Parsing Complex User Inputs
Jul 23, 2005
I have been handed the task of updating and maintaining a web
application, written in ASP and Javascript, that takes complex
user inputs in HTML form and submits them to server-side ASP
pages for processing. The problem is, the user inputs can
become very complex, and the way this application was developed,
the inputs are all concatenated into monstrously long strings
of text that are then submited as <hidden> inputs in HTML forms
and parsed by the server-side ASP. This results in hideous strings
that go on and on like
etc. etc. This code is an incredible pain to maintain and update.
There has got to be a better way to do this. I am required to
use javascript and vbscript in ASP pages on the client side,
and ASP pages for processing data on the server side. I can't
switch to a different technology, or use .NET, or anything like
that. I have to use JS and VBScript to get intricate and lengthy
user inputs and submit them for processing. I would like to
store these inputs in objects somehow and then get the data
from those objects, if possible.
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Oct 26, 2011
I'm new here, and I'm a programming newb but am very interested in learning and possibly pursuing programming in the future. As such, I'm taking an intro to Javascript class at my university, and our homework is to make a function that when called upon makes a diamond out of *'s. It is supposed to do so by prompting a user for an int and then makes a diamond shaped object with the inputted number of stars in the middle of the diamond. an example of what this would look like (if a user entered in "5" to the prompt):
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Oct 27, 2010
I am using cookies to track form data the user inputs. The data only needs to be available during their session. I have well over 80 fields. How can I combine some of the cookies to cut down on the amount. I am storing them with JS and retrieving them with php.
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Jan 25, 2011
I have been practicing using canvas to make designs. My current code below will load the word the user inputs and makes it bounce around the canvas as well as a text spinner. However, whenever the user inputs a second word, the bounce below stops to start a new one and the text spinner messes up. so when the user inputs another word, that it either reloads a new textspinner or adds another one, as well as just add the word to the canvas without stopped the old one.
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Sep 6, 2011
I will like to know if there is anyway to view all the rules that I have currently in the Jquery validation plugin. Currently, I am trying to add in rules dynamically through the rules(add) function after adding some dynamic fields through the user inputs. the rules are added in this manner.
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Sep 12, 2007
I need help putting together a script that will take all standard text on a page and translate it to another language (spanish or german).
So if I post this script on my blog at any given time (in the comment section) it will change the language for all viewers. Where do I start? Will this work on both FF and IE6/7?
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Jul 23, 2005
My web page has one unordered list that disappears in Firefox. The
unordered list in question has the class="dir". I double-checked the
source code and verified the markup's semantics. Everything looked
fine. So I placed the code in the W3C validator and it passed with no
errors. Then I placed a regular unordered list with no class before
the previous unordered list. Upon a reload, the new unordered list did
not render, yet the unordered list with the "dir" class appeared. The
whole situation was strange.
After reviewing web page with the DOM inspector, the disappearing list
had been assigned {display: none}. Apparently, my JavaScript for
TreeMenu functionality was the culprit. I attempted to debug the
JavaScript. Sadly, my JavaScript knowledge is elementary even though I
successfully implemented the approach from When my web page became more
convoluted, the JavaScript began faltering along its seams.
Here are my discoveries while debugging (using Venkman). The
elementHasClass() should match the "element.ClassName" with
"TreeMenu." If not, the function return false. Unfortunately, another
function passes the div element to the setMenu(); then the said
function assign the display attribute; block or none.
But I can not pinpoint where the code goes down the wrong path;
needless to say develop a solution.
Please review the site below and let me know if you have suggestions.
View source and search for class="dir"; the disappearing list has the
text "test." Problematic code JavaScript area may include the line
listed below. This posting was intended as a short description.
Further clarification will be gladly provided if someone shows
interest in a particular aspect. I have pages of notes on the
debugging process.....
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to implement JavaScript that will remove a table row in frame [left],
and append it to a table in frame [right]. The browser is IE6.
I've played with several approaches for quite a bit of time, but none of them seem
to work. The removed row does not seem to be able to go across the frame boundaries.
