OnMouseOver Image Loading Works Only 2nd Time?
Aug 1, 2010
I use DIV tags with onMouseOver action on the DIV-s. I want to download and show a photo if an onMouseOver activates. This is simple and works but there is a problem.First time I move my mouse cursor on the DIV the photo doesn't appear, only its border. When I move the mouse off and back again, the photo appears right. I want to show the photo first time well.There is a solution: preloading images with JavaScript invoked with the onLoad event of the BODY tag. But I would have numerous (100+) photos, so it's a bad idea to preload all the photos (and users usually want to see only a few, not all of them). It is acceptable to wait a second or two after activating onMouseOver while the photo is downloading but it's not acceptable to do TWO onMouseOver actions for a photo
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Nov 6, 2009
I am experiencing a problem with some images I am using for navigation. In Safari on my Mac everything displays as it should. The image loads ok, I mouse over the image and it goes black and white, mouse out and it goes back to colour.
When I tested this with Firefox and Opera on my Mac and IE8 and Firefox on my Windows laptop the onmouseover image does not appear and I am left with a text link and a lot of flickering as you move the mouse about.
I have almost zero knowledge when it comes to javascript and I've got the necessary code which according to everyone works from either books or the web.
I am completely stuck as to why this simple operation is not working.
you can see the page at this address: [url]
Only the left hand image has been set to onmouseover as I was testing to see if it worked first.
I have attached the CSS and HTM files in a zip file.
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Mar 8, 2011
I have the following navigation links:
HTML Code:
<a href="images/apollohaga.jpg" title="a" id="productlink">Num 1</a><br />
<a href="images/apolloherr.jpg" title="b" id="productlink">Num 2</a><br />
<a href="images/apollodam.jpg" title="c" id="productlink">Num 3</a><br />
I have tried all sorts of things to get this working but no luck so far.
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Jan 12, 2012
do the following: I have a thumbnail image that on rollover swaps to another image. At the same time i want to do a fade out/fade in animation between the images. Most of it is working but when the page loads for the first time there is no swaping of the image but just a fast opactity effect on the first image. Then if i try the rollover for the second time it does work as expected. Is it because the image that im loading doesn't load fast enough and the whole animation onRollover doesn't happen? I also have a problem when Rollover fast on the thumbnails. It just stays on the second image but doesn't go back to the first original image? For some reason the animation gets confused between the Rollover and Rollout states. Here is a link to see the example
I know this is not a good practice but do is why im looking for help in this forum.
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Dec 22, 2010
I have put together a script which does this:
1. Make ajax request (via getHTTPObject(), no libraries is used)
2. Create an iframe with script, src is "blank.html".
3. use iframe.document.write() to execute scripts (inkluding document.write based scripts) in the iframe.
4. call parent window's document to clone the iframe content.
5. Append the content clone to parent body.
Works like a charm in all browsers but IE, where every version - including IE9 beta - hangs on iframeWindow.document.close() with empty cache, leaving the window/tab unresponsible. When I force quit, restart and load the page again (now in cache) it works.What I've tried already:
* Googled.
* called the ajax request callback manually with string instead of request.responseText - it works even with empty cache here.Removed document.close() - resulting in scripts in iframe not executing at all (again, only with empty cache, cached pages works fine).
* Tested to make the ajax request synchronous - no difference.
Console.log trace:
append() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:160 install() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:194 iframe begin[code].....
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Apr 1, 2011
I had a quick question about the function onmouseover you can apply to html. I have a slideshow at [URL] that I want to start when the mouse is moved over the images and to automatically flip through the images after this initial movement. The images are put on a delay in my separate javascript file. However, whenever I move the mouse over the image again, the slideshow jumps ahead. Is there a way to make onmouseover work the first time and then to not work every other time?
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm having a problem with .attr(). I will explain it whith code.I have this HTML code:
<p id="textoMarca0" onmouseover="muestraDialog('textoMarca0');">
this is an example paragraph
So now the onmouseover has again its value [the original one, copied by doing an alert($("#"+elem+i).attr('onmouseover')) when i disable the onmouseover event], but it doesn't work
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Jun 26, 2009
Im trying to enlarge an image using onmouseover but im trying to keep the image in the same central position eg. The image increases in size from the middle out rather than the top left corner staying in the same position (as in my code). An onmouseout setting the image back to the original size.
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Nov 9, 2009
I wrote this code but it only works every other click So it doesn't work the first time it's called, but it does the 2nd time etc.Zero errors reported. What's wrong? javascript Code:
- javascript Code
function move_up(obj)
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a site that uses a sort of coverflow to display images. The coverflow is a JS implementation.A fair amount of time, the script works fine. Other times, it does not. The page loads but the script does not start. Reloading the page usually gets the script to work.I think that the script may be trying to start before the page has finished loading. Is there a way to delay running the script until I'm sure the page has loaded? That at least would confirm this hypothesis (or not).
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a dialog that opens from inside a tab. Everything works great until I change tabs and come back. the second time I visit the tab and open the dialog my javascript does not work.I can retrieve the data from the form but its the old data from the last time it was open.the ajax does not submit and if I try debugging with firebug I see this error:[code]
When I close the dialog I am only using $(this).dialog('close');I read that I need to use remove in addition to close or destroy;so I have tried using :$(this).dialog('remove');$ (this).dialog('close');as well as destroy and I get the same results.
