JQuery :: Dynamically Loading An Image From A DB?
Feb 11, 2011
I have written some JAVA code that pulls and image from a DB and writes out the byte stream.When I call the URL directly I can see my image, however when I use something like:
function loadImage(filename) {
$(document).ready(function() {
alert('loadImage Called with ' + filename);
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Jul 27, 2009
I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.
$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){
var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac');
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm experimenting with dynamic loading of javascript using JQuery. So basically I have a loadScript function that accepts either the URL of a JS file or a javascript source in a string. For the former, I create a 'script' element, set its src attribute to the URL of the file and insert the element into the DOM's head element. So far it seems to work nicely. For the latter, I create a 'script' element, set its innerHTML to the JS string and insert it into the DOM's head element. This doesn't work so well. I *think* it's because the JS source in question contains:
$(document).ready(function() {
// put all your jQuery goodness in here.
It looks like the JS source in my string is stomping over parts of the DOM it shouldn't and changing existing elements.
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Jan 14, 2011
How to display loading gif image until the big image have loaded? Now I have the html and js but it doesn't work. Anyone have some idea or solution ?
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May 29, 2009
I am trying to create portlets that dynamically load their content (usinq jQuery). My first approach was to leave the header + footer + decorations of the portlet OUTSIDE of the dynamically loadable content. It worked just fine but I had to abandon that approach so that I could use the same code both for statically- and dynamically-loaded content (e.g. when no AJAX support was available). So far so good.
Now to my problem: I use the following code for loading my dynamic content
The loading works fine, but after the dynamic content has been loaded I can not seem to get access to it using jQuery!
Short description: Line 3 clears the content (I know! There are better solutions!) Line 4 loads the content Line 6 dumps the data on the console; this is for debuging only, so that I can establish that the correct content is loaded
After the data is properly loaded I did expect to be able to find it by traversing the DOM tree in traditional jQuery fashion (like in Line 10). However, dumping the contents of the 'tag' shows it containing no content at all; it is empty even though the browser renders the expected new result. I thought: Well! The browser holds two copies of the DOM tree; one that is the original page and one that is the modified content used for rendering". Therefore I attempted to manipulate the loaded content within the function (Line 8). The content is visible there, that I have established in Line 6. But I do not know how to access it jQuery-style.
(Why am I trying to modify the loaded content? I want to inject a title row with various decorations and clickable content.)
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May 12, 2010
I have a div set up like this
<div id='y' style='background-image: url(./randomcolor.php?ibase=
php echo $entity
I am having an issue with setting the background-image of a another div #x to the background image of #y.Correct me if I am wrong but I think you would do this in a simple case by saying
So when it does it, it is getting the URL of the generator (I logged it. what is actually being passed is [URL] This would require a server call to generate a new image, In this particular application, even if it wasn't exactly the image y had it would be acceptable. But it's not doing it. It is not getting any image at all. Am I doing something wrong, i.e. is it supposed to just work? I would think not, since the page has already been rendered. This is almost an ajax situation but I don't know how to do it for an image. I don't really want to generate a new image anyway, I'd be very happy to get the one that's already there. How would I access the actual image already attached to y and not do another server call?
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Feb 6, 2010
I came up with some code to load javascript files dynamically. But I've got problems..
When the script element is dynamically added to the head section of html, i think that the document.ready event fires once again and therefore the code sort of runs twice.
In the html page I call this method:
In the script test.js I have the function SayHi():
The SayHi method never gets called and alert('begin') & alert('getScript') get called twice in this sequence:begin begin getScript getScript.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have created a party-events website. Which displays a lot of dates of events. As you might understand this page takes some time to load. Therefor I want some of loading image to be displayed while the page is loading. Anybody has an idea how to pull this of? I don't know how.
In detail: People come to my website. They click on "events" and a loading.gif pops up and and makes the background darker. After the page has completely loaded the loading image disappears and the website shows.
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Mar 16, 2006
I have a set of scripts which rely on the ability to dynamically load css by constructing <link> elements via DOM scripting, and appending them into the page header. It works, for the most part, extremely well, but I need to be able to attach an onload function to said links. Unfortunately, this only seems to work in IE, not in FireFox or Safari (the three being my 'target' browsers under which the whole system needs to work.) Any means by which I can determine via Javascript whether such a link has finished loading? It doesn't have to be via onload if it's unsupported, but I need to be able to implement it across IE / Mozilla / Safari.
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Apr 14, 2006
I have been struggling with a cross browser solution to loading
external javascript files on the fly.
I have been successful using the following code in IE6:
var newScr = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
newScr.src = "newScr.js";
I believe the reason is that IE is loading the external file
syncronously while Firefox is not. Is there an onload event for
creating an element (if so I do not see it in Venkman). I have seen the
solution of using XMLHTTP to load the script but I am trying to get
around any dependency (atleast at this stage of the library) on
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Jan 4, 2007
I'm writing a small async webapp. in JavaScript and I'm using <script> element technique to load data. I'm usign <scriptbecause of cross domain restrictions with XmlRequest.
The problem is when I remove a element that is currently loading from DOM (with removeChild) Firefox still loads it and waits with other scripts.
What I want is to break this process and load a new data without waiting for old one.
