I am showing an image possibly 957x30 pixels size on a page. Whenever there is a mouseover or hover on this image, it is swapped with another image (say 957x130 pixels) by expanding its division in slidedown fashion and stays visible for few seconds before swapping back with first image.
I'm trying to do a basic image swap when a link is mouseovered. The idea is that you hover over a group of links that is associated with that image, and the image lights up. I have different sets of links and images all over the page.markup looks something like this:
I'm trying to achieve an effect where background image will change once you hover over a different link, but not sure how to go about that...Here's what I got:
HTML <ul id = "list"> <li id="home"><a href="#">HOME</li></a> <li id="about"><a href="#">ABOUT</li> <li><a href="#">PORTFOLIO</li> <li><a href="#">WORK</li> <li><a href="#">CONTACT</li> <li><a href="#">GET A QUOTE</li> </ul>
CSS body { background-image: url(Images/home.jpg); } ul li { list-style-type:none; font-size:36px; font-family:Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif; } a:hover { background-color:#7EB6FF; -moz-border-radius: 15px; border-radius: 5px; width:40px; } a:link { text-decoration:none; }
And JS should probably go something like this: $("#about").hover(function() { $(this).css("background-image", "url('Images/about.jpg')"); });
Though this only leads to image being show only partially (given that its li element only, I suppose).
I'm using DreamWeaver CS3's image rollover code, but I'm trying to edit the code so that when you click the image, the hover state stays selected.
Then, when you hover anc click another image, the first image reverts back to it's original state. I've scoured the Internet, but can't find anything that works.
Here's the current javascript code:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
I have a page that is a displaying a Movie, or it's really 3 Movies but to get to the 2nd Movie the user has to click a "Next" button. My problem is that I want to delay this button to appear until the movie is more or less done... could be 7 or 16 minutes. What would be the easiest and most propriate way to do this using jQuery... swaping out one DIV for another once after X minutes?
I've got a selection of 4 images/banners there all the same size and fit into the website layout perfectly, what I'm after is a small bit of java that will change the image from 1 - 4 and then loop to do it again all on a timed delay.
The code I'm using was pulled from a slide show exsample and i've just removed asmuch of the code as was possible.
When I mouseover over the list items below, I would like a DIV that I specify (in this case corresponding by number - but I would like the flexibility to define the div name individually if numbers don't exist, or don't match up [I'm using Drupal, and everything is dynamically generated]) to slide out, or just appear, beneath it (the list will be inline). It needs to stay open so people can click the link that appears in the DIV, but when you mouseout from the DIV or the list item, the div needs to disappear.
My HTML looks more like this: <div id = "navigation"
I'm not familiar with how this code is working, and have been trying to work it out, but I'm not sure I understand the use of "idx" and how the singular "slide" term comes into play.
I have a 300x150 container div with a small inner div that has a image link button inside..When the user hovers over the button, it currently does .hide on the visible container div and .show on another div.However, I don't want the event to fired instantly, I would like for the animations to take affect 3000 milliseconds after their mouse has entered the button div to prevent the event from firing without the users intention.
I have a hover event that highlights some text somewhere else on the page. When I leave the hover target, I don't want the highlighting to change. So I don't want a mouseout event. The problem is, when I hover over the one I want and then try to get to the highlighted items, I inevitably drag across another hover event which fires when I don't want it to. I tried the hoverIntent plugin but I get an error in Firebug saying hoverIntent is not a function even though it is loaded in the Head section. I looked but what I found seemed to just delay the execution of the event which I assume is fine if you want to cancel the hover actions on mouseout.
I need to delay a hover effect on a anchor tag, I need something that delays the hover effect when javascript is on and when it's off your still able to get the hover effect when you roll over the anchor tag.
This is what I'm trying to do: I want a simple image container to swap the image inside it by clicking the nav buttons on the right like 1, 2, 3.Here's my code:
HTML Code HTML4Strict: <div id="item1"> <div class="img-container shadow" style="background-image:url(images/gallery/tcg1.jpg)">[code].....
My jQuery code is not right. I want it to turn off the "hover" class and the "show" class of the others when you click one. I think I need some kind of if..else? how to write it? I have a bg image set on the container div so there's an initial image to view.I also need multiple of these on the same page!
What I'm looking for, and can't seem to find is, a JS snippet, that will delay the hover effect (a simple drop down) of my mega drop down menu by 250 millseconds or so. And of course, then hold the drop down in place for the same amount of time on mouseout.
I am a complete novice with Javascript, but am trying to work out how I can get a button to swap to another image when clicked, and each image have a different URL attached. I want to use this to toggle the bgcolor of my page using this script:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); [Code]...
i am trying to get each imageloaded into div while mouse over but it does not work. jQuery is new for me what is wrong with jQery code i have no idea could you help please. here is the code.
