Onreadystatechange Expecting - Pass An Argument To A Function To Process Server Responses
May 10, 2011
I am trying to pass an argument to a function to process server responses. My original line of code looked like this: [url]
This works well enough as is, but I am trying to pass arguments to the function, and everything I am reading says to contruct the code like this: [url]
Every example I have come across uses this same approach, but I keep getting the error "Expected ';'" pointing to this line and then the code fails to execute. I just cannot see where there is anything missing, and it looks pretty much identical to my examples.
I have also tried replacing the call to the function with the actual code in long-form, and the result is the same.
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Mar 14, 2002
How do you pass an argument to a function.
for example if you have a <span id = "test" onMouseOver ="myfunc(x)>
eg you have lots of differant span id's but you want then all to have a certain background-color with each individual on mouseover event without having to write separate code for each span id
eg <span id=" test2"onmouseover ="this.style.background ='red'>....
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Apr 8, 2010
I have an application running on a non-interactive kiosk that I need to keep updated with information that will be provided by a remote server. To do this, I've created an XMLHttpRequest/Microsoft.XMLHTTP object that checks the modified date in the header of a watched file that resides on a remote server.
This function runs on an interval, and if it detects a change in the modified date since the last check, it retrieves new information from the remote server.
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Jul 12, 2011
I need to encrypt my AJAX requests and responses from the server. As the message format I use simple JSON.Can you advise any libraries about it?
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Nov 30, 2006
how to you use the result of a function as the argument for another function instead of passing the actual function to it. i.e.
function foo2(){}
function foo(func){}
This passes foo2 to foo, can I do foo(foo2()) ? i.e. is the difference between whether a function is passed or evaluated dependent on whether you use "()" after the function name?
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Feb 22, 2010
My login to the site is being processed using ajax, which does a redirect to the members page upon succesfull loggin in.The login feature however can in fact take a while because we need to initialise quite some data when a user logs in (his details, but also his privileges are loaded, his personal menu based on these privileges are being loaded, we are loading shopping cart info, we are initialising personalisation settings, and a whole lot more.It sounds like a big thing, but it isn't, and once logged in, the application is going great. the only thing is that the login proceure can take 3 - 4 seconds, and I would like to be able to show the client the progress of the serverside script:
"Searching your account..."
"Validating your privileges"
"Initialising your personal menu"
To do this, I might just call an ajax call that starts the login procedure, and then issue another ajax call every 1 second or so to update the status based on some session variables I set in the login procedure and that I can serve to the client when th next ajax calls come in, but I would love for this to work a little nicer as in just needing to initialise ONE ajax call which can send back statusupdates from the server...
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Apr 8, 2010
i have an initAll() called on window.onload within initAll() I assign a few onclick handlers to some links. However, it would be great if I could pass an argument to the handler, so I could use the same handler every time... but if I include two brackets for each handler, it executes immediately... ignoring the 'onclick' bit...
window.onload = initAll;
function initAll(){
document.getElementById('btn_events').onclick = getSpecificFeed('events');
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Nov 29, 2010
I am trying to pass _marker to showEquipmentDataDiv() in the code below but I get a runtime error that says
The alert(_marker.getTitle()) works so the marker is being passed to getLocationEquipmentHTML() correctly.
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Jun 24, 2010
In ASP.Net, I am trying to create a WebControl. In this control, I have RenderControl method overridden with my html controls.
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output)
How can I make the button call the click event so that the server side method btnExecute_Click() can be called? Also, this button calls a javascript function before server side even.
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Jul 12, 2011
I am facing a problem in passing replace() function as an argument in user defined java function.
intention is to pass a file path to my user defined function, but before passing the path i want to replace the character '' to '\'
I am posting my javascript function here:
<a href="#" onclick="OpenDocPreview('<%# Eval("PATH")%>'.replace(/\/g,"\\"), '<%# Eval("Filename")%>')"><%# Eval("DocTitle") %></a>
function OpenDocPreview(url, docname) {
alert('message from search base : ' + url + ' ' + docname);
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Jul 12, 2011
I am facing a problem in passing replace() function as an argument in user defined java function
intention is to pass a file path to my user defined function, but before passing the path i want to replace the character '' to '\'
I am posting my javascript function here:
<a href="#" onclick="OpenDocPreview('<%# Eval("PATH")%>'.replace(/\/g,"\\"), '<%# Eval("Filename")%>')"><%# Eval("DocTitle") %></a>
function OpenDocPreview(url, docname) {
alert('message from search base : ' + url + ' ' + docname);
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Mar 20, 2009
I used this expandable menu bar from this site(example on the site)
anyways, i want an alert window with the height of the menu bar.[code]...
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Sep 29, 2010
I am using a GET function to process an external file, but I need only part of it.
So how to 'process' html : e.g. how to remove a certain div inside the html ?
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Dec 23, 2009
if the script below needs some kind of escape function in it?
Code JavaScript:
function RateItem(varItemId, varRating)[code].......
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Mar 30, 2006
I have a web page that displays records from a database. I want to
allow the user to specify his own "page size" - that is, the number of
records to be displayed on a given page. I have a place set up for him
to enter a value and save it to a cookie. My problem is, I can't
figure out a good, simple way to pass that value back to the server.
The page is accessed in various ways: it's first viewed by selecting
it from a javascript menu. Then the page itself contains a form with a
series of buttons that allow the user to jump to a specific page above
or below the current page. There are also "sort links" at the top of
the columns of data which refresh the data sorted in a different way.
In all of these cases, I will need to pass the page size back to the
I tried storing the page size in a hidden input field. This works but
it's not available on the first request (from the menu). I thought
about passing in the value as a query string (mypage.htm?PS=123) but I
can't figure out how to attach the value to all of the various
requests (menu, form and links).
