How To Delay An Image/HTML Loading?
Jul 23, 2005
I need to delay something either an image or a table from loading for 2-5
seconds. So far I have not find a good method.
I need the rest of the page, even the codes after the delayed image, to be
displayed in real time.
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Jan 20, 2006
I am using DOM to swap between DIVs to give the effect of a tabbed display window. Each of the DIVs contains its own images. I don't want all of these images to load with the page but rather just to load when the relevant DIV is selected. (All but 1 DIVs are hidden initially.)
By default, is this the case? Or can I use a function to not allow the images to load until I tell them to?
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Oct 18, 2006
I have an image that I want to delay the load of by 3 - 5 seconds. I've found tons of stuff on how to preload images, but nothing on how to delay the load of images.
I think this is something I can do with JavaScript and the setTimeout function. (If it's not, just direct me to the correct forum.) However, this is the image code and I just need to delay it loading:
<a href=""><img src="" class="imgclass" /></a>
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got a script that caches 52 card images and displays the
appropriate card based on user input. It works fine, except when the
page loads for the first time the results are unpredictable until a
few seconds elapse. My guess is that it's taking time to cache the 52
images. Is there any way to delay the loading of the page until all 52
images are cached?
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Mar 3, 2011
With a javascript timer to delay the loading of the main container div on a website.
The reason is that I would like the background image (560k) to load first and then the site to load after. I found the opposite of what I need;
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Aug 5, 2009
I recently set up a JQuery script to show and hide a specific DIV on my site. Everything is working correctly except when the page is loading, the DIV is fully expanded and hides as it's supposed to a few seconds later. Ideally, I would like this DIV to remain hidden until the user actually clicks on it. This seems to be a performance issue, but honestly I am a JavaScript novice so I really don't know where to go from here.
The page in questions is here. And the specific areas that use this script are the "Change Log" and "Readme" boxes.
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a button on my site, which when clicked calls an ajax function. What I want to do though, is append a loading graphic for just 2 seconds inside the button such that it looks as if the website is 'busy' saving when the button is clicked. This is obviously just for user feedback as the 'save' is done instantly - it's just for user feedback to make the user confident that the save button has worked. To do this, I'm trying to append a loading image to the save button, delay for 2 seconds, then remove the image, but it doesn't seem to work.
I have this HTML:
<p><a href="#" title="" class="save">Save</a></p>
And this jQuery:
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Jun 10, 2011
Ok i just created my portfolio site using a simple accordion effect i got from. [URL] Im very new to javascript and coding in general, so im sure my code is far from pretty. My question, is their a way to fix the delay on the way the accordion loads. if you go to my site [URL] you'll see that initially all the sections are visible and then they collapse after a few moments. is there anyway to make it so they are collapsed immediately.
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Jul 27, 2009
I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.
$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){
var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac');
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Dec 28, 2010
I tried to load 1 html through ajax and javascript and it worked.But i want to load more than one and i cant.I thought that it would be a good idea to put the ajax files to the external websites and put the same load button.I tried this idea but it doesn work.I can only load one external website.
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Jul 7, 2011
I used DrDOS's solution from [URL]and modyfied it a bit so I have 2 images, first without and 2nd with a link to other page. It works just fine in FF but in Chrome and in IE it shows just 2nd image. On place where first image shall be it's just blank white space. I have javascript enabled in all browsers, btw.Here's a code in head:
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadImg()
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Dec 2, 2011
I have a jQuery script that loads and displays a small window on a mouse hover. I use jQuery AJAX to load the content on that window. Having that, I noticed that loading the response from php file (which does not have a php code, only the file has .php on its name) is slower than the same file content with .html name. I wonder if this is a common problem or there is some issue with my codes. I will post my code if needed (if that seems to be the problem).Note: I mentioned that there is no php code in the php file because I am only testing the performance currently. After it is developed, there will be (obviously) php code in it.
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Jun 11, 2010
I am showing an image possibly 957x30 pixels size on a page. Whenever there is a mouseover or hover on this image, it is swapped with another image (say 957x130 pixels) by expanding its division in slidedown fashion and stays visible for few seconds before swapping back with first image.
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Sep 29, 2009
I need to fadeout an image after a delay when a page is loaded, then redirect it to another page.
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Aug 5, 2010
I'm attempting to make a little slide show navigation box..thing, along the lines of what a lot of sports sites and, say, Gamespot use (digression: do these boxes have a technical name?).
