JQuery :: Parse The XML File A Perl Script Sends Back

Jun 10, 2010

Looking to parse the XML file a perl script sends back.I wantto get values from specific tags in the XML file. Here is my code:


The code seems to be getting hung up on the dataType: "xml", line because when I comment it out, it goes to the next step and executes the function (although it doesn't do anything). how I can change this or just take a different approach? Let me know if I can provide more information.

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If Enter Any Invalid Characters, It Gives Error And Sends Back To The Phone Number Field?

Feb 8, 2010

I am working on a javascript code for validating phone numbers against 0's.The scenario is that, 1 ) If the phone number contains all 0's in it, an error message is displayed. Eg. 0, 0000, 000-000-0000, 000,0000000000 etc..2 ) Phone number should only take digits [0-9] and some delimiters ()-,.+ "All other alphabets and special characters are not allowed.Eg. 01, 102-125-0214, etc.. ( allowed ) sjjlkjkj, xllfs -09-49- ( not allowed )3 ) The code I have written is as below -

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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JQuery :: File Upload - AjaxSubmit Sends Response To Wrong Window In IE

Jul 28, 2010

I am using ajaxSubmit from the jquery.form plugin for a file upload. Obviously my form contains a file input element, and therefore it needs to be submitted to an iframe and have its response read from the iframe (since xhr won't work with a file input). This is built into the jquery.form plugin and is working fine in firefox. However, when I submit my upload with IE, it is still acting like the form was submitted to the main page -- not the iframe. The response is just some JSON string indicating the results of the file upload.

In firefox, the upload runs, the json response comes back to the iframe, and then the callback reads the response from the iframe and updates the page. In IE, the upload runs and then the json response comes back to the main page as a text file...so IE pops up a window asking me if I want to download or open the file. Does anyone know why my JSON response is coming back to the main page and not the iframe?

Here is some of the code. The only semi-funky thing that goes on here is that the form is not set with a multipart encoding originally. This is because the main page's form submit should not be multipart. I set the form as multipart right before the fileUpload, and then before the main form is saved I reset the encoding. As far as I can tell this part is working, though...since the file is uploading no, problem; it's just the response that isn't being read correctly (or directed correctly?)

Here is a code snippet from the code that runs when the upload button is clicked.

// set the encoding to multipart. I've heard IE can be wonky, so it's set in two ways.
form.setAttribute('encoding', 'multipart/form-data');
form.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');


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Return Value To Perl Variable In Cgi File?

Jul 28, 2009

I want to check whether the flash is installed or not on client so i have a javascript function which does this , now i want the resultant variable from this function to return to perl variable in cgi file. i dont want to use form submit because i dont need it. i simply have to take decision for further coding depending on this variable returned from javascript. :cry:the way i m doing is,cgi file,

require './draw_pie.pl';


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Read JS Data Only File With PERL?

Mar 22, 2011

I have posted a question I believe that relates more to the PERL language, but it has to do with reading an external data only javascript extension file. [URL]

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Jquery :: File Tree- How To Parse File Path

Apr 15, 2011

I have set up a script on my page which automatically reads the files in a specific directory on the server and displays them in a nice file tree on my website so users can download the files. Here is the script: http://abeautifulsite.net/blog/2008/...ery-file-tree/Here is the script in action on my website: http://ligonier-in.org/onlineservice...ents_test.htmlThe plugin is working fine as far as finding the files and displaying them. However, the root folder where the files are stored is not the directory you would go to to access the actual files.

Long story short, the script is trying to download the file at
I need to 'parse' that url and force it to download the file from:


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JQuery :: Load And Parse Remote Json File In Local Machine?

Jul 26, 2011

How can Iload and parse a json file saved in our remote serverfrom my local machine? I can load and parse the copy I saved in my local machine, but I can notwork with the remote copy. The following is the code I tested:



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Can Parse A Xml-file Into A Html-file

Aug 3, 2011

how I can parse a xml-file into a html-file containing javascript without using iE to get various informations out of the xml-file.(The xml contains geocoordinates which I want to have displayed in Googlemaps using the Gmaps API for javascript).

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JS Call To PHP To XML File Back To PHP And Then Back To JS?

Mar 16, 2010

I have been trying to utilize a pre existing snippet of JS that makes a call to some PHP, where the PHP echo's out the answer, namely a dynamic quick search output, that gains its data from an xml file (which works as expected) and thought I might be able to rework the code to work for my altered purpose (which has been a disaster at every attempt) which is as follows:

1. I have a JS file called call4section.js - JS that has a string (str) value assigned (could be number or a combination of numbers and letters) which is passed to a PHP script called call4section.php.

