I need to refresh multiple images on my site. So every time the page gets refreshed the images need to change. It worked fine with the script below, but this is only related to 1 image
I tried to copy the script and change the "ID's" but this does not do the job.
The code below allows the user to hover over 1 object and it not only replaces the object but also shows an additional object between the buttons.It works great in Firefox, but does not in Internet Explorer.
standard mouseover commands are used in index.php <CODE> <a href="http://www.tiimes.ucar.edu/beachon/" onMouseOver="imgOn('img1')" onMouseOut="imgOff('img1')">
1. Make ajax request (via getHTTPObject(), no libraries is used)
2. Create an iframe with script, src is "blank.html".
3. use iframe.document.write() to execute scripts (inkluding document.write based scripts) in the iframe.
4. call parent window's document to clone the iframe content.
5. Append the content clone to parent body.
Works like a charm in all browsers but IE, where every version - including IE9 beta - hangs on iframeWindow.document.close() with empty cache, leaving the window/tab unresponsible. When I force quit, restart and load the page again (now in cache) it works.What I've tried already:
* Googled.
* called the ajax request callback manually with string instead of request.responseText - it works even with empty cache here.Removed document.close() - resulting in scripts in iframe not executing at all (again, only with empty cache, cached pages works fine).
* Tested to make the ajax request synchronous - no difference.
Console.log trace:
Code: append() begin unlimited-scroll.js:160 install() begin unlimited-scroll.js:194 iframe begin[code].....
I have a div that has a negative top margin and a negative right margin. The right margin is because I want to have the div slide onto the page from the right. The top margin is because without it my page height is the height of the visible elements plus the height of the off-screen div.On a button click, I move the div down and then animate it onto the screen from the right. On button click again, I animate the div to the right, off the screen, and then move it up. I also toggle its width & padding so it will appear to grow/shrink as it moves on/off screen. At least that's what I am trying to do. The animation onto the screen looks good, but going off the screen, it appears to happen intantaneously, instead of animatedDoes anyone know how I can fix this?
$(".addPanels").live("click", function(){//now and in the future, show the add panels menu var thisAddPanelsMenu = $(this).parent().prev(".addPanelsMenu");//get the addPanelsMenu if(thisAddPanelsMenu.length) {//if the addPanelsMenu exists
I'm new to javascript and im trying to teach myself how to use it, however, ive come accross a problem. I'm using this code embeded in a HTML page for rollover images:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (document.images) {[code].....
This works completly fine in 1280 x 800 but goes mental when you hover over it in 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
I'm trying to add an overlay (similar to how lightbox works) over the entire screen. The problem is that in IE6, it only seems to work if the DIV overlay is added at the top of the page before any other content is displayed. IE6 (only IE6!) displays about a 15px bar across the top of the page (representing the overlay).[code]
I want to create a javascript that will have two butterflies flying across the screen at the same time. One will go from the bottom left to the top right and the other will go from the top left to the bottom right. I have the first part of the code, but can't figure out how to get the second part of the code. I know I need to add another variable, but after that i get confused.
I have the following code which screen scrapes a page (e.g. [url]) and inserts a new field if certain conditions are met (viz. the first ISSN line read meets the "peerreviewed = 'Y'" criteria). However, the code does 3 run-throughs each and every time and results in 2 new fields, not one, being inserted if the conditions are met.
I am currently doing a photography site.I would like to do a 'portfolio' page, but would like to pre-load the images so that they appear on-screen faster.Do I need to connect code to <body onload>?
there I am using the below code to resize images posted on a forum, however when the page is loading it loads the images full size on sreen stretching the page to however wide the largest picture is and only resizes them once every picture has loaded and the page then goes back to normal width.oes anyone know how I could make it so the images only display once they've resized ?
<script> window.onload = resizeimg; function resizeimg()
I have a web application with an aspanel, users can add images, the program automatically make the thumbnail. when user click on thumbnail they can see a pop up modal page.
Images are in different sizes, so what I need to achieve is to get the screen resolution or browser visible area and re-size the image according to this resolution. (users could have different type of computer screen with different resolution), I need a Javascript or jquery code.
What I'm looking to do is have a folder of images that I have show up on my website.I'm also looking to pull from this folder up to 6 or 7 times on the same page w/ randomized pictures that do not repeat.Finally, I'm looking to be able to size and name these images based on which image randomly pulls. b/c it's not grabbing the images.
I have a web application with an aspanel, users can add images, the program automatically make the thumbnail. when user click on thumbnail they can see a pop up modal page.Images are in different sizes,so what I need to achieve is to get the screen resolution or browser visible area and re-size the image according to this resolution.(users could have different type of computer screen with different resolution), I need a JavaScript or jquery code.
