JQuery :: Safari Lightbox Conundum - Only Works If 'alert' Statement Added?
Jan 21, 2011
I have a lightbox (Shadowbox) which opens upon page load. The size and contents of the lightbox are obtained from a query string. Everything works perfectly in Firefox.
However the lightbox does not open in Safari unless I add an alert statement (originally put in so I could debug my code) - see 'alert("about to open Shadowbox");'
My page with my slideshow (with lightbox integrated) is up and running fine on browsers like Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome... But Safari doesn't even show the slideshow.[URL]...
I am using the lightbox script from "Jquery:Novice to Ninja" and it works very well in Firefox and Opera but not in IE8.
The problem, I think is because I am using PHP to pull the picture names from a file. There are around 40 pictures so I didn't want to name them all manually.[code]...
This easily produces a nice page of thumbnails and clicking on any brings up the bigger picture in lightbox but not in IE.
It seems that IE needs another set of pictures to load from so the filename od the <a href=image> needs to be different to the <src=image> filename which makes more work.
Is there a work around to make this work as well in IE as it does in firefox.
The page can be seen at[url]
Also as an aside. When the lightbox starts it removes the scroll bar which has the effect of moving the page to the right. Is there a way to add a right margin to replace the scroll bar to stop this happening?
I have a function defined in my document's <head> section which adds a <script> tag to a specified <div> tag. The added <script> has a src="" attribute pointing to a PHP file, which dynamically returns JavaScript. In Safari, the src file isn't downloaded. Neither is any code contained within the new script tag [such as alert()]. In IE(6) and Firefox, this works as expected. Here's my code:
I have successfully installed the datepicker jQuery plugin...works great. Here is what I am trying to do, and have not been able to figure it out. I would like our clients to be able to select any date that is past the current date, BUT, if the selected date is within 72 hours, I would like a popup javascript alert with a custom message.
i.e. Today is 7/30/2010...Bob selects 8/1/2010 from the calendar. It returns the date in a MM/DD/YYYY format to the form...and an alert pops up letting Bob now that availability may not beguaranteed.
Update: I have been playing with the code a bit....One way I am attempting to create this is by setting the 'defaultDate' to +3d and trying to create an IF statement that will alert if the selectedDate is smaller than defaultDate.
Ok, So check out [URL].. The index jquery works fine on all three browsers (last I checked) Now go to [URL]..php or any other secondary page. The jquery has gone loopy and is not working! It seems my CSS partially works, my jquery does not work at all... totally lost on why my jquery is not activating.
I created a drop down menu (i think i followed a tutorial but it was so long ago i can't remember) which works 100% perfectly in firefox and internet explorer but not opera, safari and chrome. I really want to get it working in all of them though.The Jquery Code:
var $j= jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function(){ $j(".message_body").hide();
I have recently just built a simple website and have started to add some added editions one being the lightbox.
i am using dreamweaver cs3 and on a mac laptop, so in safari it works brillaint no problems what so ever.
but as soon as you load it in internet explorer the light box opens but it displays a 404 error on the first image of every gallery, on every different profile?[code]...
I can't get jQuery working at all with IE7. I'm using the jQuery Cycle plugin, but I believe this problem is with jQuery (and the fact that I'm am a newbie). I'm trying to use an banner rotator, which works on Firefox, Safari and IE8. On IE7, it is not even activating... it just shows each div one after another.
I am getting differences in the rendering between Safari and Firefox. I've tried to come up with a JS script to sort them out but I am not having much luck. Safari always produces "red", the same as FF or nothing at all (where I substitute 'vendor' for 'userAgent', etc). Here's my little test program to isolate the basic code:
<link href="testcss/ff.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" > window.onload=detectbrowser; function detectbrowser() { var browser_type=navigator.userAgent; alert("the user agent is:" + browser_type); var browser_type=navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit"); if(browser_type != -1) {
<body> <div id="testbox"></div><br /> <ul> <li>Red is for Firefox</li> <li>Green is for Internet Explorer</li> <li>Yellow is for Safari</li> </ul> </body> </html>
What's even odder, Safari won't even execute the ....else part of the if statement when I'm trying to detect using 'userAgent'.
1) When clicking on a list in an accordion, it should change the quicktime movie playing in a main window area. It works in firefox but not in safari. The variable imgTitle holds the expected output (e.g. '../images/Intro-1.mov'). It changes the src attribute of the embed tag. This change works in Firefox where the new movie plays on click. However, when clicking the list item in safari, nothing happens.
2) There is a problem in firefox as well in that the movie overlays everything else on page, even though it should be behind the text. Positioning would be tedious given that there's many nested elements and I would have to set relative positioning to the entire page.
$(".image_thumb ul li ul li").click(function(){ var imgTitle = $(this).find('a').attr("href"); var imgDesc = $(this).find('.block').html();[code].....
