If somebody has query why i want table cell width: When a table is long and has scroll to add floating header like in drupal admin panel, by getting width of actual table cells i adjust floating header cells width using jquery)
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Feb 16, 2011
I added a test script to detect the change of a html select object and it is not firing.
The select is within a table row. The table id is: flogtable and the select is in the first row.
The test function I added is:
$('.symselect').change(function() {
alert('Handler for .change() called.');
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Sep 8, 2010
My program retrieves a table via an ajax call and places it in the ocvfitems div below. The first cell in every row is defined as: echo("<td class='tdclick'><a href='#'>$fnum</a>"); When the td is clicked I need the function to be called. It worked before I created the table via ajax. The table does display properly and the column is underlined as a href. I believe that the first line of the function is the culprit but I can't seem to get it to work.
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Feb 4, 2011
the above jquery will hide all rows with a span (in the td tag) that has a class of NUM and the value of 201
How do I hide ALL BUT those rows?
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Mar 30, 2011
Is it possible to use jQuery and on any part of a table row that has say 5 cells to highlight the border of each cell?I have seen lots of background examples but haven't seen anything with borders.I tried delegate but that doesn't work.
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Mar 18, 2011
Is it possible to change a table cell background color or add any attributes based on a criteria, anyway, here's my scenario. I have a php table dynamically created onthefly, (let say on load), then i have a sql query returning some values. So illustrating:
Table: Sql Result
1 2 3 4 5 2 5 7
6 7 8 9 10
What I am trying to achieve is use the sql result to add attributes to the table cells so for the illustration say i want to add a bold attribute to all table cell which corresponds to the sql result, the result would be,
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Any plugins out there? "Its php (server-side) and jquery (client-side) talking...but I know there is a way!
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a asp.net gridview wich has checkboxes for user selection. What I want to do is retrive the value of a cell when the user clicks on the checkbox
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Mar 26, 2011
I have a table with rows and in each row there is a cell which shows the status of the row item.<a href="#" id="<?php id ?>" class="status_button">Online</a>When I click the link in a row the next code is activated (found it somewhere on the net).
$(".status_button").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var dataString = 'id='+ id ;
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