JQuery :: Parse A Json Request ?

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying parse a json request.

The json response is

I have tried to console.log the item in a number of ways including: arrayToParse[item] item[1] item[0]

I either get the key of 1,2,3 or undefined. How do I get the values in this scenario?

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JQuery :: Parse Content From An Ajax Request?

Feb 26, 2011

I want to do a Ajax GET request and then parse the resulting HTML to get a list of products from that page:

$.get("http://www.americanas.com.br/busca/baskervilles?dep=256705", function(data) {
var domData = $(data);
alert($("div.hproduct", domData).length);

This doesn't work. I get an error ("div is null") right on the first line of the function. The error is from jquery code.

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JQuery :: Can't Parse JSON Results

Jan 4, 2012

I am having difficulty displaying a specific key from a json file. I am trying to parse the following json file using query:


I am using this type of function to parse the data:

<!--add a paragraph tag to the results div and enter the speficied key-->
$("#results").append('<p>Result: '+ route +'</p>');

Using this I am able to print all the keys from the route but I am not able to print a specific key.

What I want to do is just get the results for the key "fuelUsed" using this method:

$("#results").append('<p>Result: '+ route.fuelUsed+'</p>');

But I never get back any data that way. Am I not specifying my key correctly?

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JQuery :: Parse A Json Object?

Oct 8, 2009

Supposed that I have a json object but I don't know anything about its keys and values. Is there anyway to print out all the key and value pairs in that object?

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JQuery :: Can't Get JSON.parse To Work

Nov 11, 2010

I can't get JSON.parse to work. For example with:


I get: "SyntaxError: JSON.parse"

I have put up an example at:


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JQuery :: Parse A JSON Response Array?

Feb 26, 2011

How can I adequately parse a JSON response I'm getting from the server, which happens to be an array?

The array I'm getting back is actually this one:


I believe this one is valid JSON, but my attempts to parse it are always failing when I do it like this:

function(data, textStatus, xhr)
var photos = jQuery.parseJSON(data);

The above code displays 'null', and the documentation says a null occurs when the JSON isn't valid. so, what's going on ?

I need to know the codes to parse as well as access the values in the parsed response.

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JQuery :: Forcing JSON Parse By Headers

Aug 5, 2009

I am submitting a form via AJAX. The form may either return HTML (when there are input errors) or JSON (successful response). If during request I specify "dataType: 'json'" then HTML doesn't get thru correctly, if I don't then JSON is displayed as plain text. I am sending the "application/json" header back correctly. I don't understand why doesn't jQuery just pick that up and parse it as JSON? Is there an option? Is there something I can do to make this work?

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JQuery :: JSON.parse: Unexpected End Of Data?

Aug 18, 2011

JSON.parse: unexpected end of dataat line var data = JSON.parse(json);Is the syntax correct?the code used is:For the code below i am getting this error :

$(document).ready(function(){ $("#button1").click(function(){


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JQuery :: Passing Variables Via Json.parse?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a wordpress site with dropdown menus that currently are working with jQuery, now the issue is when trying to dynamically update the menus and parsing it with json.parse. For some reason I am not getting any data back of the following code (if I try to alert (data) I just get a blank box).

function waitGoUpdate()
var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict ();
$jQ.ajax ({


and just print out the function, than I would get the data on screen. now if I was to access my php file directly than that fill will output an error due to missing plugins.. I guess that is just how wordpress sorta work.. but again I do get the info that i need by just printing out the function. Do anyone knows a work around for this? I am kinda pulling my hairs out.

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JQuery :: Parse A Json String Received By $.getJSON()

Oct 22, 2009

I'm trying to parse a Json string received by $.getJSON(). I can receive the string but firebug gives me an "invalid label" error. I think it is because the string is an hash array with a number as first label, but I'm not sure. This is the string:

0.8324914620560137,"z":-0.9435707004102728,"rawData":"1256204002860 13
-442866538 18392602 647462767 314 1777206957 -1664784174 "}}
and this is the non-working code:


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JQuery :: Simple JSON Parse - Won't Work - Nothing Pops Up For The Alert

Jun 30, 2009

Why won't this work?

Nothing pops up for the alert.

<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Load And Parse Remote Json File In Local Machine?

Jul 26, 2011

How can Iload and parse a json file saved in our remote serverfrom my local machine? I can load and parse the copy I saved in my local machine, but I can notwork with the remote copy. The following is the code I tested:



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JQuery :: Updating Div From Json Request

Oct 23, 2011

Im updating a div with a ajax json dataType request i need the div to update to tne new request each time the option input is changed the problem is the div is updated but the first request is in it then the second then the third...so the div keeps on getting populated with each request how can i make so the div is polpulated with each request and not every request added to it? try with many stuff:append, remove but cant get it to work.

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Ajax :: Parse A HTML String Received From A Request?

May 24, 2009

I need to parse an HTML string received from an AJAX request. I wrote a function that places the HTML string into an unappended (not added) <div> , which opens the string up to the DOM hierarchy. However, when I try to access the elements of this <div> , I get an error in the console that says root.getElementById is not a function. This tells me that I can't access any of the child nodes.

Here is what my script looks like:

function parseHTML(html) {
var root = document.createElement("div");
root.innerHTML = html;
// The error console stops at this line


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JQuery :: Using Ajax Request With JSON Input

Nov 4, 2010

I have troubles with a simple jQuery.ajax-request which looks like this:
type: "GET",
url: "[URL]",
//url: "[URL]",
data: "",
success: function(data, status) {
dataType: "json"

I test this with two different url's:
The first url works and I get json-data in the data-object. The second url gives a "parseerror", and I can't figure out why. As far as I can see (and using a json-validator) the second url returns valid json, so what's wrong?

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Jquery :: Json Response From An Ajax Request ?

