JQuery :: Resizing Divs Based On Screen Size?
Aug 14, 2011
I am using the bookflip plugin i found here: [URL]
I am attempting to modify the code so the book pages resize based on the screen width... or height... not really sure how this should be done as I need the proportions of the pages to stay consistent.
I have been able to achieve the resize on page load but I now need to add the resize() method to the variable.
This is what I have so far (original code):
var $containerwidth = $(window).width();
var $pagewidth = $containerwidth/1.22;
var $pageheight = $containerwidth/2.05;
I think I need to add an if() statement in the variable that says if page width or height changes resize else original code that is working. I have this code which I know works but I can't seem to get to work with one variable without overriding the original code... which doesn't work with this application.
$(window).bind('resize', function(){
Is this the correct approach to achieve this. I have found I must work within the original JS file as overriding will not work.
if(..........? page resizes ?............){
$(window).bind('resize', function(){
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Jun 8, 2011
I want to resize the div based on browser size, I mean when first it load I want it to fit on browser window and no scrolling bars should be appear and when I resize the browser size by dragging, it should be fix on that size.for example visit this link:I WANT THE SAME BEHAVIOR (SIZE BASED ON BROWSER) BUT USING JQUERY.
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Dec 10, 2010
if it's possible to re-size a div vertically based on the size of another div.I have this code but it's malfunctioning. Basically it takes the ID of the two divs and offset their height.
Example: The dynamic div will stretch or re-size vertically based on the size of the content div. So if the contents in the content div is increased, like text size, the the other div stretch to give equal height.Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function equalize() {[code].....
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Jul 19, 2010
I'm attempting to make a web page that adapts to the size of your browser size when it maximized. Because I'm only 15 I'm not such a great programmer or coder. I've done my best with the resources I have though (Fluent in Lua and a natural ability to pick languages syntax up quickly)
Here is what I have so far, it doesn't work and it is starting to puzzle me. As it seems correct as I look at it. I'm sorry if this question show my ignorance. I try my best to hide it.
Some of it is Copy pasted from sources on Google. But only for educational purposes, I learn off reading, examining and testing out snippets.
I'm basically trying to get the max size of the window and resize the div accordingly.
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Apr 6, 2011
I am trying to get my divs to resize but i am having a number of difficulties. I am new to jQuery so be gentle! Here is what i am trying to achieve:
1) When the "About me" div is clicked - resize the "About Me" div and hide the other divs. (Which i have managed to get working)
2) When the initialanimation has finished, wait for another click before resizing the div to its original size/position. (This is working but I have had to use the delay function to "pause" the animation - which is not ideal).
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Apr 25, 2011
I'm looking for a way to resize the 'font-size' of an element so it fits in it's container. What I currently have is this:
var maxWidth = 100;
var $width = $('.number span').width();
while ($width > maxWidth) {
$width.css({ 'font-size' : '-1px' });
I was trying to make it so while the width of the text is larger than the width of its container, 100px, the size would decrease by 1 in a loop until it's the correct size. Unfortunately, this yield's no results for me.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have 2 monitors from a different size. It is important in my application that I get the screen size of the monitor where the webbrowser is located. When I try to get the screen size (window.screen.height + window.screen.width) only IE gives me always the screen size of the main monitor where my taskbar (windows7) is located, instead of the screen size of the secondary screen where the webbrowser is located.
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Mar 29, 2009
I have a small dillemma I'm trying to solve involving javascript and I was curious if anyone here might be able to tell what the issue is. I'm redesigning my portfolio, and I have a page that involves popup windows, which can be seen at www.souledesign.net/final_site3/portfolio_flash.html. When I click on an icon, it pops up a window successfully. However, the height value I have inputted for the window is ignored, and the window automatically sizes itself vertically to the full height of the web browser.
The code that I've placed on the button that pops up the javascript window looks like this:
href="javascript: void(0)"
onclick="window.open('adbanner1.html', 'realestate', 'width=496', 'height=70')"
This should open a simle XHTML document sized to 496x70px, containing a Flash movie that is displayed using swfobject javascript. unfortunately, the window ends up resizing itself to a height that fills up the entire page rather than properly sizing to 70 pixels.
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May 6, 2010
I’m practicing Javascript trying to do some animations but I ran into problems.I tried to fade a div doing something like this…
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Jul 26, 2010
A UI built using HTML and CSS has limited screen space. One of the elements is a div tag (<div id="mtext">) that will contain text of variable length. If the text is > 500 characters, I am displaying it as a link. When the user clicks the link, I want the text to be displayed in a layer above all the rest of the elements in the page. How can this be done using javascript..
A div element that contains some text of variable length. If the length exceeds say 500 characters, Display it as truncated text. ( like "Example text...") The entire truncated text becomes a link When the user clicks the link the content in the div element "pops out" to fill the screen above other elements on the page Image showing truncated text... (before clicking) Image showing text display after clicking the text...
