Ajax :: Loaded Form Processes The Form But Does Not Redisplay Back In Target Div?

Dec 9, 2010

Here is the issue I am having: In my project, I have a index.php page with a sidebar menu and a div id called œcontent.The user can select different menu items and perform searches from the database and make updates to their account. Im using ajax to load all of the menu items and all of the forms into the div id "content" on the index page. The Forms all load into the target div as they are suppose to with ajax.

However, on the mysettings page I have two forms and two different buttons, one called save and the other called update. When a user wants to edit their account information and makes changes to their account they clicks on either button and the form processes the information and updates or inserts data into the database correctly but the problem is that after that the form or page does not display the form back in the div id "content" like how it was loaded originally in the index.php page. The problem is that it reloads or refreshes the form page without the index.php page being involved. That is does not get reloaded or updated inside the index.php page content div again.

What I would like do is have all of my forms process whatever is submitted on the page and display the results back inside the same content div on the index.php page again. I know I am missing something because all of my forms are doing the same thing. I am hoping someone can help me out. I would be very grateful for example code that I can learn from since I am still relatively new to web development. I am posting some sample code below.


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Can't Change Radio Selection, AJAX Loaded Form

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to write a progressively enhanced web application. I have an index page and a form with some select boxes and some radio buttons on a different php page. Before enhancement occurs, the form is accessible via regular links and everything works as expected. No issues.

In the enhanced version of the application, the form is AJAXed into the index page. When this occurs, the select boxes in the form work perfectly. The radio buttons are initially unchecked and I can check one option as usual. However, once one is checked, clicking the other radio options does nothing. I am unable to check a different option.

Anybody got a clue what the problem is?

Using Chrome by the way. Firefox is the same as Chrome. In IE I can't even check a radio button the first time.

Here's the code that's ajaxed in:

<label>First Time Buyer Status
<!--These values can't be 1/0 because 0 stands for not set-->
<input type="radio" name="FTB" id="FTBYes" value="1" <?php $M->checkFTBValue(1); ?> title=""/>First Time Buyer


The PHP script you see there checks if the value on the server matches the value of the radio button and echo's checked="checked" if true. I thought this could be causing the problem initially but the exact same code is used in the non-enhanced version and it works fine. I tried commenting it out anyway but it makes no difference.

The only thing I can think of is that some javascript is preventing me from selecting a different radio option. That would explain why it works ok in the non-enhanced version because there is no JS there. I can't find anything that I've written that might cause this effect I'm using jQuerys form plugin on my pages. I'm going to try writing it out and see if that fixes anything.

In the mean time, is there a way I can check if any JS functions when I click on the radio button?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, there's so many different languages involved, I hadn't a clue where to put it.

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Ajax :: Loaded Form Search Or Submit Button Will Not Work

Nov 20, 2010

I load into a div on index.php page via AJAX another php page. Once that page loads, I lose all the function of that page. For example, I click on the search or submit button and nothing happens.

I am trying to create a site using mostly PHP and MySQL and I have integrated some AJAX functions into the site to load new PHP pages into a DIV called "dynamic" on the index.php page without having to reload the entire page. This is working great.

However, when I use the menu with the following hyperlink <a href="javascript: addContent('sample.php', 'dynamic')"> calling the AJAX code to load the sample.php page inot the the DIV dynamic, the sample.php pages loads into the DIV but the PROBLEM is that the submit, and or search functions on the sample.php page stop working.

I believe that this has something to do with using the AJAX code because it is Asynchronous. Perhaps I need to use live or event delegation.

Since I am new to webdevelopment and trying to learn best practices if anyone knows a good way to load PHP forms into a DIV on perhaps a index.php page and then have the form controls still work.

Also I have been using NuSphere PhpED for an IDE which has helped me step through PHP and MySQL code to solve problems real well. However, I would like to get a recommendation on a IDE to use with Java Script and AJAX. Part of my problem with resolving this issue is that I can't step through the code to see what is not happening..

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<form> Target Won't Target Window

May 19, 2011

i want to submit form data from the popup window, close the popup, and load in the main window. problem is, it always opens a new 'tab'. i'm using google chrome, i didn't think to try this in

in the <head> of the 'main' window:
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>


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Target For Form To Open In Same Window

Jul 23, 2005

I just want my form target to be another page but open it in the same
window. Here is my code for the 2 pages : Code:

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Target Upload Form Allows Only 1 Call?

