JQuery :: Cell Values - Give The Cells A Background Color Green
Jun 14, 2011
I have some TD tags like this
I want to give the cells a background color green, where Percentage to Total Balance when added together exceeds or equal to 60%.
For example row 3, row 4 and row 5
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Aug 20, 2011
I'm super new to any kind of java script. What I want is a menu that, when clicked, changes the background color of a table cell to blue. When a different option is clicked, the current highlighted table should turn back to gray and the new selection should be blue. Well, I have all of that working. What I need now is just to have the first option start out highlighted and to become unhighlighted when another option is clicked.
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Mar 18, 2011
Is it possible to change a table cell background color or add any attributes based on a criteria, anyway, here's my scenario. I have a php table dynamically created onthefly, (let say on load), then i have a sql query returning some values. So illustrating:
Table: Sql Result
1 2 3 4 5 2 5 7
6 7 8 9 10
What I am trying to achieve is use the sql result to add attributes to the table cells so for the illustration say i want to add a bold attribute to all table cell which corresponds to the sql result, the result would be,
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Any plugins out there? "Its php (server-side) and jquery (client-side) talking...but I know there is a way!
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Jun 25, 2002
Is there any way to have the background color change in a cell only when the mouse is over the link? This is what I have so far:
<td class=topnav2 onClick="location.href='AboutAD/overview.htm'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#9966FF'"onMouseOver="this.style.backg roundColor='#660099'" bgcolor="#9966FF" width="107" height="45"valign="middle">
<a class="topnav2" href="AboutAD/overview.htm">About Alzheimer's</a>
Currently you rollover the cell it changes color, I just want this effect when you roll over the text.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm the webmaster for a recreational organization. As part of one page of the
site, I have an HTML "Calendar at a Glance" of the organization's events for
the month. It's a simple table of a calendar, 7 across by whatever needed
down, and I manually create it each month - not a big deal.
Every day I go in and darken the background color of the current day's cell
by changing the appropriate <TD> entry to <TD bgcolor="c63800"> and uploading
the page. Takes well under a minute start to finish. Thus the calendar
gradually changes color over the course of the month, with the past dates dark
and the future dates lighter and thus more apparent to the eye.
But I have to ask if there's a nifty way in which this might be done
automatically, based on the current day and the number (the day of the month)
that follows the <TD> entry.
A typical "before" entry is
<TD>23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9 AM: Molly</TD>
and an "after" entry is
<TD bgcolor="c63800">23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9
AM: Molly</TD>
I don't pretend to be a javascript heavy, but can usually stumble my way
through a task given some words of wisdom. Is this "doable"?
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Jul 22, 2009
changes the selected cells to a different color, it works perfect in firefox but in google chrome and IE it does not change the color.
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Aug 24, 2010
provide javascript to create something like the image below: Things I can't workout are:
1. top and bottom background colors as the above image
2. add two text
3. border color same as top background color
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Jul 20, 2005
I would like to have just the top row cells of a table to have borders - is
this possible/easy? or do I have to make the title row another table?
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Jan 16, 2010
[URL] The calendar shows, from left to right, Monday-Sunday. For each day, the date turns green from monday-saturday (for example, try to set your computer day to 15 January). However, no green color is there when the day is a Sunday (the absolute right part of the calendar).
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Jun 4, 2010
How in Javascirpt can I make only the first data in an array the color green and the rest yellow?
var price=new Array (12, 15, 23, 25);
I want the first data in the array which is 12 to be the color green and the other data in the array (15, 23, 25) to be yellow.
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Oct 20, 2011
I'm trying to grab all the cells created with insertrow function and the className 'rowtotal' and get their innerHTML to equal that of a cell with id 'subtotal'. This is a simplified html code of single cell inserted rows:
HTML Code:
<tfoot> <tr id="footsubtotal"> <td id="subtotal">$ 75.00</td>
//all cells of class "rowsubtotal" must have same innerHTML as this.
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Apr 29, 2011
I am trying to change my sites background color. The color changes but it doesn't go back to the first image anymore. does anybody know what the problem could be?
jQuery Code:
HTML Code:
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Mar 15, 2011
<script language="JavaScript">
function changeColor(cell_id){var state1="#dde6ed"; var state2="#ffc20e"; var cellid = new Array ("id1", "id2", "id3", "id4", "id5", "id6"); for(var i = 0; i < cellid.length; i++){var nav = document.getElementById(cellid[i]); if(cellid == nav.id){nav.style.backgroundColor=state2;} else {nav.style.backgroundColor=state1;}}}
what is wrong with this script. I put an onClick= changeColor(this);" in my <td> tag to call the script but still not working.
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Jul 28, 2011
I need to have three text boxes, user will enter a number in each box.Then i have four buttons, add, subtract, divide and multiply.When i click on each button, the numbers in the first two text boxes should match the answer in the third text box.ex. (first box has a 4, second box has a 4, and the third box has an 8. if i click the add button, i should get a "correct" answer in the div below with a green background and if i hit the multiply button the div should say "wrong" with a red background.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Oct 5, 2010
I am using superfish menu on the site below. http:[url]...when I go through the sub menus. parent menu item's "a color" turns into white again but not background color. then nothing is seen. I want it to stay as first hover condition (white bg and black text) when I walking through sub menus. I cannot override it.
