JQuery :: Forcing JSON Parse By Headers

Aug 5, 2009

I am submitting a form via AJAX. The form may either return HTML (when there are input errors) or JSON (successful response). If during request I specify "dataType: 'json'" then HTML doesn't get thru correctly, if I don't then JSON is displayed as plain text. I am sending the "application/json" header back correctly. I don't understand why doesn't jQuery just pick that up and parse it as JSON? Is there an option? Is there something I can do to make this work?

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JQuery :: Can't Parse JSON Results

Jan 4, 2012

I am having difficulty displaying a specific key from a json file. I am trying to parse the following json file using query:


I am using this type of function to parse the data:

<!--add a paragraph tag to the results div and enter the speficied key-->
$("#results").append('<p>Result: '+ route +'</p>');

Using this I am able to print all the keys from the route but I am not able to print a specific key.

What I want to do is just get the results for the key "fuelUsed" using this method:

$("#results").append('<p>Result: '+ route.fuelUsed+'</p>');

But I never get back any data that way. Am I not specifying my key correctly?

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JQuery :: Parse A Json Object?

Oct 8, 2009

Supposed that I have a json object but I don't know anything about its keys and values. Is there anyway to print out all the key and value pairs in that object?

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JQuery :: Parse A Json Request ?

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying parse a json request.

The json response is

I have tried to console.log the item in a number of ways including: arrayToParse[item] item[1] item[0]

I either get the key of 1,2,3 or undefined. How do I get the values in this scenario?

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JQuery :: Can't Get JSON.parse To Work

Nov 11, 2010

I can't get JSON.parse to work. For example with:


I get: "SyntaxError: JSON.parse"

I have put up an example at:


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JQuery :: Parse A JSON Response Array?

Feb 26, 2011

How can I adequately parse a JSON response I'm getting from the server, which happens to be an array?

The array I'm getting back is actually this one:


I believe this one is valid JSON, but my attempts to parse it are always failing when I do it like this:

function(data, textStatus, xhr)
var photos = jQuery.parseJSON(data);

The above code displays 'null', and the documentation says a null occurs when the JSON isn't valid. so, what's going on ?

I need to know the codes to parse as well as access the values in the parsed response.

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JQuery :: JSON.parse: Unexpected End Of Data?

Aug 18, 2011

JSON.parse: unexpected end of dataat line var data = JSON.parse(json);Is the syntax correct?the code used is:For the code below i am getting this error :

$(document).ready(function(){ $("#button1").click(function(){


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JQuery :: Passing Variables Via Json.parse?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a wordpress site with dropdown menus that currently are working with jQuery, now the issue is when trying to dynamically update the menus and parsing it with json.parse. For some reason I am not getting any data back of the following code (if I try to alert (data) I just get a blank box).

function waitGoUpdate()
var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict ();
$jQ.ajax ({


and just print out the function, than I would get the data on screen. now if I was to access my php file directly than that fill will output an error due to missing plugins.. I guess that is just how wordpress sorta work.. but again I do get the info that i need by just printing out the function. Do anyone knows a work around for this? I am kinda pulling my hairs out.

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JQuery :: Parse A Json String Received By $.getJSON()

Oct 22, 2009

I'm trying to parse a Json string received by $.getJSON(). I can receive the string but firebug gives me an "invalid label" error. I think it is because the string is an hash array with a number as first label, but I'm not sure. This is the string:

0.8324914620560137,"z":-0.9435707004102728,"rawData":"1256204002860 13
-442866538 18392602 647462767 314 1777206957 -1664784174 "}}
and this is the non-working code:


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JQuery :: Simple JSON Parse - Won't Work - Nothing Pops Up For The Alert

Jun 30, 2009

Why won't this work?

Nothing pops up for the alert.

<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Load And Parse Remote Json File In Local Machine?

Jul 26, 2011

How can Iload and parse a json file saved in our remote serverfrom my local machine? I can load and parse the copy I saved in my local machine, but I can notwork with the remote copy. The following is the code I tested:



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Using Eval To Parse A JSON Text

Jun 9, 2006

Can anyone explain me why you need to add open and close parenthesis to
a JSON text in order to use eval() to parse it?

For example:

var json = "{a: 'abc', b: 'def'}";
var obj1 = eval("(" + json + ")"); //ok!
var obj2 = eval(json); //syntax error!

why are parenthesis necessary?

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Why Is It Necessary To Eval Or Parse JSON Data

Sep 19, 2009

Why is it necessary to eval or parse JSON data?If it is legal JS, why couldn't I just name the file in the src attribute of a <script> statement?

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Error Using JSON.parse With Internet Explorer

Jan 4, 2010

I have client-side javascript that is using AJAX to receive JSONs from a server-side database-querying php script. My application is working fine in firefox and chrome. IE8 is giving me trouble, however. The error I get is:

Message: 'JSON' is undefined
Line: ###
Char: #
Code: 0
URI: http://...

Does anyone know if their is a different function or library include I need for IE8 in order to work with JSONs, more specifically JSON.parse()?

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JQuery :: Use .load To Ignore The Headers ?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to use .load to get a simple web page. In the documentation for the .load function, I see that I can just return parts of page. I pass through the <body> element in order to just get the body, and not the headers of the html document, however in FireFox, it seems to still be returning all the headers. How can I use .load to ignore the headers.

