Finding And Replacing Text In A Page?

Dec 5, 2010

I have this page created, And in the page is a news header, In the header it says %ss%. Can someone help me create code, so that in the footer of the page javascript finds this %ss% and replaces it with text from a webpage?Code:What the web page that needs inserting does:I have this game and it uses php fsockopen to determine if a port is open. If the port is in use the page displaysThe server is <font color="#0066FF"><b>Online!</b></font>Otherwise it's:The server is <font color="#FF0000"><b>Offline!</b></font>

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Finding And Replacing A Line

Jun 4, 2006

Say I have some CSS, which is several hundred lines long, with the
contents in this format: {
} {

where the selectors and their opening braces, their closing braces, and
declarations are each on their own lines (always), how can I replace a
specific declaration (line) given a unique selector and a declaration
property. For example, if I wanted the 'color' declaration property line
in the 'bar' class changed.

At the moment I'm iterating through the CSS one line at a time looking
for the selector and then looking for the declaration property (before I
hit the closing brace).

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Finding Specific HTML And Replacing It

Jun 11, 2010

I'm trying to create a piece of code that will check a webpage and replace any instances of a specific line of HTML with another line of HTML. The code I have so far doesn't work, but I have a feeling that's down to my awful Javascript skills! For example, in the following code I'd want to replace all instances of
<li><a href="index.pdf">Index</a></li> with <li><a href="contents.pdf">Contents</a></li>

<div id="downloads">
<p>Please click on your downloads below:</p>
<li><a href="index.pdf">Index</a></li>
<li><a href="chapter1.pdf">Chapter 1</a></li>
<li><a href="chapter2.pdf">Chapter 2</a></li>
<li><a href="chapter3.pdf">Chapter 3</a></li>
<li><a href="credits.pdf">Credits</a></li>

The Javascript I have so far is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var aEls = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0, aEl; aEl = aEls[i]; i++) {
aEl.href = aEl.href.replace('index.pdf','contents.pdf');
Obviously this is meant to just replaces the a href elements, but I got a bit stuck after this!

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JQuery :: Replacing Repeating Text On A Page?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a SharePoint page that is filled with the text string "12:00 AM" that I would like to remove, the underlying HTML is

<td class="ms-cal-workitem">
<td class="ms-cal-monthitem">


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JQuery :: Finding Spaces In A String Variable And Replacing It With "%20"?

Jun 28, 2010

I need to pass a variable into a URL but need to replace the spaces with

beforeSend: function(){$('#loading').show();},
type: "GET",


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Help For Text Replacing

Apr 19, 2002

I have a pitures folder with this format :


for ex: foo_1_02.jpg

how to write a function in JS to return the next and prev image names of the given name of the first image. ( foo_1_01.jpg and foo_1_03.jpg ).

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Replacing Href Text

Jan 26, 2006

I have a page that contains several HREFs. Each HREF that I'm interested in has a common parameter (parmX). Does anyone have a script example on how to find-and-replace parmX with parmY?

I'm assuming that I'd need to do this in the onload event - but I don't know much about Javascript.

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JQuery :: Replacing Text In IE7?

Dec 22, 2010

I try to place user variables in an html page with JQuery. It work with FF, but it do not work with IE7 (and it must work with it...)


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Replacing Text With Link Clicks?

Jan 29, 2011

I have 16 links on a page, when each link is clicked, I need to change text that is on the page.

This is Page 1
link 1 This Is Page 1
link 2 This is Page 2


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Replacing A Word In A Text Field?

Dec 2, 2006

How does one take the selected text in a textarea dn replace it with something else?

like id like to be able to wrap words for markup innit:

this is an [ b]example[/b] sentence


all I can seem to find on the web regarding selecting text are scripts for select text off page, but never from within an input field.

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Finding Text On Webpage

Sep 11, 2005

How would I access the source of a webpage? I would like to get the source,
then use a regexp to find text on a webpage. For example, retrieving a
counter, or some other text that dynamically changes. I'm implementing this
for firefox.

right now, i have a web page opening that contains that info, but i would
rather have a pop up alert() that shows that info.