Here is example script:
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Jan 25, 2007
I'm using a function like this to load divs dynamically (and hide
current one..)
function get_img(curr_img,curr_nav,new_img,new_nav2) {
var img_top = eval('document.getElementById(' + "curr_img" + ')');
var img_new = eval('document.getElementById(' + "new_img" + ')');
var nav_top = eval('document.getElementById(' + "curr_nav" + ')');
var nav_new = eval('document.getElementById(' + "new_nav" + ')');
img_top.style.visibility = "hidden";
img_new.style.visibility = "visible";
nav_top.style.visibility = "hidden";
nav_new.style.visibility = "visible";
curr_img = new_img;
curr_nav = new_nav;
problem I always run into in situations like this is I can't tell which
one is currently loaded.. how do you detect which div is currently loaded?
this is in JSP, divs generated with loops...
for (int i = 0; i < photos.length; i++) {
<div id="nav<%=photos[i]%>">
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Apr 28, 2011
Here's what I'd like to do using pure JavaScript and HTML (no Ajax or PHP): My website loads different JavaScript files dynamically which contain a bunch of data, that I will display on the website. The dynamical loading function is placed in the <HEAD> and looks like that:
function loadJsFile(filename){
console.log("loading js file")
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
fileref.onload = dataIsLoaded;
if (typeof fileref!="undefined"){
The dataIsLoaded method in there is a callback that is triggered when the JavaScript file has been loaded:
function dataIsLoaded(){
console.log("loading js file done")
dataLoaded = true;
data = new Data();
DataLoaded is simply a global boolean that is per default false and the 'data' variable contains all the data I want to display on my site. While the JavaScript file is being loaded, the browser continues building the site. When it gets to the <body> that wants to access some information from the data variable, I get the unsurprising error that 'data' is undefined. I looked for a way to wait until 'data' is defined and then continue with building the <body> but couldn't find a solution.
Alternatively I wanted to reload the divs in the <body> when the 'data' is available:
function reloadDivs(){
console.log("data available, reloading divs");
document.getElementById('someDiv').innerHTML = document.getElementById('someDiv').innerHTML
console.log("data is not yet available");
setTimeout('loadReportData();', 500);
This does not work, I get a blank div when I do that.
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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Mar 30, 2006
While testing my pages in IE and Firefox, I have noticed that when I
remove an image from the DOM before it has finished downloading in IE,
that the status bar gets stuck at Downloading Picture https://....
Which means the page never finishes loading, I have tested by just
making the images style.display = "none" and I no longer get the error,
but since this is an AJAX app, that would just leak memory as images
would never get deleted when people traverse the web app. Has anyone
else experienced this behavior or have a possible solution?
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Aug 19, 2011
I am attempting to stop the loading and replace images with processed ones using the below code, the problem seems to be that even though I am removing the src attribute the original image still loads.
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Mar 8, 2011
I have the following navigation links:
HTML Code:
<a href="images/apollohaga.jpg" title="a" id="productlink">Num 1</a><br />
<a href="images/apolloherr.jpg" title="b" id="productlink">Num 2</a><br />
<a href="images/apollodam.jpg" title="c" id="productlink">Num 3</a><br />
I have tried all sorts of things to get this working but no luck so far.
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Oct 12, 2010
I'm running into a little bit of a problem with tinyMCE. My textarea is not loaded with the initial first page load but dynamically inserted in the DOM via ajax, so it doesn't display.
I've studied the documentation that comes with tinyMCE and it still kinda puzzles me what I have to do to "dynamically load" tinyMCE.
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Apr 11, 2011
I want add loading image before load content in bellow template.but I do not know what to do!
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Jan 12, 2012
do the following: I have a thumbnail image that on rollover swaps to another image. At the same time i want to do a fade out/fade in animation between the images. Most of it is working but when the page loads for the first time there is no swaping of the image but just a fast opactity effect on the first image. Then if i try the rollover for the second time it does work as expected. Is it because the image that im loading doesn't load fast enough and the whole animation onRollover doesn't happen? I also have a problem when Rollover fast on the thumbnails. It just stays on the second image but doesn't go back to the first original image? For some reason the animation gets confused between the Rollover and Rollout states. Here is a link to see the example
I know this is not a good practice but do is why im looking for help in this forum.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have just changed the original HTML and CSS then just barely touched the JavaScript to edit the width, height and the different image urls. As you can see in the sample URL below only 1 image is being loaded and rotated.[URL]
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Apr 20, 2011
I am working with a php in a facebook application and if I wait to load all the site take long time so my idea is to set a 'loading page..', in the mean time the php will continue working and will paste the result into a div then with jQuery I will show that div.
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Jul 13, 2011
Basically, i've got a very large website as the client wanted a fancy horizontally scrolling one. As such the images/javascript effects take a little while to load.Basically i'd want an animated gif to act as a loading image and then once the website has completed loading the whole page fades in (this includes all images, text, javascript functions etc etcI can do it when loading an image but am stuck with how to do it for say a whole website.
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Aug 11, 2010
Apologies if this is a fairly simple question! I'm fetching data (from a MySQL database), and would like to show an animated loading image while the data is being downloaded, and obviously then hide it when the data is fully downloaded. I've found plenty of tutorials describing how to achieve this is the other direction (i.e. when submitting a form) but I'm not sure how to adapt these to what I want.
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Jul 12, 2009
I am using VS2008 C# with MVC architecture to build web application. I am using jquery and json to develop the application.I am making json call to server side methods using $getJSON(url, null, function(data){ }); like this.Now this function consumes some amount of time to load the data what I want is to show a gif image "loading" while all this functions finishes the display data task.
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Oct 19, 2011
I want to create an animated gif that is shown during the content of my page is loading - in order to do so, I created 2 div-containers one with an id of loadingbar (default: display:block and including my img src....) and the other with an id of main_cont(default:display:none and including my content which consists out of some huge images for testing purpose)
so I thought all the magic would be:
$('div#loadingbar').css('display', 'none');
$('div#main_cont').css('display', 'block');
but unfortunatly nothing works - it is just showing how the images get loaded, but my animated loading-gif is not shown anytime...
how do I get such stuff working - I thought on document ready means that it is executed AFTER all of the content is downloaded??
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