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Jul 5, 2010
I am using PlainAjax. [URL] Here is my code and it is not working if i called from Javascript function.
<script type="JavaScript" src="plainajax.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" >
function openWin()
But i am not able to get any value in my php program. or is anyother way to pass the variable from Javascript (except pass thru url query string, this is not secure)
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Jun 9, 2007
How can I modify any one of these global variable identified via a function
var x1 = "bla";
var x2 = "bla";
var x3 = "bla";
function modify(variable) {
???? [variable]???? = "blabla":
The following onclick should change the string value of variable 'x1' from
"bla" to "blabla", via the above modify() function.
<a ... onclick="modify('x1')">
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Jun 23, 2009
I have used an object in the past as a function argument, but this was for a plugin that I wrote. Using it in the architecture of a plugin it worked. BUT, this time, I just want to write a normal function, but still use an object to set defaults and pass in changes to those defaults through as a param. Is this possible, or do I have to make this a jQuery function like $.myfunction() ?
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Mar 12, 2009
I'm trying to pass an array as an argument for a function on load of an html page, but can't seem to get it to work. Here is my code.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Mar 2, 2010
How can I create argument defaults for a function? I have this function (the purpose of the lines I included were to set defaults if the user forget to input something simply to prevent an error.
addHSLink = function (hsElem, hsUrl, hsType, hsTitle, hsWidth, hsHeight) { //hsElem[string], hsUrl[string], hsType[string], hsTitle[string], hsWidth[string/number], hsHeight[string/number]
var jQElem = $(hsElem);
if (typeof hsUrl !== 'string') {
hsUrl = '[URL]';
} if (typeof hsTitle !== 'string') {
hsTitle = '';
} if ((typeof hsWidth !== 'string' && isNaN(parseFloat(hsWidth))) || hsWidth !== 'number') {
hsWidth = 800;
} if ((typeof hsHeight !== 'string' && isNaN(parseFloat(hsHeight))) || hsHeight !== 'number') {
hsHeight = 600;
//Some other code
I would like to save some programming space and time by finding another way to set defaults. I saw somewhere that you could set a default in the arguments list
function someFunction(aVariable = false) {
//some code
But when I try to do this with all my arguments, I get the error:
"Missing ) after formal parameters".
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Aug 31, 2009
how do i pass values back to javascript from the server via ajax? I don't want to pass entire html. Is there any way to simply pass a JavaScript object or an array without stuff like xml and json? I could probably do an eval() on the result to convert it to a javascript understandable array, but maybe there's a more clever way to do that?
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Dec 14, 2009
I know at this point is that these is a difference in the array formatting between PHP and JS. The magic bullet is supposed to be json. However, this code does not work as advertised.
The variable $prt is list of associative arrays, so to get a value in a particular row manually , $prt[0]['location'] should give me the value for location in the first row of output. All of this works just fine if i hard code this in html and php. However, I want to dynamically produce the rows as needed which requires that a loop employed. The application also requires that the user may add a row which also need to be accounted for when posting.
I think the best solution is to make this a totally javascript entity. All I need to do is to be able to pass in the server side data. Calling JS from PHP does not work, although i have found many places where they show basically the same code , claiming that it works. think json needs a bit of tweaking to make this happen, but i'm not sure how to proceed.
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Feb 8, 2011
What syntax do I use to pass the div_name argument value to the rotate function in the setInterval function? I can't seem to get it to work.
Code JavaScript:
function theRotator(div_name) {
//Set the opacity of all images to 0
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Aug 3, 2011
How I use $.ajax() for passed argument to php function other file example index.php.
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Dec 1, 2011
New to JS. Have ordered some new books, but need to get somethings going in the mean time. What I wanted to do is to link to a new page having a date range input in the form of 6 text boxes, 2 sets of mm-dd-yy, from and to, where the upon loading the page box 1 of the from would auto focus and then auto tab and then post where php could take over on the server side. Setting up the form and the lay out, no problem. Auto focusing went just like expected using the following code, included because on the next step everything fell apart.
<script type="text/javascript" >
window.onload=function() {
So then the wheels came off and in response, began to simplify what was trying to be done to find where the issues were. As far as I can get working is:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<script type="text/javascript" >
window.onload=function() {
<script type="text/javascript" >
function myFunc() {
alert("is this working");
<input id="input1" name="input1" type="text" onkeyup="myFunc()" maxlength="2" value="type a No." />
First issue with this: When I first get to the page everything is just as ordered. The focus is on the text box and the default value is "type a No." When I press a key onkeyup, I bring up the alert box with "is this working" in it. But when I refresh the page with the refresh button, after clicking the "ok" on the alert box, the character that was typed in is still displayed. If I use the link to the page, or the URL from the address bar, then the page reloads properly with the default value, "type a No".
How do you get the default textbox value using the refresh button as apposed to reloading the page using a link or from the address bar? Using Firefox 8.0 more important at the moment: If I change the script to pass an argument to the function the script crashes. It does not pull up an alert box and freezes. My guess is that I'm doing something wrong on a concept level. Changed the default value of the text box to " ". Looked like to me there was an issue with the size specification and the default string length as you could only enter in a key stroke by highlighting the text and replacing it.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<script type="text/javascript" >
window.onload=function() {
<script type="text/javascript" >
function myFunc(awe) {
<input id="input1" name="input1" type="text" onkeyup="myFunc("123")" maxlength="2" value="" />
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Jan 22, 2009
how to pass javascript variable values to server side code i used a hidden field and passed he value in it . i do get the value in hidden field but on using request("hdfield") its blank how do i get the value frm javascript
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