JQuery :: Disable Column From Sorting In Tablesorter?

Jan 17, 2009

I have a table in which the first column is the row number (always from 1 at the top to 100 at the bottom) so no matter how the other columns are sorted that first column should be the 'rank' for that particular
sort. Is it possible to do this with tablesorter? Could I change the values in the first column after tablesorter did it's work? I see how to disable sorting on the first column but that is not what I want.

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JQuery :: Disable Multi-Column Sorting Option From Tablesorter Plugin

Sep 12, 2011

I'm using JQuery Tablesorter, and I would like to DISABLE Multi-column sorting option from tablesorter plugin.

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JQuery :: Disable Sorting On Specific Rows Using Tablesorter?

Apr 19, 2011

I have been using tablesorter2.0 plugin to sort the table. My requirement is such that I don't want few rows to be sorted. Like i can add a class like <tr class="nosort"> for rows to whom sorting should not be applied. And rest all rows should be sorted. Can't find a way to do this.

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JQuery :: Tablesorter - Disable Sorting When Only Single Row In Table

Dec 16, 2011

I would like it very much if there was an option to have sorting disabled when there is only a single row in the table.

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JQuery :: Disable Sorting Of One Column In 3 Col Table?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm trying to disable sorting of one column in my 3 col table. Following the docs I came up with this:



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JQuery :: Tablesorter - How To Use TextExtraction For Sorting

Jun 17, 2011

Assuming a structure like:
<ul><li>Some Name</li>

How can I use textExtraction to sort based on whatever number is in that first LI element? I have tried various things, but just can't seem to get it.
//Various forms of the below... trying to find the right path to the element.
textExtractionCustom: { 0: function(o) { return $('li','ul.serversgs',o).html(); } }
textExtraction: { 0: function(o) { return $('li','ul.serversgs',o).html(); } }

// This from within my own function called by whatever column I'm sorting by (0 above).
Am I wrong and I cannot do this, even though the sample above is directly from the Tablesorter site as an example of bypassing HTML markup inside the TDs?

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Ip Address Sorting?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm using tablesorter in my app and it's working great except.. the ip address sorting seems to be slightly broken. It will sort on the first two groups fine, on the third group it tries to sort once and gets it wrong and on the last group it won't sort at all.bob

After a bit of debugging the issue is that an ip address is being detected as a digit, i.e is detected as the number 192.168 and hence only sorting on the first two groups. I fixed this by moving the digit to the end of the parsers. This is not a proper fix but works for me. Secondly the parser needs to be changed as follows. Without the debug line obviously. It was limiting each group to 2 characters and only sorting the first two groups.


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JQuery :: Exclude A Table Row From The Sorting With Tablesorter?

Nov 17, 2010

I need to exclude a table row from the sorting with tablesorter.

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Not Correctly Sorting Money?

Sep 20, 2010

I have some vaules such as:


As you can see it's fine up to the point where I get into 100's as it seems to put them lower than the 90's.

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JQuery :: Cannot Get Columns With Rowspan To Not Be Included In Sorting (Tablesorter 2.0)

Aug 21, 2009

I've been working on getting a table with a super header and sub headers to only sort by the sub headers. The example at [URL] shows this is possible but everytime I try to run the code the items in the top row are used to sort columns starting with 0. I've tried two different versions of jquery and re-downloaded Tablesorter twice now. It seems as if this should be easy and I'm just missing some amazingly simple thing.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/
TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html>


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JQuery :: Tablesorter Not Sorting Table Returned Via Ajax?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a div container that is used to specify where the table I retrieve via ajax is placed $("#div_reveal").html(AjaxResponse). I have tried to add an onSuccess function to update the table function (){ $("table").trigger("update"); } but the table does not sort. When I copy the output table directly into the page (static) it sorts. Therefore, I am assuming that the new table is not being added to the Dom and and is not being "recognized" by tablesorter. Does anyone know of a solution to retrieve and display a full html table via ajax and get tablesorter to sort it.

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Sorting Formatted Numbers (with Spaces)?

Jun 29, 2009

I'm using Tablesorter since few months and it was working very well.I did a small change yesterday in my php code: numbers over 1000 are nowformatted like this: 1 000, 1 000 000 instead of 1000 or 1000000.Since I did this change Tablesorter seems to have problems sorting this kindof formatted numbers with spaces. It just doesn't sort the way it should

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Not Properly Sorting On Numbers Having Unit Cm Appended?

Dec 9, 2011

i wonder if tablesorter does not properly parse the number of a table cell since it sorts a col of length values like this:

23 cm
115 cm
13 cm

May it be it takes only the very first digit into account? How to handle this without a core hack?

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JQuery :: TableSorter Plugin - Default Column Sort DESC Instead?

Aug 27, 2009

The default sort (when clicking on any of the headers in the tablesorter table) is ascending. Now, I want to change that to descending for ALL columns, not just the initial sort column (defined in sortList). I've tried editing sortInitialOrder parameter in the .js itself, and nothing. I've tried adding it as a parameter in my html page when defining and assigning tablesorter, and nothing. What am I missing? And how do I accomplish this?

