Script To Change Cell Color When Clicked And Back To Original When Other Cell Clicked
Mar 15, 2011
<script language="JavaScript">
function changeColor(cell_id){var state1="#dde6ed"; var state2="#ffc20e"; var cellid = new Array ("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4", "id5", "id6"); for(var i = 0; i < cellid.length; i++){var nav = document.getElementById(cellid[i]); if(cellid =={;} else {;}}}
what is wrong with this script. I put an onClick= changeColor(this);" in my <td> tag to call the script but still not working.
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Jul 3, 2007
I have this code that changes the color of the table cell when it is moused over, but I would like to also have it do this:
select radio button when cell is clicked.
change class to blue3 when clicked and leave it like that until another is clicked.
Continue changing color on mouseover. Code:
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Jun 6, 2011
I am after getting a cell value from a clicked Cell .. So far I have the following javascript function:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getInfo()
var Row = document.getElementById("tblrow");
var Cells = Row.getElementsByTagName("td");
Which is on the onclick event of my tablerow it works fine but only gets the first name in the list regardless of which cell I click... Its in a HTA if that is relevant... how I can get it to give the value of the row which is clicked?
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Oct 10, 2011
I have a php script that displays database data in a web table. I also have a javascript code which is supposed to compare the value entered in a web form to that hard coded in the script and change the color to green if its below, amber if its equal and red if its greater than.
Below is my javascript code:
As you can see from my javascript, i am getting the elements by id (getElementById("color")). Currently, only the first <td> with id='color' is changing when the value is entered. How do I make the text in other table cells with id='color' change color when the comparison value is entered?
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Dec 5, 2011
I basically want the background color of a div (banner) to change when the user clicks a green or blue table cell. So if they click the blue table cell, the backgound color of the div changes to blue (its green by default).
Also, when they have picked what color they want, I'd like the color to be stored in the value of the form 'BannerBGColor' so I can post their banner color to database. code...
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Mar 18, 2011
Is it possible to change a table cell background color or add any attributes based on a criteria, anyway, here's my scenario. I have a php table dynamically created onthefly, (let say on load), then i have a sql query returning some values. So illustrating:
Table: Sql Result
1 2 3 4 5 2 5 7
6 7 8 9 10
What I am trying to achieve is use the sql result to add attributes to the table cells so for the illustration say i want to add a bold attribute to all table cell which corresponds to the sql result, the result would be,
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Any plugins out there? "Its php (server-side) and jquery (client-side) talking...but I know there is a way!
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Apr 11, 2010
imagine table with 15 rows and 3 columns. If I move mouse over any cell I want some other specific cells to change their borders like with pseudo-class :
.boryellow {border: 3px solid yellow}
.borblue {border: 3px solid black}
this will work, a cell can change itself
<td name="third" class="boryellow" onmouseover="this.className='borblue'" onmouseout="this.className='boryellow'">cell</td>
even when dealing with empty images - click on link will change border of different element - imgs, but not span or td ...
<a href="#" onclick="'borblue'; document.all['name'].className='borblue';
Replacing any element link by "third" or "spanx" will cause stuck ant not executing other actions.
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Aug 22, 2009
I am trying to change the color of a link after it has been clicked on WITHOUT using CSS.
When the link is clicked some javascript is called. I can do this in IE by adding this " = 'black'". However this doesn't work in other browsers. Anyone know how I could get this to work in other browsers?
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Jul 28, 2011
I want to have <div> cells that the background-color css style dynamically change between 4 colors depending on how many times they are clicked. The options are none, yellow, red and green then repeat. So when the page loads, they are all at none, and if you click once it goes to green, twice to yellow, three times to red, then back to none.
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Jan 27, 2009
I have this layout
And then I have this code to determine the cell height.
So basically I need both my first and last cells to be able to have the mainbody cells height, but that code only works when placed in or after the cell being measured, in this case "mainbody", my question is this, is their a way to get the size of the mainbody cell before its done loading somehow?
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a javascript program that uses a HTML table as an Excel-like grid. The user can use arrow keys to navigation the grid. When the user selects a cell and then hits <Enter> key, the program turns the cell from read-only to editable (an input box), and select all the text in the input box. When the user hits <Esc>, the program cancels the changes that the user has made and turns the cell back to read-only. So far so good. The problem is that as soon as the user hits <Esc> key and turns the cell back to read-only, I find that I cannot move the input focus back to the cell any more. Actually I cannot move the input focus back to _any_ cell in the table. When this happens, the user cannot use arrow keys to navigate the grid any more (like the grid has lost the input focus). The user needs to use the mouse to click at a cell in the table to get things working again.
The user can get around with this problem by un-selecting the text from the input-box before hitting <Esc>. But this is not something that I expect the user to remember to do. I need a way to fix this problem. I tried the logical thing and programmatically un-select the text before turning the cell back to read-only. But this actually made thing worse - this causes the workaround to stop working.
