Toggle Multiple Images - Number Of Images Placed On A Map ?
Sep 7, 2011
I have a number of images placed on a map (the images are dots indicating a location)
When clicked, that displays different textual information somewhere on the page. View here and click the dots on the map for what I am trying to explain: [url]
What I want to do now is to toggle these dots so that when clicked, the dot turns white. This I could do with some code I found on the net. However, I need it to toggle all images. In that if one image has been clicked and turned white, and then the user clicks a different black ot, then that black dot should turn white, and the white dot should turn back clack.
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Jan 22, 2011
What I'm looking to do is have a folder of images that I have show up on my website.I'm also looking to pull from this folder up to 6 or 7 times on the same page w/ randomized pictures that do not repeat.Finally, I'm looking to be able to size and name these images based on which image randomly pulls. b/c it's not grabbing the images.
images = new Array()
images[images.length] = 'images/example.jpg'
images[images.length] = 'images/example.jpg'[code].....
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Oct 5, 2009
I need to refresh multiple images on my site. So every time the page gets refreshed the images need to change. It worked fine with the script below, but this is only related to 1 image
I tried to copy the script and change the "ID's" but this does not do the job.
What should I change/add to the script below?
In head:
In body:
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Jan 9, 2010
I'm pretty new to JavaScript and I've been searching for a way to toggle the visibility of many divs with images inside. Basically I want to have nothing visible, then I have three links that represent three categories of the images. So for example if the user clicks the link "Illustration" I want all the divs with the class illustration to appear. But when the user chooses a new link say, "typography" I want to hide the divs with class illustration and then show the divs with class typography.
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Dec 17, 2003
only 4 changes to make and your ready to go! Faster than naming all your pictures one by one in an array. You just need to name your pictures 001.jpg, 002.jpg and so on...
<!-------------- Begin Slideshow ------------------->
<!-- change the path and name of your first image -->
<!-- if your images don't all have the same size, just leave out the width and height-->
<img src="../images/005.jpg" width="640" height="480" name="photoslider">
<form method="POST" name="rotater">
<H6 ALIGN="center">
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
//from 005.jpg to 018.jpg, change to yours.
var begin=5
var end = 18
var which = begin;
function geturl(n){
n = String(༼' + n);
//change "../images/" to your path
return '../images/' + (n).substring(n.length - 3, n.length) + '.jpg'
//do not edit after this point
function backward(){
if (which>begin){
function forward(){
if (which<end){
else window.status='End of gallery'
<input type="button" value="<< Backward" name="B2"
onClick="backward()"> <input type="button" value="Forward >>" name="B1"
<a href="#" onClick="which=begin+1; backward();return false>Start over</a></h6><br>
<!---------------------------- End of slideshow ----------------------->
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Jul 28, 2011
ho do itoggle images of a button depending on a check box changep.s. toggle images of a button these are images now depending on check box clicked the image button should show the enabled image.
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Oct 28, 2011
I'm trying to create a small javascript menu.I have 4 images which serves as menuitems.
<div class="myMenuButton"><img goes here />
<div class="myMenuContent">
Random content1 here <br />
is there a simple way of implementing a slider function to the images to toggle slide up/down the contents belong to this button? And if another image is clicked then all OTHER open slides should be closed while opening this one etc
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Apr 27, 2011
I am attempting to load an unknown number of images (from 0 to 6) from a website. The images will always be in a specific format, in a specific location and so on - but the page will never know how many images there are ahead of time.I've managed to cobble together the code below to work, *sometimes* and only in IE. I know, right?Does anyone see what's wrong? Is there some obvious reason that most of my code just doesn't run in firefox, ever? (online or locally) Is there a reason only the writes inside functions are called in chrome?Why, why does this prevent the rest of the page around it from loading?
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a way to set up a rotating image slide show where people can
add or take out any number of images (into a database) without
changing the script to give an exact number or names? I've seen this
but can't find an example.
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Jan 12, 2007
how to change images based on action. Even clicking changed images should do respective actions. and while displaying only one image at a time sholud get displayed. I am using three images for a single column of a table in Jsp. Code:
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Jul 6, 2010
I have to do a slideshow with images of different widths... am using cycle plugin, which I like very much... I have a little test slideshow here, http:[url]'s not centering imgs in containing div (I made div width of widest image.. this will work for my situation, in which imgs will be hard-coded..)if you inspect img element in firebug (#slideshow img), it shows that the plugin adds a style of position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px .to the img; why does the plugin do this.. how can I center the images in containing div...
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Apr 14, 2011
I am trying to make different images hover over a table of sliced images when you mouse over a particular image. ex. mouse over image 1 = have image 1.1 hover over entire table of images in spot A; mouse over image 2 = have image 2.2 hover over entire table of images in spot B....ect. what i have so far only allows me to mouse over image 1 and have image 1.1 hover over entire table in spot A. Any time i try to move forward with more div's on other images it just jacks everything up.
Here it is: <html>
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Dec 10, 2010
Iīve just launch my website-portfolio, well itīs not yet the final version but it is almost and despite I am satisfied with the final result Iīve detected a really strange bug that only happens sometimes. The thing is when the first introduction Slide appears (the one with the hand-made drawings), sometimes the images shrink from the normal size to small tiny images. This doesnīt happen always and if you refresh the page it disappears.