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JQuery :: Tablesorter Plugin - Up/down Arrow Icons Will Overlap With The Text In A Column's Header

Nov 23, 2010

I am using the tablesorter plugin and am experiencing the following problem:

Under several scenarios the up/down arrow icons will overlap with the text in a column's header. This occurs if the browser is resized so the table width is too narrow (e.g. plugin should force a min-width perhaps?).

More importantly, this will also occur when the text in a columns header is shorter than any of the values in the column the up/down icons overlap with the text in the column header.

I've attempted setting padding on the header columns but no success (probably because the up/down icons are set as background images and therefore have no impact on padding)

At the moment the plugin won't be usable for me since the arrorws overlap with the text in several columns.

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JQuery :: Plugin For Table Sorting And Freezing Column Headers?

Aug 12, 2010

I am looking for a single jquery plugin that can sort the table and also freeze the column headers and works in IE, FF and Chrome. I have found tablesorter plug-in that works great for sorting and fxHeader that works great for freezing column headers, but when I use both of them together there are issues. My table structure is something like this.


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Sorting Of Alphanumeric And Alphabets In The Same Column?

May 26, 2006

sort Alphanumeric and alphabets present in the same column.Numbers should be sorted first,and then the words with number in the beginning should follow it and then words in the sorting order.

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Sorting Values By Column In An HTML Table?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm working on a project that requires an HTML table, in which the rows can be sorted (ascending and descending) based on the values of a particular column. In other words, regular sorting.I've tried a couple jquery plugins and they work just fine, however, the table that I'm working with is somewhat different to a regular table, because it will display 2 values (prices) in the same column for each row.

I would like to write my own java script function or plugin to accomplish what I need, but before I write any code, I just wanted to get some advice as to the things I need to take into consideration.For example (and please forgive my thought process in case is flawed):n order to sort the rows of the table, based on the values of a particular column I would have to do the following:Capture the values of the column I want to sort by and sort themThen, capture the values of each row and link them to each cell on the column that is being sorted

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Sorting A Table By A Column That Contains Image Icons?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm using this sort-table that relies on MooTools.I have one column that contains image icons. I'd like to sort them (perhaps by the "id" attribute), but I'm new to Javascript and don't understand what I'm seeing in the js files enough to customize it.

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Sortable Table Incorrectly Sorting Date Column?

Nov 4, 2009

found a script here that allows for sortable tables in HTML, and for the most part, it works great. But with my date field, it either sorts alphabetically (Aug->Sept), or, if I change Names to Numbers (Jan=1, Feb=2, etc) the sort order becomes 1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (I only have Jan-Oct dates). I think I have to tell my script to interpret my numbered dates as text, but like I said I'm new to JS and wouldn't know where to begin. Javascript [URL]

Javascript Document
* Sortable HTML table


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JQuery :: Converting 1 Column Table To Two Column

Aug 10, 2010

I'm using drupal, and am having trouble to convert a table to a one field two column at code level.Is it possible to manipulate it using jquery using odd and even?

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Make A Column As A Checkbox Column?

Sep 12, 2009

Can i make a column as a checkbox column?

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JQuery :: Can't Get Tablesorter Working

Mar 15, 2011

I'm trying to get tablesorter working on my site, as per [URL]

Here's the page I'm working on: [URL]

I've included references to jquery-1.5.1.min.js and jquery.tablesorter.min.js in the page header, and uploaded the files to my site. I'm sure the references are OK, because if I use firefox web developer to view javascript it can find both of these.

I've included a script in the header to sort the table:

<script type="text/javascript">


The table has an id of "myTable" and is of class "tablesorter".

I've uploaded the css file, and again, I'm sure this is being located OK, because the table has the look and feel of a tablesorter class, and again web Developer is able to display the css correctly.

BUT, the icons aren't appearing, and the table is not sorting. I've put copies of the icons in root, in the same directory as the page and the same directory as the jquery files for good measure, but they're not being found. And no amount of clicking will sort the columns.

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JQuery :: Tablesorter - And Lightbox ?

Dec 31, 2010

I use table sorter ( latest 2.0.5) and Jquery latest for sort table !

It works fine!

BUT! in some tables, I've link for open image in a light box !

On the first page, all works fine !

But, as soon as i set the second ( or more ) page in the table, the link work like a classic link, not like a "lightbox class" link !

I've try with fancybox => same !
with shadowbox => same !
and with lightbox => same !

So, the problem come from tablesorter or the pager !

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JQuery :: Can't Get Tablesorter Working With Examples Under 1.2.3

Apr 30, 2009

I'm trying to get tablesorter [URL] working but pasting the example table, when the given document.ready() function fires, I get a javascript error saying that $ ("myTable").tablesorter(); is not a function. Can anyone confirm this works with Jquery 1.2.3?

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JQuery :: Plug-in Tablesorter Bug/anomalies?

Jun 3, 2009

The tablesorter plug-in by Christian Bach has what I think are a couple of bugs/anomalies. 1) a column that starts with a zero is not identified as a 'digit'. I think it should be. 2) a column that starts with an IP address that looks like or -- that is any IP with a single digit is not identified as an IP address because the "is" function only looks for d{2,3} instead of d{1,3}. 3) some of the examples in the source code are wrong. Otherwise a great plug-in and worth the effort to debug.

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