Using Cookies To Track Form Data The User Inputs

Oct 27, 2010

I am using cookies to track form data the user inputs. The data only needs to be available during their session. I have well over 80 fields. How can I combine some of the cookies to cut down on the amount. I am storing them with JS and retrieving them with php.

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How Does Mcafee Track Visitors With Cookies

Apr 20, 2009

I'm running a test on my site for the mcafee secure logo, such that the mcafee logo will be shown to some visitors, and we track conversion rates with and without the logo. Naturally, mcafee have to keep track of the user vir the whole session, through to any 'thank you for buying' page. The code you place on the site is just an image, which includes in the url a reference to your domain.

The tech guy I spoke to suggested that the tracking happens via a cookie. But can this be done, when no script has been called from their server? The headers returned with the image show Content-Type: image/gif.

So basically I'm asking can cookies be set this way? If not then all I can see is that they're tracking urls only, which will be far from reliable.

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Setting Some Cookies To Track Visitors To My Site ?

Apr 10, 2010

I have setting some cookies to track visitors to my site. I have my pages in folder music and in sub folders. I can access my site by typing: [url] So the domain will be: [url] and the path: /sara/music/

But the broblem is that other cookies are attached to my cookieby going to [url] or any link in it.

Is the problem from setting the path? If not how can I filter my cookie so i can just display my cookies only, I use one function to display all the cookies.

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Tracking User Activity - Track Whether User Is Typing In The Browser's Address Bar Or Aside Google Search Box

Oct 14, 2011

is it possible to track whether user is typing in the browser's address bar or aside google search box ( which appears in most of the browsers besides address bar)? if yes, I would like to know HOW? references are welcome.

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JQuery :: Get Data From A Database And Pre-populatea Form With Appropriate Data For The User?

Jan 3, 2011

I would like to use jQuery to prepopulate a form - ie make a call to a php program to get data from a database and pre-populatea form with appropriate data for the user. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some examples on the simplest way to do this?

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Prevent The User Form Enter Same Data When Into Customers Form?

Sep 26, 2011

I have PHP form application used to by Sales reps to Enter information about customers but I want to prevent Sales reps from entering same information because of web form behavior after they want to add new customer ? is their away in using Jquery to clear the form for new entry ??

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Track User's Actions (mouse Clicks) Inside Frames (or Another Means)?

May 27, 2009

I am building a website that offers cash to users for completing offers. Such as signing up on a site and you get $1. I have very little javascript knowledge. But I do know that it can be used to "listen" for mouse clicks and such. So I am wondering how to go about it. Can I somehow, listen for mouseclicks a user makes, tracking what they clicked on, when they clicked on it, etc. inside a iframe, then pass the values thru php into my DB? I have also just started learning about cookies too, The other 'offer' sites I am a member of, and I would like to duplicate, (ex. say sit uses cookies to track user actions for verifications.

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Parsing Complex User Inputs

Jul 23, 2005

I have been handed the task of updating and maintaining a web
application, written in ASP and Javascript, that takes complex
user inputs in HTML form and submits them to server-side ASP
pages for processing. The problem is, the user inputs can
become very complex, and the way this application was developed,
the inputs are all concatenated into monstrously long strings
of text that are then submited as <hidden> inputs in HTML forms
and parsed by the server-side ASP. This results in hideous strings
that go on and on like

etc. etc. This code is an incredible pain to maintain and update.
There has got to be a better way to do this. I am required to
use javascript and vbscript in ASP pages on the client side,
and ASP pages for processing data on the server side. I can't
switch to a different technology, or use .NET, or anything like
that. I have to use JS and VBScript to get intricate and lengthy
user inputs and submit them for processing. I would like to
store these inputs in objects somehow and then get the data
from those objects, if possible.

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JQuery :: Login Mask - User Should Enter Their Data And Send The Form

Feb 28, 2011

I have a intern page with a form. User should enter their data and send the form. Some data from the user is stored in a database (name,phone). I want to make the form easier and complete the form with data from the database. The user should only enter his personal-number. How can i solve this with jquery? Is there any plugin?

