Ajax :: Client Side Form Validation - Form Won't Submit
Feb 13, 2011
I've literally tried everything. Read 26 tutorials, interchanged code, etc. My validation functions all work. My AJAX functions work (tested manually using servlet URL's). The second servlet validates the reCaptcha form that's generated on my webpage. After the form is validated, even if everything's correct, nothing happens upon clicking submit. I even have an alert pop up if with the captcha result, just for middle-layer debugging purposes.
I want to do all of my validation clientside; none serverside. However, going to be tough if I can't get my god damn form to submit. I've been puzzled by this for close to 36 hours straight. I can't see, and I'm going to get some rest and hope that there is some useful insight on my problem when I return.
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Sep 11, 2009
I have the following PHP code, which uses server-side validation, which works fine. It the user leaves the text field empty it stores an error in a session array which is outputted on the page where the $_GET['id'] variable came from. I also implemented a snippet of javascript code that just checks to see if the cell is empty and throws up alert box. The problem is that both the javascript code and php error validation are both running when I click submit. The PHP code should be a backup to the javascript code in case the user has javascript turned off. The client-side validation should be the default. Not sure if this change should be made in my PHP Code or Javascript Code.
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Jun 28, 2009
I have a form and i am using jquery validation plugin to validate form.now i want to after validation submit form using ajax.
here is the example.
<form id="frmRegister" action="" method="Post" >
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="" />
<input type="submit" id="btnRegister" name="btnRegister" value="Register" />
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Nov 4, 2005
I want to create a purely client side piece of dynamic html where if someone enters data on a form, the data is held on the form and the form can be saved off as an html file. Yet I find that with the code below, if one enters data in the text box and hits the enter key, the data vanishes. How can I retain the data on the form? Can I use some form of event handling to ensure the data is stored in the form fields?
<form name="myform">
Input1:<input type="text" name="box1"><br>
<input type="button" name="add1" value="Add1" >
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Jan 28, 2004
I'm trying to add a search feature into a literature review i'm converting to HTML for work. This is to be burnt to a cd and given to a client. At present I can only do a simple keyword search through the entire collection text (i'm NO programmer i'm afraid ), I need to add boolean features to this so that ppl can search for "word1 AND word2" sort of thing. Can anyone give me some pointers as to how I might accomplish this?
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Apr 8, 2010
On a client side HTML form, on hitting submit, I would like the data entered in the the form to be saved on the next available line within a .txt file.
For example, a basic HTML Form filled in as follows:
Name: Haze
Age: 400
Info: Hello World!
... on clicking 'Submit', the information would be saved to 'form.txt' on a new line, simply seperated by commas would be fine, example:
Haze, 400, Hello World!
If possible, the date and time the info was saved would really be great as well, example:
01/01/2010 9:41: Haze, 400, Hello World!
I might I cannot find anything on the internet for doing this client side.
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May 6, 2010
I have a problem where if a form submission (set up to submit via AJAX) fails validation, the next time the form is submitted, it doubles the number of post requests - which is definitely not what I want to happen. I'm using the jQuery ValidationEngine plugin to submit forms and bind validation messages to my fields. This is my code below. I think my problem is that I need to unbind from the validationEngine plugin when the form fails, but I can't figure out how to do this.
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Nov 12, 2005
Is there a way to read a csv database then transfer the relevant information into an html form field client side.
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Jan 13, 2005
what I'm trying to do is get the browser to display a warning if the file the user inputs is one of an array of allowed files (which is thoroughly checked server-side), but are wasteful in size (like .bmp .tif .avi .wav). I want them to be able to upload it if they want, but just to notify them they could save space by converting to a smaller format (as they pay per megabyte). So on submit I need to get the file input value, check the extension, and if its allowed but wasteful to display a message with a yes and no button, which would submit if they press yes and not if they press no.
I'm not very experience with javascript but I know a lot about php, but I don't really know what the equivalent functions are.
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Jun 25, 2002
I am creating the following using an array called $validate
<script Language="JavaScript">
function validateForm(theForm) {
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[company_name],"Company Name",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[contact_name],"Contact Name",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[phone_number],"Phone Number",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[address],"Address",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[city],"City",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[zip],"Zip",true)) return false;
return true;
Each field in my form is set to: form[field_name]. This is so when they submit I can grab the form array and it has all the fields they submitted. This seems to cause a problem with this javascript. It gives me an error at the first validRequired where form[company_name] is. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
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Sep 1, 2004
I have a form with 2 submit buttons, each with a different value attribute. I can tell which one was clicked after the form has been submitted but I need to check it client side. Here's why: I am doing form validation using the onSubmit event, but I only want to validate if one of the buttons was clicked and not the other.
What's the best way to do this? I thought about having a hidden form field that I set with the onClick of the button I don't want to validate. Is this the best way?
Here are my 2 input tags:
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Add reply">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Close">
I tried checking myform.Submit.value in my form validation but it comes up "undefined". I guess it isn't defined until the values are actually posted to the server. Or am I missing something here?
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Oct 28, 2010
I know that Javascript is client side, but I'd like to know the best way to populate HTML drop downs in real time based on information typed in the other HTML form fields with information found on the server as opposed to the client.For instance if a user wants to select certain files located in a directory on the server, as they type in the pathname supposedly containing the files the drop downs continually refresh themselves with the server files listed in that directory (if it exists, and apache has permissions to see what's inside) as if it was showing client files instead.
