Simple Image Gallery With A Large Image And A X Amount Of Thumbnails At One Off The Sides?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm looking for a very simple image gallery solution (no lightbox or something other fance) with a large image and a x amount of thumbnails at one off the sides, where the big image change whenever another thumbnail is clicked, without page refresh. ( a fade transition would be nice)!Which Plugin, preferably as light as possible, is the most suitable for this task?

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JQuery :: Image Gallery Set Up For Thumbnails To Populate A Larger Image

Feb 19, 2011

I have the basic image gallery set up for thumbnails to populate a larger image... i uploaded it quick, take a look: [url]

Only thing i need to do is make the next and back buttons work...i know its something simple im missing if you bring up the firebug console i have several console logs on the next button.

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Making A Simple Image Gallery - When The User Clicks A Thumbnail, The Image Loads Where The Previous Big Image Was?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?

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Image Gallery Thumbnails Not Clickable / What To Do?

Oct 1, 2009

First off, I am no professional coder, so bare with me. The goal was to implement a photo gallery using "ImgBrowz0r" (javascript), and a jQuery plugin called prettyphoto, to make the selected photo pop-up in front of the website. I am very impressed by the way it looks thusfar.

URL: Gallery
One thing bugs me however, which I can not wrap my head around;

When viewing the above gallery in Windows 7, using IE8, the thumbnails display really weird rollover behavior. The thumbs are not clickable, except for on the 1-px border and sometimes the exact centerlines. I found out that it is an issue everywhere, except on the last row of folder thumbnails. The last row works perfectly fine! Can anyone explain this to me? I am lost!

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Jscript Image Gallery - Setting The Thumbnails Up

Jul 31, 2010

i installed jondesigns smooth gallery from [URL] All installed fine, minus one problem with setting the thumbnails up. It asks for this to be entered im just not sure where that code should go: useThumbGenerator: true also it asks for a cache folder to be writeable does that just go anywhere or? Heres my version here: [URL]

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JQuery :: Image Slider - Thumbnails Navigation Gallery

Sep 10, 2011

I came across this awesome image slider: Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery. The problem is have to click on "best shots" to see the thumbnail navigation...
1) How do you show this thumbnail navigation straight away on loading the page? (ie "best shots" and other list items dont need to be there)
2) and get the thumbnails show near the bottom of the page?
3) and also get the next image to fade in automatically say after 5 seconds, without having to click on a thumbnail, although one can?

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Making A Simple Image Gallery - Combine Two Galleries - Make One Gallery That Contains Both Kinds Of Links?

Jun 30, 2011

how to make the following two simple image galleries:This one displays a specific image when its link is clicked ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/gallerysimp.html) And this one displays the previous/next image for whatever's showing ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/prevnext.html). (During its code, it points to this .js file ((URL address blocked: See forum rules) /tests/ nextPrevious.js).)

My question is, how do I combine those two galleries? How can I make one gallery that contains both kinds of links? Since the two galleries were copied from different places, the names they use aren't the same, and I'm not sure what to change to make it all unified. (I tried fiddling with it for over an hour before giving up.)

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JQuery :: Create A Rotator Which Displays A Large Image With Caption And Uses Next/previous Button And Thumbnails For Control?

Feb 17, 2010

New to javascript/jquery, been trying to create a rotator which displays a large image with caption and uses next/previous button and thumbnails for control. Everything works fine but when the rotator gets to the last item i'd like it to go back to the first, and when the previous button is clicked at the first item I'd like it to go to the last.

$(document).ready(function() {
//set to zero
var x = 0;


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JQuery :: Advanced Image Fader - Animate A Number Of Thumbnails In A Gallery

Oct 27, 2011

I would like to animate a number of thumbnails in a gallery. My idea is to have each thumb transit to another thumb, i.e. you put your mouse over a thumbnail, and it slowly fades to a different image. I have spent a lot of time trying to get this to work, using exhaustive combinations of fadeToggle() and stop(false, false) etc etc and I still can't get a smooth effect.