2. The PHP script takes receipt of the string and finds a match within an XML file for the entry under <reference>.

3. The XML file has a format as follows:



And well, I dont seem to be able to get any further forward with it. Effectively, I can echo out the $reply (if it worked I think), but my stumbling block is sending the starting string, with the JS expecting some reply sent from the PHP.

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JQuery :: Load And Parse Data From Txt File With JQuery.get()?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm trying to access data from a .txt file, and parse that data with jQuery. My .txt file is written like this:


If I use jQuery.get() I do see the data but I want to parse through that data so I can get name and value pairs. This is what I used:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.get('http://www.example.com/test.txt', function(data) {

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Parse Text From External File

Oct 9, 2009

I currently have a web applet in straight up Java that allows for a user to interact with a flowchart. I need to convert it to pure Javascript due to technological restrictions on technologies I can use on the school's servers. My original applet parses information from text files that contain information about courses, descriptions, credit hours, etc. I've been googling to see if there is a way to use Javascript to parse these same files for information, but my google-fu is failing me.So my question -- is it possible to, using Javascript, read information out of an external file?

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Regular Expression: Parse File Name

Nov 15, 2005

I'm trying to take the value of a file input field, parse it down to the file name and write the contents into a table cell.

It works, but my regEx isn't quite right

Can someone tell me what's wrong with it?

basically I need everything from the end of the string to the last

right now the expression evaluates to true, not the string.


function storeIt(){
var filePath = document.getElementById('Browse').value;
var fileRegExp = /*.*$/;
var fileName = fileRegExp.test(filePath);

document.getElementById('fileTitle').innerHTML = fileName;

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Parse XML File From Network Share

Apr 2, 2010

I have a web page that is not and will not be hosted on a web server. So no PHP, ASP solutions will work here. The method of access is File://. We only run IE 7/8 so no solutions that are firefox only. Here is what I want to do: Use javascript to build a table by reading a XML file stored in the same folder. When I try to use something like:


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Read Text File - Parse - Split - Put In Array

Oct 22, 2009

I am very new to javascript and programming and I need a little direction. I have working a javascript that reads the value of radio buttons and writes them to a text file. My code is at [URL]. The text file has the following format:


What I need to do is have javascript read the text file (c: estfile.txt) and put each section of information (name, comments, numbers, etc.) into an array. Then, add the number from each columns up. For example, the first number from Name and the first number from Name1 is 5 +1 = 6. This sum is then added to another array that can be printed on the screen. I know this is a lot of information.

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JQuery :: $.post Cross Domain First Sends An OPTIONS Verb?

Sep 25, 2009

I use $.post like so: $.post("http://mydomain.com/some/webservice", $.toJSON({ emailAddress: emailAddress }), callback, "json"); this works great..the response of the POST is a json string and that is used in the callback..now I added https: $.post("https://mydomain.com/some/webservice", $.toJSON ({ emailAddress: emailAddress }), callback, "json"); so it is now a cross domain post...in firebug I see that instead of POST'ing like in the http case..it first is sending an OPTIONS verb..why? The webservice doesn't know how to respond to that and gives a 403 forbidden...I need it to just send the POST like it did when it was on the same domain...

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JQuery :: Auto-Complete Sends Null To Server Side Function?

Oct 7, 2009

I'm using the AutoComplete Plugin with ASP.NET MVC For some reasonthe client side input value is NULL when it reaches the Server method.

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JQuery :: Uploadify - Passing Renamed File Back To Form?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying out uploadify to upload images & files. Got it all working fine and got it so that it inserts the filename as a hidden form element so I can grab the filename on post and insert into the database -

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
'buttonImg' : 'images/browseBtn.png',


But I want to rename the file in uploadify.php and pass the renamed value back to the form, so far, I can only get it sending back the original file name.

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JQuery :: JSON Request To Get Data Back From A PHP File - For Loop + Append / AppendTo

Oct 1, 2010

I am doing a JSON request to get data back from a PHP file. On the return of that data, I am using a for loop to go through the data and post it up using JS. Here is my code:

for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
//create a container for each comment
var div = $("<div>").addClass("entry round").appendTo("#characters");
//add author name and comment to container
$("<span>").addClass("main-armory button").appendTo("div.details");

Now, what is happening, because there is 10 entries being posted, my JS is looking at the class that is being put together (main-armory button) and making it so that class appends every run through. So, I want one entry for main-armory button and I am getting this:

<div class="details"><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span></div>

And then, when it goes down to the next entry, it has 9 spans, and then the next entry has 8 spans, and it continues all the way down. What is going on here that I am missing? I know that I am not clearing a variable properly or something is wrong within my loop.