Aug 8, 2011

On my page, I'm uploading photos. The form looks like this:

HTML Code:

<form action="addPhotoHandler.php" name="form1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="upload_target" onsubmit="return beginUpload()" >
<input multiple='true' onchange=' beginUpload();


It's supposed to execute on every file upload. The problem is that it only shows the last call after every file is done uploading. "File 3 of 3" or "File 16 of 16" and never anything in between.

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Adding Var Target To This Form Action?

Dec 21, 2010

adding var target to this form action Would This be correct?

var form = inp.form;
form.target = "_self";


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JQuery :: Target Dynamic Created Form Elements?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a form that has a table that adds rows dynamically, 4 columns with each having a form element. i end up with the following when the page loads, created dynamically:

<td><input type="text" name="datepicker0" id="datepicker"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="date_to0" id="datepicker" size="20"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="employer0" id="employer0" size="20"></td>


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Change Form Target Upon User Selection Of Country?

Feb 10, 2010

with the code details as to how this would be possible.

<form method="post" name="validate" action="internet_marketing_and_email_blasting_signup.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onmouseover="change(event,'../images/submit1.png')"


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JQuery :: Get Value Of Form Element On Ajax Created Dynamic Form

Dec 14, 2011

I'm working on a script that will produce multiple dynamic forms based on the results of an ajax request. The ajax request does a db query that will return 0 to x number of rows. For each row, a new serialized form is created. Since the forms do not exist at page load, I'm having problems getting the value of the form elements so that I can run other functions on them (update inputs and selects). I've stripped down everything so that I can show a basic example. In the example, how would I get the value of "#orderID"? The body contains a div (previousList) that has a list of items that when clicked will trigger the ajax query. It also has a div (line details) that will hold all of the forms that are generated.

<div id="lineDetails">
check it out </div>
<div id="previousFrm" class="ui-widget-header ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">
<h3>Previous Returns/Cancels</h3>
<div id="previousList">
<ul class="previous" id="returnList">
<li id="1000997" class="names">1000997: 101853</li>
<li id="1000995" class="names">1000995: 101853</li> .....
But callingconsole.log("order line value is " + $("#orderID").val());
results in 'undefined'.

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JQuery :: .form.js -> Multiple Simultaneous Ajax Form Submissions

Oct 21, 2009

I have a page with the following properties:

Several non-form input elements (a text field, a few buttons).

There is an "add file" and a "remove file" button. Whenever the "add file" is clicked, new_file_count is incremented and a form is created (ID: "nc-" + new_file_count, NAME: "ncform", enctype: "multipart/form data"). Whenever "remove file" is clicked, the last form is removed, and new_file_count is decrimented. Each form has a hidden submit element named "NEW_SUBMIT".

There is also a text field button, when it is clicked, a hidden field in each form is updated, along with the text in a span element within each form. This works properly.

Finally, there is the non-form "Check in documents" button. When this is clicked, the function LAC_NEW_CHECKIN_CLICK is called (see end of mail). This should iterate through each form, and submit it, and the alerts I put in the validation function would suggest it is doing that.

However, when the actual LAC_submit_checkin function is executed, the checkin is not being executed as AJAX (I'm redirected to the json output of the first form).

The AJAX setup/trigger is in LAC_submit_checkin

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Ajax :: Client Side Form Validation - Form Won't Submit

Feb 13, 2011

I've literally tried everything. Read 26 tutorials, interchanged code, etc. My validation functions all work. My AJAX functions work (tested manually using servlet URL's). The second servlet validates the reCaptcha form that's generated on my webpage. After the form is validated, even if everything's correct, nothing happens upon clicking submit. I even have an alert pop up if with the captcha result, just for middle-layer debugging purposes.

I want to do all of my validation clientside; none serverside. However, going to be tough if I can't get my god damn form to submit. I've been puzzled by this for close to 36 hours straight. I can't see, and I'm going to get some rest and hope that there is some useful insight on my problem when I return.


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JQuery :: Accessing Value In Ajax Form Without Submitting The Form?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a form. Upon submit, the data is sent to the server. Under certain conditions, the form is replaced via ajax with a set of radio buttons that offer the user a a choice.I need to access the radio buttons before I submit the form again.Normally I could just access the buttons with getelementbyid but it is not available, presumably because they were generated via ajax.I could submit the form just to access the radio buttons and then submit it again, but I'd like to avoid that.

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Submit Form Without Having Loaded Corresponding Page?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a device with embedded webserver. Its page offers to reset the device,with the following javascript function:

function Restart()
if (confirm("Your Web browser will lose contact with the
Are you sure you want to restart the camera?"))
var form = document.WizardForm
form.do_reboot.value = "yes"

Now I want to execute the reset function automatically on a timeschedule (every 24 hours, from crontab). How do I accomplish this? I guess I need something like the reverse of WGET - something like a WPUT or WSUBMIT, that talks to the embedded web server and submits a form with
do_reboot = "yes". However, I have never heard of any such tool.

