When you login to Paypal, it displays a progress bar type gif and then the page loads when the authentication is complete. How to implement this with js? How does js script know that it is time to proceed to the next page?
The only thing I am not able to see the loading gif functionality.. But as I said..
If I put an alert message in function showLoadingImg() or the make the red line uncomment (making the line a error), Then I am getting the loading gif functionality work..
But, all next functions fail due to above red lined error (if its uncommented).
I'm trying to make a list of tweets fade in and out progressively down the list. I'm pretty new to javascript and jquery, so I might be missing out on some basics.
1. How do I make the while loop infinite and loop around itself, because I'd like the tweets to loop around when it reaches the last tweet. I tried adding the if statement to make it go back to 0 but it hangs my page when I include it. 2. How do I make the loop not run altogether at once? I've tried queue() and putting in delay(4000) right before the .eq(n) so that it delays 4000ms before selecting the next tweet, but I'm trying to find a more elegant solution to it as the timing might be offset infinitely if there are changes in the timings.
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function() { var tweet = $j('#twitter-3 .tweets li').length; var n = 0; while (n <= tweet) { $j('#twitter-3 .tweets li').eq(n).delay(500).fadeIn(1000).delay(2000).fadeOut(500); n++; //if (n == tweet) { // n = 0; //}; };});
Could anyone please tell me if there is any way i can have the text "Menu Loading Please Wait..." appear while the js menu loads and then disappear after it loads?
I have php script that uploads a file. once i click upload it should display a animated GIF image or "Loading please wait" message with the backround transparent screen covering the whole page so that the user is not able to click anything during file upload. How can i do this?
I have php script that uploads a file. once i click upload it should display a animated GIF image or "Loading please wait" message with the backround transparent screen covering the whole page so that the user is not able to click anything during file upload. How can i do this?
I have report that takes about 5-10 seconds to generate depending on the load. I want to show the user a progress bar while it is being generated and when it's done, forward the browser to the report.
I have a select drop down that triggers a change event to update my database. I am new at programming, so hopefully I am overlooking something obvious. My Jquery code actually works as desired to update the database, but when I try to add a overlayed "loading, please wait" message to the user, I can't get it to turn off and the page freezes. debugging the javascript in Firebug, It seems this code returns a 404 status, so it makes sense to me that my overlay will not turn off, but seems strange that the code updates the database as desired. what is wrong with this code? How can I get the overlay to turn off?
i am using a sliding image gallery and want to indicate the selected thumbnail by showing a dot below the thumbnail. i am new to scripting and have been trying tweak the code i found (which had the thumbnails at 50% opacity when unselected and 100% opacity when selected), using that code, i'm hoping i can instead make an image of a dot show at 100% opacity when the thumbnail above is selected and 0% opacity when the thumbnail is not selected. here is the script where i think i can achieve this:
modify the script to prevent showing busy indicator
[CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = setupFunc; function setupFunc() {
above tis the script which shows up busy indicator whenever ajax request is in process. in my case I have some timer componenes which reloads after every 5 minutes through ajax .I want to prevent the above script from showing the busySign when any timer componenet is updating , what should I change in the above script to exclude some components?
I have some jQuery code working that does an AJAX post to the server and displays the data on the web page. Proud of myself! However, right at the moment, the user doesn't see anything happen when they click the button.
I would like to make it work like most modern sites do, whereby when you push the button, the previous results are greyed out, the submit button is disabled, and you get one of those nice little animations whizzing around, showing the user that something is happening. When the callback is complete, the results are displayed normally, the submit button is enabled and the animation disappears.
I need to get something fun! with setTimeout function!I am n00b! :D so be patent please.I need when <body onload="Myfunc();"> fires, that function should show "Please wait...!" or "Loading...". for , say 5 seconds!. then it disappear.I used setTimeout with that but it didn't do what I wanted!here is my code:
function Myfunc(){ document.getElementById("ss2").innerHTML = "Loading..."; setTimeout("Myfunc();", 5000);
how is it possible to make some changes to the loading webpage before it's shown to the user? Example: when a user clicks a link, I woud like to silently load the corresponding webpage, make some changes to html (e.g. embold the headers or translate some text), and only after that let the browser display the page.