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Aug 17, 2010
I want to use the the replaceWith() function in a html form with many select buttons to replace the select elements from a second button to other values when the value of a first select button has been changed. The html code is generated in a perl cgi script (I write this only for completeness).The function works but only the first time when I change the value of the first button (e.g. button "Type"). On the second change no more actions are done on button "Severity".[code]I added alert() debug functions in the javascript function getOneofs() and the output looks ok.So the var "selectCode" should be also ok.
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May 24, 2011
I am currently trying to display a gallery of images using Lightbox, and a contact form in a different modal window using a different script.
Here is the URL, so you can view the source. [URL]
Clicking 'contact' opens the Contact window, which currently works, and clicking the images SHOULD open lightbox but doesn't. If I shuffle the code around, I can get Lightbox to work but the contact window then breaks.
If someone could provide just the code I should replace mine with so I can just copy and paste it in, that would be great because I don't know anything about javascript and struggled to follow the instructions for this I found elsewhere.
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Jun 8, 2011
This function executes the first time correctly, but the next time the function returns an error.
function edit_div(id)
if(edit_status == 0)
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Jul 27, 2009
I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.
$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){
var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac');
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Jun 7, 2005
I made this neat little script to make a rollover image on an image map:
var clipNums=new Array(21,81,95,155,170,230,243,317);
function positionMap() {
document.getElementById('over').style.left = document.getElementById('off').offsetLeft;
document.getElementById('over').style.top = document.getElementById('off').offsetTop;
function imgRoll(i){
document.getElementById('over').style.clip="rect(0 "+clipNums[i]+" 19 "+clipNums[i-1]+")";
function imgOut(){
<body onload="positionMap();" onresize="positionMap();">
<map name="a">
<area shape="rect" coords="21,0,81,19" href="#" onmouseover="sh(1);" onmouseout="mo();">
<area shape="rect" coords="95,0,155,19" href="#" id="mnu1" onmouseover="imgRoll(3);" onmouseout="imgOut();">
<area shape="rect" coords="170,0,230,19" href="#" id="mnu2" onmouseover="imgRoll(5);" onmouseout="imgOut();">
<area shape="rect" coords="243,0,317,19" href="#" id="mnu3" onmouseover="imgRoll(7);" onmouseout="imgOut();">
<img src="/link_imgmap_on.gif" id="over" usemap="#a" border="0" width="322" height="19">
<img src="/link_imgmap.gif" id="off" usemap="#a" border="0" width="322" height="19">
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Aug 20, 2010
Is there any way that I can add a limit for the amount of time that a javascript loader bar stays on screen?
The specific loading screen I am using is [URL].. This loading box actually activates once the page is loaded apparently, but in my instance, it is loading then disappearing in the matter of a second, but I wouldnt mind leaving it up for a couple of seconds, say 3-5.
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Jul 21, 2010
How i can load time from db to the combobox .I wanna store Hour to different , min to different comboboxes.
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Jul 23, 2005
is it possible to change the bg-Image of a <td>-tag onMouseOver?
maybe with javaScript or with css?
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Jan 7, 2011
This is my script
And this is the function
The problem is when i mouseover the image look like this [url]
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Oct 13, 2004
<script type="text/javascript">
function mirage(toggle, el_id)
var el;
if (!document.getElementById) return false;
var el = document.getElementById(el_id);
if(toggle=="on") {
el.style.background = "transparent url(graphics/"+el_id+"_hover.png) no-repeat";
} else {
el.style.background = "transparent url(graphics/"+el_id+".png) no-repeat";
What I have is a link and an image. When I hover over the link I'd like the image to change.
<a href="index.html" title="Home" onmouseover="javascript:mirage('on','home');">Home</a></li>
<div id="navigation">
<li><a href="index.html" title="Home" id="home"> </a></li>
</ul> </div>
Now when I hover over the link the (background-) image of the link does not change. I also have this in the css..that when I hover over the image it changes and there it works just fine.
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Feb 12, 2011
Here is what I am trying to do and I need some help with the code. I want to have a group of thumbnail images on an HTML page, when the visitor onmouseover a thumbnail I want a larger image of the thumbnail to display in a larger floating box beside each thumbnail. I really don't want any borders or titles on the floating boxes - clean box. Also onmouseout the larger floating box will hide.
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Dec 2, 2010
I've got following function:
I would like to run this in recursive mode, and I'm starting the function with:
The problem is, that function works only one (and a half) time. Console shows: start callback start I have not idea what is a problem. Function needs to be run constantly.
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Apr 15, 2011
I am try to make images float across the screen horizontally. Ideally I would like them to come from both sides and be at different y positions.
The problem I am having is that I can only seem to get one to move at a time.
Another problem is that when they move off to the right of the screen it expands the viewable size of the site.
So here's what I've come up with thus far.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<title>Image Mover</title>
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Apr 11, 2011
I am displaying an external website via an iFrame on my website. I am using the following code to detect if the iFrame tries to redirect the parent window:
<script type="text/javascript">
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Oct 18, 2011
I have a web page a lot of thumbnail images arranged in a table. I would like the user to be able to click on the thumbnail to open a window with a larger view of the image.
So I wrote a JS function to accept a URL as the argument and open a new pop-up window with the given parameters. I need this function to potentially run multiple times from multiple links (in this case images) on the same page. However, after the first time I click the link, the function runs, and I close the pop-up, the function will not run again if I click the same or another link on the page. If I refresh the page, the function will work once and then not again. Is there a buffer I need to clear or something to reset to allow multiple links to work?
I have tried the function call in a whole slew of ways. Here's my current code (I "..."'ed out the URLs for brevity):
<script type="text/javascript">
function zoomWindow(url)
zoomWindow=window.open(url,"", "toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, height=645px, width=550px");
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