Making A Simple Image Gallery - When The User Clicks A Thumbnail, The Image Loads Where The Previous Big Image Was?
Feb 2, 2010
I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?
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Feb 24, 2009
when the user clicks on a thumbnail the image displays. I actually managed to make this work with just two images, but wasn't sure how to make the script work with, say 6 images. Anyway this is what I have so far:
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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Jun 30, 2011
how to make the following two simple image galleries:This one displays a specific image when its link is clicked ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/gallerysimp.html) And this one displays the previous/next image for whatever's showing ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/prevnext.html). (During its code, it points to this .js file ((URL address blocked: See forum rules) /tests/ nextPrevious.js).)
My question is, how do I combine those two galleries? How can I make one gallery that contains both kinds of links? Since the two galleries were copied from different places, the names they use aren't the same, and I'm not sure what to change to make it all unified. (I tried fiddling with it for over an hour before giving up.)
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Oct 7, 2009
HI'm have set up a gallery site, pretty standard stuff with thumbnails to the right and big image to the left. I would like to add a fade in on the big image when the thumbnail is clicked and don't really know how to implement it.The big images are contained in a div called <#left> while the thumbs are within a div called <div class="gallery">
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Feb 13, 2011
I'm looking for a very simple image gallery solution (no lightbox or something other fance) with a large image and a x amount of thumbnails at one off the sides, where the big image change whenever another thumbnail is clicked, without page refresh. ( a fade transition would be nice)!Which Plugin, preferably as light as possible, is the most suitable for this task?
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Jul 26, 2007
I want to build simple comment box. It will containt text box, few smilies and view pictures for inserting tags like , , like in vBulletin and phpBB.
When user clicks on smile, script adds something like "" or "" into text box. I wonder what is simpliest way to do this?
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Jan 25, 2009
I created an image gallery. The way it works, I click on a thumbnail and it displays the image - This works fine. I'm now trying to use onfocus to highlight the thumbnail that I clicked on. It highlights the thumbnail but when I click on a different thumbnail the first one stays focused and the second is focused also. I want it to unfocus if I click on a different thumbnail. Can somebody give me some advice on what I should do? I'm not that great with Javascript but I got this far.
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Feb 8, 2010
I have been looking into the following lightweight image gallery:[URL]... It does everything I want except for displaying thumbnail images (it crops the original images). Some dude has posted details as to how this may be done, but I am baffled as to why it will not work. Here is the javascript:
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Jul 12, 2010
I am creating a gallery and am having trouble getting the previous and next buttons to work properly with the current image. I was trying to create a solution that would change the current image variable so that the previous and next buttons would correlate.
What I am working on can be found here [URL].. As you can see the next and previous buttons are not working.
Here is my JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript">
/* following not currently used by this script
function show(what) {
var find = "Img" +;
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Sep 10, 2009
I have a gallery consisting of thumbnail images and a big image...pretty standard stuff. Anyway i'd like the big image to fade in when a thumbnail image is clicked and can't find any tutorials on how to do this. I have found ready made galleries using jquery but thought there might be something i could do with my existing html/css. I'm new to javascript and wonder if someone can point me in the right direction? Is this more complicated than it appears to be?
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Feb 22, 2011
I have a page that contains thumbnails for a photo gallery. On this page is a link to upload more images. When you click the link a modal opens that contains an upload form (jquery colorbox in an iframe) which will allow you to upload one image (plus its name, caption, etc) at a time using PHP. When the form is submitted the image uploads and the page refreshes in the modal to allow for more uploads.
Since this modal is sitting on top of the existing gallery thumbnails I'd really like for the user to see the new thumbnail added to the page after it's uploaded.
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May 19, 2011
I have a question about this image cube [URL]. I would like to make it like this [URL]. How to make that thumbnail scroller with highlighting function and linked properly to the cube.
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Dec 16, 2009
I have a page, which is actually a photo gallery with a table having 3 rows. First row shows the full screen size pic. Second row displays the Caption of that image and third row shows thumbnail view of six different images and the previous and next button.this is the sample layout:
<td colspan=8>
My requirement is whenever the user click on the thumbnail view, which is in the 3rd row, the corresponding full screen size pic should open in 1st row of the table.As my photo gallery should be having more than 6 pics, lets take 20 pics, I want to show only 6 thumbnails in 3rd row at a time. Whenever user press "Next" button the 3rd row having 6 thumbnails should show other 6 thumbnails and previous button should show previous 6 thumbnails.
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Sep 22, 2009
I am having trouble with a simple image gallery with navigational buttons including "first", "next", "previous", and "last"; and making a drop-down archive menu.
1. For the most part, the image gallery works. The problem is that when a user clicks on "next", and then "prev", the last image is not displayed. On the other hand, if a user clicks "prev", and then "next" the last image is displayed(works normally).
2. The way I am displaying the last image, the function last(), is not efficient. It simply refreshes the page in order to display the last image.
Basic overview: The images follow a simple standard: page1, page2, page3,...page64; they are in a subfolder "img". The function changeImage() changes the image from the prev, to the next. The image gallery displays the last image in the gallery; when a user clicks on 'prev' it goes to the previous image, and go to the next image when clicked on 'next'. If the current image is the last image, and the user clicks on 'next', it goes to the very first image. Here is the code (in the
<HEAD> tags):
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
which_image_loaded = -1;[code]....