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JQuery :: Getting The Response Headers With The Form Plugin

May 28, 2009

Does anyone know how or if this its possible to get the response headers using the jQuery Form Plugin? I've got a success function which needs to get access to a response header I'm setting.

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JQuery :: Headers And Non JS Code Returned From JSONP Request?

Aug 6, 2010

Im trying to figure out if a public picasaweb userid exists or not. Its a pure client app, so no server-side proxies. The 1st method works only on FF & Chrome.


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JQuery :: Forcing Tables To Go Wide And Plugin To Vanish?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm working on a client's site and I decided to use a slider [URL]... it can be seen there as I develop it.

Here's the problem: If you refresh the page enough times, the table that contains the slider will go SUPER wide, it will go 2400px wide in fact. 2400px is the combined width of all my images.

When I followed the tutorial here on jQuery.com that value was originally set to 99999px ... you can imagine that before I changed that value, the table forced the page out to 99999px wide ... annoying.

Why not just adjust the width to the size of one image? Well I tried that. Each image is 600x300 so I set the width to 600 the result was ... WHOOPSIBROKEIT. The images stack all on top of eachother and slide together. I've noticed that when it happens it also throws off the alignment of the top portion of the site, for instance my center tags -- I'll be looking to see if maybe something outside of the plugin is causing it.


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JQuery :: Plugin For Table Sorting And Freezing Column Headers?

Aug 12, 2010

I am looking for a single jquery plugin that can sort the table and also freeze the column headers and works in IE, FF and Chrome. I have found tablesorter plug-in that works great for sorting and fxHeader that works great for freezing column headers, but when I use both of them together there are issues. My table structure is something like this.


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JQuery :: Using $.ajax To Load A Separate Webpage And Send Custom Request Headers?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm trying to access a web application that allows single sign-on when it is passed the following HTTP Request headers:

USER: (user ID from active directory)
Here is the code I have so far:


This script is within a blank webpage on my IIS server. Essentially, all the elements of the web app's UI get thrown within a div, but it doesn't seem to be loading the other parts of the page such as the <head>. I read on another thread that it is not a good idea to try and put everything within a div cause of the other html and head tags that already exist. Basically, what I want to do is access the webpage that has the above script and have it re-direct me to the Web Application's URL and adding in the custom HTTP Request headers.

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Forcing IE To Refresh?

Jul 23, 2005

I'm writing a script that proactively validates data input.

Under IE, throwing up an alert seems to interfere with the behavior of
radio buttons. In other words, if changing the value of the radio button
field fires the validation, the radio button either isn't set or isn't
displayed correctly after the popup is dismissed.

If I stick the error messages in a non-editable textarea field, the
textarea field doesn't get refreshed.

I tried "focus" - didn't help.

Mozilla works perfectly of course.

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Fixed Headers

Jan 12, 2006

I have a div with headers. Of course, when there are too many rows, you have to scroll and lose the headers of the form. How can I accomplished "fixed headers?" so that they're always visible?

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Forcing OnChange()

Sep 23, 2003

does anyone know of a way of forcing the onChange() event of a control (it happens to be a <SELECT> if that is relevant) to fire off? (That is apart from the obvious one of changing the value with the mouse / keyboard!!!!)

I have some code which alters the currently selected element in a list and I need the list's onChange to then be fired off. The code is designed to work with many different lists, so I can't hard-code the same functionality into my code that is normally provided by the onChange.

I've tried ....element.onChange() and .....element.Change() but neither of these seem to work.

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Print Without Headers

Mar 3, 2004

I use javascript for printing a document. But i don't want the headers to be printed. Now i know you can turn it off yourself but is it possible to turn the headerand footer off using Javascript?

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Forcing Frames

Oct 25, 2002

I know, frames are yucky but for now this site uses them. Problem is this, the search engines are great at putting this site in the first 2 pages but it is the page that goes in the main frame and without the frames there is no navigation. To make a long story short I used the JavaScript that I found at http://www.webreference.com/js/tips/000405.html that shows me how to force the frames to appear.

My problem is this:

When I try to implement this code on files that are in subdirectories, and there is a ton of them, it doesn't work. What it ends up doing is showing the URL like this:

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Forcing A Homepage

Jan 26, 2003

I'm the Webmaster/Designer for a Private Sector Company Intranet.

Now without exaggeration we must have the most IT-apathetic staff in the world even though they all work on PCs every day!

Anyways I've been trying to get them to bookmark the Company Intranet Site as their homepage for months to no avail.

I've sent them regular emails on the importance of doing it, run articles in the Company magazine, even put a JavaScript (make this your homepage) button on the site and nothing works. I would guess that even now only maybe 20% have it as their homepage.

Bits and pieces get posted to the Intranet Site all the time and once a month I post a Team Brief which contains a lot of very pertinent and important information for the staff.

I'd like a JavaScript that I can inconspicuously force a homepage. In other words I'll link to the Intranet Site from my email and by simply clicking on this link the user will have unwittingly booked the Intranet as their homepage.

Obviously smething that will not flag up a User "Do you accept?" permission.

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