For a variety of reasons that I won't currently go into, I need a lightbox script that doesn't rely so heavy on the document's DOCTYPE (Strict, Transitional, etc) and will just work with a page where the DOCTYPE doesn't get assigned.
Having issues with the video plugin for jQuery. This works great for Chrome but not Safari or Firefox. In Firefox it just shows up as a grey box with a light grey 'X' in the middle, and in Safari as nothing. I'm guessing it's something about the MIME but I have no idea what to do about that.
Totally new to this and doing my best to figure it out as I go along, hitting wall after wall. The lightbox on my site runs correctly when viewed locally, but pops up and displays nothing but the waiting gif when I try and view it remotely. Tried fixing my permissions, but to no avail.
I have two select lists that have option lists that are created from external XML lists that contain course offerings available at different locations. Each location has a different set of course offerings. When a user selects a location, the javascript code will hide / show the option entries that correspond to the course offerings for that location. If a user selects a course offering, the javascript code will show / hide the locations that offer those courses.
Click events are attached to each of the Option entries with the code below. The code works correctly with Firefox and Opera, but the click events are never triggered in IE, Safari or Chrome. The Chrome debugger seems to indicate that the click events get set up in Chrome (although I am not sure where JQuery saves event handler data). Each option entry has a unique ID tag.
$(".locn_option_select").click(function (locnevent) { // Set up click action on the option entries locnevent.preventDefault;[code].......
I'm currently working on MySQL/PHP/JavaScript project using AJAX. I came across some weird abnormality .for some reason alert(textarea2); shows nothing but if I place another alert(textarea2); right after the first one it works, second pop-up contains responseText....also I've tried alert(resp.responseText); it worked fine,
new Ajax.Request("categories-inset.php", { method: 'get', [code]....
and in this code, it works, the call is made and text is added. in the other code I don't get a change at all. Not even in the database that add.php manipulates.
I'm trying to add an overlay (similar to how lightbox works) over the entire screen. The problem is that in IE6, it only seems to work if the DIV overlay is added at the top of the page before any other content is displayed. IE6 (only IE6!) displays about a 15px bar across the top of the page (representing the overlay).[code]
Well I have been working on a website, got it to work perfectly in Firefox and Safari.BUT, in Internet Explorer it refuses to work.The website is called Auction 4 PenniesIt was inspired by Swoopo, a auction website with timers.I wanted to attempt creating the website without cheating (viewing available source) and without having to purchase a $800 clone.Right now how it is setup is:-The page loads-Then the page uses AJAX to retrieve the Products Page-On the Products Page it has Current Timers and Current Highest Bidder with Amount-After that is all loaded, it will loop every second after that, but not reloading all products, just pulling information from the database on another page (using ajax) andcreating JS with the information pulled. The returned JS then is executed to reset the Timers and Highest Bidder (in case of a change)I know there is a Fix to edit the registry on the computer, but there are problems with that.
[URL]...At the page above, at the bottom, there is a button that says "E-mail Seller". This loads a small contact form in a jQuery fancyBox (lightbox). The following script (form-handler.js) is meant to handle the form to and from the form-handler.php.
Everything works fine in Firefox, IE and Chrome. However in Safari, it's like the contents of form-handler.js are not there, its not doing anything. Using Safaris dev tools you can clearly see the script has loaded fine.
When a user visits index.html on my site, they input their email address. The form redirects them to "confirmed.html", the form also writes a cookie with their email address.When the user gets to confirmed.html, I use an "if/else" statement. If there is a cookie (email address), I append ("#"+user_email) to the window location. I do this so that when the user shares with "addthis" tool, I will know who is sharing. Unfortunately addthis only shares the current page, so I want new users to the site to be redirected to index.html My code works in firefox, but not safari. In safari it just seems to redirect to index nomatter what. The user never even sees confirmed.html.
var user_email = unescape(document.cookie); if (document.cookie) {
I have a JavaServer demo I'm working on with a bit of JavaScript and thought I'd try adding some AJAX. Its a forum, and the idea is that a post window is revealed when the reply message is clicked. This button is in a jsp page has an onclick attribute to the showEditor() function below. A cancel button is similarly hooked up to hideEditor(), and the submit button calls copy() with a onsubmit tag. A servlet sends a response which has both the HTML for the post area (its a rich-text editor in an iframe, with a bunch of buttons above it much this one) and a Javascript object called Editor that has handlers for all the buttons and sets up the iframe so it is editable.
I actually got it to work okay, until I removed the last alert() I was using for debugging. Then the iframe stops being editable, and the editor.appendQuote() function either doesn't work or doesn't run.
This isn't terribly important because all AJAX accomplishes here is not sending all the post-related HTML and Javascript unless it is actually needed, which isn't all that much, but it would be nice to figure it out anyway.
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var editor = null; function showEditor(node) { if (node != null) {