My guess is the code is not working properly due to the initial values of the counter.Last, is there a way to display the current image "myimage.src" using a dropdown menu with each option value as each image?I have done this with window. location, but this only redirects to the image location.
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Apr 26, 2006
I am trying to pop-up a window when the user clicks on an image. The problem is that when the user clicks on the image and the window pops up OK, but the window underneath also proceeds to the image. The desired behavior is that when the pop-up is invoked, I want the
underlying window to stay put. Code:
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Oct 27, 2009
I have gotten my script to do exactly what I want it to do with one exception. I have some thumbnail images that people can mouse over and the actual image is 100px by 75px. That is what I use for my thumbnail and they reside in I have the large version of the image that resides in Its actual size is 640px by 480. When I mouse over my thumbnail, I don't want the thumbnail to appear for the larger image, I want the large image to appear instead? Let me know if you need ellaboration.
<script language="JavaScript">
function Change_Big_One(thumb){
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Mar 17, 2009
I'm looking for a super-simple sliding gallery plugin that would produce something similar to this: .The only thing is I'd like there to be no visible "next" and "previous" type button until the user mouses-over the gallery. I KNOW I've seen this somewhere but it appears I forgot to bookmark it!
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Jan 14, 2009
I am trying to put together a purse shopping site - I would like to have the various views of the same purse in thumbnails under one image then when the customer clicks on the thumbnail the larger image will go into the viewing area. The general layout is like this page - [URL] So when someone clicks on the smallest image I would like it to replace the other image on the page and the larger image becomes the thumbnail. How is this accomplished?
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Jan 11, 2011
I'm trying to create a simple image gallery by loading images from an xml file The xml file looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I'm trying to create a simple list of div's like below
<img = "images/01_th.jpg" />
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Feb 23, 2010
I am creating a grid of thumbnails. When a user hovers over a thumbnail, the image enlarges. The *trick* is, I want the "active area" to only be the size of the thumbnail. That is, the thumbnails are 180x120, and when the mouse leaves that area, I want the large image to shrink back to normal size.
I have a working demo here:[url]
The way I accomplished this feels hacky though, and I's like to know if there's a simpler/more elegant way to accomplish it. The thumbs are an unordered list of images.
Here is my javascript:
In essence, I add an overlay div over each thumbnail which acts as the trigger to shrink the enlarged image. I thought I could use the parent <li>, as it doesn't appear to expand with the image (since I've set its size in my CSS) but that didn't work.
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Nov 17, 2010
In one of my web page I want to show an image preloader. ie When I clicked on the small thumbnail in my web page then the main large image will load. My code looks something like this
$("#images li").click(function(){
var image=this.href;
I want to show the Loading sign until the main image loads completely.
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Mar 16, 2010
only first image in the all_images array loads and the rest stays hidden. it works first time i load the page, but any other time it loads only one image. i understand it might have to do with the cache. what could be possible cause for breaking the .each() loop after first iteration? i'm using jquery 1.3.2, png fix and php
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Oct 14, 2009
I am trying to incorporate Lightbox2's image gallery script into my site but I'm having difficulty.Here's where I'm accessing the script from: http:[url]....
The image thumbs are showing up but the larger images are not. I changed the 'body onload' html tag to window.onload as I'm using two different javascripts on this page and I don't want them to conflict.I've also added initLightbox() so I don't know what's wrong! Is there just an issue with the images or is there something wrong with the script.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){ // use this instead of <body onload …>
MM_preloadImages(MM_preloadImages('../3websites/home4.jpg','../3websites/amenities1.jpg','../3websites/inquiry1.jpg','../3websites/rates1.jpg','../3websites/photos1.jpg'); initLightbox()")
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Jun 2, 2009
I've been looking for an "Ajax CMS" but decided to learn jQuery to learn how to code it myself in order to earn some geek-girl cred among my male colleagues. I've learn a lot about jQuery in a week but as you can imagine I still have a lot to learn.
I have successfully animated an image (move to the left and increase opacity) when the mouse hovers a div and reset the image (move it back to its original position and reset the opacity) when the mouse move outside the div. So far so good...
Here comes the question: What I need to do -and don't know how to - is when the user clicks on the div the image should stay in the hover position while still being able to hover any other divs and activate the animation normally.
When a different div is clicked the previous "Clicked" div should return (animate) to its original position and the new "Clicked" div should stay in the hover position. Content will be loaded when the divs are clicked but there won't be page refresh since I'm loading the content by using the load funtion of jQuery.
I'm including the code:
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Feb 19, 2011
I have the basic image gallery set up for thumbnails to populate a larger image... i uploaded it quick, take a look: [url]
Only thing i need to do is make the next and back buttons work...i know its something simple im missing if you bring up the firebug console i have several console logs on the next button.
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May 17, 2011
I am brand new to JQuery but love it already. I have a couple of questions about a image effect I have found on a site and have used in my website. I found it here and you can see how I am using it [URL]... The problem I have is. Is there anyway to add a per-loader into the jquery while theimage loads as the images I am using are larger then what the person that made used and the images are taking a little while to load. and also when you click the image it takes you to a new page with just the image on it is there a way to stop it from doing that?
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