Dynamically Create A Button In A Cell Based On Some Tablerow Id?
Aug 31, 2009
How can I dynamically create a button once the page is loaded. At the end of the page I want a javascript to create a button next to a textarea in a table cell. I have the following piece of html and want to see if this is present in a page at loading time then create a button dynamically next to textrea. code...
I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I'm relatively new to javascript. I am trying to dynamically create a page based on information in a .txt. So far the code works. But only for a spacific line in the .txt. I would like it to create numbered divs and fill with approprate info from .txt for each line in .txt. Does that make sense? I will paste full code if necessary and it is explained exactly how. Is it: ["my code goes here"] or
I am having a problem with the following script. It sometimes works and sometimes does not. For instance, I placed the HTML code on my desktop and saved the text as .htm-
Open the file in IE and click to accept blocked content. Then I entered a number. Sometimes it works and goes to the document.location url.. but sometimes it just goes to code...
I'm trying to create a button that when pressed will remove the last character entered in a text field called "cell" using jQuery. Here is what I have:
I currently have a page which, when the user clicks a button creates a new row displaying a form. I also have other forms on this page how to close a form using javascript? My code to create the table row and form are below...
myform = document.createElement("form"); myform.method = "post"; myform.action = "editdetails.php"; myform.id = "editemail"; myform.name = "editemail"; var a=document.getElementById('editdetailstable').insertRow(2); var b=document.getElementById('editdetailstable').insertRow(3); [Code]....
Can someone tell me how to do this if it is possible?
I have a table based web site, and I would like to dynamically change the text that is shown in a particular cell of a table. I give the cell the unique ID label1 so I can get a hold of it, and I can get a javascript to display the data in an alert box (this is just to see if I can access the text) with:
Is there a way to dynamically (e.g. upon onClick) change the bgColor attribute of a table cell? I tried cell.setAttribute("bgColor", someColor), where someColor was a string of the form "#RRGGBB", but nothing happened.
Also, how can I set the mouse cursor to be an arrow when it hovers over these table cells? (It's an insertion bar now.)
To build a horizontal floating menu that matches the first row (header row) of my dynamically built table (to include text and cell height/width - needs to match exactly). I have accomplished 90% of this task by extracting the text and building the row in my floating menu header and placing the floating menu where it needs to be. However, I'm having a problem aligning the table (<TD></TD>) cells because of my dynamically built table.
I have a table that is built dynamically. Before it is displayed, I format the table row data (code that adds text/deletes rows etc…), which alters the width of all the table cells (via JavaScript). We'll call this (for lack of a better phrase) "pre_floater_table_format_code."
I then loop through the DOM (<TD></TD>) in the first row of the table to get the text and width from each cell (using offsetWidth and/or clientWidth) and assign the text and cell width(s) to variables that I use to build my floating menu with. We'll call this (for lack of a better phrase) "get_cell_text_width_code."
The problem is that once the table is built (and before it is altered by the "pre_floater_table_format_code") it seems as though my "get_cell_text_width_code" reads the un-processed table cell width(s) and sets these variables to the un-processed width values. The "pre_floater_table_format_code" runs much earlier than the "get_cell_text_width_code." So why wouldn't the "get_cell_text_width_code" read the cell width(s) after they've been adjusted by the "pre_floater_table_format_code?" Does this make sense? Anyone have any recommendations? Alternative solutions?
How could I apply a css style to a <tr> row based on the value of the contents in column 1?
For instance, on my table (generated from an asp:GirdView), column 1 contains a number ranging from 1.00 to 12.00. I need to show a certain background color for all rows whose value in column 1 is greater than 10.
I'm pretty new in Javascript. I searched alot but didn't find any answer to my problem I have.
What I want to do: - I have a cell A1 - I want the script to make a new cell B1 - After that I want the script to make a new cell C1 - After that I want the script to make a new cell D1 - After that I wa .... etc .... till I got 20 cells in total.
This has to go automatic so not by use of a client sided button.
I also need every cell to get his own IDnumber like A1 ID=1, B1 ID=2, C1 ID=3, etc to communicate with database and mysql. But maybe I have to use php for that.
On my index.htm, I have a horizontal cell named "memberarea" which originally shows username & password input fields. After the user logs in, this area changes itself to a "Welcome Name, Lastname" field. I want that this cell displays again the username and password input fields in case of the session of the user has expired. I have tried it with the following code (within the Iframe in index.htm):
in the event i have to reload a table completely i want to save and goto the last location i was examining.i can determine the table row numerically but i cant seem to go to that specific row when i reload the table.I am using eq and TableRow is a number such as 45 Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, mostly not.I have tried the table name and the tbody name with the same results [code]
now the problem occurs when i put more rows there then the javascript function does not work anymore, my ultimate goal is to create a function to add tablerows with javascript, but i'm trying to create the update function with a static situation first.
