Add Overlay (similar To How Lightbox Works) Over Entire Screen
May 3, 2011
I'm trying to add an overlay (similar to how lightbox works) over the entire screen. The problem is that in IE6, it only seems to work if the DIV overlay is added at the top of the page before any other content is displayed. IE6 (only IE6!) displays about a 15px bar across the top of the page (representing the overlay).[code]
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Feb 2, 2011
I'm developing a window application having a web browser object in it, where the web browser object loads any web page requested by the user. In that web page (created using HTML/JavaScript/CSS), I need to create custom call out using JavaScript/CSS, which has to overlay on the entire window application. When I tried this using several options, the boundaries are limited to only web browser object. But it should come out of web browser object and should overlay on the entire application (without any borders, Call out style pop-up).
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Apr 14, 2010
I was looking for an alternative to lightbox 2 which has a similar look & feel to lightbox that is either stand-alone JS or based on jQuery and supports swf.
Most of the lightbox alternatives I've found don't seem to be very intuitive for visitors (close button in odd places, the prev/next buttons in odd places, excessive use of animations, etc)
Is there anything that's around that you like to use?
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Nov 11, 2011
I have a basic page which has a PHP form. It creates a record and uploads a picture. When they user clicks submit, I need it to display a "loading" notice of some description. I was using this:
and then placed a div in the page but it shows the message right at the top of the screen. As the form is long, the user cannot see the message. I need to create some sort of notice so users know the form is being processed.
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm trying to add the lightbox plugin to a page and when the image is clicked the overlay and corresponding image are pushed to the bottom of the page wit the image below the overlay. The gallery div is nested inside a couple other divs and when the gallery images are clicked the overlay and lighbox divs are pushed to the bottom of the page instead of being absolutely positioned over the existing content. If anyone has some ideas on how to fix this I would like to hear them.
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Dec 19, 2011
I want to create an overlay to show a photo in the middle of the screen with a navigation menu. As overlay I use something like:
.overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
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Feb 28, 2011
I was trying to modify the code-slider plugin so that it would scroll panels that were the size of the entire screen. (the demo on the jquery site has it moving panels that are rather small). So I thought all I had to do was take each div that sandwiches the panel (several are nested) and set their width in code to be the width of the monitor. It did not work.
So I simplified the code to show here. I just have the divs, and their css, and the code that sets them to the width of the screen.
Here's the entire code, css, and html (its not long):
We want the panel to extend the width of the page, and eventually also figure out how to make it extend the height of the page. Then we want to put a menu on top which will scroll from panel to panel, where each panel covers the entire page. The menu would have absolute positioning, so it would stay on top.
Here is another panel, this time in Latin:
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Jan 16, 2002
so that the top frame acts like a dedicated browser. The top window controls a selection of links pages in the lower screen. The pages linked to will appear in the lower window as well.
I have already created the frames pages using FrontPage, I just need to fill the whole screen with it and I want it set with the usual buttons found in the upper right hand corner so people can shrink it, enlarge it or close it. And I guess I'd need a foward, back, and refresh button in the top frame as well. Can anyone tell me how or if this can be done?
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May 21, 2011
i have used <param name="wmode" valur="transparent" /> and in <embed> tag inserted wmode="transparent" for overlaying the menu over flash player in my web site... it worked in firefox but not in chrome and IE.
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Jan 19, 2009
I'm using slimbox 2, a lightbox that is jquery based. It works ok in Coda locally on my copmputer but when I upload to the web, the lightbox opens to the right of the screen (mostly off to the side of the screen). This has happened with a couple different lightbox scripts I've tried. I am not sure what the conflict is in my css that is causing this.
Here is the site [URL]
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Oct 29, 2010
I was just wondering what's the best way to lay say a black 50%opacitycolour over the whole page like they do in lightboxes?
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Dec 27, 2011
I have a div that has a negative top margin and a negative right margin. The right margin is because I want to have the div slide onto the page from the right. The top margin is because without it my page height is the height of the visible elements plus the height of the off-screen div.On a button click, I move the div down and then animate it onto the screen from the right. On button click again, I animate the div to the right, off the screen, and then move it up. I also toggle its width & padding so it will appear to grow/shrink as it moves on/off screen. At least that's what I am trying to do. The animation onto the screen looks good, but going off the screen, it appears to happen intantaneously, instead of animatedDoes anyone know how I can fix this?
$(".addPanels").live("click", function(){//now and in the future, show the add panels menu
var thisAddPanelsMenu = $(this).parent().prev(".addPanelsMenu");//get the addPanelsMenu
if(thisAddPanelsMenu.length) {//if the addPanelsMenu exists
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Apr 5, 2010
For a variety of reasons that I won't currently go into, I need a lightbox script that doesn't rely so heavy on the document's DOCTYPE (Strict, Transitional, etc) and will just work with a page where the DOCTYPE doesn't get assigned.
