Layout Similar To Clipboard?

Dec 18, 2011

I have upload image script. where user can upload their images. The width and height of the images are not limited. Users can upload any kind of images. Now the problem I am facing is if users upload large images and small images, the layout get scattered. So I decided to do layout similar to here they have aligned the images very nicely. They looks prety aligned in the way of rows and columns. they are not scattered. So I would like to get exact same layout.

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Paste From Clipboard When Clipboard Changes Mid Script

Jul 23, 2005

In the middle of my script the clipboard contents change (I'm opening a
site which immediately copies a variable to the clipboard). How do I
use this variable in my script?

If I declare:
var p = window.clipboardData.getData('text');
at the beginning, then:
p = clipboard at start of script

and does not take note of changes.

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JS To Clipboard

Jul 15, 2007

I have some scripts that include a variable that I'd like to have js
copy to the Window's Clipboard. Is there a way to do this?

FWIW, I have the big O'Reilly book on JS but don't see what I want in
there (so far).

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Get Value And Put It In Clipboard

Mar 31, 2006

here's my code :

function selectThis(src)
txt = document.getElementById(src).name
theObj = document.all(txt);
txtRange = document.body.createTextRange();


I want to take what comes in (src) and put it in the clipboard. What i am doing wrong?

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Autocopy To Clipboard

Jul 20, 2005

But basically for Windows 200, all I would want to do is have a memory
resident program (which could possibly be integrated into Mozilla
Firebird) that would automatically highlight whatever text I would
select and copy it to the clipboard WITHOUT pressing Control-C.
That's it. I know it should be easily able to do in JS and I found a
bit of code which outputs the highlighted text to a box but that's as
close as I could find.

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Copying To Clipboard

Jul 17, 2003

is there a way to copy some text to the clipboard in JavaScript?

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Copying A String To Clipboard In IE4

Jul 23, 2005

I need a utility that will basically add a "Copy OnClick Event" to my
right click context menu in Internet Explorer IE. I am a super newbie
in javascript. The following code works for IE5, but not for IE4,
which doesnt have setdata, getdata, etc. methods for dealing with the
clipboard. The folowing code is invoked by a registry context menu
entry. When I looked at IE4's copy system uses execcommand, it only
works on something that is selected as far as I can see, I dont have
anything selected, because user isnt going be highlighting, and that
wont get the onclick attribute value. All I have is a variable string
in javascript with what I need to get into the clipboard. How can I
make this code work in IE4, so I dont need to force users to get IE5?

var clipRes;

var parentwin = external.menuArguments;
var doc = parentwin.document;
var actele = doc.activeElement;
var attrib = actele.attributes;
var oc = attrib.onclick;
var str = oc.nodeValue;

clipRes = parentwin.clipboardData.setData("Text",str);


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Copy To ClipBoard Problem

Jul 23, 2005

Could someone help me to finalize a little project? I'm writing a form
for my site but I'don't know many in Javascript (I'm a newbee).

When the form is completed, the visitor may display it in another window
for verification, printing or sending by e-mail. When he opens the
second window, the form's content is send automatically to the clipboard
so it could be pasted in another application (Word, etc.).

I demonstrate it in two simple pages.

The first file:

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Copy Element ID To Clipboard

Apr 21, 2007

How can i copy The element ID to the Clipboard when the item is left
button clicked ?

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Copying To The Clipboard Using XUL In Firefox

Dec 30, 2005

This used to be possible with Firefox 1.0 if the script was signed or if the security check was disabled for the session. However, I cannot get this to work anymore with version 1.5. Code:

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Copying HTMLImageElement To Clipboard?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm still learning Javascript, but I had a quick question regarding copying images to my clipboard. There's an image that I want to copy to my clipboard from an HTML page:

<img src='captcha.php' id="captcha_image" />

I've been reading that this is called an "HTMLImageElement." Is it possible to copy this element to my clipboard so that I can later paste it into a paint file and save it?

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IE Hangs When Accessing Clipboard / Cause Of It?

Jul 28, 2009

We are using a javascript code which is setInterval("window.clipboardData.setData(' ')",20)in our application for managing clipboard content. While accessing our website via Internet Explorer 7, system will prompt a warning message �Do you want to allow this web page to access your Clipboard?�. This confirmation message will have two buttons �Don�t Allow� and �Allow Access� . Suppose if I click the input field in the Application, system will prompt this confirmation message , and I can continue by click on any of the button. but sometime it happens that the CUSTOMER NOT ABLE TO CLICK ANY OF THE CONFIRMATION BUTTONS, AND BROWSER WILL HANG ON. customer will not allow to disable/enable clipboard access properties via IE Tools->Internet options. THIS IS VERY VERY URGENT FOR ME.. Can anyone give a solution for this.

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Copying An Image From The Clipboard?

Dec 16, 2007

Is there any way to copy an image from a user's desktop clipboard into a form using JavaScript? For instance copying the contents of 'print screen' into a WYSIWYG form. I've tried pasting 'print screen' contents into various WYSIWYG editors, and while this words in Word, it doesn't seem to work with online text editors - if you want to insert an image using an online text editor, it seems you have to specify the URL or upload the image file.

Is it possible to send an image on the clipboard to a website in any automated fashion?

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Copy From Clipboard On Click?

Aug 16, 2011

I have been searching and experimenting for the past 3 hours and have given up, I need help solving this problem. I want to be able for the text in the clipboard to be pasted wherever the mouse is clicked, no matter if it is in a form, textarea, facebook comments box or the address bar. I have found how to make it pase onclick to textarea and form but I just want it to paste whatever is in the clipboard to wherever the mouse is clicked. You guessed it, as always I will provide a paypal donation, adwords coupon or facebook ad voucher for

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Different Layout In Firefox And IE

Feb 17, 2006

I got different looks in firefox and IE by using same code. I made a sign up form. If it's browsed by firefox, the elements will misplace. If using IE, not problem at all. BTW, I am using DW to make the form. Any hint?:thumbsup:

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Problem With 2 Similar Doms

Feb 16, 2006

I 'm using Ajax to build pages with xml files. In my page, I want to have 2 doms for the same xml file : one for the initials datas, ant another which will be modified by the web page. When the user validate the page, the second dom is is copied into the first.

