Pass The Variable (1/0) Back To The File?
Jun 9, 2010
I have a form, I have successfully passed the username from jquery
$.post("", { username: username} );
to php script. The php script checks the database to see if the username exists:
if ($num >=1){
echo= 0;
echo= 1;}
How do I pass the variable (1/0) back to the javascript file?
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Dec 1, 2009
I start outside of the external JS file by: reviews.init(); reviews.initialiseContent('comment'); This loads my data and loads + sets the comment tab as default. My problem is that in the external JS file (shown below) the loadTabs variable will not allow me to pass it a variable: contentDiv.onclick = this.initialiseContent; Whenever I pass a variable here it errors, am I setting this up correctly, should I be using prototype for my this. variables? Interested to hear back on if this structure of code is the right way to go about this and also how I can pass a variable in this way :)
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Jul 18, 2011
I have two .php files one is index.php and another is located includes/school.php
my jquery script is inside index.php and edit buttons are inside school.php page
There is a table in school.php file and each row there is a edit button.
My script is like this
I can store wantid according to the button click but I don't know how to pass this wantid value to includes/school.php file as a variable.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have been trying to utilize a pre existing snippet of JS that makes a call to some PHP, where the PHP echo's out the answer, namely a dynamic quick search output, that gains its data from an xml file (which works as expected) and thought I might be able to rework the code to work for my altered purpose (which has been a disaster at every attempt) which is as follows:
1. I have a JS file called call4section.js - JS that has a string (str) value assigned (could be number or a combination of numbers and letters) which is passed to a PHP script called call4section.php.
2. The PHP script takes receipt of the string and finds a match within an XML file for the entry under <reference>.
3. The XML file has a format as follows:
And well, I dont seem to be able to get any further forward with it. Effectively, I can echo out the $reply (if it worked I think), but my stumbling block is sending the starting string, with the JS expecting some reply sent from the PHP.
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Mar 30, 2006
I have a web page that displays records from a database. I want to
allow the user to specify his own "page size" - that is, the number of
records to be displayed on a given page. I have a place set up for him
to enter a value and save it to a cookie. My problem is, I can't
figure out a good, simple way to pass that value back to the server.
The page is accessed in various ways: it's first viewed by selecting
it from a javascript menu. Then the page itself contains a form with a
series of buttons that allow the user to jump to a specific page above
or below the current page. There are also "sort links" at the top of
the columns of data which refresh the data sorted in a different way.
In all of these cases, I will need to pass the page size back to the
I tried storing the page size in a hidden input field. This works but
it's not available on the first request (from the menu). I thought
about passing in the value as a query string (mypage.htm?PS=123) but I
can't figure out how to attach the value to all of the various
requests (menu, form and links).
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Oct 17, 2002
I'm spawning a child window from a parent. In the child I'm dynamically building a table. When I click "finished" I want the entire table to go back to the parent and replace the original table "shell" (an empty <table> </table> tag-pair).
Note: The table ID is the same at the parent and child. This allows the replacement to work repeatedly. The child window closes but I don't see the table on the parent.
I get the feeling I'm mixing DHTML and DOM (ie "window.opener....") and .. well, I don't know what to think.
Is it OK to nest DOM functions as shown in the code?
I've tried a couple of different things - I'd like to use "replaceNode", but the syntax is not clear in the reference I have.
[b]The problem{/b]
Below is the function triggered by the child window "finished" button's onclick event.
I suspect the variable assignment is wrong as an alert box immediately after it (removed in this sample) did not show up.
function finished() {
var oldReport = window.opener.document.getElementbyId('DBReportsTable');
oldReport.firstChild.removeNode(true); // the <tbody>
return true;
} // finished()
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Aug 31, 2009
how do i pass values back to javascript from the server via ajax? I don't want to pass entire html. Is there any way to simply pass a JavaScript object or an array without stuff like xml and json? I could probably do an eval() on the result to convert it to a javascript understandable array, but maybe there's a more clever way to do that?
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Jun 9, 2011
I tried this code but i got an error on the it said Syntax error code...
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Aug 15, 2011
I have a form with 3 text inputs; onclick I pass their values to another php file to process everything in that file without a refresh, it works fine, but in the same form I also have a input and I need to pass its value to that other file as well, does anybody know how to do it? This is what I have:
function processform(){
{title: newpostform.titleInput.value,
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May 6, 2010
Is it possible to assign a javascript variable to a php variable without using forms?
I want to display the variable address where I have stored the users address which I got from the google maps geocode and I want to display it inside a div. code...
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Oct 21, 2011
Ok, so I've built a member search using ajax to change the results each time a filter is changed. It works great, except one minor issue that I'm struggling with...I just can't specify dynamically in the parent file that linkclass$id opens linkclasscontent$id as I don't know of any way to pass that $id variable back over to the parent.
