Ajax :: Displaying A Loading Activity Indicator Gif Animation For Call?
Mar 4, 2009
I am also trying to achieve , displaying a loading activity indicator gif till the server (JSP) processes the validation work for my Ajax call.
Below is my code:
var httpRequest = newXMLHttpRequest();
//Show loading activity indicator gif
The only thing I am not able to see the loading gif functionality.. But as I said..
If I put an alert message in function showLoadingImg() or the make the red line uncomment (making the line a error), Then I am getting the loading gif functionality work..
But, all next functions fail due to above red lined error (if its uncommented).
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Nov 3, 2011
Is there a way in Jquery to make a gif spin to use as loading/wait indicator .gif ?
I have an image I want to spin and be my loading/wait/progress indicator gif.
Can I spin it in JQuery? Is this lighter than an animated gif?
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Aug 4, 2010
I've got a page that lists a bunch of info in a large table. In each row is a link, and when that link is clicked on, an ajax call fires that returns detailed info on the item in that row. I usually display the html just to the right of the table, but the table has gotten too large. I need to display the info in a pop up now. The only thing is, how do I get the results of my ajax call into a pop up window? I've been having an awful time getting this to work.
I'm using JQuery to make the ajax call, what can I put in my success of complete event to create the pop up using the data the ajax call returns?
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Apr 29, 2010
I'm having a little problem with a jQuery/JS script I just wrote in IE7/8. The problem is the first 2 lines of the returned data are not being displayed (w or wo styling) but only in IE. The strange thing is though if I alert the returned data it's there.
The code can be found at [url]
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Oct 11, 2011
I have some jQuery code working that does an AJAX post to the server and displays the data on the web page. Proud of myself! However, right at the moment, the user doesn't see anything happen when they click the button.
I would like to make it work like most modern sites do, whereby when you push the button, the previous results are greyed out, the submit button is disabled, and you get one of those nice little animations whizzing around, showing the user that something is happening. When the callback is complete, the results are displayed normally, the submit button is enabled and the animation disappears.
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Jan 29, 2011
I'm working on a php/jQuery application, I want to display a loading image automatically every ajax request, without writing code for every ajax request. Is there anyway to do this.
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Aug 30, 2011
I have a function that displays a loading icon just before the ajax call starts, but I wanted to display that icon only if the ajax call takes longer than 3 seconds. My question is: How to implement a counter after the ajax call?
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Dec 19, 2011
I'll like to display some animation in a modal window after clicking the submit button and waiting for the form to process, and I'll like to return to the original page with a "Success" message after the script has ended. How do I do this?
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May 4, 2010
i have managed to make things work how i wanted quite quickly but to be honest jQuery is so easy that i'm not sure i completely understood what i was doing .. but it's working anyways ... well almost ...I have an empty div into which i load HTML content from another page. When i click a link on the page, the content from the other page should load and then the div should change background color and then be displayed with a fade animation. When i click on another link, the displayed content should fade out and the new content fade in.Everything works more or less only that when i switch from one loaded content to another, i can briefly see the old content before the new one is displayed, so the DIV fades out, then fades in again with the old content loaded and then only the new content switches in.I think probably i have my code wrong, could someone have a look ?
$(document).ready(function() {
var href = $('.bodytext a').each(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
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Apr 29, 2009
Is it possible to "ajaxlike" make a animation while loading an internal page... Is there a tutorial for this or example?
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Oct 19, 2008
I'm fairly new to JQuery and am trying to get my menus to load all the images before it tries to fade in. I am passing categoryid to an external php page which gets the relevant data from the database, and then displays it in the right div element.
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May 4, 2009
I am developing an web application where i've embed a flash file in a web page. I want that until that flash file is being loaded in that page a spinner should be displayed. So that user may think that the file is being loaded and doesn't leave the page. How can I achive it through Javascript?
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Jan 12, 2012
do the following: I have a thumbnail image that on rollover swaps to another image. At the same time i want to do a fade out/fade in animation between the images. Most of it is working but when the page loads for the first time there is no swaping of the image but just a fast opactity effect on the first image. Then if i try the rollover for the second time it does work as expected. Is it because the image that im loading doesn't load fast enough and the whole animation onRollover doesn't happen? I also have a problem when Rollover fast on the thumbnails. It just stays on the second image but doesn't go back to the first original image? For some reason the animation gets confused between the Rollover and Rollout states. Here is a link to see the example
I know this is not a good practice but do is why im looking for help in this forum.
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Oct 1, 2009
I am trying to write code to print a message 5 seconds after document has loaded.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
The message appears ok but the page loading bar in the browser + hourglass wont go away (in firefox).