Here is the code in the target frame [right] that is invoked by a button in
frame [left]: Code:
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Jan 3, 2012
I have a nested listview in my app which creates table inside table at runtimei need to get value of td from second tables tr where i have row number of first tables tr?
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Apr 19, 2006
I'm trying to add a timeout to the mouseout behavior, to keep the menus open for a split second after the user mouses out. (IE 6 only for now).
I'm having trouble using the the setTimeout function with a complex statement. Here's the function:
function mouseOutActions(el) {
//el.className=el.className.replace(new RegExp(" sfhover"), "");
setTimeout(el+"'.className = '"+el+"'.className.replace(new RegExp(' hover\b',''),'');",2000);
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Sep 23, 2010
To build a menu block which should be switchable with hide/unhide of the menu items, I'm using .append html.
navigat += '<h3 class="infoH3"> <a id="' + menuID +'"'
+ ' href="javascript:slideMenu('' + menuSlider + '');">'
+ menuName + '</a></h3>';
At the moment I build those html elements line by line. Also OK .. as far as the resulting string has the opening and closing tag, eg.
As can be seen from above posted code there is a line "<div id="' + menuSlider + '" style="display:none">".Appending that -- AFAIS -- the .append is automatically (????) adding "</div>" which closes the statement.That breaks my idea of the whole concept! The menu part isn't included in the 'menuSlider '.How to change it -- NOT to have that "</div" added to it?
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Aug 1, 2005
How can I access a DIV item in a given row/column, which itself is a cell of
another table of some other given row/column??? I.e. an element of a table
in a table! I have been trying to use GetElementByID, by Name, etc.. but not having much
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Oct 6, 2005
What I'm currently doing is returning a list of images in a directory via a form list. I'm an asp guy so vbscript is the way I'm doing this:
<select name="image" size="10" onChange="generateimage(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)" align=left>
Dim Files
Dim File
Dim Count
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Files = FSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("./moms_images/")).Files
Set FSO = Nothing
Count = 0
For Each File In Files
Select Case LCase(Right(File.Name, 3))
Case "jpg", "gif", "bmp", "png"
Response.Write "<option value='" & File.Name & "'>" & File.Name & "</option>"
End Select
Set File = Nothing
Set Files = Nothing
What I *hope* to be able to do is allow a file upload (also vbscript) from a pop-up window and, when the upload is complete, refresh the list (above) without reloading the page (AJAX fever, methinks)
The only thing that would make it even cooler would be to auto-select / display the newest upload otf (I use dhtml to display the images on-select ala dynamicdrives example).
I realize this is a fairly tall order, but would be greatful for any pointers or weblinks for this js-challenged soul to use to get started.
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Jul 20, 2005
Does anybody know why IE5+ does *not* honour array objects (like a table)
across a session?
Frame A contains a var tableVar which is set via form Frame B (on init)
using top.A.tableVar = document.getElementById("someTable");
As long as Frame B is *not* 'refreshed/ reloaded' witk another page the
variable in Frame A is ok.
However, when the page is changed it just 'kills' the rows in tableVar.rows
(the lenght just turns to 0).
When tested with something simple like a String (instead of a table) the
above mechanism works as expected.
After two full days of mucking about this is strting to smell funny.
Does anybody have any idea/ suggestion as to the what and/ or why of this
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Oct 20, 2011
I am having trouble getting the selected option in a list of more than 20 items in sharepoint, The code below works for lists of 20 or less but not for lists of greater than 20. If any one has a snipet of code that will enable me to set a variable with the selected value from a complex dropdown it
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Jul 23, 2009
Enter a search term and:1) Google Blog Results show up2) Twitter Search Results show up3) Google Maps with custom xml data shows upI have accomplished the first 2 parts - now want to add in Google Maps. The idea is to type in a athlete's name and have results come back from Google Blog Search (done), Twitter (done), and Google Maps. I only need to show 2-3 choices, so I want to create a custom Google Maps XML doc that corresponds to a few search terms. For example, when someone types in "Tom Brady", I want a Google Map to also come up along with the Google Blog and Twitter Results.