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Nov 22, 2010
I am trying to write code to allow a person select one photo to be their base image or Front cover image on a photo album. I am using jquery .post to get the form check box values which are the image file names and then use post to throw them to a php file and then update the database.
Now thats cool so far and that part works. Now the problem is that I need the main photo album picture to be replaced once the .post if completed or succeeded. I need to refresh the main image. Right now the only way to do it is to hit the refresh button on your web browser. Yet I want to do this without refreshing the page.
The Image displayed already is in a image html tag with a id named user_main I was thinking is it possible for .post to pass back to javascript a variable that has the image source and is there any way to update that image tag easily like where it says src="path to image" is located.
Would like to know the best way to refresh the image without having to refresh the page.
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Jul 16, 2010
I'm writing a script and I've encountered a problem.. I have a txt file with many words, each word in a different line. For example: the file words.txt contains:
I need to load the content of the file into a variable in my script. I prefer that all the words will be in the same variable with line breaks, but if you'll figure out a way to put it in an array, it's ok too. I really don't know how to do it, and I tried to google but didn't understand.. By the way, I don't want to change the txt file to js file, I need it to remain txt..
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Jul 16, 2010
I'm writing a script and I've encountered a problem.. I have a txt file with many words, each word in a different line. For example: the file words.txt contains:
I need to load the content of the file into a variable in my script. I prefer that all the words will be in the same variable with line breaks, but if you'll figure out a way to put it in an array, it's ok too. I really don't know how to do it, and I tried to google but didn't understand.. By the way, I don't want to change the txt file to js file, I need it to remain txt..
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Jan 17, 2009
I'm trying to hack my wordpress home page to enable users to enter in a package tracking number and pass it to, an online package tracker.
All I need is a bit of code to pass the number to the URL in the following format:
where "85642012466" is the number the user enters in.
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Mar 9, 2011
I tried js but as I am not good with it, I just want to do this through PHP.
I am adding dynamic rows when user clicks the Add Row button.I want to show the calculated amount like:
if (isset($_POST['qty']) && sizeof($_POST['qty']) > 0) {
for($i = 0, $maxi = count($_POST['qty']); $i < $maxi; $i++) {
$quantity = (isset($_POST['qty'][$i]) && !empty($_POST['qty'][$i])) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['qty'][$i]) : 0;
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Sep 29, 2010
I am developing application in which i use ajax.but i need to pass more than one variable to url for further processing. I can't use
var url="availabilitycheck.php?t="+value //it works
var url="availabilitycheck.php?t="+value+"&hid="+hd1+"&chkin="+chkin; //not valid
How can i send other variables.?? I tried using session that works but it does not work when i integrated it to joomla. So is there any way to pass more variable in url as querystring?
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Jul 9, 2009
Im writing client-side javascript and I want to do a server side include. There are many server files but only one will be included. These files contain peoples names and phone numbers. This info is packaged as a line of javascript but I can change that packaging if necessary.
The file name to include is being passed as a url parameter: [url]
I know how to parse the url string and stuff the ID number into a javascript variable.
I set <ICODE> foo = "/people/12345.html" </ICODE> and tried <ICODE><!--#include virtual="${foo}" --> </ICODE>
but this did not work.
Is there a way to do this with javascript given that the name of the file I wish to include is contained in a variable? If not, what is the usual way of getting the data in the server file into my client-side javascript?
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Jan 22, 2006
how to pass a variable from HTML to Javascript? I have the following script which works OK if I input to str from the "prompt" box, but I want to input from a one-line text box on an HTML page. [Code]
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Dec 6, 2010
I have the following not working [code]....
I don't understand how to pass the currentId variable to the .addClass method as the above code does not work. If I replace currentId with 'id_1" it works. I also verified that currentId has actually an id value like this:
but I'm really missing how to pass that variable.
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Feb 10, 2010
So after the validation find true, from that validation.php , i want to pass a PHP variable to custom.js( Jquery file).How can i do it.I am getting validation errors as a concatinated string which is returned by php,am trying to append a variable to that string.but its ech oing on the screen.Is it possible to assign a variable in that PHP file and pass to jquery file.
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Oct 9, 2009
How can i pass a jquery variable to a php variable? Or pass a jquery variable in GET or POST.
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Nov 27, 2000
I'm trying to pass some javascript variables to php. Is there any way to do this w/o forms, w/o cookies? code...
doesn't seem to work.
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Mar 4, 2009
If it is possible to pass a php variable through to a javascript function.
I have a bit more to the code but that is the bare essentials as an example. If i remove the $id and $name from the passTest() for onClick the function works properly. However if I leave them in the function doesn't seem to work at all.
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Mar 25, 2009
In my wesite i am dynamically creating divs.there is one java script function with arguments as the div how can i pass the different id on that function when the page is loading
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Oct 5, 2009
Can i pass php Variable into javascript function like this example.code...
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