[URL].. I want the slider's navigation arrows to change on mouse over.Nothing I've tried has worked. In the JS file, I've tried using:<img src="left.png" onmouseover="this.src='left-hover.png'" onmouseout="this.src='left.png'"/>
How to disablea buttonon page load (not an actual submit button -- an image that's hyperlinked) and then enable it and swap out the image once the "next" button is clicked?
I am trying to make a point and click javascript game. Basically what I want is to have one image displayed on screen at the start (room1.jpg). When you click on a door on that image, I have an onclick event to change the image to a new one that shows the door open (room1_a.jpg). What I want is that when you click the now open door, to display the next room in the game. The only solution I can think of is some sort of nested onclick event using several image maps, but I am fairly new to Javascript and I am not sure if that is possible. What it all comes down to is I want to display each incarnation of each room in the game in the same window without having to reload a new window for each room. I hope that makes sense, if not I can try and clarify. Below is the code I have so far. And as you can see all that does is display the open door when you click on the image. I have not done any of the image mapping yet.
I am trying to put together a purse shopping site - I would like to have the various views of the same purse in thumbnails under one image then when the customer clicks on the thumbnail the larger image will go into the viewing area. The general layout is like this page - [URL] So when someone clicks on the smallest image I would like it to replace the other image on the page and the larger image becomes the thumbnail. How is this accomplished?
I'm trying to use javascript to load an image on a webpage when another image is clicked on, just like an image gallery and just like this except I don't need any text: [URL] I copied the example above but when I click on the smaller image to load the larger one it works for a fraction of a second (I can see the image load in the right spot), but then the browser goes to the URL of the image instead (showing it on a blank page).
I have a button that I want to be able to click on and for it to change to another image and also slide out a text panel and then when clicked the text panel slides back in and the button returns to its original state.
The code that i have found and adapted is below. So far I have it working to click on the button to expand but then I can only make it click on the panel to close not the actual button.
I'm failing to get a pure CSS way to achieve this, so trying JS. Several small images in a row, each different. Want mouseover to:
1. change each image to different image on mouseover (each image has its own mouseover image version).
2. produce different paragraph of text below row of images on each mouseover.
I can achieve it with mouseover on text links or on an image, but not with the two events, viz mouseover image swap + mouseover text swap. Would also want to be able to style the text.
I have four links that use graphics to create an unvisited and visited state (using CSS). The link actually changes a section of text elsewhere on that page, so the user doesn't leave the page. The clicked, visited graphic reflects what text you are reading. You can then select a different link, and new text reflects the link you clicked on. What goes wrong is that if you click all four links, you eventually get all four visited graphics showing.
What I want is this. You click on the graphic and the graphic changes to visited. You then select a different link and that state goes to visited but the previous link that is visited too, changes back to unvisited. Therefore when you click on any link, that visited state is shown, and all others always reset to unvisited. The results is that the visited graphic reflects the current text on that page.
I'm attempting to make a little slide show navigation box..thing, along the lines of what a lot of sports sites and, say, Gamespot use (digression: do these boxes have a technical name?).
My setup is pretty simple - I have a small PHP script that iterates over an image folder and pulls both the file name and last modified info from each image and stores them in an associative array. The array is json_encode()-ed. My jQuery $.get()'s the json, parses it, and then creates image elements based on the info. Cycle then does its thing and creates the slide show.
It all works, with one problem - the images don't appear upon a first visit to the site. They only appear on subsequent visits. This happens in the big three browsers (IE, FF, Chrome) without fail. A refresh is always necessary.
I'm not sure if it's a runtime issue, a cache issue, or if somehow Cycle isn't 'seeing' the images the first time. Please help. My code is below:
I'm trying to build an image gallery and I want to shrink all the images a bit to allow for enlarging them on mouseover. I have it working fine locally, but when deployed to my server it doesn't work because the image files are still loading as the javascript executes. What I wind up with is the js using the image's alt tag's text size as the image size, which then gets resized to create a squashed image. What I want to do is preload all the thumbnail images before the the function to resize them gets called so the resize function has the proper dimensions of the images to do the transformation on. I'm using the jQuery.Preload plugin for my preloading functionality.
My expectation of this code is that the enable_anim_resize() function will not be called until all the images are loaded, but I don't see any difference in this execution than if I just sequentially put in my resize code after the preload line and didn't use the onFinished callback for the preload method (example below:) $(document).ready(function(){ From my understanding of the documentation and examples of the preload plugin, the enable_anim_resize() function shouldn't be called until all images on the page are loaded, at which point the proper dimensions of these images should be available for correct resizing. Can anyone clue me in on what I'm missing here?
I am creating a custom gallery that I require an image and text to swap on click of an anchored thumbnail. I have successfully managed to change the image on click however I can't seem to manage changing the text. Currently when a user clicks on the thumbnail both the image and text is swapped however when the user clicks on another anchored thumbnail (after clicking on the first) the image swaps correctly but the text does not change My Code