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Oct 16, 2009
My page with my slideshow (with lightbox integrated) is up and running fine on browsers like Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome... But Safari doesn't even show the slideshow.[URL]...
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Jul 22, 2011
Totally new to this and doing my best to figure it out as I go along, hitting wall after wall. The lightbox on my site runs correctly when viewed locally, but pops up and displays nothing but the waiting gif when I try and view it remotely. Tried fixing my permissions, but to no avail.
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Oct 18, 2011
I am using the lightbox script from "Jquery:Novice to Ninja" and it works very well in Firefox and Opera but not in IE8.
The problem, I think is because I am using PHP to pull the picture names from a file. There are around 40 pictures so I didn't want to name them all manually.[code]...
This easily produces a nice page of thumbnails and clicking on any brings up the bigger picture in lightbox but not in IE.
It seems that IE needs another set of pictures to load from so the filename od the <a href=image> needs to be different to the <src=image> filename which makes more work.
Is there a work around to make this work as well in IE as it does in firefox.
The page can be seen at[url]
Also as an aside. When the lightbox starts it removes the scroll bar which has the effect of moving the page to the right. Is there a way to add a right margin to replace the scroll bar to stop this happening?
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Jan 6, 2010
I'm new to javascript and im trying to teach myself how to use it, however, ive come accross a problem. I'm using this code embeded in a HTML page for rollover images:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
if (document.images) {[code].....
This works completly fine in 1280 x 800 but goes mental when you hover over it in 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
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Jan 21, 2011
I have a lightbox (Shadowbox) which opens upon page load. The size and contents of the lightbox are obtained from a query string. Everything works perfectly in Firefox.
However the lightbox does not open in Safari unless I add an alert statement (originally put in so I could debug my code) - see 'alert("about to open Shadowbox");'
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Apr 15, 2011
I am try to make images float across the screen horizontally. Ideally I would like them to come from both sides and be at different y positions.
The problem I am having is that I can only seem to get one to move at a time.
Another problem is that when they move off to the right of the screen it expands the viewable size of the site.
So here's what I've come up with thus far.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>Image Mover</title>
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May 29, 2010
I have to following jquery lightbox code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {$('#largerview a').lightBox({
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Oct 2, 2009
I currently have a slideshow working on my client's site, but I can't get lightbox to work properly on it. [URL]...
Is there a way to fix the existing slideshow to work with lightbox? Or is there another way of doing this (keeping the same look that is currently in place)?
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Feb 16, 2006
I 'm using Ajax to build pages with xml files. In my page, I want to have 2 doms for the same xml file : one for the initials datas, ant another which will be modified by the web page. When the user validate the page, the second dom is is copied into the first.
So I have :
xmlDoc1 = http_request.responseXML;
xmlDoc2 = http_request.responseXML;
In my page, I have javascript code that modify nodes of the xmlDoc1,
but the xmlDoc2 is modified also, but I don't want this dom to be
modified! What is the problem with my code?
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Jun 25, 2010
I have dynamically created divs. Their ids all start with 'info':
<div id="info1a"></div>
<div id="info1b"></div>
<div id="info2a"></div>
<div id="info123456"></div>
I need a function to loop through all those ids starting with 'info' to put the display property to 'none'.
Is there any way I can do that withoput having to specify the full id for every div that starts with 'info'?
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Apr 3, 2009
I have a 'confirm' form that hides a table when a certain field contains a null value.I actually need 3 fields to be null in order for the table not to show rather than part of the working code.
if (document.getElementById('FIELDNAME').value=='') {
How or what do i do to allow for 3 (or multiple) fields?This is doing my Head in.I know getElementById is most likely not the way to go as it only allows for one.
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Oct 31, 2005
I was wondering if anyone knew of a syntax checker/varifier that can be run command line in Linux. I recently ran across JsLint, an online JS verifier that works pretty good. The verification code is written in JavaScript, but he did provide an explanation on how to run it command line using WSH (windows script host).
Does anyone know of something similar on Linux (I'm actually running FreeBSD, but figured Linux would get more responses )? Is there a way to execute javasript command line? Or is there a similar program that varifies javascript?
The reason I'm asking is I would love it if I could check javascript syntax while editing in Vim (I can do this with php, and I can't live without it now ). I thought about maybe creating a wrapper html that runs the script and outputs the errors, but figured why create something new (and not elegant) when there might be a solution out there already.
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Dec 18, 2011
I have upload image script. where user can upload their images. The width and height of the images are not limited. Users can upload any kind of images. Now the problem I am facing is if users upload large images and small images, the layout get scattered. So I decided to do layout similar to here they have aligned the images very nicely. They looks prety aligned in the way of rows and columns. they are not scattered. So I would like to get exact same layout.
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