Implementing A Slider Function To The Images To Toggle Slide Up/down The Contents?
Oct 28, 2011
I'm trying to create a small javascript menu.I have 4 images which serves as menuitems.
<div class="myMenuButton"><img goes here />
<div class="myMenuContent">
Random content1 here <br />
is there a simple way of implementing a slider function to the images to toggle slide up/down the contents belong to this button? And if another image is clicked then all OTHER open slides should be closed while opening this one etc
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May 6, 2011
There are several sliders out there. But are there possibly a plugin or tut or an suggestion to how you could have a black bar on the bottom of the viewport with a menu on it and when clicking the menuitem it would slide up with content related to the menuitem..I would imagine the you could might tweek a existing slider with some z-index function?
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Jan 13, 2009
I'm trying to use the JQuery slide toggle function but for some reason it starts to act a little "strange" around tables.
The head element contains
The body contains
CSS As follows
Anyone have any ideas whats going wrong? can this method not be used for showing/hiding tables without it going a little crazy / overlapping.
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Jan 4, 2012
I'm using the jQuery Cycle plugin to slide some posts in wordpress, each with it's own image. As the slider should take the whole width of the screen but staying at 600px height I tried for all means to use the fit, width, height options in order to make that happen, with no success at all (apparently, it wont enlarge the images if needed).
So I wrote this little function and managed to make it work by adding it INTO the Cycle script itself (I mean the cycle js file):
var $slide = $(this);
var ratio = (opts.aspect === true) ? $slide.width()/$slide.height() : opts.aspect;
Now, I'm not sure (thinking surely not, right?) if I can add code directly into the Cycle js file, legally, I mean, without infringing the licence. Is there a way to make that function work for each slide (as a "for each slide independently do THIS...") from the jQuery call to the Cycle script, through some of the options?
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May 23, 2011
I've implemented Orbit slider [URL] and everything works great, BUT when I also implement Video lightbox [URL] the orbit slider broke. So it seems jquery-1.4.4.min.js for orbit and for video lightbox don't like to play together. Which ever one is loaded in first does not work, this is a problem as you can see on the page I am building: [URL] The first image box is the orbit which is loaded second and works fine, the second box is the video lightbox which does not work. I emailed the lightbox ppl and they suggested there was a conflict with another module and to load lightbox last, great advice to get lightbox working not so great for the orbit slider.
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Oct 12, 2009
1.I found a Slider Toggle thats demonstrated here [URL] and it seems to work fine but only if the link is placed above the div that slides down.. im trying to make the div slide down from above my menu and i want 1 of the links on my menu to toggle the slider. how do i get it work to where I can place the link below the sliding div? 2. the script originally used .fader{opacity:0;display:none;} but I wanted the slider div to be visible if javascript was disabled so I added
jQuery(".fader").hide(); so its now
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
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Apr 29, 2011
I'm trying to do what they are saying at this link: [URL]. First, they tell me to do what is listed under the "Scripting Disabled" section:
<a href="file.htm" onclick="'file.htm'); <br>
return false;" target="newWin">
Then, down in the page in the "The Perfect Pop-Up Script" section it has a large script for me to use. I'm wanting to use it at my page [URL]. I want to make each of my images pop up windows like at this site: [URL] So, are they telling me to use the html in both sections? Where would I put the html in the top section vs. the script in the lower section?
Do I have to make another webpage and just paste the script in there and then call it, like they say below: "To call the function you would use the following code:"
<a href="my-pop-up-window.htm" <br>
onclick="popUp(this.href,'console',400,200);return false;" <br>
target="_blank">This is my link</a>
I'm a bit confused where I am supposed to inserting the page name for the popup that I want to pop up vs inserting the pagename for the script page that I guess I have to make. So what are the steps that I would take to do all of this?
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Jun 26, 2010
Trying to learn the basics... Here is a script for three toggle buttons that each when clicked open their corresponding divs. Fine. Now how does one go about automatically closing an open div when clicking on a new 'toggler' that opens it's div? I see other posts about this very question, but I'm just not grasping the logic.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$("#toggle1").click(function () {
$("#toggle1div").toggle("drop", {direction:"right"}, 500);
$("#toggle2").click(function () {
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Sep 2, 2010
I recently found a slider which I want to use for my website. The slider is extremelly simple and exactly what I need. Although I need to make it slide automatically while still keeping the buttons.
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Mar 9, 2010
I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.
I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.
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Jun 27, 2011
I got 2 sliders in a List:
<li data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="slider_year"><big>Jahr auswählen</big></label>
<input type="range" name="slider_year" id="slider_year" value="2000" min="2000" max="2011" />
Both alerts wont get called...
I know this should be very easy, but i dont get it.
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Jan 9, 2008
I'm making a project which creates tabs with a class. I don't really know how to explain it better but this is how it works:
<a href="#" id="tbs_tabs">Create</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tbs = new Tabs('tbs_tabs');
tbs.theme = 'classic'
It first creates the new class and tells it the id, then it creates as many options as you want and creates it.
My problem is with this line:
li = document.createElement("LI");
addEvent(li,"click",function(){oThis.select_option(i); return false;};
What I was trying to do here is add an event to the LI element that refers to the current tab class but doesn't use the CURRENT i value but the value that was when the event was first created.