I have created my own fade engine using a variable that drives the opacity of the image that fades in/out over the other image. My issue is that I would like to get this into a function, as it works beautifully for one image, or if you simply duplicate the code for other thumbnails. The problem is there could be up to 32 thumbnails on the page, which means a lot of repeated code.


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Show Simple Slideable Gallery With ONLY Thumbnails?

Jan 4, 2011

Ive searched everywhere for an image gallery script which shows only thumbnails. -Ive found none =/ What i want is something like this: [URL] BUT i do want just the small thumbnails thats slideable. The below gallery-link is what I want, but it should be sliding like the thumbnails in the above gallery so that I don't have to place 100 pictures in one page. [UR:] Ive found galleries in flash, but it would be great to not have to use flash.. an1 knows about a script like the one in my description? Im not awsome at scripts. I know a little, and have tried to modify some scripts, but ive given up :)

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Simple Sliding Image Gallery With Mouse-over Navigation?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm looking for a super-simple sliding gallery plugin that would produce something similar to this: .The only thing is I'd like there to be no visible "next" and "previous" type button until the user mouses-over the gallery. I KNOW I've seen this somewhere but it appears I forgot to bookmark it!

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Simple Image Fade In From Thumbnail Click Required For Gallery?

Oct 7, 2009

HI'm have set up a gallery site, pretty standard stuff with thumbnails to the right and big image to the left. I would like to add a fade in on the big image when the thumbnail is clicked and don't really know how to implement it.The big images are contained in a div called <#left> while the thumbs are within a div called <div class="gallery">

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JQuery :: Create A Simple Image Gallery By Loading Images From An Xml File?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple image gallery by loading images from an xml file The xml file looks like this


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


I'm trying to create a simple list of div's like below


<img = "images/01_th.jpg" />


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Mouseover Image Effect Thumbnail To Large Image Different Location On Page

Oct 27, 2009

I have gotten my script to do exactly what I want it to do with one exception. I have some thumbnail images that people can mouse over and the actual image is 100px by 75px. That is what I use for my thumbnail and they reside in I have the large version of the image that resides in Its actual size is 640px by 480. When I mouse over my thumbnail, I don't want the thumbnail to appear for the larger image, I want the large image to appear instead? Let me know if you need ellaboration.

<script language="JavaScript">
function Change_Big_One(thumb){


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Lightbox2 Image Gallery - The Image Thumbs Are Showing Up But The Larger Images Are Not?

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to incorporate Lightbox2's image gallery script into my site but I'm having difficulty.Here's where I'm accessing the script from: http:[url]....

The image thumbs are showing up but the larger images are not. I changed the 'body onload' html tag to window.onload as I'm using two different javascripts on this page and I don't want them to conflict.I've also added initLightbox() so I don't know what's wrong! Is there just an issue with the images or is there something wrong with the script.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){ // use this instead of <body onload …>
MM_preloadImages(MM_preloadImages('../3websites/home4.jpg','../3websites/amenities1.jpg','../3websites/inquiry1.jpg','../3websites/rates1.jpg','../3websites/photos1.jpg'); initLightbox()")

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JQuery :: Image Preview Gallery Image Loader?

May 17, 2011

I am brand new to JQuery but love it already. I have a couple of questions about a image effect I have found on a site and have used in my website. I found it here and you can see how I am using it [URL]... The problem I have is. Is there anyway to add a per-loader into the jquery while theimage loads as the images I am using are larger then what the person that made used and the images are taking a little while to load. and also when you click the image it takes you to a new page with just the image on it is there a way to stop it from doing that?

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Make Simple Mouseover Image Tooltip On Little Cubic Image In First Column Of Every Row

May 9, 2010

how can I make simple mouseover image tooltip on the little cubic image in the first column of every row - when it's mouseovered, the image of current book, which is in that row, should be in tooltip.The name of every the image in folder "slike" is exactly the same name as the value of "slike" in xml for every book(knjiga)!

