Dynamically Resizing A DIV Based On The Size Of Another DIV?
Dec 10, 2010
if it's possible to re-size a div vertically based on the size of another div.I have this code but it's malfunctioning. Basically it takes the ID of the two divs and offset their height.
Example: The dynamic div will stretch or re-size vertically based on the size of the content div. So if the contents in the content div is increased, like text size, the the other div stretch to give equal height.Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function equalize() {[code].....
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Jun 8, 2011
I want to resize the div based on browser size, I mean when first it load I want it to fit on browser window and no scrolling bars should be appear and when I resize the browser size by dragging, it should be fix on that size.for example visit this link:I WANT THE SAME BEHAVIOR (SIZE BASED ON BROWSER) BUT USING JQUERY.
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Aug 14, 2011
I am using the bookflip plugin i found here: [URL]
I am attempting to modify the code so the book pages resize based on the screen width... or height... not really sure how this should be done as I need the proportions of the pages to stay consistent.
I have been able to achieve the resize on page load but I now need to add the resize() method to the variable.
This is what I have so far (original code):
var $containerwidth = $(window).width();
var $pagewidth = $containerwidth/1.22;
var $pageheight = $containerwidth/2.05;
I think I need to add an if() statement in the variable that says if page width or height changes resize else original code that is working. I have this code which I know works but I can't seem to get to work with one variable without overriding the original code... which doesn't work with this application.
$(window).bind('resize', function(){
Is this the correct approach to achieve this. I have found I must work within the original JS file as overriding will not work.
if(..........? page resizes ?............){
$(window).bind('resize', function(){
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Apr 19, 2011
An example of the resizing of an image can be seen here as well as at most photography galleries that are full-screen. You can see the size of the image change by shrinking your browser window. I want to make that gallery using javascript. I already have the ability to make a horizontal slider with left/right navigation - that part is easy. I just have never done anything with dynamic image sizes.One thing that was brought up to me already was the ability to shrink the browser window to fit.
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Jul 19, 2010
I'm attempting to make a web page that adapts to the size of your browser size when it maximized. Because I'm only 15 I'm not such a great programmer or coder. I've done my best with the resources I have though (Fluent in Lua and a natural ability to pick languages syntax up quickly)
Here is what I have so far, it doesn't work and it is starting to puzzle me. As it seems correct as I look at it. I'm sorry if this question show my ignorance. I try my best to hide it.
Some of it is Copy pasted from sources on Google. But only for educational purposes, I learn off reading, examining and testing out snippets.
I'm basically trying to get the max size of the window and resize the div accordingly.
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Dec 11, 2010
How can I change my text or font size when the user changes the browser size. Example: When the browser is maximized, the font goes to normal, when the browser window decreased, the font size is reduce.
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Apr 25, 2011
I'm looking for a way to resize the 'font-size' of an element so it fits in it's container. What I currently have is this:
var maxWidth = 100;
var $width = $('.number span').width();
while ($width > maxWidth) {
$width.css({ 'font-size' : '-1px' });
I was trying to make it so while the width of the text is larger than the width of its container, 100px, the size would decrease by 1 in a loop until it's the correct size. Unfortunately, this yield's no results for me.
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Aug 12, 2011
I'm close, but the issue is that if the window is opened at a size that is SMALLER than the original image, it wont scale down to the smaller size until i first make the window bigger, THEN size it down smaller. The image itself is big (its fashion photography so it needs to be high res) and the js sets the minimum width at 1070. Id like to have the image as big as possible and then on page load automatically drop down to as low as 1070px if the window size is small. Here is the js:
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anyone know of how I could dynamically resize an iframe based on
the content's height (for IE) so that no scrollbar appears for the iframe?
