JQuery :: Animation And Loading Image At The Same Time?
Jan 12, 2012
do the following: I have a thumbnail image that on rollover swaps to another image. At the same time i want to do a fade out/fade in animation between the images. Most of it is working but when the page loads for the first time there is no swaping of the image but just a fast opactity effect on the first image. Then if i try the rollover for the second time it does work as expected. Is it because the image that im loading doesn't load fast enough and the whole animation onRollover doesn't happen? I also have a problem when Rollover fast on the thumbnails. It just stays on the second image but doesn't go back to the first original image? For some reason the animation gets confused between the Rollover and Rollout states. Here is a link to see the example
I know this is not a good practice but do is why im looking for help in this forum.
I use DIV tags with onMouseOver action on the DIV-s. I want to download and show a photo if an onMouseOver activates. This is simple and works but there is a problem.First time I move my mouse cursor on the DIV the photo doesn't appear, only its border. When I move the mouse off and back again, the photo appears right. I want to show the photo first time well.There is a solution: preloading images with JavaScript invoked with the onLoad event of the BODY tag. But I would have numerous (100+) photos, so it's a bad idea to preload all the photos (and users usually want to see only a few, not all of them). It is acceptable to wait a second or two after activating onMouseOver while the photo is downloading but it's not acceptable to do TWO onMouseOver actions for a photo
$("#n_link1").add("#n_link2").add("#n_link3").add("#n_link4").animate({ "height": "65"}, { duration: "slow" }); //Change everything back to 65px $(id).animate({ "height": "105"}, { duration: "slow" }); //Change the clicked button to 105px
But the thing is now.. first it sets all to 65px so theres a white gap in my website after that it changes the button i clicked to 105px fixing the gap
My problem arises when I use this to access the portfolio section. The portfolio section doesn't seem to work. If you head over to http:[url]... , you can see how the section should render and how a person can use the scroll feature, however, when the content is loaded using jQuery, it doesn't function properly.Additionally another problem i'm realizing is the delay of the content. For example, if you are on the contact page and then click on downloads, the content will slide left and then slide back right when the content is loaded. However the problem i'm seeing is the delay in the content loading meaning that the animation will finish and the content will then load.A second or two delay. I've tested it in multiple browsers and seeing the same problem. Surprisingly the only browser i'm not seeing this in is IE6.
I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.
$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){ var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac'); $('.galleryPopup').attr('src','/site/scripts/colorbox/images/loading.gif');
You need the link to be out side the div you are loading your content into. As the line "$('#wrapper_of_subpages').load(this.href + " #wrapper_of_subpages");" in your code don't copy the event with the link you need some other way to keep your link event.
I am working on a page which uses a JQuery AJAX to call another php page that displays a list of random items and reloads every 2 seconds. The below code works in Chrome and FF but only once in IE,
I have an iframe and I want to display a loading animation to the user until the iframe is fully loaded, this is want I did:
1. I start the iframe with style:display:none 2. I have a div that wraps the iframe 3. When the iframe is fully loaded a method is called from the iframe 'removeDivs', I change the div to be invisble with style:display:none and I set the iframe to be visible with stle:display:"" 4. The problem: Because the div wraps the iframe, after changing the style of the iframe its stay invisible, the property I set doesn't affect.
one could add a 'start' & 'stop' (id="stopit") button to control the simple sprite animation. My Javascript looks like this (note that it works in tandem with the core.js that comes with the book; see the ZIP file i've attached):
Code: var Robot = { init: function() // initiate via core.js {
clicking on the 'start' button more than once speeds up the animation, more with each successive click. Clicking the 'stop' button will only finally stop the animation if it's done the same number of times as the 'start' button was clicked.
The only thing I am not able to see the loading gif functionality.. But as I said..
If I put an alert message in function showLoadingImg() or the make the red line uncomment (making the line a error), Then I am getting the loading gif functionality work..
But, all next functions fail due to above red lined error (if its uncommented).
