Colored Scrollbar On Hidden Layers

Apr 27, 2011

I have a site with hidden layers [url. I would like to have the scrollbar customized but I'm having problems finding anything that will work with hidden layers. Anyone know of something I can use with hidden layers to customize a scrollbar?

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Hidden Layers Revealing Themselves

Nov 13, 2001

I'ld like to insert a feature seen in and whereby once a link is clicked it instantly reveals a hidden layer - seems a great way of quick navigation of info.

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Customized Scroll Bar With Hidden Layers ?

Mar 24, 2011

I was wondering if there was a way to have a customized scroll bar with hidden layers? I have about 10 links and when you roll over each link a hidden layer appears. The scroll bar appears in the middle of the page and I'd like to customize it so it matches the site. I cannot really find any javascript or jquery that works with hidden layers.

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Colored Drop Down Menu

Apr 9, 2009

How can I create a javascript drop down menu where each option has a different background color? I've looked and I can't find much. It's for a greasemonkey script

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Colored Text In Alert Box

Mar 1, 2005

How do I get the text in an alert box to be red?

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JQuery :: Last Line Of Returned Rows Not Colored

May 13, 2009

I have a function that is calling a list of events. Within the <code>.each</code> is alternating row colors code (see below):

function DisplayEventList(info,event_id){
$('#event-listing tbody').empty();
var startdate = $("start",this).text(); .....

My problem is that the last line of my returned rows isn't coloring. If 14 rows return, the first 13 will alternate coloring, but the 14th will not. Consequently, if only 1 line is returned, it does not color.

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Delete Rows That Has No Activity & No $ In JavaScript(Yellow Colored Rows)?

May 13, 2010

I have a HTML table with 800 rows. How can I delete rows that has no Activity & no $ in JavaScript(Red Colored Rows)? Please note I can have 1 or more than 1 assessments with 1 or more than 1 activity. Sample data.

BelaTorontoFirst AssessmentActivity 110
AsifTorontoFirst Assessment


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When The Images Rotate In Mozilla In Between The Rotations, Mozilla Browser Adds A Little Colored Square That Represents A Blank Image?

Jul 16, 2009

had this in browsers areas but people told me I should put it here in Javascript because more people here would probably have seen it before and know why it happens. I have basic Javascript that rotates images. I've noticed any kind of Javascript code that rotates images has this same problem only in Mozilla. When the images rotate in Mozilla in between the rotations, Mozilla browser adds a little colored square that represents a blank image that are able to be seen does anyone know why Mozilla Browser adds that? For example when looking at this page in Mozilla can see it. if you know if this is some Mozilla problem with Javascript and images. Doesn't happen with IE and other browsers shows the images only and nothing else.

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Hidden And Visible - Setup The Script To Have The Second Tab Automatically Hidden Prior To Reading The Code

Jan 9, 2010

I am trying to get a simple set of Javascript tabs to work properly. I have just two tabs and I want to set up the script to have the second tab automatically hidden prior to reading the javascript code because right now it shows the contents of both tabs when the page is loading and then the second tab disappears after all the script has loaded.

I have the jquery script linked to on the page and here is the way my script looks to run the tabs:


I want to add something like style="visibility:hidden;" to the DIV that isn't shown on page load and have it added and removed as necessary when users click on the tabs. So basically I would like the generated code to look like this:


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How Would I Discover The Text In A Block Element Hidden By Overflow:hidden Style Being Set?

Sep 20, 2005

Specifically, assume I have a div tag of absolute dimensions. I need
to figure out, first, whether or not the text inside the div tag is
partially hidden by the overflow setting, and if so, what the hidden
text is.

Is this even possible? Obviously, the rendering engine in the browser
"knows" this information, but is it accessible through Javascript?

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Jul 23, 2005

When viewed with Firefox. The show/hide function doesn't work as expected (evident when viewed). Anyone know why? Which bit is FF not liking and how can it be altered to be
cross browser friendly?

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How To Use Layers In Css

Nov 9, 2011

Hey guys, im just learning how to use layers in css, and am trying to change a div like a targeted frame so that I can change content that is floating ontop of another image. So far I got that to work, except when I put in any embedded videos or image tags, then it stops working.[code]

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Layers Demo

Jul 23, 2005

Anyone know of any good beginners guide to layers online, preferably with
examples of form elements (initially populated from a database) updating the
parent page?

I have the basic functionality working with a popup window and
'opener.document.form1', but this doesn't look that good and I can't get it
to fill anything but a form element on the parent page.

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Layers Examples

Oct 23, 2005

Where can I find some examples about javascript and the use of layers?

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Onmouseout And Layers

Dec 9, 2005

I have a DIV that becomes visible when a link above it is moused over.

The DIV has links in it like so:

<div class="popup" onmouseout="hideLayer(this);">
<a class="popuplink" href="page1.html">Link 1</a><br/>
<a class="popuplink" href="page2.html">Link 2</a><br/>
<a class="popuplink" href="page3.html">Link 3</a><br/>
<a class="popuplink" href="page4.html">Link 4</a><br/>

When you mouse out of the div, it goes back into hidden. But as soon as I
touch any of the links, it hides, thinking I've left the DIV.

Now, I'm assuming this is a z-index layer issue, but I've tried every
combination of things I could think of to prevent the mouseout action when
mouseing over one of the links.

I tried setting div.popup's z-index higher than a.popuplink's, lower than
a.popuplinks, and the same as. (I did set each to a position as well.)

What am I missing?

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Document Layers

Jul 20, 2005

If the syntax for IE is:


What if I want to use layers ?

document.layers ?????????