For example.. If my i value is currently 2 and I add the function, then I want that when I call the function, the value will still be 2 and not the current i value. What happens now is when I call the function the value is something like 5 or 6.
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Oct 4, 2010
I'm trying to toggle the slide effect using scriptaculous, but the toggle slide isn't working at all.
Here is my code:
<script language="javascript" src="prototype.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="scriptaculous.js"></script>
<a href="#" onclick="Effect.toggle('toggle_slide1', 'slide'); return false;"><span class="header"> Master Station </span></a></div>
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Jun 19, 2010
I have a grid of items that when clicked lead to a new page. I would like to implement a function so that if a user clicks on an item and holds for at least 1000ms, a menu will be shown next to the item and they will not be taken to the next page.
However, all of my current attempts either lead to the menu not being shown, or it is shown and the user is redirected to the next page anyways.
Here's my current code:
var mousehold;
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Jun 10, 2010
i am using jquery cycle plugin to show radio button in every slide, i want that user must select atleast one radio button before going to next cycle. how can i do this, i added the code. I tried adding validation in prevNextClick: method, and returning false there, but still it goes to next slide. how can i stop going to next slide if no option is selected
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Oct 27, 2009
Change jQuery slide in direction?
Currently, my custom select drop down slides in from the top/left. How can I make it slide in from the bottom/right?
Here is the code... The toggle sections are bolded.
$.fn.SelectCustomizer = function(){
// Select Customizer jQuery plug-in
// based on customselect by Ace Web Design ¦ ith-icons/
// modified by David Vian
return this.each(function(){
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Nov 9, 2010
I want to toggle the text in this example: [url]
I am using these sites for the toggle effect: [url] [url]
My javascript looks like this :
My css looks like this:
This is what the html looks like:
I'm trying to get the captions to slide but the <p id="caption"> does not want to slide..when I added in the "ddsfdsfdfg" that slides but not the "p id" to get this working.
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Aug 20, 2011
I've got a slide toggle script online and have got just one bit that I cannot figure out why. What is (toggled = !toggled)? What does it mean? Does that mean toggled = false? But I tested it, it seems not like that. And once the slide is toggled, it should use the minheight. Then the condition for var Height must be the opposite of (toggled = !toggled). Then what is (toggled = !toggled) like? Is that like (toggled != !toggled)?
<!DOCTYPE html>
#slider {
margin:0px auto;
border:1px solid #000;
} .....
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Sep 8, 2010
i'm looking for something special i guess. cause normaly i'm googling for something i have in mind, put jquery to the search string and voila, but this time i've searched for almost 3 days and give up now.
i am trying to implent a references site. the idea is that you have 1 html site with a list likereference 1reference 2reference 3 ..... with clickable links underneath.
then you have an element centered or somewhere else on the site (e.g. defined as a div area)
now if you click on reference 1, the centerde div should fade in the text, maybe with pictures too. if you click on reference20, the centered div you fade out and the content of reference 20 should fade in an the exact same place.
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Sep 7, 2011
I have a number of images placed on a map (the images are dots indicating a location)
When clicked, that displays different textual information somewhere on the page. View here and click the dots on the map for what I am trying to explain: [url]
What I want to do now is to toggle these dots so that when clicked, the dot turns white. This I could do with some code I found on the net. However, I need it to toggle all images. In that if one image has been clicked and turned white, and then the user clicks a different black ot, then that black dot should turn white, and the white dot should turn back clack.
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Jun 17, 2011
I have a nested lists which contain city names, and then level 2 is businesses in that city. those are hidden by default so that when you click on the city name the businesses will slideToggle down. What would be the correct script to enable this.I have the effect working, but when I click on any of my top level anchors all of the nested items toggle. I want each city's businesses to act independently from each other.
see example below
<ul id="cityList">
<ul class="city">
<li><a class="parkTitle" href="#">American RV Park</a>
Here is the script i currently have
$(' li a.parkTitle').click(function(event){
example when I click on "american rv park" the div "parkInfo" directly below that first link would toggle
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Mar 17, 2010
Heres the code -
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Feb 5, 2011
I have a script that will slide a div up from the bottom of the page. The toggle button for this div however is going to be right on top of the sliding div. But, when the button is pressed and the div starts to slide down, the script hides the button. Here's an example... [URL] How can I get the toggle button to slide with it, but not disappear?
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm extremely new to jquery and trying to write a toggle function without using the built-in functionality. From what I've read, this should be a fairly straightforward exerciseHowever, I'm running an issue. My code doesn't seem to do anything. Not clear to me why because nothing is erroring out? Here's what I've got:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // we will add our javascript code here
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Oct 31, 2011
How to make an image map link to another page AND open a specific accordion section?I guess I need a script that knows which area of the image map was clicked and not only navigate to page 2 but opens the section via slide toggle I need it too.Here is the the page with the image map (although image map version not upload yet so I have what will be uploaded below)[URL] ...and the page I need to navigate to based on the area of the image map clicked and also slidetoggling the div I need it [URL] Here is the image map:
<html xmlns="">
<img src="/Img/Illustrations/kicktalkv2.jpg"" alt="Kick Talk" usemap="#kicktalk_map" />
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Jul 10, 2010
Images not showing in slider
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