JQuery :: Dynamically Build A Table Based On A Checkbox?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm trying to dynamically build a table based on a checkbox being checked in the first td of every tr:

var tableID;
var isChecked;
var tableImportBuild;
function importData(id) {


I should note that isChecked points to a checkbox inside a table cell. I'm trying to clone the entire row the checked checkbox is in. If I alert $(tableImportBuild).html() from within the each loop I do get the result I was expecting but for some reason I don't have access to that variable once outside the loop.

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Using The Dom To Dynamically Build A Table With Hyperlinks

Jul 23, 2005

I am just starting to use the DOM to do some more advanced
javascripting so please be patient with my question if it is an
ignorant question.

I would like to use the DOM to dynamically create an html table via
javascript. While that table is being dynamically created in a
javascript function I would like to dynamically insert text and a
hyperlink with an image into each cell.

I got pretty far on my own. I was able to dynamically create a table
and insert a string into each cell. However, I was not able to use
the DOM to insert a hyperlink into each cell. I tried adding it as a
new text node and got the text of a link rather then a link. I then
tried adding and setting an anchor element but I got nothing. Code:

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Build A Redirect Url Dynamically Based On 2 Select Field Combinations Chosen?

Oct 8, 2009

I am having trouble writing this javascript for my work, normally I would do this in ASP or PHP, but the environment I am working with will only allow javascript for dynamic function.

The form has two different select boxes and based on your options selected for select box #1 and select box #2, the hidden input field "redirect" (which is currently empty) would then populate dynamically with the URL associated with that combination mentioned below. The hidden redirect input field (now containing dyanmically generated data) would then pass the new value via HTTP_POST to .net script that will handle the redirect processing step fed to it. code...

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JQuery :: Dynamically Build An Iframe AFTER Page Loads?

Nov 12, 2011

I have a page and there is a 3rd party response that comes in that I have to key off of. IF the third party response exists, then I need to build the iframe and populate it with a src and attributes (height/width) etc...

So basically, the flow is like this..

page loads
callback to 3rd party.
--> is third party connected = yes --> build iframe (in parent page)
---> is third party connected = no --> do nothing

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Build String Based On Several Drop Downs

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying to build a string based on three drop downs. As each drop down choice is made, I want to append the string and redisplay it. When finished the string will be a complete (but not hyperlinked) URL.

My drop downs look like this:

HTML Code:

PHP Code:

Here's how it supposed to work...

When an admin has used the first drop down to pick the value of the "first" variable, the string is updated and redisplayed like so:

Next, when an admin has used the second drop down to pick the value of the "second" variable, the string is updated and redisplayed like so:

Finally, when an admin has used the third drop down to pick the value of the "third" variable, the string is updated and redisplayed like so:

That's all I have. I'm stuck. I'm guessing I need an "onChange" event with each drop down? Also, I need to refresh the "makeTheLink" div when an onChange event fires? How do you tie all of this together? Is self rolled JavaScript the best solution or would jQuery be better?

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Ajax :: How To Build Menu Dynamically

Feb 8, 2010

I've got this XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Title>Product Information</Title>
<Topic url="howto.html">How to use This Product</Topic>
<Topic url="product.html">Product Overview</Topic>
<Topic url="sysreq.html">System Requirements</Topic>

There's more data than that but for brevity that's the way it's constructed and repeats with several Titles and Topics. Here's the JS I'm using to build a dynamic menu. The goal is to pick up the data and build an Accordion menu out of it:
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); //create ajax var
} else {
xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); //IE
} xhttp.open("GET","menu.xml",false);
document.write("<div class='acc'>");
var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Section");
for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) {
document.write("<a href='#'>" + x[i].getElementsByTagName("Title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</a></dt>");
var y=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Topic")[0].childNodes[0];
for (foo=0;foo<x.length;foo++){
document.write("<li class='acc_item'><a href='#'>" + x[i].getElementsByTagName("Topic")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</a></li>");
} document.write("</ul></dd>");
} document.write("</div>");

It creates the menu correctly... to a point. It has the correct styling, the accordion works perfectly, it has the correct Titles in the correct places, but when I "expand" one of the Titles it lists the first topic only, and lists it 5 times (the same amount of Titles I have). It then repeats this for every section. Example:
Product Information
How to Use This Product
How to Use This Product
How to Use This Product
How to Use This Product
How to Use This Product
I'm not very confident in the syntax, or what it is exactly doing.

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How To Build A Table That Has Multiple Pages?