I am trying to add a spin control to my quantity field before i add the ordered quantity to a shop cart array. The way its set up at the moment if you click the deincrement arrow it actually goes into negative numbers. (no good coz people cant order a negative number eh#$@#$@) This the
<head> Code <!---sPIN BUTTONS TO UP QUANTITY---> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeVal(n) { document.forms[0].quantity.value =parseInt(document.forms[0].quantity.value) + n; } </script> [Code]
I'm doing a job for a company called Timplex (double-u double-u double-u dot evanwhat dot cawm slash timplex) if you go to the portfolio page, you can see I'm having some trouble with the load times. It takes about a second to change from one picture to another. The images are uploaded to the site in an "images" folder. This is the [code]...
I'm about to launch a new site that features an info "drawer" that slides out. You can see it here:
I love it but I have one little aesthetic tweak I'd like to make and can't seem to find a jQuery plugin that can do it. When the drawer is closed I'd like to have that little arrowhead point up, and when it is open I'd like the arrowhead to point down. Basically a "toggle" depending on the state of the drawer. Currently that little arrowhead icon is a BG image but I could easily just make it a regular <img> if that helps.
i want to make a iframe page that loading a page from other site. I have try "jQuery iFrame Sizing" to set auto height in iframe... but it is failed.
This is my code : ------------- on Head <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/iframe.js"></script> on Body
I am writing a chrome extension.In this extension i append a img tag to the dom. Then i read the width and the height of the picture to adjust it to the viewport size. The problem is that when i read the dimensions right after adding the img tag i get zero with and height. I could fix that if i make a setTimeout between adding img and read size.
I am totalynew to jQuery, and i want to do the following on a website: Load the full page - wait a few seconds -fadein a DIV with a slideshow. I tried the following code, but somewhere there must be a big, big bug in my code. Idid not tryto build in the fadein of the DIV.
[code]The problem is, that sometimes I call get method, even before the data variable is fetched from server via ajax.[code]So I need sth, that delays the return of the get method. I tried delay, wait, etc, but nothing successfully. I managed to wait for the data, but I wasn't able to return the result.Is there some possibility how to wait for data? Because while(this.data === null){} isnt the right way, moreover it kills the browser
Trying to figure out how to get my simple page re-load to pause for a couple seconds before sending the request. I tried $.wait() and think this could possibly be what I need but seem to not be using it correctly, as I have not had any success getting it to work.
Is there a specific place to put the $.wait()? or should I be using something different entirely to get the script to pause before sending the request to reload?
I am using a custom dialog function which is called after an AJAX request to see if a file exists. This dialog shows a "Continue" or "Cancel" button and returns true or false depending on which button is clicked. It can also be switched between "alert" and "confirm" functions.
Here's the function: //Popup dialog function popup(message,mode) { // get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $(document).height(); var maskWidth = $(window).width(); // calculate the values for center alignment var dialogTop = (maskHeight/3) - ($('#dialog-box').height()); var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($('#dialog-box').width()/2); // assign values to the overlay and dialog box ..... $('#dialog-overlay').css({height:maskHeight, width:maskWidth}).show(); $('#dialog-box').css({top:dialogTop, left:dialogLeft}).show(); if(mode=="alert") { $('#continue, #cancel').hide(); $('#close').show(); $('#close').click(function() { $('#dialog-overlay, #dialog-box').hide(); return false; }); } else { $('#continue').click(function() { $('#dialog-overlay, #dialog-box').hide(); return true; }); $('#cancel').click(function() { $('#dialog-overlay, #dialog-box').hide(); return false; }); $('#continue, #cancel').show(); $('#close').hide();} // display the message $('#dialog-message').html(message); }
Here's how I call the function: success: function(result) { if(result==1) { if(!popup("<p>Plugin version exists. Overwrite?</p>","confirm")) { $('#file_upload').uploadifyCancel(); } else { $('#file_upload').uploadifyUpload(); }} else { alert("Doesn't Exist "); }
After a few tries I realised that the file was always being uploaded whether it existed or not. I then used the alert function to show me what is being returned from the popup() function and it was returning "undefined". Obviously the function isn't waiting for a response from the listeners. How can I change this so the function doesn't return until one of the buttons has been clicked?
I have a scenario where the user can click a delete button to remove a dynamic element from the page. Whent he button is clicked I want the element to slide up and then be removed from the DOM. I can't make this work however. I can either slide it up or remove it. how to force the remove function to wait until the animation is complete?