Mar 28, 2011

I got a problem with a json response from an ajax request.

I have the following code :


And the called page (ajax_sous_famille.php) is giving me this result :


The info in the resulting string is correct, but here you can see the [ ] at the start and end of the line. It seems not to be a correct Json string and then it crashes my script !

I have another request like this which gives me the good format of resulting data (without the [ ]) and which works perfectly when i decode the Json string to display it.

The difference between the 2 requests is that the one which works returns only 1 array of values like


And the second one which doesn't work returns something like


Actually, all the records are coming from a database and in the case it doesn't work, i wanna get several results from this database.

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Using Eval To Parse A JSON Text

Jun 9, 2006

Can anyone explain me why you need to add open and close parenthesis to
a JSON text in order to use eval() to parse it?

For example:

var json = "{a: 'abc', b: 'def'}";
var obj1 = eval("(" + json + ")"); //ok!
var obj2 = eval(json); //syntax error!

why are parenthesis necessary?

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Why Is It Necessary To Eval Or Parse JSON Data

Sep 19, 2009

Why is it necessary to eval or parse JSON data?If it is legal JS, why couldn't I just name the file in the src attribute of a <script> statement?

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JQuery :: ParseJSON Parsing Error With JSON Request?

Apr 11, 2010

i'm trying to get a JSON-request from this API: h


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Error Using JSON.parse With Internet Explorer

Jan 4, 2010

I have client-side javascript that is using AJAX to receive JSONs from a server-side database-querying php script. My application is working fine in firefox and chrome. IE8 is giving me trouble, however. The error I get is:

Message: 'JSON' is undefined
Line: ###
Char: #
Code: 0
URI: http://...

Does anyone know if their is a different function or library include I need for IE8 in order to work with JSONs, more specifically JSON.parse()?

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JQuery :: Make JSON Versus JSONP Request Depending On URL

Apr 21, 2010

So I have a function that is going to get a URL, and have to retrieve json data from that URL. The URL _might_ be same-domain, and might be cross-domain. If it's cross-domain, of course I want to do jsonp complete with the script-tag-to-load and such, but if it's same domain of course I want to do just xhr for efficiency. So I _could_ write all my own logic for this. Write logic to see if the url is cross-domain or not, and then make entirely different $.ajax() calls depending.

(I think I need to use $.ajax() rather than $.getJSON() because I need a callback on failure, not just success). If it is cross-domain, use dataType:jsonp, and make sure to supply a &callback. If it's not cross-domain, dataType:json, and don't even bother supplying a callback. But I'm having trouble figuring out if this is true, or how. What's the easiest way to get $.ajax() to make a dataType:json request if it's same-domain, but a dataType:jsonp request if it's cross-domain?

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JQuery :: JSON - Refreshing Request Second Time After Page Loads

Oct 24, 2009

I'm using some jQuery to work with the Last.FM API, and I'm stuck where I need to allow the user to run the JSON request a second time after the page loads (it loads once automatically when the page loads, the second time is when they push a button). What happens currently, is the JSON function is fed some default data when the page loads:

username: 'UserName',
from: 1254369600,
to: 1256184000,
apikey: 'myApiKeyHere',
onComplete: function(){

The JSON function:
$.fn.lastFM = function(options) {
var defaults = {
username: 'Verdani',
apikey: 'e4f3bb251d13179bf7ce80a089fb3d0c',
onComplete: function(){}
settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); .....

You might have noticed in the JSON, I write the URL the JSON is requesting to the console every time it runs. When I click this button, a new URL pops up in the console below the first one but only for a second, and then the page reloads and the original JSON request is called. It's this loop that I can't seem to break out of - why does re-calling the JSON refresh the page?

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JQuery :: JSON Request To Get Data Back From A PHP File - For Loop + Append / AppendTo

Oct 1, 2010

I am doing a JSON request to get data back from a PHP file. On the return of that data, I am using a for loop to go through the data and post it up using JS. Here is my code:

for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
//create a container for each comment
var div = $("<div>").addClass("entry round").appendTo("#characters");
//add author name and comment to container
$("<span>").addClass("main-armory button").appendTo("div.details");

Now, what is happening, because there is 10 entries being posted, my JS is looking at the class that is being put together (main-armory button) and making it so that class appends every run through. So, I want one entry for main-armory button and I am getting this:

<div class="details"><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span></div>

And then, when it goes down to the next entry, it has 9 spans, and then the next entry has 8 spans, and it continues all the way down. What is going on here that I am missing? I know that I am not clearing a variable properly or something is wrong within my loop.

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JSON Get Request Not Recognized?

Oct 13, 2011

The following request isn't retrieving a response when I look for it in Firebug. Any ideas why?

//json request to flickr

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Send Json As Ajax Request To Server

Aug 14, 2007

whats the best way to pass a json string to the server.

if my jsonstring = {a:&#391;',b:'sds',c:'sdg'}

could i send that to the server passing it as 1 variable like so:
url = /serverside.php?json=jsonstring

or would i have to break it down into something like this:
url = /serverside.php?a=1&b=sds&c=sdg

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AJAX :: Request + Pass Json Objects To The Server? - Firefox Error: No Element Found

Feb 8, 2010

I'm making this ajax call:

url = "/GeoAdaptaApp/geoLogger/logGuiEvents?json="+aLotOfJSONStuff;
encUrl = encodeURI(url,"UTF-8");
new Ajax.Request(encUrl, {
method: 'get',
onSuccess: this.sendQueueToServerSuccess( this,logConsole ),

The JSON string seems correct (I checked it with a validator) and it worked on an Ajax.updater (but i need a request now). Firefox keeps telling me:


The call always end up in the onFailure block. Full request here: [URL] It's very strange, Is there a better way to pass json objects to the server?

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