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JQuery :: JQuery.post() Sends Wrong Charset

Sep 25, 2011

I made a request to db via jQuery.post(). Generally it works as it should, but if I use german special characters, they are treated wrongly. For closer examinations, I set up a new file without db-access, only displaying regular and special chars. I checked the characters after reading the value of text-input by alerting it. At this moment, it is correct! The issue happens when jQuery gives the variables to POST (its the same with GET). The target-file can read only wrong characters from POST. I crosschecked it by submitting data by a standard form. Now, the POST is read correctly. Special chars, which are echoed explicitly (not questioned by POST) are given back correcty

- I defined charset it in html header and tried other charsets - always the same.
- Adding the accept-tag to inputbox didn't help.
- Redefining charset in target-file didn't help.
- Adding the charset-tag to the jQuery including script didn't help.

So, I think, the code is correct but there is an issue with the charset. And it is definitley at this moment, when transfering the variable to the POST.

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Ajax :: Sends Multiple Requests

Aug 19, 2011

I have a jsp page using ajax that has a button with an action. The action sends multiple ajax requests. The response from these requests is to be used to update a progress indicator to show the servers current progress. I can see from the debug that I am getting the 1st response. I think it is the way how I have implemented the further requests. I think this is down to my javascript knowledge, which isnt very much. Also I assume using multiple requests in this way is the correct thing to do? I have spent ages trawling the internet trying to get a solution.

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Pass The Variable (1/0) Back To The File?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a form, I have successfully passed the username from jquery

$.post("http://www.photographycourses.co.uk/cpl/cplfunctions.php?action=checkUsername", { username: username} );

to php script. The php script checks the database to see if the username exists:

if ($num >=1){
echo= 0;
echo= 1;}

How do I pass the variable (1/0) back to the javascript file?

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JQuery :: Internal Server Error 500 Thrown From Perl Script

Feb 25, 2011

I have a perl script which is called via Ajax. It simply writes 3 values to a database. The code works fine (values get written successfully) but I get an "Internal Server Error" thrown. The Errorlog says "premature end of script headers". There was no problem with the application - it works as required and has for a few months - but I noticed the error via Firebug when testing something else.So I started stripping perl out of the script in an attempt to locate the problem .. and continued till I only had only had two lines left .. the shebang and exit .. I still get the 500 error. Running the script direct from a browser gives the 500 error in the browser window ... from the command prompt it's fine - ie. nothing in the apache errorlog.

There is nothing wrong with the server configuration - it has hundreds of perl scripts and has been running for years.

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JQuery :: Call Back Function - Should The 1st Parameter Of The Get Function Be A HTML File

Jun 23, 2010

I have just started learning JQuery and have a doubt in the below code. $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);The doubt is should the 1st parameter of the get function be a HTML file or can it be a unction name?

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Set A Cookie For This File Location, But When Leave The Site And Come Back, It Doesn't Work?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to set a cookie for this file location, but when I leave the site and come back, it doesn't work. Why?

<title>Return file directory</title>


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Perl Cgi And Javascript Syntax Please

Jul 30, 2009

I just need someone to tell me what the proper syntax is for calling a perl sub from another perl sub.. in trying to use onClick to call a sub in Htmlform() .. but its not working... the cgi works fine.. the mySql parts work fine.. more specificallyprint start_html(-title=>'Lab 6',-scrip=>{-language=>'PerlScript', src=>'mySqlProg.cgi'});i dont know if the above is the corect syntax in relation to thisprint "<button type='button' value='view' onclick='show_entries();'>Show Table Values</button>";

use strict; use warnings;
use CGI qw/:all/;


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Perl Program Problem

Jul 31, 2001

I have a problem with my perl program - it is not able to display the output of vowel count and word repetition count from a text file.
The whole Perl program is supposed to read a paragraph of text and calculate followings based on the text:

1. number of empty spaces.
2. number of words in the text.
3. number of vowels in the text (a,e,i,o,u)
4. number of words with repetition in the text

Example output:-
No. of empty spaces: XX
No. of words : XX
No. of vowels -
a:: XX
e: XX
o: XX
u: XX
Words with repetition-
Word 1 : XX
Word 2 : XX
..... ....
..... ....

Here below is the program so far:

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