Jan 1, 2006

I am looking for code samples or websites that show me how to build a table that can split into multiple pages if there are more than certain rows. I am using AJAX to load the data into the table. But if the websites or code samples do not do AJAX, it's fine too because I maybe able to modify it to work with AJAX.

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Build Html Table Using Script?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm trying to build a large table using Javascript so that the page loads quickly, however, I don't normally use much javascript so am a bit stumped.[code]...

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JQuery :: Selected Elements Based On Checkbox

May 2, 2011

I have the following HTML. I wish to select all the second column elements for only rows where the input is checked. For instance, if row 1 and row 3 was checked, I would want to select the td elements which contain row1_column2 and row3_column2.

<th><input type="checkbox" value="" class="checkAll" /></th>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="cb[]" value="1" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="cb[]" value="2" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="cb[]" value="3" /></td>

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JQuery :: Show Div Based On Checkbox's Checked?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a list of about 20 check boxes and I want a div to show when 3 have been selected as "Yes" option, how do i go about doing this?

Here is my html code:

<ul id="quiz-list">
<li>1. My bed partner complains that I snore.
<input id="select1" name="snore" type="radio" value="Yes" class="static_class style1" />Yes


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JQuery :: Updating A Form Based On Checkbox Selection?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm working on a search filter trying to get a form to update itself depending on what options have been checked from a selection of checkboxes. i.e. selecting one checkbox can bring up other checkboxes. It's just posting the form to update_filter.php and putting the updated form into searchNavigation div.



This works for the first checkbox that is checked, but after that nothing.

Is it something to do with the fact that the form is not the same form that it was before the checkbox was checked if that makes sense? or shouldn't that make any difference?

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Dynamically Change Row Colour On Dynamically Generated Table Rows

Nov 25, 2005

At this point I have been able to add the row. But what I want to do and am having trouble with is alternating the row colour to the dynamically added row element.

Sample of code I am using:

var tbody = document.getElementById('tableItems');

var row = document.createElement("tr");

var remainder = tbody.rows.length % 2;
if(remainder) {
row.setAttribute("class", "rowLightGreen");

var td1 = document.createElement("td");
One thing that puzzles me, is that even after adding a row the table my table.rows.length still = 0.

Does anyone know how I can determine the appropriate amount of rows so that I can apply the appropriate class?

Or is there just something blatantly wrong in my approach?

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Images Based On Checkbox State?

Apr 13, 2010

What you can see is that I have a bunch of images which form a chart, each of the images has multiple classes.I want to write a function which when called fades in/out images dependant on whether all related checkboxes are checked or not.Checkboxes are related to the images by id on the checkbox and class on the image, as I'm sure you can see. I will be calling this method each time a checkbox is checked.

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JQuery :: Toggle Visibility Of Textbox Based On Status Of Checkbox

Dec 8, 2010

This is using jquery by the way. I have a list of ethnicity on a form for a person to enter that are checkboxes. One option is 'Other, specify'. When 'other specify' is checked, I would like a text box to pop up and disable the other boxes (if you pick other, you can't pick from the previous ethnicities). If 'other, specify' is unchecked, I would like for the text box to disappear and re-enable the checkboxes. I had the appearing box working just using JS. I can't seem to get the syntax right to use the toggle feature of jquery to make the box disappear when unclicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
function(event) {
function(event) {

<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="asian" />Asian<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="hawaii" />Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="noanswer" />Choose not to answer<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" id="other"value="other" />Other, specify<br />
<div style="visibility:hidden" id="race"><input type="text" name="fname" size="25" maxlength="25" id="otherrace" /></div>

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JQuery :: Checkbox Dynamically Created With Checked Property?

Dec 2, 2010

I am dynamically creating a checkbox element. I need to then have assign the checked property to it or not. But In the code below, it's always checked because the property is present..

Code JavaScript:
$('<input>', {
type: "checkbox",
id: "checkbox" + value.AttributeName,


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JQuery :: Change Field Value With Ajax Call Based On Checkbox State?

Mar 31, 2010

I've created a registration form with sponsorship options hooked to checkboxes. My original form used ASP to keep values in hidden fields to use for totaling everything at checkout time.

Now I'd like to use PHP and Ajax to place the value into the text field related for each option checked.

I'm able to do that making an Ajax call. My problem that I need help with is this: If the visitor decides to uncheck a sponsorship option, the value placed in the associated field remains on the form. How do I replace that value with a null or empty string if they decide to uncheck their original choice?

