JQuery :: Plugin For Table Sorting And Freezing Column Headers?
Aug 12, 2010
I am looking for a single jquery plugin that can sort the table and also freeze the column headers and works in IE, FF and Chrome. I have found tablesorter plug-in that works great for sorting and fxHeader that works great for freezing column headers, but when I use both of them together there are issues. My table structure is something like this.
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a table that I am trying to implement sortTable so i can sort the Table by the Column Headers. I have come across a few different ways to implement sortTable, but none of them seem to be working for me. here is the first way I tried to implement it (in the <table class =" ">) this is not the way I would like to do, as I have CSS defined class "halloween" I would like to use (unless u can implement 2 classes?) anyways it is still not working but here is the code
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Jan 7, 2006
I'm sure it will be php code that will enable me to complete the following:
print"<table border=1 FRAME=BOX CELLPADDING=2>";
print"<tr BGCOLOR=#0CADE4>";
print"<td width=ཚpx'>";
print"<div class=white ALIGN=CENTER>";
print"<td width=ï`px'>";
print"<div class=white ALIGN=CENTER>";
print"<strong>Casino Name</strong>";
print"<td width=ླྀpx'>";
print"<div class=white ALIGN=CENTER>";
print"<strong>Download <br> Software</strong>";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$database = "database";
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('mysql5.streamline.net',$username,$password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$result) { echo("<P>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</P>"); exit(); }
$i = 0;
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
$i ++;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME='" .$i. "' value=".$row['id']. ">";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td class=blue3 ALIGN=CENTER width=100px>";
echo "<div align=left>";
echo "<a href=" .$row['textlink']. " target='_blank'>";
echo $row["name"];
echo "</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td class=blue3 ALIGN=CENTER>";
if ($row['downlandlink'] != Ɔ'){
echo "<a href=" .$row['downlandlink']. " target='_blank'>";
echo "<img src='./images/download.jpg' border=0>";
echo "</a>";
echo "</td></tr>";
Because there are loads and loads of rows added to the table, when scrollong down the table, the header columns dissapear. Is there any way of making the header column always appear on the page when scrolling down to the bottom of the page?
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Oct 25, 2010
I'm trying to disable sorting of one column in my 3 col table. Following the docs I came up with this:
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Sep 12, 2011
I'm using JQuery Tablesorter, and I would like to DISABLE Multi-column sorting option from tablesorter plugin.
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Apr 16, 2010
I'm working on a project that requires an HTML table, in which the rows can be sorted (ascending and descending) based on the values of a particular column. In other words, regular sorting.I've tried a couple jquery plugins and they work just fine, however, the table that I'm working with is somewhat different to a regular table, because it will display 2 values (prices) in the same column for each row.
I would like to write my own java script function or plugin to accomplish what I need, but before I write any code, I just wanted to get some advice as to the things I need to take into consideration.For example (and please forgive my thought process in case is flawed):n order to sort the rows of the table, based on the values of a particular column I would have to do the following:Capture the values of the column I want to sort by and sort themThen, capture the values of each row and link them to each cell on the column that is being sorted
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Jul 10, 2010
I'm using this sort-table that relies on MooTools.I have one column that contains image icons. I'd like to sort them (perhaps by the "id" attribute), but I'm new to Javascript and don't understand what I'm seeing in the js files enough to customize it.
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Nov 4, 2009
found a script here that allows for sortable tables in HTML, and for the most part, it works great. But with my date field, it either sorts alphabetically (Aug->Sept), or, if I change Names to Numbers (Jan=1, Feb=2, etc) the sort order becomes 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (I only have Jan-Oct dates). I think I have to tell my script to interpret my numbered dates as text, but like I said I'm new to JS and wouldn't know where to begin. Javascript [URL]
Javascript Document
* Sortable HTML table
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Feb 15, 2010
share some best jQuery plugin for table sorting?
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May 15, 2009
I don't know how get a data of a row and passing the result to a textbox located in my form. For example:
I use this jquery plug-in [URL].
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Jan 17, 2009
I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always from 1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular
sort. Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values in the first column after tablesorter did it's work? I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what I want.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm using drupal, and am having trouble to convert a table to a one field two column at code level.Is it possible to manipulate it using jquery using odd and even?
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May 28, 2009
Does anyone know how or if this its possible to get the response headers using the jQuery Form Plugin? I've got a success function which needs to get access to a response header I'm setting.