The content will be from a different domain. I have searched on the web and
have seen solution like this
function resize() {
var oframe = document.getElementById("frameID");
//var odoc = oframe.document; //(1)
var odoc = oframe.Document; //(2)
var obody = odoc.body;
oframe.height = obody.scrollHeight;
The html :
<iframe onload="resize()" src=http://different.comain.content border="0"
....... > </iframe>
I have seen 2 solutions on the web, the only difference being lines (1) and
(2) get substitued.
My browser is version IE 6.
It seems that the solution with line (2) works perfectly when the content is
from the same domain but gets a Permission Error if the domain is different.
When the content is from a different domain solution (1) does not give
Permission error, but instead the scrollHeight is significantly smaller
than the actual content. Even if the content is from the same domain it
still gives the wrong size.
So my question is
1) What is the difference between oframe.document and oframe.Document, why
does it give different results?
2) More importantly, how can I dynamically adjust the iframe size based on
the content height from a different domain?
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Feb 15, 2005
I need some help making a script to change the size of my swf movie based on the user's screen resolution.
Here is the code of the embedded movie:
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Jun 17, 2009
What I Have:
I have a bunch of inline blocks next to each other like such: _[A]_[B]_[C] _[D]_
Key:_ = margin [letter] = box element, <li> in my case
Question: How do I make it so that the margins on the left and right side of my <li>'s determine the <li>'s width? So, in other words, I am looking for each box element to have a uniform width (so A, B, C, D will all have the same width value), but I would like the margins to in fact determine this value...? Basically, I suppose I am more or less setting barricades outside of the box models (margins) and having the padding fill-in the remaining amounts, equally for all 4 boxes...In effect, I would like these <li>'s to stretch the width of a larger container (box), so that their width value is maximized, but nonetheless conforms to the margins...
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a div in my webpage that I want to resize to the size of the browser. Does anyone know of the right tag to do this?
I have theNode.style.top at 0 pixels and theNode.style.left at 0 pixels. Also right now I have theNode.style.height=770; and theNode.style.width=1255; I want these two sizes to be dynamic to the browser width.
function doMessage ()
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Nov 25, 2011
I'm trying to set a margin onLoad based on window size.
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Aug 29, 2011
I have to define a textbox in html whose maximum size should be 3.Now If I am entring -100 then these are 4 characters but I want that user should allow to enter 100 or -100.If I define size="3" then it will not allow -100. so i want to know can we define size of the textbox dynamically,i.e. if I enter
- sign then size will increase to 4 else it should be 3.can we do this using js?
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May 23, 2010
This is a two-fold question:
1. first I have a link for something that works but I want to work better:
The dynamically resizing textarea boxes are in light orange. They work, but they are rather jerky and you see some "bounce" when adding or removing lines -unlike Face Book which doesn't do this. Can anyone propose a better coding system that is smoother AND less processor intensive?
2. If you really do UNDERSTAND javascript at the programmatic level I'd be interested in having you work regularly for me, but I think I might need to post that in another forum. I'm a PHP programmer, and because I don't understand the JS Kernel and how it thinks, I'm always chasing my tail on it.
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Sep 10, 2010
I'm reading jQuery in Action for my learning and thought I could start with a simple exercise for my page: I have several divs of the class ".important_new" with headings in there which are links to the articles:
<div class="important_new">
<h1><a href="#">New York Knicks sign Patrick Ewing Jr.</a></h1>
<img class="important_new_flag" src="images/body/flags/USA.png" />
<span class="important_new_country">USA</span>
This results in displaying all the headings in an 8px font size except two of them (which don't have more than 40 characters either). The 40+ character headings also get reduced.
I've gone through it lots of times and changed a ton of things, but can get more than that. Can anyone see what my failing/s are?
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a background image that auto-resizes based on browser window / screen resolution. I want my top header menu, which requires links, to act in the same way and be in roughly the same position/size based on browser window. Is this possible? In the sample below, the image is just part of the background image to give you an idea of the look I am trying to duplicate.Is there a Javascript out there that will help me or will I be stuck having to rework my design?