The only browsers that I have tested this program is IE6 and IE8. I have not tested this in any other browser.
Attached is a simplified version of the program that can show this problem in action. This simplified program first adds an empty table on the web page, and then creates an instance of the CEstGrid class that takes care of the grid. CEstGrid will add two rows of test data into the table with two columns in each row. The user should use a mouse to click at one of the cell, and the cell should be highlighted. The user uses arrow keys to navigate the table. When he reaches the end of the table, he will wrap around to the other side of the table. Let say the user reaches the cell in row-1 column-2, he hits <Enter> to change the cell to editable. He will find the text in that cell to be highlighted. When he hits <Esc> at this moment, he will find that he cannot use the arrow keys to navigate the table any more, and this is the problem. Please rename the test program from .TXT to .HTML to test it.
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Dec 5, 2003
Can Someone Write Me aShort And Easy, Cell Color Changer?
On Mouseover
<td bgcolor="#000000">WOWOW</td>
On Mouseout
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">WOWOW</td>
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Jun 25, 2002
Is there any way to have the background color change in a cell only when the mouse is over the link? This is what I have so far:
<td class=topnav2 onClick="location.href='AboutAD/overview.htm'" onMouseOut="'#9966FF'"onMouseOver=" roundColor='#660099'" bgcolor="#9966FF" width="107" height="45"valign="middle">
<a class="topnav2" href="AboutAD/overview.htm">About Alzheimer's</a>
Currently you rollover the cell it changes color, I just want this effect when you roll over the text.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm the webmaster for a recreational organization. As part of one page of the
site, I have an HTML "Calendar at a Glance" of the organization's events for
the month. It's a simple table of a calendar, 7 across by whatever needed
down, and I manually create it each month - not a big deal.
Every day I go in and darken the background color of the current day's cell
by changing the appropriate <TD> entry to <TD bgcolor="c63800"> and uploading
the page. Takes well under a minute start to finish. Thus the calendar
gradually changes color over the course of the month, with the past dates dark
and the future dates lighter and thus more apparent to the eye.
But I have to ask if there's a nifty way in which this might be done
automatically, based on the current day and the number (the day of the month)
that follows the <TD> entry.
A typical "before" entry is
<TD>23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9 AM: Molly</TD>
and an "after" entry is
<TD bgcolor="c63800">23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9
AM: Molly</TD>
I don't pretend to be a javascript heavy, but can usually stumble my way
through a task given some words of wisdom. Is this "doable"?
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Jul 22, 2009
changes the selected cells to a different color, it works perfect in firefox but in google chrome and IE it does not change the color.
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Aug 9, 2010
I've had a go at this, of coding practice from PHP:
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Jul 12, 2010
Just curious if there is a way to control a table cell color based on a menu selection.
I have several colors like Red, Navy, Black, Green, Gold and would like to show a swatch of this selected color beside the menu.
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Jun 14, 2011
I have some TD tags like this
I want to give the cells a background color green, where Percentage to Total Balance when added together exceeds or equal to 60%.
For example row 3, row 4 and row 5
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I change the background IMAGE (not just color) of a CELL in a table?
I know that I can do this using CSS, but I really need to be able to do it
using JavaScript. Anyone know how?
Must be able to change the image for each cell - not the whole table.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a table as below, I hope the "ecCurrent" will be changed to "no rank" when I unchecked dat.ECRank, what can I do?
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Jul 23, 2005
Can someone tell me how to do this if it is possible?
I have a table based web site, and I would like to dynamically change the
text that is shown in a particular cell of a table. I give the cell the
unique ID label1 so I can get a hold of it, and I can get a javascript to
display the data in an alert box (this is just to see if I can access the
text) with:
mycel = document.getElementById('label1');
myceltext = mycel.childNodes.item(0);
currenttext =;
But how do I exchange the text in this cell for something else?
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a way to dynamically (e.g. upon onClick) change the bgColor
attribute of a table cell? I tried cell.setAttribute("bgColor",
someColor), where someColor was a string of the form "#RRGGBB",
but nothing happened.
Also, how can I set the mouse cursor to be an arrow when it hovers
over these table cells? (It's an insertion bar now.)
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Feb 8, 2010
What I really want to happen is for a mouse over to change table cell content. I would like to have a list in the left cell, when you mouse over the list items it will change content(image text and maybe formated in a table) in the cell on the right.
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Jan 15, 2010
How can I make this code disable the submit button once it has been pressed, then if the user hits back or GOES back, it will re-enable it again?
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/JavaScript">
function formControl(submitted)
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Mar 6, 2011
I have a table with two rows and 4 columns, the first cell has rowspan of 2. How do I insert something into the first cell only? How can I get the cell index of the first cell?
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Mar 24, 2010
I'm having a little bit of a problem with setting the background color through an onClick event on an option tag. When I click one of the options, nothing changes, although I set the to register to a different color when the option tag is clicked.
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