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Alerting User To Invalid Data In Form Field Through Inline Alerts

Oct 3, 2009

I'm a little curious with regards to alerting a user to invalid data in a form field through inline alerts, rather than alert boxes and without a page load.In otherwords, if someone types in invalid data into a form field, before they hit the submit button, I'd like to use javascript the insert some red text on the side saying "this is invalid".I'm concerned that people with visual disabilities wont notice it due to their screen readers.I.e. if the screen doesn't re-load, will the screen read read the nexly inserted text or will it not do anything until a new page loads?

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Making A Diamond With Number Of Stars That User Inputs?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm new here, and I'm a programming newb but am very interested in learning and possibly pursuing programming in the future. As such, I'm taking an intro to Javascript class at my university, and our homework is to make a function that when called upon makes a diamond out of *'s. It is supposed to do so by prompting a user for an int and then makes a diamond shaped object with the inputted number of stars in the middle of the diamond. an example of what this would look like (if a user entered in "5" to the prompt):


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Cookies To Remember User

Oct 22, 2009

I would like to implement a cookie feature on my site that when a user logs in a cookie is stored for him and the next time he comes back, he doesn't have to sign in. I have researched hotscripts and javascripts but the ones I have found have to do with the "remember me" and thats not quite what I want. I tried to manipulate it but with no luck.

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Store Cookies Containing User Information?

Dec 6, 2010

I am having some trouble with creating cookies and getting them to work for an onclick event. What I am trying to do is create a button to store cookies containing all user information with an alert message and set the expiration date one day after the visit. (This is just a project I am working on to help me understand how to create cookies.)Below is the cookies code I came up with but it doesn't seem to be functioning at all.

"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


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Setting Cookies To Remember What User Selected

Nov 20, 2011

I'm setting up a fictitious shopping page which uses cookies to remember what a user has selected. The products are photographs that the user can select either framed or unframed versions and I'm trying to put a confirmation box if the user actually requests framed and unframed versions of the same photograph. The code I'm using actually worked before I tried to add this extra functionality but I can't work out how to test for this extra bit. Here's my code and it sets cookies with names as either lulworth01 for the unframed version or lulworth01f for the framed version. The bits that work are in black and my extra code for this test is in red.

function getCookie(name){
var index = cart.indexOf(name + "=");
if(index == -1)
return null;
index = cart.indexOf("=", index) +1;
var endstr = cart.indexOf(";",index);
if (endstr == -1) endstr = cart.length;
return unescape(cart.substring(index, endstr));
} function setCookie(name) {
if ((name.charAt(name.length-1)='f') && (getCookie(name.substring(0,10))!=null)) {
confirm("You seem to have placed orders for both a mounted and framed image of the same photograph.
Is that OK?");
} else {
alert("Thank you.
Your basket has been updated.");
x=parseInt(getCookie(name)) || 0;
var today = new Date();
var expiry = new Date(today.getTime()+28*24*60*60*1000); // plus 28 days
cart = document.cookie;

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Load The Word The User Inputs And Makes It Bounce Around The Canvas As Well As A Text Spinner

Jan 25, 2011

I have been practicing using canvas to make designs. My current code below will load the word the user inputs and makes it bounce around the canvas as well as a text spinner. However, whenever the user inputs a second word, the bounce below stops to start a new one and the text spinner messes up. so when the user inputs another word, that it either reloads a new textspinner or adds another one, as well as just add the word to the canvas without stopped the old one.


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How To Track Textfields Of A Form ?

Nov 13, 2007

i want to display contents of a form in a plane text format.
for that i want to track a number of textfields in the form.....
do i need to write a seperate line for each textfield ?
i tried

var cont[i]=document.getElementById("txt"+i).value
but it didn't work out..

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Track Form Submissions?

Dec 6, 2006

I have a form that is calling a js function that does the actual submit. The action of the form points to a page on another server that I do not have the ability to edit.

My problem is that I need a way of tracking submissions and I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to do that. Anyone have any thoughts?

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InnerHTML Save Data - Adding New Text Inputs With New Name Values?

