JQuery :: JSON Request To Get Data Back From A PHP File - For Loop + Append / AppendTo
Oct 1, 2010
I am doing a JSON request to get data back from a PHP file. On the return of that data, I am using a for loop to go through the data and post it up using JS. Here is my code:
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
//create a container for each comment
var div = $("<div>").addClass("entry round").appendTo("#characters");
//add author name and comment to container
$("<span>").addClass("main-armory button").appendTo("div.details");
Now, what is happening, because there is 10 entries being posted, my JS is looking at the class that is being put together (main-armory button) and making it so that class appends every run through. So, I want one entry for main-armory button and I am getting this:
<div class="details"><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span></div>
And then, when it goes down to the next entry, it has 9 spans, and then the next entry has 8 spans, and it continues all the way down. What is going on here that I am missing? I know that I am not clearing a variable properly or something is wrong within my loop.
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Nov 2, 2011
I'm creating a JSON script to pull and append its data to a table, but its not doing anything for some reason. The JSON:
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Dec 9, 2011
I am analyzing header tags for submitting forms online in order to better understand how htmlhttp forms work- signing in to gmail, yahoo mail, and amazon, using the network tab of google developer tools, to view the http headers of requests and responses, and learn where they come from. I am seeing very peculiar behavior in my browser's (chrome)request headers when signing into amazon. The form data, always has the following two header names appended to the second and third to last places of the form data query: x=(some random number), and y=(some random number).
There are no input tags getting dynamically generated,since when i tell google chrome to break on all subtree modifications, the site still sends off the post with the added parameters before anything gets modified, BEFORE crashing. There also is NO ajax call which is causing dynamically added data to be appended to the form post.My question is this: is there any way, using javascript, to instruct a browser, to append data as data, to a form post, WITHOUT the use of dynamically appended input elements, or ajax?
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Sep 30, 2009
I've been racking my head for two days trying to find a solution for this. I'm using jQuery.ajax() to grab values from the database to update a <select> box when another <select> box is changed. The php script grabs the values from the database and then spits out json. IT works fine in FF but in all versions of IE the select box doesn't get updated. I've confirmed that the json being output is good.
Here is the jquery:
function getVendors(dest,selectSup)
var vend = $('select#sup').val();
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Sep 11, 2010
I have a html file that I want to load, loop through the json data and for each json entry I want to add a new block of the html and insert the json data into the matching div/class of the html. json looks like this:
{"Super" : [{"Name" : "John Doe", "Age" : "30"}, {"Name" : "Jane Doe", "Age" : "40"}]};
html looks like this:
<div class="Name"></div><div class="Age"></div>
So for each json entry of name/age, I want to insert that into the html, and then add another row, until all json data has been fetched. After this I want to insert all of this into #box, which is just a divthat should contain that html. Looping like this obviously does not work, since I just keep replacing the same html through the loop.
var jsonData = {"Super" : [{"Name" : "John Doe", "Age" : "30"}, {"Name" : "Jane Doe", "Age" : "40"}]};
$.each(json.Super, function() {
$('#box .Name').html(this.Name);
$('#box .Age).html(this.Age);
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Feb 22, 2011
I have the following data structure (shown in code view below) coming back from a query. How can I loop over this and create an <li></li> for each record on the client side?The end result should be :
<li><a href="page.htm?id=1
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May 4, 2010
I think I have a varialbe scope problem here, but I can't figure it out. What I'm trying to do is extract a piece of data from a JSON file using a variable established earlier in the script as one of the keys.
When I run this script I get the alert that lets me know that the variable "theMappableItem" has been established correctly. I click "OK" in the alert box. Then in my console (in firebug) I see a line showing that the .json file has been gotten successfully. Next in the console is an error that says:
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Jul 12, 2009
I have a form that asynchronously submits to a PHP file. The PHP file returns the following:
PHP Code:
echo json_encode($array);
In my Console, I see the following:
{"groupname":"XYZ Group","id":4}
How do I display that JSON code through jQuery code?