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Jun 15, 2010
i have one issue on Font resizing - To set proportional fonts(i.e Arial or verdana) to match window size. That is, if this setting is in effect, and the window is enlarged, then the font size should correspondingly increase.if you get the browser's width and height details on window resize,is it possible through javascript?
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Oct 23, 2011
I have an IFrame inside a Dialog... The user can navigate inside the dialog, going to any page he wants.
The thing is that i need a way to change the dialog size according to the content of theopenpage inside it.
Do exist a way to do this?
Now, i do this with this [code]...
But this mean that i have to go to each page that I have and to call this method with the exactly heigh and width it need (it's difficult to know that size, because I need to do several test) and any change I do make me came back to this to see the new size...
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Apr 29, 2010
I am currently trying to use Javascript to dynamically resize a navigation div (that is present on every page) according to the size of the main content div.
I am currently using the following code;
This works the first time I go to the site and if I refresh a page. However, if I use my on site navigation to switch between pages the div simply uses the height variable defined within my CSS (this needs to be here for users with JS disabled)
Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem might be. It's as if the script is only executed the first time any page on the site is loaded, but then not again.
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Oct 3, 2006
I'm trying to create the following visual feature on my page (www.enviromark.ca/Collab/study.html). if you notice, there is a border-right: 1px solid grey; on the 'links' div. I would like to do the following:
onload, i would like the height of the 'links' div to be saved into a variable
i assume this would be done using a variation of 'var minHeight = document.getElementByID('links').offsetHeight'
onclick, i would like the height of the div about to be loaded (aka unhidden) to be saved into a variable... say var newHeight for ex.
IF newheight > minHeight, set document.getElementByID('links').height = 'newHeight' + px;
here's how i tried to code it:
<script language="JavaScript">
function setBorderHeight(divName)
var minHeight = document.getElementByID('links').offsetHeight;
var newHeight = document.getElementByID(divName).offsetHeight;
if (newHeight > minHeight)
document.getElementByID('links').style.height = 'newHeight' + px;
here's an example of a link:
<a class="mainLinks" href="learnMore" onclick="setBorderHeight('learnMore'); ball(this.previousSibling); return toggle('learnMore', 0);"
onmouseover="zxcMseOver(this,1);" onmouseout="zxcMseOver(this,-1);">Learn More</a>
what went wrong?
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Jul 23, 2005
Is something like this possible?
A form with x fields named
field1, field2, ... fieldx
I'd like to set the field specified in the parameter
function SetUnknownField(FieldID)
document.myform.field+FieldID+.value="Something calculated";
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Oct 23, 2009
I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I'm relatively new to javascript. I am trying to dynamically create a page based on information in a .txt. So far the code works. But only for a spacific line in the .txt. I would like it to create numbered divs and fill with approprate info from .txt for each line in .txt. Does that make sense? I will paste full code if necessary and it is explained exactly how. Is it: ["my code goes here"] or
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Jul 16, 2009
I'm trying to dynamically build a table based on a checkbox being checked in the first td of every tr:
var tableID;
var isChecked;
var tableImportBuild;
function importData(id) {
I should note that isChecked points to a checkbox inside a table cell. I'm trying to clone the entire row the checked checkbox is in. If I alert $(tableImportBuild).html() from within the each loop I do get the result I was expecting but for some reason I don't have access to that variable once outside the loop.
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Aug 31, 2009
How can I dynamically create a button once the page is loaded. At the end of the page I want a javascript to create a button next to a textarea in a table cell. I have the following piece of html and want to see if this is present in a page at loading time then create a button dynamically next to textrea. code...
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May 23, 2011
I'm using PHP / MySQL / javascript (very new to javascript)I'm looking to set the value of a textfield based on the name (NOT value) of a drop-down. The drop-down is created dynamically from a recordset (see code below):
<select name="mainStory" id="mainStory">
do {
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