What would be nice is if my browser could continually query the server for some of its private information and not have to refresh itself to obtain it, whether that means the server-side would have to continually refresh itself makes no difference to me as long as the client-side doesn't have to. But I guess this is not possible because no matter what you would have to at least refresh the client-side page once?Submitting the form to a CGI or PHP script would not work because I need this functionality to help populate the form BEFORE I send it.I would like to not have to press a button to update the form every time I change the pathname and need to update the drop downs since this would be annoying.
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Sep 25, 2009
i am trying to help a friend on a program on client side scripting using javascript. i have the following code but i am not getting the output desired.
<Script language="JavaScript">
var usernameVal;
alert("username is invalid")
how to get value to usernameVal and then the post and submit. i have tried everywhere on net but in vain.I know basic javascript but not the client side scripting.
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Oct 2, 2009
I have a form with multiple fieldsets which are visible conditionally. There are three submit buttons "Abandon", "Save" and "Save & Continue". Each button should validate specific controls of the form and submit it. I tried setting "onsubmit: false" and checking for "$('#myForm').valid ()" on click of these buttons., but that validates all controls of the form.
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Jul 19, 2009
I'm using the Validation plugin for JQuery and was wondering if there was a function to submit the form without causing it to validate the form. I have a table with a list of radio-buttons and above that is a drop down list of states. The drop down list of states is used to filter the table rows and when the selected item changes it posts-back to the server (via $("#frm").submit()). I don't want this to cause any validation to occur. Is there another function I can call besides submit(), or some other method?
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Oct 12, 2009
I am making a call to a php file which right at this minute has no validation, all validation is been done by the jquery form plugin. the validation (xss prevention soon to be implemented) in the thanks fails I want to stop the processing of the form i.e. stop the return of success.
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Feb 22, 2010
My login to the site is being processed using ajax, which does a redirect to the members page upon succesfull loggin in.The login feature however can in fact take a while because we need to initialise quite some data when a user logs in (his details, but also his privileges are loaded, his personal menu based on these privileges are being loaded, we are loading shopping cart info, we are initialising personalisation settings, and a whole lot more.It sounds like a big thing, but it isn't, and once logged in, the application is going great. the only thing is that the login proceure can take 3 - 4 seconds, and I would like to be able to show the client the progress of the serverside script:
"Searching your account..."
"Validating your privileges"
"Initialising your personal menu"
To do this, I might just call an ajax call that starts the login procedure, and then issue another ajax call every 1 second or so to update the status based on some session variables I set in the login procedure and that I can serve to the client when th next ajax calls come in, but I would love for this to work a little nicer as in just needing to initialise ONE ajax call which can send back statusupdates from the server...
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Feb 21, 2009
I am beginner inthe programming , & I am trying to apply validation for different fields of a form, so that a user can get alert messages instantly at the time of mistake as if any form fields are empty or any Invalid values are entered. My validation is not working systematically & properly,the alert messages hangs the data entering process & some fields does not throw any alert messages & the process jumps over the remaining empty fields.Here is my code:-
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Mar 20, 2010
I am trying to use jquery's ajax framework to check if the data that is entered is valid or not. The form works properly except i cannot get the page to go to action="something.php" file in the form part.
I enter a company into the form and hit submit The form will send the data to my validate company.php file. Validate company will return either "good" or "bad" If "bad" the form works as expected. it will stop the function by returning false and alert you that it is already in the database If "good" the page just sits there, basically returned false. however if you click submit again on the html form the function will go through and do what return: true should do.
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Dec 6, 2009
I've a form. Before submit this forum i have to check if there are uploaded pictures for this form. I check the pictures with ajax. If there are no pictures the must come a alert (see below) otherwise the form must bu submitted with a post (regular submit, no ajax or something). It's working fine but only the formsubmit don't work. Someone who know this 'problem'?
<script type="text/javascript">
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Sep 21, 2010
What I would like to do is have 2 buttons to submit a single form. One button is to save the form for editing later the other is to process it.With...
$('form#form_main').submit(); })
I can get the submit button to work and the above button to work.The issue I am having is that I have jquery validation in the form and whenever I hit the SAVE button it wants to validate the form (which I dont want it to as I want it to save at any point in the form). Does anyone know of a quick way to bypass validation code in jquery. Say with using an ajax call and form submit or someway to say if the SAVE button is clicked ignore the validation plugin.
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Sep 16, 2010
I'll start out by confessing that I only dabble in javascript. But I need it in this case to validate information before allowing the item to be added to the PayPal cart.Here is the Javascript:
Code JavaScript:
function validateFields() {
var message = " ";
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Feb 5, 2011
Can't get form to submit but validation works... Even once the validation is accepted the form still will not submit.
Code HTML4Strict:
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Aug 23, 2011
I have an issue with my form validation working with a hidden submit button. My code below shows both the form validation and the form fields. My submit button should be hidden until the fields: FirstName, LastName, and Campus have been entered.
function formValidation(oEvent) {
oEvent = oEvent || window.event;
var txtField = oEvent.target || oEvent.srcElement;
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Jan 4, 2012
I'd like to know how to hide a form after a success validate with validation plugin. I'm try this:
submitHandler: function(form) {
When I submit the form, it is hidden a few seconds, but then it come back.
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Sep 29, 2009
I have built out a fairly rhobust app using jquery and jquery-ui all was going well until we started to bring different screens together inside a tabbed interface. Seems that now when we execute our validation code on one form its checking the fields of all other forms on the page.All of my forms do have unique ID's and all elements within all forms have unique ID's.My understanding of using this.find inside of the submit event was that it should only find the forms elements am I wrong? Method that performs the actual validation:
function validateForm(event){
var allOk = true;
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