My setup is pretty simple - I have a small PHP script that iterates over an image folder and pulls both the file name and last modified info from each image and stores them in an associative array. The array is json_encode()-ed. My jQuery $.get()'s the json, parses it, and then creates image elements based on the info. Cycle then does its thing and creates the slide show.
It all works, with one problem - the images don't appear upon a first visit to the site. They only appear on subsequent visits. This happens in the big three browsers (IE, FF, Chrome) without fail. A refresh is always necessary.
I'm not sure if it's a runtime issue, a cache issue, or if somehow Cycle isn't 'seeing' the images the first time. Please help. My code is below:
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Sep 4, 2011
I'm trying to build an image gallery and I want to shrink all the images a bit to allow for enlarging them on mouseover. I have it working fine locally, but when deployed to my server it doesn't work because the image files are still loading as the javascript executes. What I wind up with is the js using the image's alt tag's text size as the image size, which then gets resized to create a squashed image. What I want to do is preload all the thumbnail images before the the function to resize them gets called so the resize function has the proper dimensions of the images to do the transformation on. I'm using the jQuery.Preload plugin for my preloading functionality.
My expectation of this code is that the enable_anim_resize() function will not be called until all the images are loaded, but I don't see any difference in this execution than if I just sequentially put in my resize code after the preload line and didn't use the onFinished callback for the preload method (example below:) $(document).ready(function(){ From my understanding of the documentation and examples of the preload plugin, the enable_anim_resize() function shouldn't be called until all images on the page are loaded, at which point the proper dimensions of these images should be available for correct resizing. Can anyone clue me in on what I'm missing here?
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Oct 13, 2009
I have created a party-events website. Which displays a lot of dates of events. As you might understand this page takes some time to load. Therefor I want some of loading image to be displayed while the page is loading. Anybody has an idea how to pull this of? I don't know how.
In detail: People come to my website. They click on "events" and a loading.gif pops up and and makes the background darker. After the page has completely loaded the loading image disappears and the website shows.
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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Jan 14, 2011
How to display loading gif image until the big image have loaded? Now I have the html and js but it doesn't work. Anyone have some idea or solution ?
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Feb 3, 2010
On the following page:[URL]I would like to load in content from an xml file, when the user clicks on one of the products from the sidemenu. The content will be an image and text for each type of headphone. I've been looking into it and I thought the best way would be to have 1 XML with all the content for each type instead of having one XML or one HTML for each type.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#letter-d a').click(function() {
$.get('d.xml', function(data) {
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm currently working on my portfolio website and would like to have information about my movie clips be retrieved from an XML document when a thumbnail is clicked. I am building my website in HTML and would like to retrieve the Xml using JavaScript.
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Oct 15, 2009
Im loading a div of an external html (#right_in) into a div (#right) in my main movie this way:
var toLoad ='.html #right_in';
function loadContent() {
Is it possible to specify that the DIV has to load always at y=0, ie from the top?
Because when I load another external div into my main div firefox keeps the latest position (if I scrolled before it loads the new page at that point).
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May 15, 2010
Something is up with my coding, when I try to load the page.. it will only load in notepad.
<title>Other ways to help</title>
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
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Feb 7, 2010
I have a login button which takes the user to the login page. Now... this to me seems like a slow way of logging in. I would like users who have javascript enabled to click the login button. Instead of them being forwarded to the login page, I want the login form to magically pop up on top of the web page.
I can do this, I can creative a div, add the html and probably with a bit of trying - get the user to login. However I have a question. For maintainability, I want to have create a separate HTML file, how would I insert this into my page using Javascript?
Furthermore speed is crucial, is there a way to have this fragment load in the background on every page? I am not sure what would be best, i just don't want a second or two wait when the button is pressed. Basically - in short - how to I load this file fragment? What is the fastest way to do this?
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Oct 15, 2009
Im loading a div of an external html (#right_in) into a div (#right) in my main movie this way:
var toLoad ='.html #right_in';
function loadContent() {
Is it possible to specify that the DIV has to load always at y=0, ie from the top? Because when I load another external div into my main div firefox keeps the latest position (if I scrolled before it loads the new page at that point).
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Jan 30, 2011
I am trying to load a div from one page, into a div on another page. On the webpage I am loading the new div to I put:
Why doesn't this work right? It looks right to me... what am i missing??
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