Follow the link to the page were the bug happens - [url]. I'm using jquery cycle plugin, check it out.
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May 25, 2010
I am working on a small gadget which downloads a series of images from the web and displays the images in a loop. However i am having trouble saving the xmlhttprequest to a file to use later in an array. I have read that it should be easy to save the .png using Scripting.filesystemobject but have been unable to find any information on how to do it.
Here is my code so far:
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Sep 20, 2010
i used setTimeout() function in my image gallery to scroll images , i used setTimeout("myfunction()",1) in my script. Now my image gallery is working properly but problem is that the speed of scrolling images if normal in firefox, but in internet explorer it is slow, and in google chrome it is very fast , Sir how to resolve this problem
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Mar 9, 2010
I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.
I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.
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Oct 11, 2011
I have a table grid of images, i need all the images except the one hovered to fade out to 0
I tried throwing around .filter but no luck
Images are written as <img class='tile' id='${row['_id']}' src='$rsrc/food pictures/${row['_filename']}_in.png'>
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Sep 23, 2010
There is a slideshow on my website that reads in the address of local images and puts them in a slideshow rotation to be displayed on the page. I currently have to "hard code" the addresses in, similar to the JavaScript below:
However, I want to be able to place images in the Images directory without having to make sure the files are named the same as in the code. I would like JavaScript to go out to a local directory, see what's in there, grab anything in jpeg format (regardless of the name), and put it in the slideshow rotation.
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Oct 14, 2007
I am doing a site redesign and thought about trying to add the ability for individuals to change the color scheme of the site when they visit.
Similar to how yahoo allows you to "individualize" their homepage with one click.
I was able to locate a simple multiple image changer, but I really needed the color change to maintain from one page to the next.
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Jul 26, 2009
I'm having difficulty loading images via Ajax on a site that I've been working on.I'm performing the ajax by using the Request.HTML object of the MooTools framework. Basically, I'm just passing some parameters to a php script which outputs some image tags and then I insert that HTML into a pre-defined content div. For some reason though, it seems that big images don't seem to load consistently when using this technique. Usually, they will just show up as broken images, but when I navigate to the url of the image that is 'broken', it displays just fine. Also, occasionally after navigating to the actual url of the image, my browser will cache the image and then it will display just fine when loading it through Ajax.
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Sep 1, 2010
I am trying scrolling of images as like: [url]. I do want to set border for the images with border property as "2px solid #000" and i do want gap between the images so that the horizontal gap value is 20px.
I tried even with image border propoerty and image style properties both border and padding as 0 20px. Both not working properly. The style padding property is working fine in firefox and google chrome. But it is working in IE 6.0
I'll paste my code for your reference.
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Apr 22, 2009
Anybody knows how to do something like this using jquery?:All I've found only shows one image at a time and what I need is to show three images and keep sliding it to show a new one but still keeping the last two.The last example is using Mootools but I am using another effect in the galleries using jquery and they don't work at the same time.
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Jun 10, 2010
I have one wide jpeg which i am using xhtml map/coords on as navigation buttons, however i wish to have a dropdown menu for one of the links. Is it possible to have a dropdown of flat images with no additional text and use something like coords on it?
I have no idea where to start, i'm not even sure if its possible as ive seen no 100% relevant dropdown jquery tutorials, all seem to use one background image and then use standard text as the links.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have coded my navigation bar so when you mouseover a button (about us- for example), it displays a sub menu using images below using a simple multiple image swap. When I mouseover another main button, the first ones are replaced with the new sub menu items-images.
All works fine, however, I cannot figure out a way to code into the existing script to assign and make hyperlinks associated with the sub menu buttons change as well. Here's my web page: [URL]
I have just the main nav button links contractor and freelancer activated right now. Here's the code below (using MM_swapImage):
<script language="JavaScript">
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++)
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Feb 25, 2006
Im trying to design a website at the moment...
and i dont know the first thing about javascript...
Basically what i want to do is have 6 images change randomly on load of the webpage...
Basically i have:
- 1 main image
- 1 logo
- 4 buttons
Now these buttons all have a certain colour in them...
Each one is different... (green, blue, orange, purple)
So when someone loads the webpage i need all the images to change randomly...
BUT, here comes the hard part for me...
I need the images to all change together...
So i dont have a green button, a red logo, a blue main image...
As they are randomly changing on load of the page, i need them to all change together... so there are 6 RED images...
Next time they load, there are 6 green images...
Its essential that colours are not mixed...
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Mar 4, 2009
I'm reasonably new to HTML, JS et al, but have been working with VBA for many years and consider myself an almost expert. I'm having a little trouble with some tricks in JS though, and I imagine this will not be the first query I have for this community
I have found code on W3Schools to drag and drop an image on a webpage. I am currently trying to modify it so that it drags and drops multiple images at once (as a group). This is because I intend to create meta-images on my webpage from multiple .gifs and .pngs with alpha=0, and then move those images around so that they appear to be one big image. This is the code I have that works, but only one image moves, the same image regardless of which image you click on:
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