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Finding Text Node

Nov 18, 2006

trying to read text from text child, basicaly seeking for equvivalent for this:

var groupArray = secondElement.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
// so looking for text nodes
var groupArray = secondElement.getElementsByTagName("??????");

hmm tryed this, seems DOM doesn't see the text node that itself created

// 1.CREATING & filling
imgElement = document.createElement("IMG");
imgElement.src = arrElementsImages[i];
imgElement.setAttribute("style","float:left"); = "left";

firstElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("u00a0" + "a"));

// case1 --> ONLY IMAGE APPEARS !!??
for (i = 0; i < firstElement.childNodes.length; i++)

secondElement.innerHTML = firstElement.innerHTML;

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Jquery :: Replacing Certain Text From Contents Of Element?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm trying to simply replace a certain string from the contents of an element, I tried this:
<div id="errorCont">Microsoft and Apple</div>
var ErrorContText=$("#errorCont").html();
ErrorContText=ErrorContText.replace("Apple","No one");
So the div SHOULD now say "Microsoft and No one", but it's not working.

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Finding Cordinates Of Selected Text

Jun 30, 2006

Pardon me if I am not making any sense.What I want to know the
cordinates of selected text by user so that i can save/retrieve them It possible.I am lookig for both IE and Firefox solution.

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Finding A Rich Text Editor?

Sep 6, 2010

I'am looking for a rich-text editor (javascript) that I can put in my page.I need one that can :

+ work on IE

+ format text (color, font size etc ...)

+ insert an image from client's computer

+ paste text and images copied from Microsoft Word.

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JQuery :: Replacing Pre Defined Text In The Html To Be Replaced With Defined Text?

Jun 9, 2011

I've got some text that I want to change what it says:(63%) on RRP (£80.00) The percentage value and RRP Price will change dependant on the product and its discount. All I want to change with jquery is the text:

%) on RRP(
to the following

I've put it into jsfiddle below.

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Replacing Some Content In A Web Page

Jun 15, 2009

I need to replace some content in a web page with new content, without leaving the page.

When opening the following page, there are two rectangles, one being small and the one large: [url]

When clicking the small rectangle in above page, the two rectangles will be replaced by the two in following page: [url]

I understand that the two sets of rectangles may need to be coded in one page. I put them in two different ones in order to present my ideas clearly.

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Replacing An Image On A Page

Dec 6, 2004

On certain pages, I display 10 pictures as thumbnails and one in the center to view as the main one. It works pretty nice but its not working for me in FF .. so I have to upgrade my coding methods here.

I have named the picture in question 'swap' in the html. The command that activates the swap is here:


Which runs this:

function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}

Now to note, that I am not doing a rollover here, just click and swap the image.

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JQuery :: Finding Surrounding Text At Mouse Position?

Sep 3, 2010

I am hoping you can help me. I am finding this problem rather complex to solve. I need to be able to find the surrounding text at the mouse position. For example, if a user clicks on a word in a paragraph, I need to programmatically know what the text is surrounding the click point. The text in question is not just content text, but DOM elements read in as text rather than the DOM element itself. For example, if a user clicks at the word "This" in the following:

<table><tr><td>This is good</td></tr> then I would like to know how to get the text "<td>" just before the "This" as text, not as a DOM element. Furthermore, how can I "enlargen" the scope of my capture, such that I can programmatically get the "<table><tr><td>" part as well as the "is good</td></tr>" part?

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JQuery :: Finding Keywords In Text - Underlined With Tooltips

Apr 13, 2010

I'd like to find certain keywords in the text of an html page and give it an underline and the ability to show a tooltip when hovered. When I try to use .text() on the top-level element, it just spits everything out, including javascript, etc. How can I go through line-by-line and do a word comparison with the keyword I'd like highlighted? I'm thinking of basically doing:
$(#toplevel).each(function () {
if ($(this).text() == 'keyword')
$(this).contents().filter(return this.nodeType == 3).wrap('<a></a>');
If that makes any sense.

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Firefox - Replacing The Whole Page By The New One In Ajax Response

Sep 24, 2006

We have the following situation - when Ajax request is sent what's
being returned by the server is usually an XML (which is used for DOM
updates) but sometimes it's HTML which is a whole new page that should
replace an existing one. I.e when we issue an Ajax request we don't
know what will be returned and analyze the response to act accordingly.

