I have content in hidden (invisible) DIV elements on a page that I want to load into another DIV element on same page. I need to replace content currently in a DIV with that coming from another DIV. DIV ontent could be a P element or a P and IMG element.
I have previously developed two scripts, both of which work really well, however I want to amalgimate them together if possible? My first script loads the content specified into a single div, replacing the content depending on which function is called, it also displays a loading gif during a timeout of 2 seconds. Here is the page:
I am working on a page, which has menus on the left side in one div, that, when clicked should display a proper content on the right side, in another div. Since the content is rather long I have it in a separate file, so I am trying to come up with a function that will replace the right div contect with that external file content. I believe the function i should use looks something like this:
function ReplaceDiv( DivId, NewData ) { var data_div = document.getElementById( DivId); if( data_div ) { data_div.innerHTML = NewData; } }
I tried to use this in my page as following: <a href="" onclick="ReplaceDiv(MyDiv, NewDataFile.php )">Menu Item #1</a> But it does not do what I need it to do. The menu link disappears and the right div content stays the same
Code: tr><td><div id="ref">hh</div></td><td>edit button</td> what I want to achieve is that when a user clicks on edit button, first of all hh should be replaced by a text input field and edit button change to update
What I want to do is replace a form with the submitted content. As an example, The form is submitted using the jquery.form plugin. The content is saved to the DB and a rendered comment is passed back to the client, and the success callback then replaces the form with the content. Simple enough. However, if server-side validation fails, I want to render the form, along with validation error messages, and insert that back into the client page, i.e. replace the first form with the second (which also contains the submitted content). Also straightforward, except that, on a truly successful submission, I'll need to do some other things on the page. If validation fails I only need to display the form with errors. I can think of two approaches. One is to search the returned data for some string (e.g., "<form") to decide if the other tasks are to be run.
The other is to send back the data encapsulated in a JSON object, eg: { 'status': 'FAIL', 'data': '<form ...' messages: '...' }
I have a string content which include the content "[some number]". I wanted to replace the inner number which is inside the square bracket with jQuery regular expressions. the number inside the brackets are always variables.
I'm using ColorBox to open a simple popup and it works fine. In the same page I have a link which sends an ajax request which return the entire <body> content that I then use to replace the body of the current page. After I do this replacement, the colorbox does not open anymore. I got no JS errors.
On certain pages, I display 10 pictures as thumbnails and one in the center to view as the main one. It works pretty nice but its not working for me in FF .. so I have to upgrade my coding methods here.
I have named the picture in question 'swap' in the html. The command that activates the swap is here:
function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} }
Now to note, that I am not doing a rollover here, just click and swap the image.
I have this page created, And in the page is a news header, In the header it says %ss%. Can someone help me create code, so that in the footer of the page javascript finds this %ss% and replaces it with text from a webpage?Code:What the web page that needs inserting does:I have this game and it uses php fsockopen to determine if a port is open. If the port is in use the page displaysThe server is <font color="#0066FF"><b>Online!</b></font>Otherwise it's:The server is <font color="#FF0000"><b>Offline!</b></font>
We have the following situation - when Ajax request is sent what's being returned by the server is usually an XML (which is used for DOM updates) but sometimes it's HTML which is a whole new page that should replace an existing one. I.e when we issue an Ajax request we don't know what will be returned and analyze the response to act accordingly.
Now, the way to replace the current document with a new one used to be easy and portable for both browsers (we're only supporting IE6 and Firefox 1.5):
document.open(); document.write( head ); document.write( body ); document.close();
where "head" and "body" are two parts of the result HTML. We had to cut it to two (rather than going simply with document.write( NewHTML )) because of IE - our head section contains references to external JavaScript files (<script type="text/javascript" src="sth.js"></script>) and IE only loads them when document.write() call ends. So if body contains any script block (<script type="text/javascript".. </script>) using any of JS referenced by head - IE would fail with something like "Resource undefined" if we push the whole new HTMl in one go by using document.write( NewHTML ). But it worked perfectly fine in Firefox, meaning
did the job just fine. What's even more important - it also evaluated all JavaScripts correctly - both in external files referenced by the head and in the JS blocks embedded in the body.
