JQuery :: Override Or Cancel .prepend?

Apr 9, 2010

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#menu ul ul li').prepend('~ ');

This chunk of code is in a .js file that is link to every pages of the site I'm working on (called via an include). I linked another .js file to all the pages of a new section I'm developping. Is there a way to override or cancel the .prepend with my section specific .js file??

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JQuery :: Adding Html Contents Using .prepend() In IE 8

Jun 12, 2011

I use .prepend to add html contents in an existing html tag. When i view the source in IE i can't see the added content. I tried it with Chrome and it's working and see the contents immediately.

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JQuery :: Injecting Code Into Page Via Prepend?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm trying to retro-fit google ad-manager to an existing site. Currently, we have a div on every page and then have a header file which randomly selects an add and uses jquery.prepend to put the ad in that div. With google, we now have js code we need to use. How can we use prepend to add the js code and have it run? is that possible?

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JQuery :: Prepend AJAX Data If Not Exists?

Nov 24, 2010

I've knocked together a simple chatroom app that gets new messages via an ajax call and prepends it to the list of messages. It does this by looking for the first hidden div with ID comment_counter, which contains the ID of the most recent message in the list that the client already has. The ajax call then makes a request to another page that returns a string of HTML with just the messages with an ID greater than the most recent one. That gets prepended to the current list of messages, the interval repeats, and so on.

The function looks like this:

var messageID = $("#comment_counter").first().html();
$.get("page.php", { m: messageID, b: <?=($post_id)?>, n: 'true' },


I haven't done any jQuery development prior to this, and it's been a while since a I did any web development anyway

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JQuery :: .live Hover W/Prepend And Remove NOT Removing?

Feb 23, 2010

Looking for some assistance with using hover on externally loaded content.I have a web page with a DIV that I LOAD with an external webpage.The external webpage once loaded has a DIV that when hovered over PREPENDs items to the DIV . This part seems to be working.hen the DIV is no longer hovered over the prepended items should be removed, but alas they are not.Please take a look at the following and point out my error.

<script type="text/javascript">
$("#apDiv10").live('hover', function()


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JQuery :: Get Href Links From Classes & Append/prepend Them To Some Element

Oct 27, 2011

How do I get href links from classes & append/prepend them to some element. My attempts...& many other I can't mention


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JQuery :: .append() / .prepend() Working But The Content Can't Be Seen In IE When The Page Is Viewed Using View Source

Jun 12, 2011

I use .append() and .prepend() to automatically add content to a existing html tag with id. In IE the function is working fine but when i viewed it using view source i can't see the content. When i tried it with Chrome, i can immediately see the content. Is there something i missed out?

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Find Text Between Two Strings And Prepend/append

Nov 9, 2010

I am attempting to manipulate a long text string with javascript. This text string may have one or more occurrences of a string which starts with a particular string and ends with another string. So, for example, text that starts with 'nam' and ends with 'sit' in this example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nam aliquam leo sit amet nibh tincidunt ultricies. Nullam nam feugiat velit sit amet dui scelerisque id ornare nulla ultricies.

I want to prepend another string before the nam and append another after the sitt, to give me:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit before nam aliquam leo sit after amet nibh tincidunt ultricies. Nullam before nam feugiat velit sit after amet dui scelerisque id ornare nulla ultricies.

I think the way to do this is via RegExp, but I'm insufficiently familiar with this to know how to write the expression.

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JQuery :: Proper Way To Override Css For Project

Aug 10, 2011

Very new using jQuery. Anyway, I have the following few lines which create a component on a web page.[code]...

Upon some analysis, I can see that the css does contain the styles used by my div. So now, I would like to change the colors of the component, but I am not sure what is the best practice. Can one override in the div tag the colors, or should one duplicate the .css and change it?

Seeking the best way to perform this that other in the group use.

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin - Override Display ?

Nov 29, 2011

I got a container as "inline-block", but cycle plugin change it to "block". It fuck up my page in IE. Is there a way to prevent it from overriding my display: inline-block?

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JQuery :: Override The Default Messages For The Validation Plugin?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to change the default required field message in the validation plugin from "This field is required" to simply "Required". I tried to do so like this:


but this isn't working. I'd prefer not to edit the actual code to change the message, although that is an option (but one that would mean constantly updating the message when the validation code is downloaded once again).

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JQuery :: Override An Individual Datepicker Based Upon New Values

May 2, 2011

I have a DatePicker , and a dropdown on my page. When the page loads, the datePicker shows the current month and assumes that no value has been selected in the dropDown. Once the dropdown is selected, I need to reload the datePicker based upon some data returned.