Here's the jQuery code I have so far:
$.post("addgroup.php", { groupname:f.groupname },
$("#groups tr:last")
.insertAfter("#groups tr:last")
.html("<td class='tbldata'>"+ /* Returned JSON data (groupname) */ +"</td><td class='tbldata'> /* Returned JSON data (id) */ </td>");
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Jun 2, 2009
Scenario:i have a user form, and want to modify user details. all user details are from json file. Prob:how can i modify external json file with its updated user details? or what available function to be used?
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Aug 14, 2011
Is Json considered the better file format for loadind data via Jquery AJAX? I am going to use it either way, but from a cutting edge stand point, is JSON looked at a more cutting edge since it loads faster. 2. And for that matter is anyone using css3 and E4X? All these seem to require the latest versions of all browsers. Since my goal is to be cutting edge I was thinking to do some stuff in the above listed that require only the latest browser if it is detected, if not use what works in most all browsers? What are cutting edge web app developers really doing at this time?
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Oct 16, 2010
Using json to gather some data. Here's abridged version:
var ids = new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);
for(var i=0;i<ids.length;i++) {
var site = '/ajax/get_feed' + '/<?=isset($dashboard) ? $dashboard : ''?>/' + ids[i];
var divID = ids[i];
getJSON(site, divID);
I remove the ajax loader image, then append data.result, where result is an html string. I want to animate the new content... I've never done something like the following,
$('#twitter img.ajaxloader').fadeOut(); $('#twitter').addClass('lefttext').append(data.result).fadeIn('slow'); I know this doesn't work. Essentially what I'd love to see is for my $('div.row') (the html string returned is wrapped inside a div with a class='row') to animate much like an accordion does when it opens. Just not sure how to get there.
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Sep 17, 2010
I am trying parse a json request.
The json response is
I have tried to console.log the item in a number of ways including: arrayToParse[item] item[1] item[0]
I either get the key of 1,2,3 or undefined. How do I get the values in this scenario?
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Oct 23, 2011
Im updating a div with a ajax json dataType request i need the div to update to tne new request each time the option input is changed the problem is the div is updated but the first request is in it then the second then the third...so the div keeps on getting populated with each request how can i make so the div is polpulated with each request and not every request added to it? try with many stuff:append, remove but cant get it to work.
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May 8, 2009
I use append() to add html fragments to a page dynamically. This works fine until the user navigates to another page and then clicks on the browser back button. The dynamically added html fragments are no longer visible. I read somewhere that dynamically added elements are not remembered by the browser and therefore the back button will only render the original page (without the dynamically added elements).
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Nov 4, 2010
I have troubles with a simple jQuery.ajax-request which looks like this:
type: "GET",
url: "[URL]",
//url: "[URL]",
data: "",
success: function(data, status) {
dataType: "json"
I test this with two different url's:
The first url works and I get json-data in the data-object. The second url gives a "parseerror", and I can't figure out why. As far as I can see (and using a json-validator) the second url returns valid json, so what's wrong?
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Mar 28, 2011
I got a problem with a json response from an ajax request.
I have the following code :
And the called page (ajax_sous_famille.php) is giving me this result :
The info in the resulting string is correct, but here you can see the [ ] at the start and end of the line. It seems not to be a correct Json string and then it crashes my script !
I have another request like this which gives me the good format of resulting data (without the [ ]) and which works perfectly when i decode the Json string to display it.
The difference between the 2 requests is that the one which works returns only 1 array of values like
And the second one which doesn't work returns something like
Actually, all the records are coming from a database and in the case it doesn't work, i wanna get several results from this database.
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Apr 11, 2010
i'm trying to get a JSON-request from this API: h
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Apr 21, 2010
So I have a function that is going to get a URL, and have to retrieve json data from that URL. The URL _might_ be same-domain, and might be cross-domain. If it's cross-domain, of course I want to do jsonp complete with the script-tag-to-load and such, but if it's same domain of course I want to do just xhr for efficiency. So I _could_ write all my own logic for this. Write logic to see if the url is cross-domain or not, and then make entirely different $.ajax() calls depending.
