JQuery :: Uploadify - Passing Renamed File Back To Form?
Mar 23, 2011
I'm trying out uploadify to upload images & files. Got it all working fine and got it so that it inserts the filename as a hidden form element so I can grab the filename on post and insert into the database -
But I want to rename the file in uploadify.php and pass the renamed value back to the form, so far, I can only get it sending back the original file name.
I am using uploadify (a jQuery plugin) to upload files as I am adding clients to my DB. I would like to attach files to clients. The issue #1 is that the client is a new client so it has not been added to the DB just yet. I have overcome this by getting the next Client_ID in the DB.
NOW the real issue is that all files that are uploaded should be prepended with this ID...something like: (29) ---i would like the parenthesis as an added open and close of the client_ID----I have searched on stackoverflow and uploadify.com but can't make heads or tails on how to do this.
I NEED TO DO IT VIA JS, because of the fact that I am using the PHP elsewhere in my application and I don't want to change it, if at all possible.
so I am working on getting the file names that are uploaded through uploadify entered into a database table - I am using the method posted here . Supposedly after all the uploads complete, a hidden form field should be appended to my form (form1) with the name of the file that was just uploaded (in the onComplete call) - the problem is after the file is uploaded, I don't see any hidden form fields in the page source, and also the filename that is being returned is not the unique name (in the upload script). Here is the code:
So I want to perform a number of animations on a div on a click event. Then I want to perform a second set of animations, again on a click event.I'm using the same button each time, but changing the id to reverse the process. So the anchor starts off as '#more', then at the end of the animation, it becomes '#less'.The animations work when the anchor has an id of more, but not when it has an id of less. I'm wondering if there is a more graceful way of performing this function.There a test page up here:and here's the relevant code:
I have been trying to utilize a pre existing snippet of JS that makes a call to some PHP, where the PHP echo's out the answer, namely a dynamic quick search output, that gains its data from an xml file (which works as expected) and thought I might be able to rework the code to work for my altered purpose (which has been a disaster at every attempt) which is as follows:
1. I have a JS file called call4section.js - JS that has a string (str) value assigned (could be number or a combination of numbers and letters) which is passed to a PHP script called call4section.php.
2. The PHP script takes receipt of the string and finds a match within an XML file for the entry under <reference>.
3. The XML file has a format as follows:
<pages> <note> <section>value</section>
And well, I dont seem to be able to get any further forward with it. Effectively, I can echo out the $reply (if it worked I think), but my stumbling block is sending the starting string, with the JS expecting some reply sent from the PHP.
I'm trying to communicate between a parent document that is controlled through pure Javascript with an embedded IFrame containing an ASP.NET form. I can quite easily pass data into hidden fields in the IFrame and submit the form to pass data to the ASP.NET application.
Now the tricky part! (at least for me, probably not for everyone else!), how can I set a field in the ASP.NET page (using ASP.NET during a postback), which I can get the value of within the parent Javascript controlled page?
I am trying to create 3 elements on the fly when a button is clicked. The button is the show an upload form for images. I am using uploadify (first time using it) and I have several different upload type/options for them so I am sending id's to differentiate between them. The problem I am having is when trying to create the script tag which in turn controls the input file type tag, and it is baffling me. Here's the code first:
I'm using the uploadify jQuery plugin from here: [url] & am having some problems.
Everything is working correctly but the uploadifyUpload() function doesn't appear to be triggering. It is not accessing the add_list.php script whatsoever.
Here is my code from my header..
It correctly shows an alert box with "Correct" so I know it's getting in there to run it, but it just isn't running.
Shouldn't need to see this, but here is the errorCheck() function if interested..
Lastly this is the HTML code that calls it.. stripped out a lot of uneeded code for clarity.
Looking to parse the XML file a perl script sends back.I wantto get values from specific tags in the XML file. Here is my code:
The code seems to be getting hung up on the dataType: "xml", line because when I comment it out, it goes to the next step and executes the function (although it doesn't do anything). how I can change this or just take a different approach? Let me know if I can provide more information.
I am doing a JSON request to get data back from a PHP file. On the return of that data, I am using a for loop to go through the data and post it up using JS. Here is my code:
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) { //create a container for each comment var div = $("<div>").addClass("entry round").appendTo("#characters"); //add author name and comment to container $("<div>").addClass("details").appendTo(div); $("<span>").addClass("main-armory button").appendTo("div.details"); }
Now, what is happening, because there is 10 entries being posted, my JS is looking at the class that is being put together (main-armory button) and making it so that class appends every run through. So, I want one entry for main-armory button and I am getting this:
And then, when it goes down to the next entry, it has 9 spans, and then the next entry has 8 spans, and it continues all the way down. What is going on here that I am missing? I know that I am not clearing a variable properly or something is wrong within my loop.
i am devloping a website in php(5.3.5) mysql(5.0) jquery(1.6.1) i have syntax problem while transferring more than 2 values from jquery to php file ..but code dint work...when i try to transfer only 1 variable it works but not with more than 1 variable....here is the codes and the data syntax i tried to send:
Problem is, I can't access dataValues at the server side once I assign this same URL to the iframe.Is there any other way to POST JSON value through form submission without ajax? or any other way out, I am trying to download file that is based on some parameters and isn't a direct download link.
I wanna send a file thru the JQuery.load, I want it to work exactly like the regular post without the JQuery. So I can check the $_FILES['file']['error'] in PHP and all its features like I do without using JQuery.
$("#load").load('gerenciar_itens.php',{/* This is where I wanna pass the file. */}, function(data){ alert(data); });
I have a problem with the latest version of the jQuery Form Plugin (2.80). To be more precise, I guess I am doing something wrong, and with an older version (2.67) somehow it didn't matter.With the old version, the file was uploaded without problems. Now Firefox opens a new Tab on clicking the submit button and nothing is done. Chrome doesn't open a new tab, but also nothing happens. In Wireshark I can see that there is no file attached in the POST message with the older version, the file was sent.My first guess was that my file handling on the server side is erroneous - but on the other hand, when there is no file attached, what should I handle there?
I'm trying to get the full path of a file with a file uploader form with FF. I see HTML5 permits this but I cannot find any concrete examples to access this value from a normal html file uploader form.
Here is the issue I am having: In my project, I have a index.php page with a sidebar menu and a div id called œcontent.The user can select different menu items and perform searches from the database and make updates to their account. Im using ajax to load all of the menu items and all of the forms into the div id "content" on the index page. The Forms all load into the target div as they are suppose to with ajax.
However, on the mysettings page I have two forms and two different buttons, one called save and the other called update. When a user wants to edit their account information and makes changes to their account they clicks on either button and the form processes the information and updates or inserts data into the database correctly but the problem is that after that the form or page does not display the form back in the div id "content" like how it was loaded originally in the index.php page. The problem is that it reloads or refreshes the form page without the index.php page being involved. That is does not get reloaded or updated inside the index.php page content div again.
What I would like do is have all of my forms process whatever is submitted on the page and display the results back inside the same content div on the index.php page again. I know I am missing something because all of my forms are doing the same thing. I am hoping someone can help me out. I would be very grateful for example code that I can learn from since I am still relatively new to web development. I am posting some sample code below.
If i change away from a tab containing a partially completed form, then come back to it, all the changes are gone. I have set cache to TRUE so it's not re-loading the blank form from the remote, but it must still be reloading the tab content (ie. the blank form) from the cached copy in any case, so i still lose my changes. How can I keep my partly completed form when I switch to a different tab and then come back to it ?
I have just started learning JQuery and have a doubt in the below code. $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);The doubt is should the 1st parameter of the get function be a HTML file or can it be a unction name?