how do i pass values back to javascript from the server via ajax? I don't want to pass entire html. Is there any way to simply pass a JavaScript object or an array without stuff like xml and json? I could probably do an eval() on the result to convert it to a javascript understandable array, but maybe there's a more clever way to do that?
I have a web page that displays records from a database. I want to allow the user to specify his own "page size" - that is, the number of records to be displayed on a given page. I have a place set up for him to enter a value and save it to a cookie. My problem is, I can't figure out a good, simple way to pass that value back to the server.
The page is accessed in various ways: it's first viewed by selecting it from a javascript menu. Then the page itself contains a form with a series of buttons that allow the user to jump to a specific page above or below the current page. There are also "sort links" at the top of the columns of data which refresh the data sorted in a different way. In all of these cases, I will need to pass the page size back to the server.
I tried storing the page size in a hidden input field. This works but it's not available on the first request (from the menu). I thought about passing in the value as a query string (mypage.htm?PS=123) but I can't figure out how to attach the value to all of the various requests (menu, form and links).
how to pass javascript variable values to server side code i used a hidden field and passed he value in it . i do get the value in hidden field but on using request("hdfield") its blank how do i get the value frm javascript
I am using PlainAjax. [URL] Here is my code and it is not working if i called from Javascript function.
<script type="JavaScript" src="plainajax.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" > function openWin()
But i am not able to get any value in my php program. or is anyother way to pass the variable from Javascript (except pass thru url query string, this is not secure)
I want to send three text box values to server using jquery ajax. problem is that, i dont know the exact syntax to send three data. When i try sending one data(also change no.of parameters to one at server side method), its going good but when i try to send three text box values, its giving jquery error:"Internal server error". I think I am not sending data in correct way. Example below contains only two sending data, because i was trying to send 2 data first.
Below is the code:
function testCAll() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "dbTest1.aspx/SendMessage",
I'm trying to write a script that will be loaded from one server into a website on another server. This script is trying to talk (ajax) to the server that it comes from but I'm getting "Access Denied" errors. I'm well aware that cross-domain calls are not allowed for security reasons so my question is how does Google Analytics work because essentially thats what I'm trying to accomplish. I can embed a Google Analytics script into my website and it'll gather data and send it back to Google.
I have created an entry form that I display in a modal dialog. I have two buttons on the form: "Add and close", and "Add and allow me to add another". However the only time my modal form will post back to the server is after the form has been closed. I want to do the following: The user opens the form in a modal dialog. The user enters data, and clicks the "Add and allow me to add another" button. The page sends the user input to the server, which adds the input to a database and updates a datagrid on the page. This updated datagrid is visible behind the modal form, so the user can see it happening in the background The form clears all input fields and the user goes again. Any code I write that calls the server (button click events, ajax calls, etc) are ignored, unless the modal form has been closed.
I have these two functions below and when i try to change the back url string value on the main server to check_out.php like it is on the dev. environment nothing happens. It keeps going back to the myaccount.php. It works fine on the development environment.
function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete")[code]....
I'm spawning a child window from a parent. In the child I'm dynamically building a table. When I click "finished" I want the entire table to go back to the parent and replace the original table "shell" (an empty <table> </table> tag-pair).
Note: The table ID is the same at the parent and child. This allows the replacement to work repeatedly. The child window closes but I don't see the table on the parent.
I get the feeling I'm mixing DHTML and DOM (ie "window.opener....") and .. well, I don't know what to think.
Is it OK to nest DOM functions as shown in the code?
I've tried a couple of different things - I'd like to use "replaceNode", but the syntax is not clear in the reference I have.
[b]The problem{/b] Below is the function triggered by the child window "finished" button's onclick event.