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Showing Layers

Aug 27, 2005

I made this script, always works but for some weird resion it just doesn`t work any more,
Does any one know why.


function layers( divID )
if (document.getElementById) { obj = document.getElementById(divID); }
else if (document.all) { obj = document.all[divID]; }
else if (document.layers) { obj = document.layers[divID]; }

return obj;

function show_layer ( divID )
var obj = layers ( divID ); == ''

show_layer ( 'test' );


<div id='test' style='display:none;'> this is a test layer </div>

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Writing To Layers

Apr 28, 2006

Does anyone know where i can find a tutorial on how to change the content of a layer like this: Writing to layers.

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Layers And Browsers"

Jul 23, 2005

The following code works well in IE5 and Netscape 7, apparently my page is
not working in Netscape 4.6 and it has been suggested that i need a third
option dwellig around the document.layers object, could someone tell me what
line I need to make it compatable for earlier browsers?

if(document.all){ parent.Slave.document.body
..scrollTop+100 =600
parent.Slave.document.all.hillList.innerHTML=divHT ML
if(!document.all && document.getElementById){
ment.body.scrollTop+100+ "px"
parent.Slave.document.getElementById("hillList").style.left=600+ "px"

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AJAX And Scrolling Layers

Jul 20, 2006

I have a layer, which is a DIV that has overflow set to "auto", so it
looks like a little pop-up window, even though it's just a layer.

So if the content of that window makes the user scroll down to read it,
and the user clicks a link while scrolled down, and the AJAX function
calls new data into that DIV, that data, if overflowed, will also be
scrolled down.

So basically it's like if you scrolled down to the bottom of,
clicked a link to, and when you got to, the page
was scrolled to the bottom of the page instead of at the top.

Any way I can make sure when the new data is written to the layer, that
the overflow scrolling is scrolled to the top of the layer?

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Show Hide Layers

Apr 16, 2007


The idea is that the blue help text rechtangle will have to remain
visible when mouse over (because there will be soon links in it) and
invisible when onmouseout.

I have now placed javascript on the small numbered balls and within
the rechtangle itself.

But I have it in a way that when "onmouseout" the blue help rechtangle
will be hidden. But now the onmouseout event is acting like
onmouseover. Any Ideas to do this correctly? So right now when you
onmouseover it it will disappear :S

If I get this working I can start thinking of putting a timeout on the
rechtangle for it to disappear within a couple of seconds after

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JQuery :: Div Layers And Zindex?

May 7, 2010

now my question: I have designed a layout that has a menu in a left div layer (#left-area). When clicking on a link, it creates and opens a new div layer in the right div area (#right-area).

Each of the layers is draggable, sizable etc, but my problem is that the order they are created, is the order the z-index is set as. Explained: if i open "link 1", then "link 2", the "link 2" div will always be on top of the "link 1" div. I want the ability to change the order (z-index??), of the layer just by clicking on the layer, so that if i click on the "link 1" layer, it will bring that to the front, and the "link 2" layer will appear below it.

There must be a way to do this... i have seen examples at . Is there a way to do it with jQuery. I have searched everywhere, but i cannot see the function/command.

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Mouseover Causes Text To Appear And Allows Layers/

Sep 6, 2011

Below is a script I have that displays a list of summary info for multiple people.When you mouse over some ones summary info, a bio appears below that summary info (pushing everything below it down). What I'd like to do is take it further and allow more layers. For example, when you hover over their bio,more info about them pops up below that, and so on.I know you're probably tired of seeing mousevent /text questions but I'm desperate at this point. If some one could just add a mouseover event to the bio section that displayed more text below it would suffice and I could take it from there.

Heres the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var BrowserDetect = {[code].....

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Counting Layers Onload?

Nov 22, 2006

Is it possible to count how many layers have been loaded as they are loading?

What I want to make is a layer containing the text "x of 15 layers loaded" and for x to increase everytime a layer is loaded on the page. (using onload?)

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Showing And Hiding Layers.

Apr 15, 2003

I have a question. If you have a HTML list that pops up as a menu under a graphic in a layer when you mouseover the graphics, how do you instruct that layer to vanish again when you mouseout from the menu?

I can do onMouseOver show the layer and onMouseOut hide the layer, but I'm stuck when it comes to applying that to a larger area (ie: multiple clickable items). I can think of ways of doing it, but they're a bit clunky and I'm assuming there's a good or 'proper' way of achieving this.

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Validation Of Form With Layers

Aug 9, 2003

I've tested a very good validation script called(fValidate ). Now, I want it to implement into a php-form which has 2 layers. Layers are called with following code:

function showLayer(layer)
strHidden = ( !document.layers ) ? "hidden" : "hide";
strVisible = ( !document.layers ) ? "visible" : "show";

if( document.layers ){
lyrForm1 = document.idForm1;
lyrForm2 = document.idForm2;

} else if( document.getElementById ){

lyrForm1 = document.getElementById("idForm1").style;
lyrForm2 = document.getElementById("idForm2").style;

} else if( document.all ){

lyrForm1 = document.all["idForm1"].style;
lyrForm2 = document.all["idForm2"].style;

lyrForm1.visibility = (layer == "idForm1") ? strVisible : strHidden;
lyrForm2.visibility = (layer == "idForm2") ? strVisible : strHidden;

return false;

[<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" showLayer('idForm1');">page 1</A>]
[<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" showLayer('idForm2');">page 2</A>]

When I submit the form, the validation script alerts the first "wrong" field which is on layer 1 (invisible because the submit button is on layer 2). Normally it goes to that wrong field, but instead it submits the form...

Does anyone has any experience with validation of layered forms?

There is also the possibility of making a custom validation function. I could make use of it, but then... how does javascript know on which layer the wrong field is/was...?

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