If Enter Any Invalid Characters, It Gives Error And Sends Back To The Phone Number Field?
Feb 8, 2010
I am working on a javascript code for validating phone numbers against 0's.The scenario is that, 1 ) If the phone number contains all 0's in it, an error message is displayed. Eg. 0, 0000, 000-000-0000, 000,0000000000 etc..2 ) Phone number should only take digits [0-9] and some delimiters ()-,.+ "All other alphabets and special characters are not allowed.Eg. 01, 102-125-0214, etc.. ( allowed ) sjjlkjkj, xllfs -09-49- ( not allowed )3 ) The code I have written is as below -
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I have a phone number field on my form that needs validation, but I'm not sure how to code this. I have the following function to validate a first name is entered and last name. The phone number field must match a 7 digit or 10 digit(with area code)phone number. I want to be able to include paranthese and/or hyphens for the valid phone number.
function checkForm1() { if (document.forms[0].firstname.value.length == 0) { alert("You must put in a first name");
Im trying to pass one variable as 20* and after that im trying to check whether any special characters exist or not. But 20* cant be converting to string. It is giving script error.because of that my validation goes wrong.
if i pass "20*" as input ( with quotes) , validations working fine. how to convert string if it is 20*
i tried new String() finction and adding "" to that varible. But it is not working.
Looking to parse the XML file a perl script sends back.I wantto get values from specific tags in the XML file. Here is my code:
The code seems to be getting hung up on the dataType: "xml", line because when I comment it out, it goes to the next step and executes the function (although it doesn't do anything). how I can change this or just take a different approach? Let me know if I can provide more information.
I have a text-box where you enter the phone nos. On key-press, i have written a validation code to enter only nos and "-". I have disabled Ctrl+v, but my customer want to enable ctrl+v for that text-box only. My requirement is after pasting the value it should automatically check for validation..
I need to validate my username field so that is only contains letters and numbers, it is crucial that it doesnt contain any invalid characters, especially whitespaces. I'm using a yaromat.com java pluging to validate the form, i currently have it so that it checks that username field is not empty, but could someone please please show me how to add a check for invalid characters. Here is the function for my validation. Thankyou a million, truly, i only know how to do this in php, but it really should be along with the other validation on Submit. Code:
In the assignment, I'm asking the user to put in a 10 digit phone number (numbers only, no dashes or parenthesis), and the program spits out the phone number WITH the parenthesis and dashes like this: System.out.printf( "(%03d) %03d-%04d", part1, part2, part3);
HOW to parse the phone number. Here's what I've got so far.. Middle and end.
import java.util.*; public class C1Phone { public static void main(String [] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
i was doing this in php but then i decided to do it in js but i am not familiar at all with it. i am trying to validate a phone number. it is supposed to be in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx.
This is what I have so far, it is a template I copied from my working E-mail validation. I'm assuming I have to make it so it's just an array of numbers but I really don't know Java too well.
Essentially I just want numbers only to be accepted into the phone field. code...
The following form validation script works, currently if one of the five fields are completed, a message appears the remaining field(s) must be completed etc. Although the information the user has inputted in the first field is cleared. How can this information be available, if there is one problem in the form it doesn't make sense that the user must re-input all the information again. I look forward to hearing your response,
I want to add a min length of 9 validation for a phone number. Thats once spaces have been stripped out.[code]What do I need to add for the min length? (once spaces have been stripped out)??
have a form with three fields for home phone, work phone & mobile phone.I've got jquery to validate that the numbers entered are the right format, i.e. using the following with custom methods for the phoneUK etc.The thing is I only need one of these numbers. I have been trying *all day* to try and get this to work but no joy. I know I need to group them somehow but can't figure it out.I want it so I get a single message if all fields are left empty and then if a field does have an entry then it's validated to ensure its a number.
how to validate forms and the next topic I'm learning is the phone feature! My code isn't working and not sure why! I read other opinions and tried to follow some templates but again.. Nothing is working out for me..
Another newbie question here, I'm sure. I'm trying to modify an existing form with an existing validation scheme. I have to put in something so that the phone field that is entered actually contains numbers. There is no need for dashes, parens or any other divider, but we don't want to exclude them either.
I have gotten as far as this: [URL]..110620_1a.html (new isPhone function that doesn't break anything added at lines 119 - 127) When I try to add the call for the checking however, the entire checking scheme breaks, and the form just executes: [URL]...._110620_1.html (Added code is at lines 190-198)
I want to validate phone number in my project. I include some validations. Furthermore i want to check whether it exactly contains ONLY 10 digits.nothing more and nothing less.How should i include that?
if (document.form1.phone_number.value == '') { alert('Please fill in phone number!');
I am trying to write a script that uses the IF statement to see wether or not a user clicked the back button to come to a page, and then if it's true to not let the page load and kick them back X number of pages (say 4) This is what I have so far:
I am in need of some very simple javascript to validate email address and a phone number from a form. The email address only needs to: 1. Check that the box is not empty. 2. Check that the text imputted contains an '@' symbol. 3. Check that the text imputted contains atleast 1 Period. The phone number only needs to: 1. Check that the box is not empty. 2. Check that there is no more than 11 characters. 3. check that only numeric characters have been inputted. I would like it to report (failure) back as text on the page under the box that has the problem rather than a window.
function check_email(mailstring) { valid = "1234567890qwertyuiop[]asdfghjklzxcvbnm.@-_QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; for(i=0; i < mailstring.length ;i++)
at the moment its checks that someting has been enetered in all these fields,
what would be the best way to check that the email or phone nummber had been entered?? will not send if nothing enetered, but will send if one or both have been enetered?
I am having problems with the code below (obviously) coming up with illegal character for various characters within the field name which is: S_Gift Finder1_0
I have tried various ways of escaping the characters but to no avail.
I am unable to change the name of the field as it it comes from an external off-the-shelf package. Code ....
I amreceivingthe following error on IE8:Invalid argument. jquery-1.4.2.js, line 5899 character 5 Now I have used the debugger, and this seems to be the only error it catches. And I realize that I could go through each line of what I wrote and figure out what line triggered this portion of jQuery. However in the interest of making jQuery better, I want to understand this error and fix it in the jQuery file.