Jan 5, 2011

I got the following script to work the way I want it by adding new text inputs with new name values, but if there is data added and the add button is clicked again everything disappears. Is there any way to keep the data from going AWAL?

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[code]....

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Selecting The Highest Calculated Average Of Varioous Data Inputs?

Oct 28, 2011

I've written a program which will prompt for a number of cities, Prompt for the name of the city, then prompt for the number of snowfall readings of that city, and then prompt for each of these individual snowfall readings of that city. From this, it adds up each of the individual snowfall readings of that city, and will calculate an average by dividing this figure [the total snowfall] by the total number of readings for that city. This average is used to then classify the city as "not snowy", "mild", or "blizzard". I'm happy to PM my code to anyone willing to help out, as I realise this is a complex structure to visualise perhaps, but I can't post it publicly.

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JQuery :: Store Login Data Into Cookies?

Apr 1, 2011

How to store login data into cookies by using JQuery ?

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Saving Various Data Into Cookies And Post To Email

Sep 19, 2010

I would like to code a couple of scripts for saving various data into cookies, and then post them to e-mail through a cgi script. To be more clear, I want to save some questionare's answers given through a series of html pages, to cookies. When (and if) the last question is answered, send all the answers to an e-mail address.

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Count Checker - Track Of How Many Chars Are In A Field On An Asp Form

May 19, 2010

I have a js counter which keeps track of how many chars are in a field on an asp form. When the user clicks a button further down in the form, the form generates more fields. This also causes the js counter to reset to its original value, as the page is 'reloading' in a way. How can I check this value and keep it the same when the user clicks this button?

I am including the code I have.


counter in code


I have tried

It compiles but the value remains reset.

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Jquery :: Google Analytics Track Form Submissions

Jun 9, 2009

I have a form that captures users email addresses when they sign up for a enewsletter. I want to add this form submission into my google analytics and from what I have read the best way to do this is by tracking an event? I have added some jquery that I mashed together and I just want to know will this work? I added it today and I can only find out if it has truely worked by waiting 24 hours. I downloaded a program called fiddler (recommended in dot net magazine) to see tracking requests in action instead of waiting 24 hours but I can't see any of the field names displaying like AMF signup?

<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-8736163-1");
} catch(err) {}$(document).ready(function() {
$("#pre-book").attr("onSubmit", "pageTracker._trackEvent('Signup Forms','AMF Signup','Newsletter',2.0);");

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JQuery :: Looping Through All Elements Of A Form And Keeping Track Of Different Font Size?

Jun 2, 2009

i have created an option on a website to give the possibity to the user to change the font size (smaller, bigger, reset), like the famous x3 'A' that we see in most of the websites. the code i have is based on a plugin copywrite to [URL]. now i'm facing a problem with different font size for different elements. to make the text bigger and smaller works like a charm but to reset the font size is not working so good. here is the code of the plug in the reset part:

//on clicking default font size button, font size is reset
jQuery(container + " .defaultFont").click(function(){
jQuery("#content *").css('font-size', defSize);
// coockie to rememebr the selected font size
updatefontCookie(target, defSize);

here is how i'm calling the function: fontSize("#container", "#content *", 8, 12, 20); container is where i have the images to make the text smaller or bigger content is the div that has the content that i want it to be changed 8 is the smallest fonr size 12 default 20 max now the thing is that i have different font sizes in the page and some of them don't have a class just the <font> ....</font> when i'm clicking the rest button then i'm getting everything with size 12 and this is what i want to change. i want to remember the current font size and set it back.

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Using The Inputs From Form?

Apr 11, 2010

I have done lots of looking on the web, but am still unable to figure out why I can not make this simple assignment work.I just need some help with getting something to happen when the user hits submit. What I really want is for a new page to appear with the message using the user inputs, but I would be very happy with just getting the input to appear in the text area that I put in or even for the alert box to pop up with the input. I can work on validation code after I can get some kind of output to work.....

Here is the code I have written:

<title>Name and Age</title>


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How To Dd Form Inputs

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to put together a form that adds up the input that is put into seperate text input fields in the form.

Here is a little of the code that I am trying.


<script language="JavaScript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function sum(objRef) {


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