HTML Forms And Client-side Validation W/ Server Data?
Oct 28, 2010
I know that Javascript is client side, but I'd like to know the best way to populate HTML drop downs in real time based on information typed in the other HTML form fields with information found on the server as opposed to the client.For instance if a user wants to select certain files located in a directory on the server, as they type in the pathname supposedly containing the files the drop downs continually refresh themselves with the server files listed in that directory (if it exists, and apache has permissions to see what's inside) as if it was showing client files instead.
What would be nice is if my browser could continually query the server for some of its private information and not have to refresh itself to obtain it, whether that means the server-side would have to continually refresh itself makes no difference to me as long as the client-side doesn't have to. But I guess this is not possible because no matter what you would have to at least refresh the client-side page once?Submitting the form to a CGI or PHP script would not work because I need this functionality to help populate the form BEFORE I send it.I would like to not have to press a button to update the form every time I change the pathname and need to update the drop downs since this would be annoying.
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Sep 11, 2009
I have the following PHP code, which uses server-side validation, which works fine. It the user leaves the text field empty it stores an error in a session array which is outputted on the page where the $_GET['id'] variable came from. I also implemented a snippet of javascript code that just checks to see if the cell is empty and throws up alert box. The problem is that both the javascript code and php error validation are both running when I click submit. The PHP code should be a backup to the javascript code in case the user has javascript turned off. The client-side validation should be the default. Not sure if this change should be made in my PHP Code or Javascript Code.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a few values and variables that I want to post to a server
(without using a SUBMIT button). Is there a way to post data from
within javascript - do sockets or connections have to be open for this
to work?
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May 26, 2009
I am building a client-side and server-side solution and want to use JSON through Ajax in both directions. I have ASP or JavaScript server-side, though Microsoft's support of server side JavaScript seems nil, so I am reluctantly conceeding to use ASP. I'd appreciate suggestions on available solutions to encode/decode JSON on the server-side (ASP or JavaScript). I don't plan to load jQuery server-side so that rules out plug-ins. I'd also like to know what is the latest client-side encode/decode for JSON. Is it built in jQuery or a plug-in? In both server and client, decoding JSON securely is key, so using eval () to decode is out.
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Jun 1, 2009
I am developing a web form using python cgi which has two list boxes. On selecting a value from the listbox1, the list box 2 should get auto populated with appropriate values (which are taken from the DB). I have written a javascript function to get the selected value from the list box1. But I am struck with passing the values from the javascript to the python function written in server side in which I have written the DB related stuffs.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a Hyperlink within a String like below:
sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "'Action' = '<center><a
href='+char(34)+'ChangeRequest.aspx?ID='+cast(Chan geRequest.ChangeRequest_ID
as nvarchar) +CHAR(34)+'>Open</a></center>',"
I want to invoke a Client side javascript function and pass the value
of the ID. How can I accomplish this such when a user clicks "Open" he
goes to a new window with the same ID.
I tried this but it does not work:
On Server side:
sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "'Action' = '<center><a href= 'javascript:
NewWindow('+cast(ChangeRequest.ChangeRequest_ID as nvarchar)+
On Client side:
function NewWindow(myID)
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Aug 22, 2011
On the server side I have a php generated session parameter.
I need to pass it to javascript on the client side page.
I saw on the web the following solution code...
I tried it but it did not work.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a web form that has a checkbox on it and a textbox associated
with it. I want the textbox to be displayed when the checkbox is checked
and I want this to happen on the client-side instead of posting back to
the server. The checkbox is a server control (asp:checkbox...). I can
write some codebehind that will display an alert message upon checking
the box that looks something like this...
Dim s As String
Dim scriptString As New System.Text.StringBuilder
chkExpDate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alertmsg()")
scriptString.Append("<script language=JavaScript> function alertmsg()
scriptString.Append("alert('hi'); }<")
scriptstring.Append("/" + "script>"
s = scriptstring.ToString()
Page.RegisterStartupScript("startup", s)
End Sub
I used this as a test to make sure the server control was running the
script. But, when I change the script to assess the value of the server
control checkbox such as checked = true, I get errors and if I just try
to display the asp:textbox, it doesn't work either.
