JQuery :: Toggle Based On Default Form Values?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a form that gets automatically filled based on the values returned by my php file. Then the form elements have their values filled.

Now the problem is, I have set few additional show and hide <div> tags based on the values of some other fields. So when the form loads, the <div> tag doesnt show up and stays hidden only as the event that activates it is based on the radio button's change event function.

So my question is, as the form loads, how can I have these <div> show/hide based on the default values of the text fields on which they depend upon....

jQuery(document).ready( function()
jQuery(".hidden, .error").hide();

This only gets activated when the radio button is changed but i want this to be checked on change as well as based on initial values... How do I do that ?

jQuery( jQuery("input[name='ssc_appear']") ).change
( function()
if ( jQuery("input[name='ssc_appear']:checked" ).val() == "yes" )


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JQuery :: Default CSS To Element - Put All CSS Values On My Selected Elements Back To Its Default

Sep 14, 2010

I am looking for a way to put all CSS values on my selected elements back to its default. I was wondering if anyone has maybe done this before and if not has any idea's to get me started.

The idea is that when I use for example:

The elements within .setDefault will return to its default font/color/height/width etc... so basically all posible values.

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Clearing Default Form Values On Submit

Oct 8, 2010

I've read a few solutions to this, but none seem to fit what I'd like to do. I'm quite new to JavaScript, so I'm trying to learn various solutions to problems and also what can and can't be done.

What I'd like to know is can you, on submit, check all the form values on a page, or indeed within a specific form on a page, for their default values, and if any still have their default values as the text within that box, clear that value.

So using some generic form values as an example, if I had a form that had three text fields Name, Email, and Phone, all by default populated by their respective names, if someone changed the value of Name to "Adenv" but left the other two, on submit the script would change the values to:

With *blank* indicating a blank field. Is this possible?

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JQuery :: Hide Toggle As Default?

Apr 21, 2010

I use this snippet to remember the state of a toggle. But i want the default state to be hidden. How can i accomplish this? I added "display:none;" to .toggle_container but this isn't working.



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JQuery :: Using Toggle Function - Hide On Load As Default?

May 21, 2010

Anyway, I am using some code that someone else wrote so I claim no credit here for the code.It works great and I've managed to persuade to work in Wordpress but I have one thing I would like to change.Basically the text I am trying to toggle is "shown" on page load - I would like it to be "hidden" until the user clicks on the link to make it appear.Here's the code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-


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JQuery :: Toggle Text Based On Id?

Sep 27, 2011

This code is not able to toggle independently. What can I do so when I click on one of the "1 Comment" links it opens up independently? It also displays like "1 Comment1Comment" instead of "1 Comment" which I assume will display only once if the other issue can be fixed.

<span id="c-100" class="numberCom">1 Comment</span>
<div id="c-100" class="comments">
<p>Comment #1</p>


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JQuery :: Toggle Some Checkboxes Based On A Value In A Table Column?

Sep 17, 2010

How can I toggle some checkboxes based on a value in a table column? For example in the table below I would like to check all of the checkboxes if the "Needed" column is "Yes".



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JQuery :: Toggle Visibility Of Textbox Based On Status Of Checkbox

Dec 8, 2010

This is using jquery by the way. I have a list of ethnicity on a form for a person to enter that are checkboxes. One option is 'Other, specify'. When 'other specify' is checked, I would like a text box to pop up and disable the other boxes (if you pick other, you can't pick from the previous ethnicities). If 'other, specify' is unchecked, I would like for the text box to disappear and re-enable the checkboxes. I had the appearing box working just using JS. I can't seem to get the syntax right to use the toggle feature of jquery to make the box disappear when unclicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
function(event) {
function(event) {

<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="asian" />Asian<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="hawaii" />Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" value="noanswer" />Choose not to answer<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="race" id="other"value="other" />Other, specify<br />
<div style="visibility:hidden" id="race"><input type="text" name="fname" size="25" maxlength="25" id="otherrace" /></div>

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Default Function Values

Aug 5, 2005

is there a way in javascript to provide default values for function variables.. for instance

In my case the problem is this, i have tables on about 10 pages that all use the same type of table that have checkboxes next to each row, indicating each row could be possibly edited or deleted. Now, i have a function to check/uncheck all by clicking the top box in the column. It works fine, but on one page, i actually have two of these tables. This screws it up though as it will check everything in the first table when i click the select all input box on the second table. I was hoping i could simply change the value for the id of the table and then pass that id instead of passing nothing.

in php it would look like this
function my_function($default_value = "hello") {

in javascript i dont know if this is possible though, it threw errors when i tried syntax similar to that.