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Apr 24, 2011
have been trying to rework this to call additional, independent sets of colors to cycle through (so it would loop thru a set of grays, a set of primary colors, etc). I would use perhaps a different function name in the HTML to call different sets of colors. If this is more complex than I think it is, I think 3 sets would be plenty. demo link of script in current state at bottom)
<script language=javascript>
colors = ["#cacdca", "#b2b4b2", "#969896", "#7d7f7d", "#ffff00"];
cRGB = [];
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Mar 26, 2010
I want to set the color of checkbox and its text to green if it is checked and set to red if it is checked.I know how to do that in CSS.
<td><div class='red'><input type="checkbox" name="choice" value="1" checked>Keyboard is Broken</div></td>
<td><div class='red'><input type="checkbox" name="choice" value="2" checked>Ack</div></td>
<td><div class='green'><input type="checkbox" name="choice" value="3" >Ok</div></td>
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Jan 18, 2009
I'm using the original lightbox script, took the code exactly as it was given but it doesn't look like the demo: [URL] What do I need to do to put a background behind things like the caption and to give it a bigger boarder? Example here: [URL]
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Jul 7, 2011
I'm faced with a problem trying to set background color under IE7. I have the following Javascript:
function showLayer793BKColor(id)
var txtObj = document.all(id);
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Feb 27, 2009
I have a div whose hover color is initially set through a CSS style sheet, but have found that if I change the background through a script, the hover is wiped out. Here's how I'm changing the colornode.style.backgroundColor = '#00FF00';Later on, I need to restore the normal color and have the hover still work. Is there any way to programatically reinstate the h
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Feb 11, 2009
I have a form which contains FOUR text fields (e.g. TEXTFIELD1, TEXTFIELD2, TEXTFIELD3 & TEXTFIELD4). Each text field holds a HEX,DEC color value. ABOVE this form I have a table with TWO ROWS (ROW1 and ROW2). ROW1 should correspond with TEXTFIELD1, so that when the VALUE in TEXTFEILD1 is changed the background color of ROW1 will change to match the HEX,DEC VALUE entered in TEXTFIELD1. The same would happen with TEXTFIELD2 and ROW2. TEXTFIELD3 should be used to change the color of the TEXT inside ROW1 and TEXTFIELD4 should change the color of the TEXT in ROW2. I also wanted to know if it would be possible to achieve this without clicking any button.
TEXTFIELD1 <----HEXDEC VALUE GOES HERE to change color of ROW1---->[code]....
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Dec 5, 2003
Can Someone Write Me aShort And Easy, Cell Color Changer?
On Mouseover
<td bgcolor="#000000">WOWOW</td>
On Mouseout
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">WOWOW</td>
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Feb 2, 2011
I'm Stephen Martin, an undergraduate Psychology student and researcher. Although I am a self-proclaimed tech geek, the extent of my knowledge ends abruptly at any sort of coding. The paradigm: I am currently investigating the decision making strategies in a particular population (I cannot reveal too much, lest our study be scooped by competing researchers in the field). The paradigm that we use is built through a package called MouseLabWeb [URL]. MLWeb basically provides an interface for researchers to create a html/php/js/css website that presents a grid (table). A small example is shown on the aforementioned website. The javascript functions allow each participant's events to be recorded, timestamped, and written to a MySQL database. This allows the researcher to know which cells the participant viewed, in what order, for how long, and ultimately to which decision the participant came.
Additionally, the PHP/HTML creates the table, but the data within it is populated by the javascript. This is a blessing and a curse. Here is why. The problem: The javascript offered by MLWeb allows the cells to be randomized. This is necessary, because in such paradigms, counter-balancing is required, otherwise there would be order effects (e.g., people tend to automatically read from the upper left) that are not controlled for. So the order of the columns and rows are randomized, the data which is then placed into the html/php table.
For the current study, we want the cells corresponding to particular types of information to be shaded differently. For example, we'd want cells that contain bad information to be dark, cells that contain neutral info to be grey, and cells that contain good information to be white. The problem is that setting these values (style="background-color: #XXXXX) only applies to the table as created by the PHP. It only affects the position, and does not consider the information that it is filled with.
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Sep 1, 2009
The Script below generates a sudoku (9 by 9) table and displays the table on screen.
what I am trying to do is to get a string of numbers entered into the text field labeled "enter values" on the page below the table, into each cell box of the sudoku table when the button labelled "load" is pressed. This would fill the sudoku table with characters, one character (from the text field) to each of cell boxes in the sudoku table.
It requires using a for loop, I tried using one in my function (g) but it doesn't work,..
<style type="text/css">
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a long paragraph and I have been asked to display words in red and green in such a way that that fist word should be red, 2nd word should be green, 3rd word should be red and 4th word should be green and so on. For example: this is just a sample.
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Sep 29, 2010
My problem is that I have a table where I show products and costs, then when I entry the amount other cell be updated with the overall
For example:
The amount is entried for the user, it's a textfield
For example I have this code, but doesn't work good
See this page -> [url]
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