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May 14, 2007
I had a import function which allow for user import data from excel file. The number of row was dynamic, mean that user may import hundred or data or may thousand of line.
should i perform client side or server side validate?
the problem i faced was if the import thousand of line, i need display out thousand of text (multiple by 6, cause 1 got 6 fields)
the take a lot of time to loading and cause browser "hang" (response slow)
any solution for me?
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Jun 16, 2010
I have the following client-side Content Management System VBscript which works great, now I'm looking at getting it to work server side so that I can update using online login rather than offline and having to upload files. To be honest, I have no idea where to begin with this,
Here's the full VB script:
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Jul 23, 2005
The only way i can think of doing such a thing is having an active
server page that returns an image, that is generated on the fly. As
long as there is no caching on the client this in theory will allow
the client to perform an action on the server and display an image
generated on the fly as a result of this action without actually
reloading the page, simply by requesting an image.
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Nov 16, 2011
what is the difference between client side JavaScript and server side JavaScript? Client side JavaScript is directly embedded in the HTML code...what about serve side scripting?
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Nov 29, 2005
I am developing an ASP.NET (C#) application and need some help. I wish
to call a server-side function (in the code-behind "file.aspx.cs") upon
a user clicking on the "X" to close the browser window. Is there a way
to postback and call a server-side function when this happens? I am
aware of the browser's native "onunload" event, but am not certain that
what I'm looking for is actually possible.
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Feb 22, 2010
My login to the site is being processed using ajax, which does a redirect to the members page upon succesfull loggin in.The login feature however can in fact take a while because we need to initialise quite some data when a user logs in (his details, but also his privileges are loaded, his personal menu based on these privileges are being loaded, we are loading shopping cart info, we are initialising personalisation settings, and a whole lot more.It sounds like a big thing, but it isn't, and once logged in, the application is going great. the only thing is that the login proceure can take 3 - 4 seconds, and I would like to be able to show the client the progress of the serverside script:
"Searching your account..."
"Validating your privileges"
"Initialising your personal menu"
To do this, I might just call an ajax call that starts the login procedure, and then issue another ajax call every 1 second or so to update the status based on some session variables I set in the login procedure and that I can serve to the client when th next ajax calls come in, but I would love for this to work a little nicer as in just needing to initialise ONE ajax call which can send back statusupdates from the server...
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Jan 13, 2005
what I'm trying to do is get the browser to display a warning if the file the user inputs is one of an array of allowed files (which is thoroughly checked server-side), but are wasteful in size (like .bmp .tif .avi .wav). I want them to be able to upload it if they want, but just to notify them they could save space by converting to a smaller format (as they pay per megabyte). So on submit I need to get the file input value, check the extension, and if its allowed but wasteful to display a message with a yes and no button, which would submit if they press yes and not if they press no.
I'm not very experience with javascript but I know a lot about php, but I don't really know what the equivalent functions are.
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Jun 25, 2002
I am creating the following using an array called $validate
<script Language="JavaScript">
function validateForm(theForm) {
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[company_name],"Company Name",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[contact_name],"Contact Name",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[phone_number],"Phone Number",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[address],"Address",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[city],"City",true)) return false;
if (!validRequired(theForm.form[zip],"Zip",true)) return false;
return true;
Each field in my form is set to: form[field_name]. This is so when they submit I can grab the form array and it has all the fields they submitted. This seems to cause a problem with this javascript. It gives me an error at the first validRequired where form[company_name] is. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
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Nov 4, 2005
I want to create a purely client side piece of dynamic html where if someone enters data on a form, the data is held on the form and the form can be saved off as an html file. Yet I find that with the code below, if one enters data in the text box and hits the enter key, the data vanishes. How can I retain the data on the form? Can I use some form of event handling to ensure the data is stored in the form fields?