I suspect the variable assignment is wrong as an alert box immediately after it (removed in this sample) did not show up.
function finished() { var oldReport = window.opener.document.getElementbyId('DBReportsTable'); oldReport.firstChild.removeNode(true); // the <tbody> oldReport.appendChild(document.getElementById('DBReportsTable').firstChild); window.close(); return true; } // finished()
I know at this point is that these is a difference in the array formatting between PHP and JS. The magic bullet is supposed to be json. However, this code does not work as advertised.
The variable $prt is list of associative arrays, so to get a value in a particular row manually , $prt[0]['location'] should give me the value for location in the first row of output. All of this works just fine if i hard code this in html and php. However, I want to dynamically produce the rows as needed which requires that a loop employed. The application also requires that the user may add a row which also need to be accounted for when posting.
I think the best solution is to make this a totally javascript entity. All I need to do is to be able to pass in the server side data. Calling JS from PHP does not work, although i have found many places where they show basically the same code , claiming that it works. think json needs a bit of tweaking to make this happen, but i'm not sure how to proceed.
I am trying to pass an argument to a function to process server responses. My original line of code looked like this: [url]
This works well enough as is, but I am trying to pass arguments to the function, and everything I am reading says to contruct the code like this: [url]
Every example I have come across uses this same approach, but I keep getting the error "Expected ';'" pointing to this line and then the code fails to execute. I just cannot see where there is anything missing, and it looks pretty much identical to my examples.
I have also tried replacing the call to the function with the actual code in long-form, and the result is the same.
In part of my form, I have 3 inputs (one textarea and two text inputs),I am validating their value format using AJAX (each input triggers error message on its label in case format is wrong). Also I have one button, "NOT submit button" (type = button).Now, when clicking on the button it must enter the value of those three inputs in my database in case they are true then all inputs values must be cleared. In case AJAX validation is wrong and in case the user clicked on that button, the value of fields must kept as it is.
Actually I can not use submit button because I have it for the whole form and what I am taking about is a part of the form and it's not possible to make nested forms as I know it violates html rules. It's easy to make it if I am taking about submitting button as I can view session values on fields after submission in case ajax returns error.I can clear inputs from Javascript, but it will be cleared on both cases if AJAX validation true or wrong. Each input field has AJAX Error message that will be triggered when the input format is wrong.
I have a javascript that will take whatever was entered on this form and send it to the new URL (without submitting), but for some reason - it doesn't work anymore. i've changed things around, & probably messed soemthing up.
$('#cb_ht2').click(function() { // Reset incase Data Changed[code].....
I think i may have messed it when when adding that target-"_parent", it needs to pop a new window
I wonder if anybody can give me a hint about what I have to do to get this working: I am creating a drop down box using the script below. The
result is two text fields; now I want to pass those values, which come from the drop down box, to the next page. The next page should then simply look like this:
And the values should be the ones from the drop-down box... I have been staring myself blind about how to get this accomplished. Would be more than grateful if somebody could have a is what I got so far: Code:
I would like to have my javascript pass some variables it gets to a php page I have to log the inputs. The inputs are collected in forms but I want the logging to be completely hidden from the user. Any suggestions?
I have a list of images on the left side of the screen. On the right side I have an iframe for the picture and some text to be displayed. I can create individual pages for this, however I would rather create dynamic pages for this. I would love to be able to have a link on the left side that will send an image filename along with some text to the iframe, so I don't have to create so many smaller files. Has anyone done this?
I was wondering if I can pass my php variables through javascript function. Actually i have a simple table of pictures, when clicked in the picture a new popup page comes up, it working fine uptill this stage but now I want to pass a value through it, for instance if user clicks on picture1 then my popup url should be "item_large.php?id=pic1.
My Javascript junction for the popup window: function popup() {"item_large.php","Register","menubar=no,width=500,height=400,toolbar=no"); }
My Html code where I have my pictures: <td height="19" align="center" valign="top" onmouseover="this.bgColor='#CC3300' ;'pointer'" onmouseout="this.bgColor='#FFFFFF'" <A HREF="javascript:popup()">Picture01</A> </td>