Now, the way to replace the current document with a new one used to be
easy and portable for both browsers (we're only supporting IE6 and
Firefox 1.5):;
document.write( head );
document.write( body );

where "head" and "body" are two parts of the result HTML. We had to cut
it to two (rather than going simply with document.write( NewHTML ))
because of IE - our head section contains references to external
JavaScript files (<script type="text/javascript"
src="sth.js"></script>) and IE only loads them when document.write()
call ends. So if body contains any script block (<script
type="text/javascript".. </script>) using any of JS referenced by
head - IE would fail with something like "Resource undefined" if we
push the whole new HTMl in one go by using document.write( NewHTML ).
But it worked perfectly fine in Firefox, meaning;
document.write( NewHTML );

did the job just fine. What's even more important - it also evaluated
all JavaScripts correctly - both in external files referenced by the
head and in the JS blocks embedded in the body.

Until Firefox where things stopped working completely - our
lovely and used-to-be portable code;
document.write( head );
document.write( body );

caused Firefox to loose all CSS/JS and display an HTML only page (as if
CSS/JS were disabled). Removing document.close(); improved the
situation a bit by displaying the page with CSS this time but still -
*no* JavaScript was evaluated (meaning, JavaScript blocks embedded in
the document's body were not evaluated).

I took a different path from this point by pushing the new content to
document's head and body "innerHTML". It worked but not for JS
evaluation - I had to do that manually. To evaluate the JS referenced
in the head section of the document - I've traversed the head's DOM
tree while looking for the "script" nodes, then downloaded all of them
one by one using a synchronous Ajax calls (don't laugh!) and eval()-ed
the response. To evaluate JS blocks embedded in the body of the
document - I've traversed the body's DOM tree while looking for the
"script" nodes and eval()-ed them.

The problem is following: eval()-ing external JS files after
downloading them with Ajax doesn't work in 100% of cases - some
statements using Prototype functions fail to execute ("prototype.js" is
one of external JS files referenced in the head). Anyway, I'm almost
sure that what I'm doing is plain wrong, i.e it's sounds silly to
download all JS files referenced in the head and eval() them !

So how do I fix it ? Simply put - how do I replce the content of the
document to the completely new one received as a response to
asynchronous Ajax call ? The new content conatins doctype, head, body -
it's a completely new page. And all JS referenced in the head and
embedded in the body should be evaluated as well.

I really wish;
document.write( head );
document.write( body );

was working in Firefox as before. Is it simply a Firefox bug, should I
submit it ? Btw, works just fine in IE6.

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Finding Where The Top Of The Page View Is

Mar 23, 2007

This is sort of a hard question to describe, but here it goes:

I'm trying to completely center an element on a page (this means both horizontal and vertically). However, what I'm wondering is if there is a way, via the DOM functionality to make it so if, say, you've scrolled X-distance down the page it centers it in the current view of the page, not to the original view of the page.

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Finding The Position Of The Cursor In A Text Box & Rich Formated <textarea>

Feb 16, 2006

Question 1
I am writing an advanced BBCode system for my forums and I would like
to be able to find where the cursor was positioned last in the text so
I could insert the BBCode there.

Question 2
Again I am writing an advanced BBCode system for my forums and I would
like to make is so that when someone puts in a [b] tag it goes bold, so
kind of a WYSIWYG editor and also for other things like [img] tags and
[url] tags. So could someone tell me how to do that. I would preferably
like it to still use the textarea tag, or at least a form component so
my existing code works.

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Finding Number Of Elements On A Page?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a number of elements on a page, which I want to remove. The number changes depending on the number of the results,ie. div Id like result1, result2, result3 etc.Is there a way for me to find out the number of items called resultX or is there a way for me to search through all ID's like result ?

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Finding A "find On Page" Script That Will Display The Results In The Middle Of The Page For IE

Aug 22, 2010

finding a "find on page" script that will display the results in the middle of the page for IE. I have tried several different ones to no avail. The ones that work in all the browsers display the result in IE at the very bottom of the page. I am not very familiar with programing in Java and I am unable to modify any for my needs. The one I found that did work in IE didn't work in any other browsers.

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JQuery :: 'input:text' Selector Not Finding Input Element With No Type Attribute?

Mar 16, 2011

As recently as 1.4.3 $('input:text') would find input elements with no type attribute, but after upgrading to 1.5.1 that is no longer the case.

Is this a bug or an intended refactor to be more standards compliant?

FYI - this is the selector I now have to use: $('input:text,input:not([type])')

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