I wrote this code but it only works every other click So it doesn't work the first time it's called, but it does the 2nd time etc.Zero errors reported. What's wrong? javascript Code:
I have a site that uses a sort of coverflow to display images. The coverflow is a JS implementation.A fair amount of time, the script works fine. Other times, it does not. The page loads but the script does not start. Reloading the page usually gets the script to work.I think that the script may be trying to start before the page has finished loading. Is there a way to delay running the script until I'm sure the page has loaded? That at least would confirm this hypothesis (or not).
I need to display a set of images. NOT a slideshow that automatically changes, but a very simple display, one image at a time, that moves to next or previous by mouse click or arrow.
I can retrieve the set of filespecs in php with no problem. And I've got the setup in php to display the file, one at a time.
I"ve figured out how to open a full-screen window in javascript.
What I need (I started in php and they sent me over here for specific javascript info), is to put everything together...
1. I'd LIKE to automatically set the resolution on the system to 1024x768. I've been told html and javascript can't do that, so it'll have to be done by the user.
2. I figured out how to open a full-screen window in javascript.
3. What I need is to display the image from php and have it show up in the full-screen window I created. Then it just sits there until the user presses an arrow key (or hopefully something with the mouse) to go to the next (or previous) image. Back to php for the next file and display...
Once the last image in the set is displayed I'd like to have the window I created go away, sending me back to the screen from which all that got started...
So, as far as I know, the two things I need to know are how to display an image in a particular window from php. And, how to get mouse-clicks and/or arrow keys back to php so I can use them....
I have a dialog that opens from inside a tab. Everything works great until I change tabs and come back. the second time I visit the tab and open the dialog my javascript does not work.I can retrieve the data from the form but its the old data from the last time it was open.the ajax does not submit and if I try debugging with firebug I see this error:[code]
When I close the dialog I am only using $(this).dialog('close');I read that I need to use remove in addition to close or destroy;so I have tried using :$(this).dialog('remove');$ (this).dialog('close');as well as destroy and I get the same results.
I want to use the the replaceWith() function in a html form with many select buttons to replace the select elements from a second button to other values when the value of a first select button has been changed. The html code is generated in a perl cgi script (I write this only for completeness).The function works but only the first time when I change the value of the first button (e.g. button "Type"). On the second change no more actions are done on button "Severity".[code]I added alert() debug functions in the javascript function getOneofs() and the output looks ok.So the var "selectCode" should be also ok.
I am currently trying to display a gallery of images using Lightbox, and a contact form in a different modal window using a different script.
Here is the URL, so you can view the source. [URL]
Clicking 'contact' opens the Contact window, which currently works, and clicking the images SHOULD open lightbox but doesn't. If I shuffle the code around, I can get Lightbox to work but the contact window then breaks.
If someone could provide just the code I should replace mine with so I can just copy and paste it in, that would be great because I don't know anything about javascript and struggled to follow the instructions for this I found elsewhere.
we use sage crm which has a back end sql database and a web front end which is a combination of html and java script.on a particular screen we have 24 numeric fields, these have names / IDs which are flq_glh1flq_glh2flq_glh3.... and so oni would like to total these 24 fields and display the result in another numeric field called total_glh
I have a number of images placed on a map (the images are dots indicating a location)
When clicked, that displays different textual information somewhere on the page. View here and click the dots on the map for what I am trying to explain: [url]
What I want to do now is to toggle these dots so that when clicked, the dot turns white. This I could do with some code I found on the net. However, I need it to toggle all images. In that if one image has been clicked and turned white, and then the user clicks a different black ot, then that black dot should turn white, and the white dot should turn back clack.
I use DIV tags with onMouseOver action on the DIV-s. I want to download and show a photo if an onMouseOver activates. This is simple and works but there is a problem.First time I move my mouse cursor on the DIV the photo doesn't appear, only its border. When I move the mouse off and back again, the photo appears right. I want to show the photo first time well.There is a solution: preloading images with JavaScript invoked with the onLoad event of the BODY tag. But I would have numerous (100+) photos, so it's a bad idea to preload all the photos (and users usually want to see only a few, not all of them). It is acceptable to wait a second or two after activating onMouseOver while the photo is downloading but it's not acceptable to do TWO onMouseOver actions for a photo
I would like to run this in recursive mode, and I'm starting the function with:
$(function(){ $.bubbles(); }
The problem is, that function works only one (and a half) time. Console shows: start callback start I have not idea what is a problem. Function needs to be run constantly.
I am displaying an external website via an iFrame on my website. I am using the following code to detect if the iFrame tries to redirect the parent window: