Onclick Subtraction - Using A Percent Bar To Redirect The Page When All Buttons Are Clicked
Jan 10, 2010
right now im using a percent bar to redirect the page when all buttons are clicked but i want a more efficient way of doing the redirect there will be a total number of buttons on my page, for examply 5 every time one is clicked, is there a possible way of subtracting 1 and when buttons = 0 the page redirects
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Jun 6, 2009
Im looking for a simple code to redirect to a specific URL on any click on page and redirect to certain url after a certain number of page views.
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May 10, 2011
I'm just learning javascript. I need to create an onclick event for a three-state rollover. I just can't figure out where to place the event. I know it needs to go in my setup rollover function, but can't figure out where to place it so an alert pops up when one of the buttons is clicked. Anyone have any guidance for me? HTML code is (JS is below and button 1 images attached):
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Feb 24, 2011
I have several checkboxes in a switch statement like the one below:
How can I use a continue button to determine which checkbox was clicked and redirect me to the correct page?
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Mar 1, 2010
I'm not one for making my own scripts, so not quite sure about the best way to go about doing this. I've got a form with 2 different sets of radio buttons. Upon submitting, I'd like to redirect the user to a certain page, based on the selections they made among the radio buttons.
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Apr 23, 2010
I have a page with a div that is hidden until clicked on, and can be hidden if clicked on again (at least that is the goal).
The html looks like:
HTML Code:
I currently have the following javascript:
My goal being to click on the main <div> and show the content in the <span> and change the image, and then clicking again returns it to it's original (hidden) state. I have been able to successfully show the <div> but can't get it to hide again. And when troubleshooting it using Firebug it shows that clicking on the <div> is simply removing the class that hides it, leaving no class, and definately not replacing it like I am trying to do. Any ideas why the second click is not producing ANY results? Also, if I get it working I have thought that by making the entire <div> have the onClick handler if someone tries to click inside the unhidden <span> (for links or to click in a search box) would result in hiding the <span> rather than following the link or focusing on the input box. Is there any possibility for that?
The main reason handled the <div> is because there will be multiple sections that I would like to reuse the function on, and creating an id for the <div> and then referencing this.id was the first way I was able to get the functionality that I currently have.
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Dec 9, 2011
What happens is the user selects the number of buttons depending on the number entered in the text box. If the number is 3 in the text box, then the user can only select 3 buttons, if more buttons are selected then it comes with an alert message saying user is beyond limit deselect a button to be able to choose another button.
But these are the problems I have encounted: If I type in "2" in the textbox for example, it allows me to select 2 buttons and comes up with alert if more buttons clicked.
problem 1: but if I change the figure in text box from "2" to "5", then it only allows me to select 3 buttons (I think it is adding 2 from the previous value and 3 to make the current value 5)
problem 2: If I enter a value less than current value, so in this example if I enter in 1 in the textbox which is obviously less than 2, then it lets the user select unlimited number of buttons.
So does anyone know how to fix these problems so that the amount of buttons selected matches correctly to the value in the textbox?
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Apr 19, 2011
I have a link, say: <a href="http://[URL]../">jQuery site</a> and when it's clicked, I don't want it to redirect me to [URL]..
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May 8, 2010
I dont know whats the problem with the following codeHtml:
<input type="button" value="Go Searching!" id="btn1" /><br /><br />
<input type="button" value="HTML Help" id="btn2" /><br /><br />
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Jul 3, 2010
I am trying to redirect the user to different URLs using HTML radio buttons and the Javascript getElementById, but it the value seems to only remain with the 1st item.
Here's my code.
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Jan 15, 2005
When A users clicks a link that connects to page1.htm I would like to have a pop-up spawn from that link(onclick) however still redirect to page1.htm. The result being the user is now on page1.htm and still viewing the pop-up that spawned from the link.
Is this possible? If so please provide examples and if its possible to so this without using javascript that would be great. If not javascript is fine.
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Jan 21, 2011
Two buttons - "Calculate" and "Start" do not seem to be executing the code associated with them. I cannot figure out why -- code is below...
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Dec 28, 2009
I have 10 buttons on a page, and 10 more "onmouseover buttons" that correlate to the first set. Each button or onmouseover button is only 1-2KB! But I can still hold the mouse over a button for a couple seconds until it loads the onmouseover button. I'm using javascript to have the buttons change. The page does load a 2MB video. Could that be the cause? Can I tell it to load the buttons first somehow?
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Apr 14, 2011
Here is some sample code from my html page:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function setProperties(formElement)
There are two submit buttons and I would like to change the hidden field value for one of the buttons when it is clicked. I have tried various ways to assign a value to the hidden field in the javascript but none of them works including the above. I have tried "formElement.form.customerID.value", "formElement.form.getElementById "customerID"); etc but it does not work. What is the right way of assigning the hidden field value in javascript.