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Oct 5, 2011
I am using jFlow slider for my website and in the head there is that function
<script type="text/javascript">
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Mar 12, 2011
I have 2 monitors with a different resolution. It is important in yapplicationthat I get the screen size of the monitor wherethe webbrowser is located. When I try to get the screen size (window.screen.height + window.screen.width) only IE gives me always the screen size of the main monitor where my taskbar (windows7) is located, instead of the screen size of the secondary screen where the webbrowser is located. It does work in all other webbrowsers .
I have created a page with an alert on JSbin.com to show you your screen resolution. If you use 2 monitors open the page in one of the monitors. You will notice you will get the screen resolution of the screen where your web browser is located, except in IE (hoera!)
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Jun 7, 2009
My idea is to click on one div that contains some stuff and move it to another place inside the screen. Is it possible with jQuery?
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Aug 12, 2011
I'm close, but the issue is that if the window is opened at a size that is SMALLER than the original image, it wont scale down to the smaller size until i first make the window bigger, THEN size it down smaller. The image itself is big (its fashion photography so it needs to be high res) and the js sets the minimum width at 1070. Id like to have the image as big as possible and then on page load automatically drop down to as low as 1070px if the window size is small. Here is the js:
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Nov 22, 2001
I know nothing about JS, except you can get the user's screen size and colors. How can I add on the end of calling an image like this:
<img src="track.php3?size=800x600&colors=bla">
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anyone know of how I could dynamically resize an iframe based on
the content's height (for IE) so that no scrollbar appears for the iframe?
The content will be from a different domain. I have searched on the web and
have seen solution like this
function resize() {
var oframe = document.getElementById("frameID");
//var odoc = oframe.document; //(1)
var odoc = oframe.Document; //(2)
var obody = odoc.body;
oframe.height = obody.scrollHeight;
The html :
<iframe onload="resize()" src=http://different.comain.content border="0"
....... > </iframe>
I have seen 2 solutions on the web, the only difference being lines (1) and
(2) get substitued.
My browser is version IE 6.
It seems that the solution with line (2) works perfectly when the content is
from the same domain but gets a Permission Error if the domain is different.
When the content is from a different domain solution (1) does not give
Permission error, but instead the scrollHeight is significantly smaller
than the actual content. Even if the content is from the same domain it
still gives the wrong size.
So my question is
1) What is the difference between oframe.document and oframe.Document, why
does it give different results?
2) More importantly, how can I dynamically adjust the iframe size based on
the content height from a different domain?
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Jul 23, 2005
im building a web application in asp.net. i was wondering if there is a
way to set the screen size automatically on the clients monitor to
1024*768 when they enter the application and return it to its original
size on exiting the application.
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Nov 21, 2010
I know this picture_viewr js is a fullscreen slide Would it be possible to set a screen size (700x500 e.g.) and then set a background color or the part that would be outside this window???
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Nov 13, 2011
I am using this javascript code to detect screen size and display an alternate css.
if (screen.width<1600)
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $path ?>/css/templateadjust.css" type="text/css" />');
This works fine in FF and Chrome but doesn't seem to work in IE.
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Nov 13, 2010
I need to know how to get the actual screen size in points or centimeters, not in pixels. The javascript functions give me the pixels, but I need to know how many points or centimeters that is regardless if it comes from a browser or a device like an ipad or iphone. Does anyone know the code to calculate this?
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Feb 13, 2010
Is it possible with javascript to limit the screen size of IE ? I know how to do a fixed screen size, but I just want to limit the maximum size.
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm trying to detect the screen resolution of the client's computer. I've been using the following example:
<TITLE>screen resolution</TITLE>
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Apr 13, 2010
I am new to Javascripting but am teaching myself and have written this script from my portfolio site in an effort to detect the users screen resolution so that my art is viewed properly. I have ran the code through a debugger and it has comback as "free of errors" but when I run the webpage on my local machine it does nothing, the page displays as if I had written nothing and due to my limited knowledge of Javascript I am at a loss and hoping for someone to say, "look you screwed this part up fix this and it's good to go". Here is the code
<script language="Javascript">
function detect(){
alert("This web page is best viewed with a screen resolution of 1280 by 720 or higher. Your current resolution is "+screen.width+" by "+screen.height+". If possible please change your resolution.")
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Nov 13, 2010
I need to know how to get the actual screen size in points or cms, not in pixels. The javascript functions give me the pixels, but I need to know how many points or centimeters that is regardless if it comes from a browser or a device like an ipad or iphone. Does anyone know the code to calculate this?
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm currently designing this website:
and I'm trying to get the images on the left to fit the size of the browser screen on the right when you click on them. The images themselves are huge, so I'd like some kind of code that resizes the images to fit the size of the visitor's screen, which will vary from user to user.
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Aug 3, 2009
have such a structure in HTML which finally looks like shown on this
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