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Getting The Default Values In Functions?

Sep 8, 2004

I would like to call a function with parameters, i.e. multiply('2','3','box1').In this example, the first argument would be multiplied with the second and written into the div with the id="box1". How can I set a default value for the third argument? => so if I call multiply('2','3') then it should automatically set the output-variable to 'box1' if not other defined in the call.

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Toggle() And Session-based Cookies

Dec 6, 2004

I am using a toggle() function with <div ID="View_Right_SiteNews" STYLE="display:none"> to display/hide data. I would like to be able to have the display/hide value remembered by the end-user on a session-base duration. Here is the existing javascript that I am using: Code:

function toggle( targetId ){
if (document.getElementById){
target = document.getElementById( targetId );
if (target.style.display == "none"){
target.style.display = "";
} else {
target.style.display = "none";
} } }

I than do something like:Code:

<A HREF="javascript:toggle('view_foo');">display</A>
If anybody can get this to work with a session-based cookie that would rock!

I would also go for setting a PHP session if session-based cookies won't work out. I just don't know how to do that either.

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Reset The Default Values In The Table?

May 10, 2009

I'm trying to program a reset button so that when the user clicks on it , the default values will be restored but the only problem is that the cells are returning undefined but are showing in the correct cells . Here is my code for that . Here , the function ResetGrid() is the problem.


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Assigning Default Values To Undefined Variables

Sep 1, 2007

I'm moving from php to JavaScript. What I want to do is assign a value to a variable only if the variable hasn't been assigned yet.

In php it would be:

$variable='default value'

I thought the equivalent in javascript would be:

variable='default value'

Can anyone explain why this doesn't work, or what I should do instead?

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Restrict An Html Text Input To Only Take Default Values?

Jan 20, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to restrict the values of a text input box to only accept set values such as "XBC1". I am trying to make a form for a scanner so you can scan bar codes and it will auto fill the form out and have default values set so incorrect values cant be submitted into the database and mess everything up.

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JQuery :: Count Inputs Based On Values?

Dec 19, 2011

I need to count if a hidden input has a .com , a .net or a .org.I am thinking I need to use a filter.there are many inputs that may have these values. I need to find a way to just countthe input values that have these.how would I do this. Would I need to use the filter function in jquery?

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Default Textbox Values But Not Overwriting Browser Autocomplete / Solve This?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm working on a site and for my login area, instead of using labels for the textboxes, I wanted to just put default text in there.

The JS that I am using is supposed to only enter the default values in the textboxes if they are blank. Unfortunately, I think the JS runs before the browser puts the "auto remember" stuff into the boxs, so the JS will always put the default values in the boxes.

The problem is that, when its time for the browser to enter the auto remember stuff, it sees that there is already stuff entered, so it doesn't enter the previously-remembered login information.

I'm pretty sure that what I'm trying to do is possible, but maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Could somebody suggest the appropriate way to do this? code...

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How To Store Default Field Values And Warn Users When They Are Changed?

Aug 28, 2006

I have to add some technique which will solve the following problem. A form is presented to the user in our web application. Say it has

4 text fields,
2 radio buttons (Yes / No)
1 checkbox
1 select list.

Now 2 textfields are pre-populated, one radio button (Yes) is pre-selected, checkbox is not checked, one option from select list is preselected.

In 90% of the cases, all that the user needs to do is enter values in the 2 empty textfields and click Submit.

However, the user might change the values in the preselected controls, like check the checkbox, change radio selection from Yes to No, select a different option from the select list, change the default values from the prepopulated text fields.

Now in such a case where 'default' values are changed, I need to show a alert or a popup layer to the user when the submit button is clicked.