Until Firefox where things stopped working completely - our lovely and used-to-be portable code
document.open(); document.write( head ); document.write( body ); document.close();
caused Firefox to loose all CSS/JS and display an HTML only page (as if CSS/JS were disabled). Removing document.close(); improved the situation a bit by displaying the page with CSS this time but still - *no* JavaScript was evaluated (meaning, JavaScript blocks embedded in the document's body were not evaluated).
I took a different path from this point by pushing the new content to document's head and body "innerHTML". It worked but not for JS evaluation - I had to do that manually. To evaluate the JS referenced in the head section of the document - I've traversed the head's DOM tree while looking for the "script" nodes, then downloaded all of them one by one using a synchronous Ajax calls (don't laugh!) and eval()-ed the response. To evaluate JS blocks embedded in the body of the document - I've traversed the body's DOM tree while looking for the "script" nodes and eval()-ed them.
The problem is following: eval()-ing external JS files after downloading them with Ajax doesn't work in 100% of cases - some statements using Prototype functions fail to execute ("prototype.js" is one of external JS files referenced in the head). Anyway, I'm almost sure that what I'm doing is plain wrong, i.e it's sounds silly to download all JS files referenced in the head and eval() them !
So how do I fix it ? Simply put - how do I replce the content of the document to the completely new one received as a response to asynchronous Ajax call ? The new content conatins doctype, head, body - it's a completely new page. And all JS referenced in the head and embedded in the body should be evaluated as well.
I really wish
document.open(); document.write( head ); document.write( body ); document.close();
was working in Firefox as before. Is it simply a Firefox bug, should I submit it ? Btw, document.open.write.write.close() works just fine in IE6.
Stuck in the bottom-right corner of this page is a Social Media sharing tool floating over the page content. It's semi-transparency changes upon hover. It grows out from the corner upon hover as well. [URL] I'm thinking it's ShareBar but I don't see anything like it on the ShareBar site.
I am developing a web application in which I need to integrate a javascript/html editor on some of the web pages and then provide 'Edit' buttons on those web pages so that users can edit the content on that partciular html/jsp page (like editing in wiki pages) and then, when they add some content and click on submit button, the new content should appear on the web page with all the formatting (i.e. bold, italics, color and so on) which was applied by user when he was entering the text.
Now, I need help for the below issues:
1. Suggest me a good javascript/html editor (freely downloadable) which I can use to integrate with my web pages.
2. Once the user has entered some content using the above javascript editor, how to make that content reach the server and update the corresponding web page.
I have a simple page with an iframe on; frame.html Inside this frame is a simply page; page1.html. Page1.html has a link to a stylesheet called style1.css.There is also a hyperlink to page2.html. Page2.html has a link to a stylesheet called style2.css.Now what I want to achieve is for the main page, frame.html, to style itself according to whatever is contained in page1.css, as it is page1.html on the frame. When the user uses the hyperlink and jumps to page2.html, frame.html should automatically restyle itself according to page2.css.
what javascript script do i need to tell it what to put on these 2 pages (?test=1 and ?test=2) and where to put the content i want to have on these pages.
I want to retrieve any web page content using javascript . suppose I logged into my gmail account and opened my e-mail. now i want that a javascript will execute on the page and read all text content from that page (e.g. all email subjects ) and save it in a text file . I may embed the script in my browser. Is this possible ?
I'm trying to build a javascript content slider. It slides content like that of techcrunch site on the top of the page. It wouldn't have to be a feed, but I'd need to be able to enter the links manually each time I edit the code. I'm trying to get it, so I can get rid of tables and be able to post many different pages with the ease of just entering the photo url, link url, and content into it for a short message. I know html and I'm decent at css, but I'm bad with javascript.
I'm trying to take from this page:http://www.pdb.org/pdb/workbench/wor...s.A&mol=2x4n.Aonly the result (Text Representation of the blast2seqSequence Alignment ) that comes from comparing these two proteins.Do you have any idea how to take this content useing javascript because i want to use this result for comparison of different proteins.
im trying to have two links at the top of a page one is FEED and the other is INFO when the page opens it should be on feed, and if i click info it switches to info and the feed button becomes available to click again, at this time hte page content should switch as well.