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JQuery :: Image Fading With Thumbnails?

Sep 29, 2010

I was viisitingand saw the images fade on the home page. It uses jquery and I was needing some assistance getting this working on my web site. Where would I locate any "how to" documentation?

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List Image Array As Thumbnails?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a php script that gets all images in my directory and outputs them as gallery[0]=firstimage.jpg, [1], [2], .. The php script is supposed to work with the javascript, so to cover all angles here is the php

//PHP SCRIPT: getimages.php
Header("content-type: application/x-javascript");
//This function gets the file names of all images in the current directory
//and ouputs them as a JavaScript array


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Make Thumbnails - Onfocus Larger Image Appear?

Sep 25, 2010

There are many script on the e web that can easily do what I am looking for but they don't teach me anything. I am trying to learn this stuff, and the best way will be to know what each variable is doing, what function is being called when the thumbnail is hover or focus.
All I need is to start with a single image, when I hover on the image, a larger image appear.I know how to declare a variable, create a function, how to put these things into everyday projects is what the books never tells you.

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Image Swap By Thumbnails When In A Cell Background?

Feb 14, 2011

Looking for javascript, to do what i've hap-hazardly slapped together here: I'd like to do this without having to reload a page or create a new page for each image.


Specifically the switching of the main image by the thumbnails. The difference in what i've seen online, is that i'm actually using them as a cell background.

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Create Thumbnails Other Than Just Changing The Width And Height Of The Large File?

May 17, 2010

I have an internal web app that displays some images except they are really big and the app goes super slow and I only have 12 pictures for my test. Sometimes there will be a hundred or more. So is there a way through javascript that I can create thumbnails other than just changing the width and height of the large file?

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Creating Image Thumbnails That Maintain Aspect Ratio

Jan 18, 2010

I've been working at this one for a few days now, and I keep getting the same puzzling results on what should probably have been a simple issue.

My page has images I've loaded at the top and set to {display: none}. The eventual goal is to create thumbnails that will maintain the original images' proportions, but fit within 150x150 px (this is for an artist's gallery page, so it's pretty important to keep the thumbnails looking like the originals). Obviously, the first thing I need to do is get the images' heights and widths. I've tried to do this by iterating through the document.images array and just getting the widths and heights, but for some reason I always get 0 x 0 for the first image. I've tried fixing this by inserting another image before it and then starting the loop at 1 instead of 0 (so it excludes that first image), but I still get the same value. I even tried setting the script to "defer" so it wouldn't run until the page had loaded. Same results. It also doesn't seem to matter whether I ask for document.images[x].width or document.images[x].naturalWidth. The same thing happens either way. Does anyone know what's going on? There's got to be something I'm missing.

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Large Amount Of Hidden Iframes??

Jul 20, 2005

What would be the danger in having a lot of hidden iframes? i.e.
potentialy 30-40. I need to store a bunch of data and thought about
using hidden iframes to do it but wasn't sure if this would bog down
my page or not. Opinions? I know this is not an IDEAL way to store
data but I'm at my whitts end and it sounds like a nice workaround
right about now!

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Large Image On Hover

Mar 12, 2010

I have an issue where I have a background image wrapped within an A tag and upon hover I want a different image displayed which is a few pixels larger.This is for an intranet so needs to be IE6 compatible

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JQuery :: Cycle Removes Background Image From Thumbnails (pager)

Jun 17, 2009

Right, here goes: I'm using a modified "jQuery Cycle Plugin - 'goto' Demo 2 (aka: Poor Man's pager)" implementation of the Cycle plugin, this works fine in FF2+, Op9, Saf3+ and Chrome2 but in IE cycle stops the background- image from repeating! As usual I cannot give out a public link due to NDA but I can give you these two image locations to see the differences: [URL]

Here is my current code.

<div id="gallery">
<div id="thumbnails"></div>
<div id="slideshow">


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