Not a huge issue, more of an annoyance, but when firing
it only works when
is an inline style on the target element and not when it's applied via an external style sheet. Is there a fix for this or is it just a quirk of the library?
Having an issue in that JQuery is adding inline styles to all elements on my page. They are over-riding the styles in my style sheet and causing no end of problems.I have attached an image of firebug HTML listing so you can see what I mean.I have not done anthing in the JQuery to request this extra styling...
The online documentation for "slideDown" and "slideUp" says that only the height is affected by those routines. That claim is false: the value of "display" is also changed, and for me that's a problem. I have a div that's set up with "position: absolute" and "display:inline". I want that box to appear in the layout relative to its surrounding content, and that's the simplest way I know to do that. I also want the box to be animated. I do not, however, want jQuery to touch my "display" alue, because setting it to "block" reaks the layout completely. Looking at the (not trivial to understand) code, it *appears* that the original value of the "display" attribute is saved, or rather that the code attempts to save it. However, that's not working for me: my divis definitely display:inline to start off, but a call to "slideUp" or "slideDown" always leaves it either "display: none" or "display: block".
I don't know how to select an element inside other elements, like div's. I have my html site like this: <div id="container"> <div id="top"><h3>Title</h3</div> <div class="desc"> Lorem Ipsum dolor set... </div></div> <div id="container"> <div id="top"><h3>Title</h3</div> <div class="desc"> Lorem Ipsum dolor set... </div></div> on...
I want to click on any h3-tag and the jquery should open the next div with class desc. At the moment I use this script: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.desc').hide(); $('h3').click(function() { $(this).next('.desc').toggle(400); return false; }); }); I absolutly dont know what to change inside the script to affect the next div with class desc.
I'd like to ask why the onLoad and onchange affect eachother ? How i can avoide that?
<body onLoad="checkCookie()"> and <select name="province_state_territories" id="state" onchange="setCities();">
when i use the above at the same time, the search function have not another option to choise. It means the option for selection have not values. Because i want to use the "<body onLoad="checkCookie()">" to check my cookie and decide which Language i will use.
[URL] You see those social network icons under the product description div? When the mouse rolls over the right edge I want a drawer affect that pulls the icons into view and lets the user click one of the social links. When the user rolls his mouse away from the section, the drawer should return to its position.
I need a JavaScript script to only affect a certain section of my page. Is it possible that I could put that part of my page in a DIV or a FRAME to get this to work? How would I do this?
Here is my script:
As you can see, that would choose a random link from my entire page. If I want to make it choose from a section of my page, what would I do? (there are a lot of links on this page, and I don't want to assign number to each and every one of them, and then choose a random number)
I have a form that is validated using the DOM. If a user attempts to submit this form before completing all required fields the fields turn red. The only drawback to this is the reading the text in the fields can become difficult. One thing I was hoping to do was to have the text associated with each form element turn red insteadof the field.
Each form element's text is enclosed in a <label> tag and I figure setting that tag's font color to red would be easy enough to do...if I knew how to reference it. That's the thing, I'm not sure how to reference it.
I use scriptaculous to retrieve the hotel names and area names from database in this page. My question is where it says step 3, Search for hotel, chain or location!. Type in syd for example and you see how it retrieves the values from database and shows them underneath. It works fine and the list is generated beautifully. Now I have to add the next step which is filling this text box (from step 3 where you typed syd in) with the value (of the item clicked on). For example once you typed sydney, if you click on Sydney, I want the text field to be filled with value sydney.
I have a series of functions I need to run in order.The functions use a lot of scriptaculous effects and I need to que up the functions so that they only run when the previous one, with all of its functions, have finished running. Cause of the nature of what I'm trying to do, I can't use the queue that comes with scriptaculous.
I tried this http:[url], and the functions are still starting before all the effects finish.
Is it possible to pause the script in a way, until a scriptaculous effect complets? At the moment, the effects are half way through scrolling/fading, while the script continues.
i want this animation to start from the beginning but i dont know how to do using scriptaculous framework. here is my animation:[URL].. and here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //fade div 1 new Effect.Fade('anim1', {duration: 1, from: 0, to: 1, afterFinish: function (one){ //after finnish 1 //after fade 1 effects
I am looking to recreate a form function like this website: [URL] What happens when you click the answer to the question the form scrolls to the next function. I would love to know how this is done. I am not a javascript developer but having looked into this the form uses scriptaculous.js and prototype.js. Is there an online form builder or a program out there that can re-create this or is it just a simple bit of javascript added onto a form?
My problem is I am making a side menu and I want it to behave like jQuery Accordion...I am not using Accordion because I want to have a "Double Accordion" a nested one if you want...
Also I'm a lot more at ease with Scriptaculous...I get how to Blind down (or Slide down) the problem is I want to create a function that will detect whether a div is down already or not...
So my question is how do I retrieve values to tell me if it's down or if it's up...
[code]I'd like to click FirstDrilldown and have it display div#SecondDrilldown. Then I'd like to be able to click SecondDrilldown to fire off a different click handler. The problem is that the click handler bound to the FirstDrilldown intercepts the click. I'm fairly sure I could bind and unbind the click FirstDrilldown click event but that's kind of an inelegant solution.Is there just a way to just promote the SecondDrilldown click event to have a greater precedence than the one associated with FirstDrilldown?
1) I have one hundred identical links on my page 2) I have a function that changes a clicked link to "display: none" (using the toggle functioon)
Is it possible for me to set it up so that only the link that is clicked (that is, only one element) gets affected? I don't want to click and have all the links disappear.. just the one that was clicked.Would this code below work in all browsers? [code] And secondly, may I ask whats the difference between $("a") and $('a'). I've seen people use single quotation makrs and double. Which is better ??
I'm developing a site in HTML 5 and SVG, just for the heck of it. I have a portion of the site that uses the <embed> tag to load a new SVG when you change pages, which, in theory, would let me do effects between pages. However, no matter what I try, there is a white flash as the new SVG is loaded into the page. So, I figured I would make the embedded area invisible until it loaded, which was no big deal. But when I tried it, the flash still happened! So, I built a pause function to wait a bit longer. It sill flashes. Anyway, 7 hours later, I've determined that the newly embedded page isn't actually being downloaded and embedded until the end of the changePage() function is reached.
Here's my java script:
var close1; var close2; var bar; var svgLoaded = false;
I have 3 images that I would like to display horizontally. I need a default text to appear first when the page loads. When an image is clicked on, the new text should slide down covering the default text. When another image is clicked on that text should slide down and cover the previous image's text.Right now the script only allows a vertical display of the images and I can't put the sliding text in a specific place.Here is the CSS
i want to know about the use of java script codes in website. How will this affect the websites rankings in Search Engines. what are the advantages and disadvantages of Using javascript codes in websites.From SEO point of View.