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Override Onbeforeunload

Nov 29, 2005

I want to override the onbeforeunload event so that when the user
clicks on the close button, at the right top of the screen, it only
open an alert with OK button and don't close the screen ...

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Override A Value= In An Input Tag?

Nov 12, 2009

I have the following input tags:


<input type="text" name="fname_search" value="First Name" onfocus="clrFirstName()" size ="10" />
<input type="text" name="lname_search" value="Last Name" onfocus="clrLastName()" size ="10" />

As can be seen, the input fields have First Name and Last Name as the default values. What I would like to do then, is as soon as the user clicks in the First Name or Last Name field, that the field would blank out and allow the entry of the field. My JS looks like:


function clrFirstName() {


fsearch is the name of the form.When I click on the field, nothing happens.

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Override Disabled Property

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to override the "disabled" property of a hidden field. When
disabled is set to "true", it would call a function to disable 2 other text
fields on the form. When disabled is set to "false", it would enable those
2 text fields. You should also be able to get the value of it as if it were
a property:


Is there any way to do this?

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Override Status Bar In Browsers Other Than IE?

May 21, 2011

I am using window.status = "Message"

for IE but I want to do the same in other browsers.For time being I want to do it in firefox but I have to manually enable it in browser options.Is it possible to do so programmatically?

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How To Override Location.replace

Mar 4, 2009

is there any way to override this function in firefox?this code worx well in ie/opera:

window.location.replace = function ( newLocation ) { alert ( newLocation ); }

how to override location setter in ie

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Any Way To Override Submit Behavior For Input Img?

Aug 3, 2006

Normally, a button like <input type="image"is also a submit button.
Is there any way to override that so that it has an onclick event but
does not submit the form?

For what I'm trying to do, I cannot use an <imgelement with onclick.
I have to use a form element (and I'd rather have an image than a

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Specfic Override To The Same-origin Policy

Nov 5, 2007

I am trying find a way to create a specfic override to the same-origin policy between 2 frames so that I can use javascript find out the current url of frame2 from frame1.

I have read that I will need a digitally signed activex control for IE6/7 and I am not sure what is needed for other browsers.

I need this to be secure in that the override will:

- only allow frame1 (when loaded from mydomain.com) to find the current url of frame 2
- not work when frame2 is https

If this is possible does anyone know why I should not do this? If I use this in my app am I going to shoot myself in the foot?

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Override A Keypress Event And Redirect It To Another?

May 6, 2010


I'm getting an error object required on the window.onkeypress line.

I have a data entry app and the users are keying with their right hand on the number pad and flipping pages with their left. If they want to use the normal tab key they have to take their hand off of the papers to do so. I figured it would be pretty simple to override the keypress even for the + key and divert it to act like tab was pressed instead.

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Prototype - Override Constructor For A Object?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a requirement to override the constructor of a javascript class. I have to execute the current constructor code and then call a javascript method. Basically, I need to execute a javascript method whenever an object of that particular class is created in addition to whatever is being done now. I do not want to copy and paste the current constructor code and override the initcomponent method. I am looking for an alternative for that.

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JQuery :: Way To Cancel AJAX Request ?

Jul 13, 2010

Is there an way to cancel AJAX request?

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Script To Override Browser Font Size

Jan 3, 2001

Is there a way to override the browser font size settings with javascript. Basically we want to set the text size on a page so that if someone has their browser font setting say to "large" it does not take effect.

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JQuery :: Can't Cancel Default Dragover After Animating

Nov 17, 2010

I have a <ul> with <li>'s inside. When I drag something over an <li> it will animate. I then want to cancel the default dragover handler so that I can enable drop on this <li> (I am targeting Google Chrome only, so I only need to cancel the dragover event to enable dropping).

$('li').bind("dragover", dragoverCallback);
function dragoverCallback (event) {
var target = $(event.target);
target.unbind("dragover", dragoverCallback);


However, I see that after the animation, dropping is allowed for a split second, and then the default behavior (not allowing drop) happens again. I'm not sure why. If I comment out line 12, it will work, but then I'm not unregistered the callback, which seems bad.

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JQuery :: Cancel The Submit Action Through Onclick?

Nov 4, 2010

I need to cancel the submit action via jquery through onclick. But its not working. Could you please advise me? I have copied my code below.


<script language="javascript">
function validate(){
var prjname_selected=$("#prjname_selected").val();


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JQuery :: How To Change Save And Cancel Button

Feb 17, 2011

i'm use the fckeditor by an littel project by myself. how to change save an cancel button as the two buttons on the left side such as *.png

i figure this out this reslut

the code
<script type="text/javascript">
////set all the FCKeditor configuration here and pass it to the editable
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'edit-menge') ;
oFCKeditor.Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = false;


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