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Jun 23, 2009
I have an iframe and I want to display a loading animation to the user until the iframe is fully loaded, this is want I did:
1. I start the iframe with style:display:none
2. I have a div that wraps the iframe
3. When the iframe is fully loaded a method is called from the iframe 'removeDivs', I change the div to be invisble with style:display:none and I set the iframe to be visible with stle:display:""
4. The problem: Because the div wraps the iframe, after changing the style of the iframe its stay invisible, the property I set doesn't affect.
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a jQuery script (joomla plugin) and I need to add my custom function
after standard animation is completed.This is standard code from the script:
= "jQuery('"
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Aug 26, 2010
Im trying to add some simple display features to a web application and am running into some unexpected IE8 behavior. Basically, the app runs some database retrieval from the server using Ajax techniques, and during that time (say, 30 seconds), I want to just give the user a clue as to whats going on. It could be as simple as a wait cursor. More interesting, I prefer to unhide a div with an animated loading icon, then hide it again when loading is complete.
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Jul 1, 2009
My problem arises when I use this to access the portfolio section. The portfolio section doesn't seem to work. If you head over to http:[url]... , you can see how the section should render and how a person can use the scroll feature, however, when the content is loaded using jQuery, it doesn't function properly.Additionally another problem i'm realizing is the delay of the content. For example, if you are on the contact page and then click on downloads, the content will slide left and then slide back right when the content is loaded. However the problem i'm seeing is the delay in the content loading meaning that the animation will finish and the content will then load.A second or two delay. I've tested it in multiple browsers and seeing the same problem. Surprisingly the only browser i'm not seeing this in is IE6.
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Dec 14, 2010
The general framework is a simple user login function. The user name is selected and a password entered as usual. The function grabs the element values and passes them to a php page that queries the database. An AJAX call returns the password to the function and then I want the innerHTML to be a choice of two web pages, depending on success or failure of validation. There are existing AJAX functions available on the internet but they are overly complicated for what I think should be a simple, quick to load function.
Where I am stuck is that the standard procedure to make an AJAX call is the browser window event. How do you make the call from within the function? I have tried creating two new variables, "success" and "again" to replace xmlhttp, but still stumble on the event to assign a value. I left the blank password protection (if statement) with that variable to demonstrate what I mean.
I've put in my code below, which is in development and successfully alters the innerHTML text depending on user input but I can't figure out how to insert the relevant php page. I have '// out' the testing bits, but left them for info. (I have tried full 'scripting' as the innerHTML, but it's messy.)
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Aug 19, 2006
I've noticed a subtle yet cool feature in Safari and I'm wondering how
they did it. If you go to YouTube and open one of the videos in a new
tab (Command-click), the page will load in the new tab but the video
won't start loading or playing. Then if you click on the tab, the video
will start playing and loading. If you immediately click back to
another tab, the video will continue loading but will stop playing.
It seems pretty clear how Safari could stop the flash animation from
loading the first time, but how does it distinguish between preloading
activity and video-playing activity when you switch back to the other
tab? Is it possible to emulate this by interacting with the flash
animation with javascript?
I only have limited experience with Flash, which is probably why I'm
puzzled by this. I'm a programmer though so don't spare the details.
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May 14, 2010
I have a HTML table with 800 rows. How can I delete rows that has no Activity & no $ in JavaScript(Orange Colored Rows)? note I can have 1 or more than 1 assessments with 1 or more than 1 activity. Sample data.
BelaTorontoFirst AssesmentActivity 110
AsifTorontoFirst Assesment
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Jul 23, 2005
When you login to Paypal, it displays a progress bar type gif and then the page loads when the authentication is complete. How to implement this with js? How does js script know that it is time to proceed to the next page?
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Jul 29, 2010
i am using a sliding image gallery and want to indicate the selected thumbnail by showing a dot below the thumbnail. i am new to scripting and have been trying tweak the code i found (which had the thumbnails at 50% opacity when unselected and 100% opacity when selected), using that code, i'm hoping i can instead make an image of a dot show at 100% opacity when the thumbnail above is selected and 0% opacity when the thumbnail is not selected. here is the script where i think i can achieve this:
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Dec 12, 2010
modify the script to prevent showing busy indicator
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = setupFunc;
function setupFunc() {
above tis the script which shows up busy indicator whenever ajax request is in process. in my case I have some timer componenes which reloads after every 5 minutes through ajax .I want to prevent the above script from showing the busySign when any timer componenet is updating , what should I change in the above script to exclude some components?
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm using this code for my website to load pages dynamically:
It works great. However, I'm using a script for tooltips as well - when I load a page that has links/abbr's that need tooltips, the JavaScript doesn't run on them. My solution to this was to add a <script> in the #content of each page that needed tooltips, except that doesn't work either.
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Jul 12, 2009
I am using VS2008 C# with MVC architecture to build web application. I am using jquery and json to develop the application.I am making json call to server side methods using $getJSON(url, null, function(data){ }); like this.Now this function consumes some amount of time to load the data what I want is to show a gif image "loading" while all this functions finishes the display data task.
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