How can I trigger the functionality in an automated way, without browsing the page and clicking the button manually?

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Clear Form On Back

Oct 23, 2002

I was wondering if its possible to clear a form after the form has been submitted. Like if a user hits the back button, I'd like the form to be blank. Is this possible?

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JQuery :: Access Form Loaded In Div Tag Using Load()?

Nov 17, 2011

I have loaded the form in div tag using load() like below.$("#empdiv").load("http://empdata.employee.net/empinfo.html"); Now, I want to access the input fields in the empinfo.html.

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JQuery :: Post Form Loaded From Another Page?

Jan 13, 2012

I am trying to use JQuery to submit a form without reloading the page. Although this works well with thejQuery Form Plugin on a standalone page I need it to work on a page I've loaded with AJAX.[code]...

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JQuery :: Using .serialize() On A Dynamically Loaded Form?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm creating an inventory management back-end for an intranet application.

The user has to indicate whether the item is "Non-Inventory" or "Inventory".

Each item type has it's own set of fields so this distinction loads the proper data entry form via:

The form loaded via inventory_form.html is:

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Can I Automatically Submit A Form As Soon As A Page Is Loaded?

Apr 19, 2005

I'm using an intermediate page to break up some data and assign it new names. What I then want to do is pass them onto to the next page. However, I don't want to use any method which involves sending them in a query string. So, in short, I want to automatically POST (ie no user intervention) the data.

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Form Update After Back Button ?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a pageA containing a form the user my fill in partially. All data is stored into cookies. He follows a link to pageB that contains some of pageA.form inputs. If he adds or change form data cookies are instantly updated. What I need is if the user goes back (back browser button) to pageA, the form here is updated from updated cookies. Only Firefox 3 does the job without extra code. Ive tried all sort of things I found on the web with Opera 10, Chrome and Safari 3.

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Detecting When A Frame Has Loaded The Result Of A Form Submit

Jul 20, 2005

In my application I have an iframe that is empty (and not visible)
initially, however when a user presses a button a form is
programmatically submitted and the target is set to the IFrame.

I want to detect when the frame has been loaded with the result of the
form submit.

Of course I have tried some event handlers like onload, onactivate,
onreadystatechange, but they do not work in this example. They only
seem to work, when the "SRC" attribute of the "IFrame" is set, e.g.
not when the IFrame is set as the target of the form.

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JQuery :: Passing A Variable Into A Form Loaded Into A Dialog?

Jun 30, 2010

I've made a made a lovely form which is loaded into a dialog upon clicking a link. Works fine, but I want something which identifies they URL clicked on initially (e.g. /stats.php?id=bob ) to end up as a hidden form field. Should be easy but I can't get the syntax/logic right.


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Hide Or Display Form Field When Page Loaded?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a form with three fields. When the user changes the value of field1, the form displays either field2 or field3. This works fine for NEW records.However, I'm running into a problem when trying to EDIT an existing record. When the form is loaded, I need to test the value of field1 and display either field2 or field3. I've tried using the form onload event, but do not know how to access the value of field1.I'm using Javascript and div tags.This is what I have so far.

<script type="text/javascript">
function hide(obj)
obj1 = document.getElementById(obj);


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Submitting The Form Back To Previous Window?

Mar 7, 2011

I am using some Javascript to open up a pop up window...

<script type="text/javascript">
function editText() {


This works fine and within that popup window I have the following:

<form action="index.php" method="post">
<textarea name="userInput" id="userInput" cols="32" rows="10"><?php echo $_SESSION['greeting'];?>

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Back Button Not Maintaining Form Data

May 4, 2010

I have a form with three select boxes. Box 1 has a variety of choices, but boxes 2 & 3 are empty. When the person selects an option from box 1, box 2 gets populated with choices. When the person selects an option from box 2, box 3 gets populated with choices.

This is handled with javascript through either onblur or onchange (still working on which will work best for this).

The problem occurs after pressing submitting the form and then pressing the back button. All fields maintain their data EXCEPT boxes 2 & 3.

How do I get it so that those two boxes keep the data like the rest of the form?

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Sending Feed Back Form Through HTML?

Jun 1, 2011

Actually I am on web project with html and java script and my problem is that I have send feed back form as E mail, is there any though which can I send My feed back as an email without using php or asp because I know how to email through but i have to send my form by using java script or html.

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