So I have :

xmlDoc1 = http_request.responseXML;
xmlDoc2 = http_request.responseXML;

In my page, I have javascript code that modify nodes of the xmlDoc1,
but the xmlDoc2 is modified also, but I don't want this dom to be
modified! What is the problem with my code?

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Loop Through Elements With Similar Id?

Jun 25, 2010

I have dynamically created divs. Their ids all start with 'info':

<div id="info1a"></div>
<div id="info1b"></div>
<div id="info2a"></div>
<div id="info123456"></div>

I need a function to loop through all those ids starting with 'info' to put the display property to 'none'.



Is there any way I can do that withoput having to specify the full id for every div that starts with 'info'?

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Multiple GetElementById (or Similar)?

Apr 3, 2009

I have a 'confirm' form that hides a table when a certain field contains a null value.I actually need 3 fields to be null in order for the table not to show rather than part of the working code.

if (document.getElementById('FIELDNAME').value=='') {

How or what do i do to allow for 3 (or multiple) fields?This is doing my Head in.I know getElementById is most likely not the way to go as it only allows for one.

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JsLint (or Similar) On Linux

Oct 31, 2005

I was wondering if anyone knew of a syntax checker/varifier that can be run command line in Linux. I recently ran across JsLint, an online JS verifier that works pretty good. The verification code is written in JavaScript, but he did provide an explanation on how to run it command line using WSH (windows script host).

Does anyone know of something similar on Linux (I'm actually running FreeBSD, but figured Linux would get more responses )? Is there a way to execute javasript command line? Or is there a similar program that varifies javascript?

The reason I'm asking is I would love it if I could check javascript syntax while editing in Vim (I can do this with php, and I can't live without it now ). I thought about maybe creating a wrapper html that runs the script and outputs the errors, but figured why create something new (and not elegant) when there might be a solution out there already.

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Multiple Text Area To Clipboard In IE?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a form with multiple text area's, i am looking to take all the text area's and send it to the clipboard. I know i have to use javascript but cannot seem to get multiple text area's selected.

<script type="text/javascript">
function CopyToClipboard()
CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();


Here is some text you can copy. You can copy text from anywhere on the page, simply select it and press the Copy to clipboard button. Then you can paste it anywhere you want, in Notepad, Visual Studio or in the textarea below.

<br /><br />

<textarea id="txtArea" cols="60" rows="5">You can also copy text from this textarea. Or you can paste the text here, using the Ctrl+V key combination.

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Copy Table Contents To Clipboard

Jul 13, 2009

I'm trying to send an entire table and it's contents to the clipboard. The problem is that one of the cells of the table contains a chart that comes from an applet via our SAP system.The other cells around the chart contain labels and such... the user will need to cut and paste these charts into presentations.What i would like is for users to be able to click a button and go paste into power point or wherever they'd like.I had an idea that maybe it's possible to take a screenshot of a portion of the screen and throw that image to the clipboard?

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Copy Clickable Link To Clipboard

Oct 29, 2010

I have some Javascript that is selecting text from a form textarea and copying it to the clipboard:
document.execCommand( 'Copy' );

This works great. However there is a problem when I try to paste the text somewhere else. Assuming that the text that is being copied is a [URL], I would like it to be pasted as a link. When I grab a URL from the address bar inside a web browser and paste it somewhere ( such as an e-mail ), it automatically shows up as a clickable link. When I put a URL into my form textarea and run the javascript, it gets pasted as a plain text ( ie. not underlined and not clickable ).

Why are these two different? I've tried running a program to see what is actually copied into the clipboard and I don't see any differences. There must be something that denotes the URL copied from the address bar as a link and therefore makes it clickable when pasted. Is there a way to force this in order to make what is copied to the clipboard from my form textarea a clickable link?

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Script Code To Copy To Clipboard?

Nov 22, 2009

I need to copy something to my clipboard by pressing a button. i can echo the value into a hidden form input field i guess. how can i get the value copied to clipboard?

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Multiple Form Fields To Clipboard?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to create a form with multiple fields, and instead of mailing it, I want it to save to clipboard. The only thing I have now is things others tried.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">


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How To Store/retrive Layout

Nov 23, 2005

I'm not sure it's possible that using javascript to locate/get
components X|Y then other language, like java-jsp to save/retrive these

For instance, a GUI presents a layout of tables/chairs for a
exhibition, some small images represent tables/chairs of various
sizes/styles, which considered as movable components in this GUI, and
their positions specified by X|Y.

regardless of how to connect to database (initially javascript should
be able to provide every components' X|Y).

Can any one tell where to find a example, or the idea to implement?

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Is There A Sleep Functionality Or Similar Solution In Js

Jul 20, 2005

We have to develop a small engine which the client uses. It supposed
to work like this. Our engine resides in a frame (frameA) which will
be loaded only once and it provides set of functions. The client can
call these functions. We inturn should get the values from the server
or set the values in the server and return with the values. The way we
are planning to implement is that we will have have another frame
(frameB hidden) and submit it whenever the client (frameClient) calls
our function and wait till the page reloads and return with the value
( set in the reloaded page by the server). The problem we face now is
that we don't have any sleep functionality in javascript ( being event
driven) and if we have a loop waiting for the reply, it will consume
the cpu cycles and the the frameB wont load.

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