<form name="myform">
Input1:<input type="text" name="box1"><br>
<input type="button" name="add1" value="Add1" >
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Jun 7, 2011
I have a multiple javascript files refered at the begning of the php page
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/application01.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/application02.js"></script>
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a form field that needs to be validated in a hidden Iframe which is driven by Coldfusion. Which is working fine. But the same form field also need do some client side validation as well if Server side (iframe) validation passes.I thought I could create a javascript function, in it call a server side validate and then client side, but without any success. It does not process in the order as expected. Javascript always go first, then the server side validation.I tried to delay the client side with time delay, then server side did process first, but client function could not recognize the parameter is the function:
Function doValidation(param1,param2,param3,param4)
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Mar 9, 2007
How can I, for example, retrive data from Profile object (or what so
ever) to some variable declared in javascript tag on client side?
For example, let's say I have this code in Some_Page.aspx:
Profile.Name = "Some Name";
And I have some variable in java script tag:
var someVariable;
How can I get this "Some Name" from Profile.Name to someVariable?
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Sep 4, 2011
I am creating a HTML page and mailing it to the user(client side). This html page contains a Table and a button. On button click, I would like to create another HTML page based on the detail in the table,dynamically on run time and Open the newly created HTML. I need to use javascript to achieve this functionality. I have no Server-Client Configuration. And I need to run the Javscript only on client side to process the First HTML's table data and Create a new HTML page. The output of the javascript should also be put in a table format in the newly created HTML page.
Here is some background information: The details from one server would be put into this first HTML along with a button. This HTML page is then mailed to Client side. The javascript in the HTML page then processes the Table data of first HTML. This can only be run at Client Side,once the user clicks the button and moreover I dont have Server-Client Configuration. I am creating a report and mailing it, For formatting purposes and for creating hyperlink to mailid's I chose HTML.
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May 5, 2010
am at a lossi just dont know how to do that
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Dec 14, 2009
I know at this point is that these is a difference in the array formatting between PHP and JS. The magic bullet is supposed to be json. However, this code does not work as advertised.
The variable $prt is list of associative arrays, so to get a value in a particular row manually , $prt[0]['location'] should give me the value for location in the first row of output. All of this works just fine if i hard code this in html and php. However, I want to dynamically produce the rows as needed which requires that a loop employed. The application also requires that the user may add a row which also need to be accounted for when posting.
I think the best solution is to make this a totally javascript entity. All I need to do is to be able to pass in the server side data. Calling JS from PHP does not work, although i have found many places where they show basically the same code , claiming that it works. think json needs a bit of tweaking to make this happen, but i'm not sure how to proceed.
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Sep 15, 2010
I have taken over from a developer who has used javascript to add additional text input boxes to a form so there is no limit to the number of input boxes there can be. I have got a jquery autocomplete function that works fine if the input box is added by the server but the listener doesnt fire when the text box is added client side. As with all things this is part of a much bigger project and I only want to change the smallest possible part (add autocomplete to this text input box) MY QUESTION: is it even possible fo ra jquery listener to fire when the input box has been written client side after the page has loaded? Is there a way to "refresh" a listenerto find the new tag that have been added?
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Oct 12, 2009
I am making a call to a php file which right at this minute has no validation, all validation is been done by the jquery form plugin. the validation (xss prevention soon to be implemented) in the thanks fails I want to stop the processing of the form i.e. stop the return of success.
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Feb 8, 2010
You can use JQuery's data method (e.g. $('#MyID').data('MyVar', 'MyValue');) to easily store/retrieve information.
However, I was wondering if it is possible for my PHP generated page to add HTML tags that initialize the JQuery's data method variables. Regularly, I want server side variables to be accessible client side. It would be very helpful if I could initialize data method variables during PHP page generation.
If this is not possible, are there any suggestions on how to efficiently communicate server side variables to client side?
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