On the map, I want to plot 4 points showing his 4 next games. I think I know how to create the custom XML for GMaps, but I don't know how to implement it so that when someone enters input, the GMaps will show up. Can anyone get me started in the right direction please?Here is the JS so far that handles Google Blog Results and Twitter Results:
var errorCount=0;
var twitter_link;
function searchGoogle(query)
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Aug 5, 2009
I am writing an accounting sofware, and I have difficulties with the form used to enter the debit and credit for a given transaction. I have used the Jquery validation plugin demo, but I don't know how to hide a specific input cell and replace it by blanks. In accounting, you have either a credit or a debit. So I have an indicator tick box at the beginning of each line which defines whether the line is a debit or credit, and if so it hides the credit cell or debit cell.
<h1 id="banner"><a href="
plugin-validation/">jQuery Validation Plugin</a> Demo</h1>
<div id="main">
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Feb 1, 2011
This isn't working. I'm using the code below to try to apply the href attribute of the first td in a row with class DataFormListTDDataGridItem and apply it to all td elements in that row (effectively want to make entire row clickable and direct it to the href specified by the href attribute in the first td of the row) -
Table looks like this -
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Jun 10, 2009
i have a form which has many inputs with the same name and i want to sum all
Code HTML4Strict:
<form name="autoSumForm">
1<input class="right" type=text name="firstBox[]" value="" onFocus="startCalc();" onBlur="stopCalc();">
101<input class="right" type=text name="firstBox[]" value="" onFocus="startCalc();" onBlur="stopCalc();">
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Apr 15, 2010
For instance [code]...
But I dont know how to get only the inputs in the div.
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Aug 31, 2009
I am trying to write a js that validates a form with two text inputs. The two inputs are: 'D_techA' and 'D_techB'. I just want to add up (sum) the two input fields (which must be positive numbers) and make sure that they add up to exactly 100 (not more and not less). If they do not add up to 100, then an alert should pop up that says "The two values must add up to exactly 100." I have tried and tried to write a js that does this validation (looking at numerous validation scripts posted in this forum and elsewhere) and I just cannot seem to make it work.
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
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Apr 11, 2010
I have done lots of looking on the web, but am still unable to figure out why I can not make this simple assignment work.I just need some help with getting something to happen when the user hits submit. What I really want is for a new page to appear with the message using the user inputs, but I would be very happy with just getting the input to appear in the text area that I put in or even for the alert box to pop up with the input. I can work on validation code after I can get some kind of output to work.....
Here is the code I have written:
<title>Name and Age</title>
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Sep 27, 2007
The inputs for the fields of mth6, mth12, mth18, mth24, set50, set75, set 80 and set85.
I would like a way for it to round up to the nearest tenth.
from 2571 to 2580
from 148 to 150
any suggestions? Code:
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Jul 19, 2006
Do you know how gmail's textarea stretches to accomodate text?
I want my inputs to behave like that.
I tried using css:
fit: fill;
But that didn't work. Not even in Mozilla.
How do I do this?
In other words
<input type="text" name="name_first">
<input type="text" name="name_middle">
<input type="text" name="name_last">
I want the fields to line up like this.
+---------+ +---+ +-------+
| Garrett | | S | | Smith |
+---------+ +---+ +-------+
and if the user changes "name_middle" to "Sean", then the middle field should expand.
+---------+ +------+ +-------+
| Garrett | | Sean | | Smith |
+---------+ +------+ +-------+
I think I'll need to know the width of the input's value. I think that's actually possible in IE's Range.
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Mar 6, 2010
I have 100 inputs with name - table[].
How to get their value with jQuery,like $_POST['table'] ,as I do in PHP.
I tryed:
But I want to get them as an array.
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Feb 8, 2010
I am trying to put together a form that adds up the input that is put into seperate text input fields in the form.
Here is a little of the code that I am trying.
<script language="JavaScript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function sum(objRef) {
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