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Aug 18, 2007
How do I subtract a number from a Drop-Down box, from another Drop-Down box, and display the result inside a text box?
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Jun 10, 2011
Seems to me this would be a fairly common situation (if not commonly asked and answered), but the posts I did find about this subject didn't seem to
Given this basic code:
<form id="form" action="">
<input id="submit1">
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Oct 23, 2010
This is odd. I cannot perform a subtraction. The following code:
var saturday=new Date();
Gives me:
Error: illegal character and points to the '-'.
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Jul 8, 2010
I have a submit button:
<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="return SubmitData();" />
//Do some form validation on client side
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Dec 8, 2009
I currently have some buttons representing letters and a textbox. When a button is clicked, its value is copied into the text box. I have an onkeyup event which means that every time a button is clicked, a function is called which searches some arrays using the current text box value.
However, the problem I am currently having is that the onkeyup event which calls the function works if I type the value in using my computer keyboard, but not when using the buttons (even though the buttons enter values into the textbox).
How I can make it so that when I press a button, the onkeyup event triggers and the function is called?
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Dec 8, 2010
I have a row of buttons that are made by innerhtml using this code:
sidebar_html += '<div id="button"><input type="button" onclick="toggleRun('+poly_num+')" value="Start Bus" id="runBtn'+poly_num+'" style="width:120px; height:24px; text-align:center"></div><br />';
to fire this function:
function toggleRun(poly_num){
var btn = document.getElementById('runBtn'+poly_num);
if (document.getElementById('runBtn'+poly_num).onclick) {
if (run){
the function can only run once, so the idea is that the button either runs it the first time or reloads the page.
at the moment, the way it's working is that the button that's clicked changes its value to "Reload Page" but the others keep their original value, even though it reloads if you click them.
So I'd like a way to change the value of the rest of the buttons when one is clicked. Is that possible?
Here's the page [URL] if I didn't explain myself well enough.
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Dec 5, 2009
I am trying to update the .onclick event after its been clicked once. Everything works fine in my script except updating the .onclick event. I have searched the web and found that I should do the following:
div.onclick = function(params);
div.onclick = new function(){updatedStatement};
I have tested both of these steps in IE and FF with no luck. Here is my code:
function movePhrase(OPT,MENU,ID,DIR,LEVEL){
if(DIR == "up"){
var num = OPT - 1;
var num = OPT + 1;
} .....
function newOnClcik(opt,menu,id,level,dir){
var string = "movePhrase("+opt+","+menu+","+id+",'"+dir+"',"+level+")";
return string;
Below is an example or the div code I am trying to update:
<div id="downImage1">
<img id="down1" src="images/downArrow.JPG" onmouseover="this.src='images/downArrowPressed.JPG'" onclick="movePhrase(1,20,331,'down',1)" onmouseout="this.src='images/downArrow.JPG'" width="40" height="40" />
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Jun 9, 2010
I have the following calculation (simplified to focus on the point):
var scroll_percentage = scroll_button_distance/scroll_wrapper_width;
or imagine this is:
var scroll_percentage = 100/500;
The answer is -INFINITY
How do I make this into a usable number?I searched for INFINITY and found plenty of info but am not sure how to simply get the "0.2" answer I need for the next calculations.
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Dec 26, 2011
[URL]..Default.aspx I have both a carousel with images andalso animagemap(notnot published yet)with coords that when clicked i want to write to a cookie file which image or image map coordinate was clicked, so when they are hyperlinked to the next page the correct div opens based on first reading the cookie written to on the previous page. Anybody have a basic script for reading and writing to a cookie using jquery in this fashion?
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Oct 3, 2005
I'm mocking up an interface in javascript for an HCI assignment. I want
to be able to make the default onclick event for the buttons on my page
to display an alert since the buttons won't work yet. Is there an easy
way to do this? and it has to be as easy as giving each button their
own onclick attribute otherwise I'll just do that.
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Jun 10, 2010
I hope that someone can help me with this strange problem I have here. I have some script which changes a button and changes the onclick event. The strange thing is that although it is changing it. All the events have the same parameter even though my code is giving each button's onclick event it's own unique parameter.
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Oct 23, 2010
onClick="function(' whats the value of the anchor tag just clicked? Title basically says it. I need to get the object that was just clicked, to insert into a JavaScript function. I've tried "function('this')" and similar things, but it doesn't work. I'm sure this is REALLY easy to do, but I don't know it and I have no idea what to search for.
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