I am trying to produce a web form to allow wedding guests to RSVP. The form allows them to enter a name and select from a radio button whether they will be attending or not. If they select the "yes" radio button then a further pair of radio buttons are displayed for their meal preference.
They can then click a submit button or they can click another button to add another line for another guest which operates in exactly the same way. I've almost got this working, but it seems that the checkbox change handler is lost for the current guest when a new guest is added and the checkbox value is reset. I've got a feeling I'm doing something stupid but can't for the life of me figure out what.
Code (source file (renamed to .txt) also attached as I'm not sure the pasted code is too clear):
The main page is called Aj.html. In the 'head' I have mostly some functions to support Ajax call to server PHP (to just 'echo' something so I could see Ajax work). In the 'body', there is a little javascript and a form 'button'. When I click the button, an 'onclick' event causes a function to do the last step or two of the Ajax stuff... and the server PHP element is called... and then my ajax message handler back in Aj.html gets control to just send an alert... and that was the initial experiment ... and it was just so I could see how Ajax works.
Well - then I noticed that the 'button' is only clickable ONE time... And I set about to try to learn whatever I needed to learn to make that button be one that could be used to fire off the Ajax stuff multiple times... But I couldn't get that to work. So, I tried some code to remove the onclick event (during the ajax messaging handling logic in Aj.html) - and then add another onclick event to that same button... but that didn't work. Then, I tried to delete my button altogether - and insert a new button with it's own 'onclick' (which also would fire the ajax stuff) - but that didn't work, either....
Anyway... Now, my biggest curiosity (for the moment, at least) is why I can't dynamically add a button that has the needed onclick stuff to also fire the Ajax stuff... So, I guess I'd like to solve that right now.
What's currently happening is this: when I'm in the part of the code that is defining the dynamic button - and just before that button is added to the form, I define the 'onclick' that is supposed to be a part of that new button... BUT - when that assignment is made, it is almost like javascript is thinking that the request is actually in insert another onclick for the in-progress 'click'... because the new onclick is immediately processed at that point (I don't even make it to the next statement...just boom... the new onclick function is executed).
Also - the new dynamically added button DOES get added okay... but when I click that newly added button, it doesn't fire the Ajax stuff it's supposed to fire (via the onclick for this added button) - instead, it just causes what appears to be like a page refresh ... because the regular button reappears at that point (and then the Ajax stuff will again work off of that 'regular' button).
I'm trying to create the following visual feature on my page (www.enviromark.ca/Collab/study.html). if you notice, there is a border-right: 1px solid grey; on the 'links' div. I would like to do the following:
onload, i would like the height of the 'links' div to be saved into a variable i assume this would be done using a variation of 'var minHeight = document.getElementByID('links').offsetHeight' onclick, i would like the height of the div about to be loaded (aka unhidden) to be saved into a variable... say var newHeight for ex. IF newheight > minHeight, set document.getElementByID('links').height = 'newHeight' + px;
here's how i tried to code it:
<script language="JavaScript"> function setBorderHeight(divName) { var minHeight = document.getElementByID('links').offsetHeight; var newHeight = document.getElementByID(divName).offsetHeight;
here's an example of a link: <a class="mainLinks" href="learnMore" onclick="setBorderHeight('learnMore'); ball(this.previousSibling); return toggle('learnMore', 0);" onmouseover="zxcMseOver(this,1);" onmouseout="zxcMseOver(this,-1);">Learn More</a>
I have this code that changes the color of the table cell when it is moused over, but I would like to also have it do this:
select radio button when cell is clicked. change class to blue3 when clicked and leave it like that until another is clicked. Continue changing color on mouseover. Code:
if it's possible to re-size a div vertically based on the size of another div.I have this code but it's malfunctioning. Basically it takes the ID of the two divs and offset their height.
Example: The dynamic div will stretch or re-size vertically based on the size of the content div. So if the contents in the content div is increased, like text size, the the other div stretch to give equal height.Here is my code:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function equalize() {[code].....
I'm trying to dynamically build a table based on a checkbox being checked in the first td of every tr:
var tableID; var isChecked; var tableImportBuild; function importData(id) {
I should note that isChecked points to a checkbox inside a table cell. I'm trying to clone the entire row the checked checkbox is in. If I alert $(tableImportBuild).html() from within the each loop I do get the result I was expecting but for some reason I don't have access to that variable once outside the loop.