I've tried JavaScript to no avail so far, both in the client side and server side code. I'm very new at this and I need help. Will jQuery work without having to change a bunch of code?

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JQuery :: Using Check/uncheck Multiple Checkboxes In A Specific Row Based On Another Checkbox?

Jul 29, 2011

someone here might know what I'm doing wrong. I have a list of checkboxes, in multiple rows with each along the lines of:


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Dynamically Add Another Table Once Text Fields In The Existing Table Is Clicked On?

May 26, 2010

how I would dynamically add another table once text fields in the existing table is clicked on. So pretty much what I have is a table with 5 textboxes lined up horizontally in the first row along with couple of buttons in the second row. What I want is that once one text box is clicked, another table like the one above is created and appears below that initial table. So this is the inital table that should be replicated on each click:

<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" ></td>

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JQuery :: Delete Row Table If Checkbox Not Selected?

May 20, 2010

I have a table with a column of checkboxes. When I click on a button I want to delete the rows with a checkbox unselected.

My script is that:



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JQuery :: Select Checkbox And Textbox In Each Table Row?

Jun 26, 2010

I have a table to which I am dynamically adding rows to. When a user clicks a link I need to select a checkbox and a textbox in each row to do some validation.

$("#tblWorksheet tr[name^='tw_cjid_']").each(
varchkbx = $(this).("input[name^='chk_approve_']");
vartxtbx = $(this).("input[name^='txt_comment_']");


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JQuery :: Selector For Checkbox In Dynamic Table?

Jan 3, 2011

I have created a dynamic table to display data. I also added a checkbox field with a class name. I want to create a click event for when a user clicks on the checkbox. I can not get my selector to work.

Here is my code

function DynamicTable(data) {
var table = $("#grid");


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JQuery :: Retrieving Value Of Checkbox In Table Cell?

Mar 26, 2010

So I have a table with a column that contains checkboxes. I need to get the checked value of the checkbox for a given row. I'm new to jQuery so I only know how to get the html value of a table cell with something like this,


How do I get the value of a checkbox in a table cell?I have a function,

$("#MyTable tr").dblclick(function(e) { });

So when someone clicks on a row in the table, it pops up a form and populates it with the values from the table row, so they can update it and then submit the changes to a databaseOn the form is a checkbox, I want to set it to the value of the checkbox in the table cell in the selected row. Any suggestions on how to do this?

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JQuery :: Table Row Click That Checks Checkbox In Same Row

Dec 21, 2010

I've got it working; Clicking on the row will check the box, however now clicking the checkbox itself doesn't work I'm guessing because. It's registering as two events for that one click: One for the row that checks the mark. Two for the checkbox (which is now checked) that unchecks it. The user can click on the row but not on the checkbox itself.

Ideally since the checkbox table cell as some padding (user can click outside the <input>), I'd rather not disable the row click on that cell specifically.
$('.rule_event_table tbody tr').click(function(){
$(this).find('input:checkbox').each(function() {
if(this.checked) this.checked = false; // toggle the checkbox
else this.checked = true;

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JQuery :: How To Access Checkbox Value Inside Table

Jun 14, 2011

I'm having problem with getting the checkbox state of a selected row inside table. I don't know if there is any specific function to determinate which row is selected so I've thought of the following... when the row is selected, style(background color) is applied to the tr element, so I thought that I could looked for the tr element which has that style and extracted checkbox state from it.

<td><input type="checkbox"/></td>
<tr style="background-color:LightBlue;">
<td><input type="checkbox" checked /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"/></td>

If we assume now that second row is selected, how would I get the state of the checkbox (checked, unchecked)?

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Set Variable Based On Checkbox Value?

Jun 12, 2011

Can anyone tell me how I can check to see if a checkbox has actually been checked or not? The code I need to use this in basically gets data from a form which has alot of dropdowns and a checkbox in it. The function builds a query based on the values it finds in these variables. I was trying to check to see if the checkbox was selected and if so assign a value to another var but I can't seem to get it to work.

The checkbox is called pics.
if (pics.checked) {
var photos = "Yes";
else {
var photos = "No";


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Changing A Checkbox Based On Another Box?

Jan 26, 2010

I figure this has to be simple, but I'm very green to javascript adn the examples I've found don't appear to work On an html form I have 2 checkboxes (A and B). Both are checked by default.

If the user clears box A, I want to clear box B. I don't want to hit a button, just change the box as soon as the user clears box A. I've attached an onclick= on box A, and created a simple script, but I don't even appear to getting into the script. Can someone provide or recommend an example that actually works that'll do this?

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