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May 26, 2006
sort Alphanumeric and alphabets present in the same column.Numbers should be sorted first,and then the words with number in the beginning should follow it and then words in the sorting order.
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Apr 30, 2009
I want to make the table header clickable and used the sample code from Textbook Learning JQuery I am not sure where is the class 'clickable'present. Does anybody know how can I get this working. I loaded the JQuery.js and its linked properly.
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Nov 17, 2010
I need to exclude a table row from the sorting with tablesorter.
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Aug 27, 2009
The default sort (when clicking on any of the headers in the tablesorter table) is ascending. Now, I want to change that to descending for ALL columns, not just the initial sort column (defined in sortList). I've tried editing sortInitialOrder parameter in the .js itself, and nothing. I've tried adding it as a parameter in my html page when defining and assigning tablesorter, and nothing. What am I missing? And how do I accomplish this?
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Apr 7, 2010
I'm trying to make a php/jquery-based puzzle game where I have a standard html table (#puzzlegrid) generated by php, and I want to highlight certain parts of it when the mouse is hovering over it. I have one table where there are four different parts (split in the middle vertically and horizontally), separated by id's. The left and topmost cells has id="empty", all the rows beneath these has id="row-clues", the columns next to "empty" has id="column-clues" and finally the bottom-right cells has id="playing-grid", which the hover-function belong to. The number of #column-clues and #column-rows can vary, both in the count of rows and columns. I can give a example code if it's necessary.
As for the jquery-part, I simply want to highlight (add a css class) the current row and column when i hover over the #playing-grid cells. That means selecting all #column-clues and all #column-rows cells that exist on the same row/column the mouse is hovering over. This is what I have so far
$("#puzzlegrid td#playing-grid").hover(function() {
var current_rowIndex = $(this).parent()[0].rowIndex;
var current_columnIndex = $(this).parent().children().index($(this));
I've tried a for-loop and each() without luck, as far as my jquery skills goes (and that's not far ). Is it possible to use the index for highlighting several columns, or do I have to do it another way? I can change the HTML code if that's necessary.
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Jul 19, 2009
What I want to do is to create a function which shifts a table column one position to left. Therefore I'am trying to select all relevant td and th elements. My problem is to rearange the elements. Within the both each calls, see the code below, $(this).get(i) would result the td respectively the th element where the before function is undefined. But how to insert the elements correctly or is this the wrong way?
$.fn.shiftLeft = function(col) {
// Make sure col has value
if(!col){ col = 1; }
var trsToMove = $('tr td:nth-child('+col+')',this);
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Dec 16, 2011
I would like it very much if there was an option to have sorting disabled when there is only a single row in the table.
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Oct 22, 2009
I have a div container that is used to specify where the table I retrieve via ajax is placed $("#div_reveal").html(AjaxResponse). I have tried to add an onSuccess function to update the table function (){ $("table").trigger("update"); } but the table does not sort. When I copy the output table directly into the page (static) it sorts. Therefore, I am assuming that the new table is not being added to the Dom and and is not being "recognized" by tablesorter. Does anyone know of a solution to retrieve and display a full html table via ajax and get tablesorter to sort it.
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Dec 21, 2011
I want to change the column table style when mouse is over. Like this:[URL].. But I having problem when I have a table with more than 200 lines (tr).
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to write to table cells in a given column. To illustrate:
<table id="tableName">
<td id="col1">some value</td>
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Jul 20, 2010
I need to find out what row number and column number when a cell in a table is clicked.
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Nov 23, 2010
I am using the tablesorter plugin and am experiencing the following problem:
Under several scenarios the up/down arrow icons will overlap with the text in a column's header. This occurs if the browser is resized so the table width is too narrow (e.g. plugin should force a min-width perhaps?).
More importantly, this will also occur when the text in a columns header is shorter than any of the values in the column the up/down icons overlap with the text in the column header.
I've attempted setting padding on the header columns but no success (probably because the up/down icons are set as background images and therefore have no impact on padding)
At the moment the plugin won't be usable for me since the arrorws overlap with the text in several columns.
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May 13, 2010
I have a web page where a third party application "SharePoint" is broken file urls.If I have a file url like this \jquery.comfolders est folderdoc1.docThe application will add an href tag and the html will come out like this
<a href="\jquery.comfolders est">\jquery.comfolders est</a>Â folderdoc1.doc
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