(I think I need to use $.ajax() rather than $.getJSON() because I need a callback on failure, not just success). If it is cross-domain, use dataType:jsonp, and make sure to supply a &callback. If it's not cross-domain, dataType:json, and don't even bother supplying a callback. But I'm having trouble figuring out if this is true, or how. What's the easiest way to get $.ajax() to make a dataType:json request if it's same-domain, but a dataType:jsonp request if it's cross-domain?
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Oct 24, 2009
I'm using some jQuery to work with the Last.FM API, and I'm stuck where I need to allow the user to run the JSON request a second time after the page loads (it loads once automatically when the page loads, the second time is when they push a button). What happens currently, is the JSON function is fed some default data when the page loads:
username: 'UserName',
from: 1254369600,
to: 1256184000,
apikey: 'myApiKeyHere',
onComplete: function(){
The JSON function:
$.fn.lastFM = function(options) {
var defaults = {
username: 'Verdani',
apikey: 'e4f3bb251d13179bf7ce80a089fb3d0c',
onComplete: function(){}
settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); .....
You might have noticed in the JSON, I write the URL the JSON is requesting to the console every time it runs. When I click this button, a new URL pops up in the console below the first one but only for a second, and then the page reloads and the original JSON request is called. It's this loop that I can't seem to break out of - why does re-calling the JSON refresh the page?
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a JSON structure in API.When I call the API in my code it returns as the same JSON .I have to print this JSON result as table with pagination in Javascript. The table should be dynamic with previous and next buttons and the table should populate the results according to the JSON and each page should have 20 entries and then the remaining entries should go on the next page and I should be able to go back and forth in the table using previous and next respectively.tell me the exact code of how to start with getting JSON from the API and then write the JSON data in the form of dynamic table with pagination.
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Apr 7, 2010
I have a problem which I am not able to solve. I read a lot and tried many things but without being successful. Mhh.. The problem I struggle with is a simple .toggle() of a DIV. This is working fine. But now I do an ajax request and get the response back from my javascript ajax implementation (I'm using ajax anywhere). Within this implementation I work inside a callback routine which makes it possible accessing the response before updateing the DOM. Inside this routine I want to .toggle() but this is not working. It happens just nothing. I also do not get any javascript errors. As soon as the request is completly done I am able to .toggle() again.
When I am accessing the DIV by using jquery ($('#div_id')) it is referenced to the correct object within de document. Only the .toggle() does not work. .hide() for example is working fine.
Background: I am doing this like this, because I want to know if the response contains validation erros. If so I leave the DIV with the form inside as it is an highlight the error. Otherwise (no errors) I close the div with .toggle(), update the dom with the new form and open the DIV again.
Many reports are facing a problem that they lose the jquery binding. But this is not my problem as far as I understand.
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Oct 26, 2011
I have just started to learn about JQuery and wanted to learn how to retrieve data from an API.
I used the Flickr example provided here [url] and just changed the relevant code to point to the 500px api.
If I launch the following URL I do get the results properly [url]
Here's a sample of what the result looks like:-
I don't get any results when I run my code page. What am I doing wrong?
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Jan 30, 2010
I've the following JSON string generated with random Name and Location:
{"Super" : [{"Name" : "UOBRSVTG","Location" : "WADTXVBAAL"},{"Name" : "WMWYIOLD","Location" : "DVVRGSEQBS"},{"Name" : "QZLOPGCW","Location" : "TISSQSJQRA"},{"Name" : "ZVGNGPRX","Location" : "LETLPHUJKA"},{"Name" :
Now I need to loop through this JSON string and get each "Name" and "Location" values and use it as in my functionality.
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Feb 22, 2011
I am trying to get the latitude and longitude from a json structure which i got over this google maps geoencode api (v3) - 2 addresses -> it looks like this....
[{"status":"OK","results":[{"types":["street_address"],"formatted_address":"Moserhofgasse 36, 8010 Graz, Austria","address_components":[{"long_name":"36","short_name":"36","types":["street_number"]},
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Oct 13, 2011
The following request isn't retrieving a response when I look for it in Firebug. Any ideas why?
//json request to flickr
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Sep 28, 2009
I'm sure this is a simple matter, but i cant seem to work out how to loop through a multi dimensional JSON object (where the keys are unknown). [code]...
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