Showing a popup layer or an alert:
The popup layer/alert will be a confirmation popup which will say something like -

"You have changed the default values for:[all the fields which were changed by user]. This requires you to do [some task] once you submit the form.

If you do not wish to change these defaults, click Cancel.
To proceed with the changes, click OK and then Submit."

Clicking OK:
If user clicks OK, then all is well. User will click Submit to submit the form and do some task which is required when defaults are changed.

Clicking Cancel:
If user clicks Cancel then the defaults should be restored. User is now free to click Submit. Code:

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JQuery :: Override An Individual Datepicker Based Upon New Values

May 2, 2011

I have a DatePicker , and a dropdown on my page. When the page loads, the datePicker shows the current month and assumes that no value has been selected in the dropDown. Once the dropdown is selected, I need to reload the datePicker based upon some data returned.

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JQuery :: Open/Close TDs Based Upon Select List <option> Values

Nov 3, 2011

My mission: Open/collapse TD cells based on items selected in a list box. Getting no response from jQuery so I've done something wrong but cant quite get there. Listbox 'mainselect' contains option values that refer to names of TDs in a table. When a mainselect option is clicked, it will toggle to open or close the referenced TD list box by option value. Does hide/show make a TD 'blank' or actually set it's width to '0'? I want it to close, moving other cells left.

<script src="jquery-1.6.4.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {


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JQuery :: When In Second Tab And Submit The Form - Tabs Are Reloading And First Tab Selected By Default

Nov 27, 2010

I am java developer using jquery tabs in my project.I have terrible problem with jquery tabs. when i am in second tab and submit the form,tabs are reloading and first tab selected by default, but i have to be in the second tab.

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JQuery :: Toggle Style Of Four Input Buttons In Form

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying to toggle the style of 4 input buttons in a form. Option1 is set to display the active style on page load. Clicking a button makes it active (on) and the others inactive(off).

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery("#option2, #option3, #option4").removeClass("active").addClass("passive");
jQuery("#option1, #option3, #option4").removeClass("active").addClass("passive");
jQuery("#option1, #option2, #option4").removeClass("active").addClass("passive");
jQuery("#option1, #option2, #option3").removeClass("active").addClass("passive");

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Comma Separated Values - Form That Gets Values That A User Has Selected From A List Menu Field

Jul 6, 2009

I have a form that gets values that a user has selected from a list menu field, that end up like this added to the URL:[url]

Instead of the Field being mentioned more than once, how can I have it where it could mention the field once with the values coma separated eg:[url]

Would I use JS to change the URL? or VBscript?

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Send User To Url Based On Selected Values?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown.

The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is relevant.ie if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible. Can anyone tell me the best way to go about doing this please?I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?

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Best Way To Send User To Url Based On Selected Values?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a form which contains a few drop down lists.

The contents of the dropdown lists are dependent on each other and are populated via php scripts which are called each time a selection is made or changed by the user.

When the view results button is clicked in the form I need the user to be directed to a specific page based on the selections they have made.

The url of the page they need to be directed to is really based on what has been chosen in the first dropdown. The subsequent dropdowns form variables that I need to be sent to the page so that the data the user sees on that page is relevant.

ie if the user has chosen bikes then a specific manufacturer then a specific price range the page they will be sent to will be the bike.php page with all the manufacturer specific bikes in their chosen price range visible.

I had thought about using the php header script along with an if statement but how do I then go about getting the variables sent to the page to be recognised?

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Toggle State - Trigger Open State From Id Based URL?

Jul 21, 2011

To say I'm new to JavaScript is a bit of an understatement so bear with me. I have a site set up with a variety of layers of toggles. When you enter the site all of the items are collapsed and you click the headings to expand. Each of the toggle-able items have ids. It works great for users who start at the homepage.

However, when I send people to any of the inner topics, all they see is the initial collapsed state of the site. I want to be able to provide a URL that will set the toggle to open, and show all of the content for that section on entry.

Here is my code and js, can anyone point me in the right direction?


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JQuery :: Change Form Values Before Submitting A Form?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm handling a form submission event. Is there a way to modifiy the value of a text input within the form before the form is finally submitted? I tried setting the value using, 'val()' - it updated the text field but the value sent with the POST was the original value

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