I'm trying to get a simple series of images to fade sequentially to create a slide show/image rotator effect. The effect works flawlessly in Firefox, Chrome, Safari and even IE 7 but for some reason nothing happens in IE 8. The slide show images don't display at all and the only thing that is visible is the default background image.If you go tou'll see the issue in (in)action (in you're using IE8).The relevant code from the page is:
i want to resize a image to make a "shrink" effect. it should get smaller and smaller from top right to bottom left, if you know what i mean ;)right now iam using this to animate my image, but it does only shrink to the top left, not to the bottom:
I created a page with multiple images and a div element. When I click on those images, I change the background image of the div with jQuery animation. The moment is made to change the image, the effect of exchange is white, and needed it to be black. Can I change the color of the effect fadin / fadeout without changing the background image of div element?
You can view what i've done here, just click in "Manaca" and "Historia" words
a) preload all img's and background's on a given page
b) display an animated gif in the center of the original's img's or background's container
c) fade out showing each image once it's downloaded
d) as a consequence of (a) allow the page to render (show) quicker even if (depending on server speed, connection speed and user computer speed) the remaining images are still in a 'load state'.
e) is based on JQuery so not to increase page's footprint via adding Mootools, Prototype, YUI or the like (unless the additional 100KB or so is so worth it).
I've scouted Google and there a few out there but amazingly none seem to focus on doing this for a web page's image's but rather seem to focus on galleries/lightbox windows and so forth.
I was basically trying to follow several tutorials to get a superfish menu working on my website, but I don't seem to be able to get it to work.I included both the superfish.css and the superfish.js in my website's header; both paths are corrent and point to the designated file.I then included the superfish function in my header like this:
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('ul.sf-menu').superfish({ delay: 1000, // one second delay on mouseout animation: {opacity:'show',height:'show'}, // fade-in and slide-down animation
The corresponding <ul> element has the required sf-menu class, but still there are no animations, no fading, no delays, just the plain css functionality provided by the superfish.css.
I have problem with using very smooth jquery animate. I need to zoomIn Images with effect depth and walking into image. When i'm using css3 with animation and scale everythink looks like ok, the animation is very smooth but when i using css2 with jQuery animate thats look not good,
This is meant to be a very simple animation. Everything seems to be correct, but it doesn't seem to run. Basically it is a system where the image is 50px taller than the box it is being displayed in. When you hover over the image, the image is meant to move up via jquery to show the bottom (previously hidden) 50px and cut off the top 50px.
Here is my Site: [URL] Here is my HTML: Code: <div id="container"><div> <a class="none" href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><img src="/themes/smo/portfolio/<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'portfolio_img',true).".gif"; ?>" alt="" /></a> </div></div>
Here is the Jquery: Code: $(function(){ $("div.container div a").hover(function(){ $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"-51px"},{queue:false,duration:200}); }, function() { $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"0px"},{queue:false,duration:200}); }); I think its something to do with the container class.
Is there any way that I can add a limit for the amount of time that a javascript loader bar stays on screen?
The specific loading screen I am using is [URL].. This loading box actually activates once the page is loaded apparently, but in my instance, it is loading then disappearing in the matter of a second, but I wouldnt mind leaving it up for a couple of seconds, say 3-5.
Should I always YUI or GZIP text files in my site or only when they exceed a certain size? Since the decompression takes some time as well I thought that if the files are small they should only be mified...is that correct?
I have a form, in which i used to display the select box, at the time of loading the page.. based on the selection of this, i want to populate another select box by sending the query to the server...(this is by using ajax).
But, i want to check the time to display the second select box, and first selections was made.. The diff b/w these process will reach say 30 sec, it will show the message?
how to implement it... or is there any other way to do this?
I created an image gallery which displays 63 images in a slideshow. The problem is that the show was slow because each image loaded one at a time during the show. No problem right? I just did a preload script. But then the user has to sit for 5 minutes waiting for 63 images to download! My images are about 640x480 and average 100kb. Is this too much for one page to load? Should I load my slideshow into differerent windows? If so, don't I have the same problem with my loading time?