JQuery :: Creating A Grid Of Thumbnails - When A User Hovers Over A Thumbnail - The Image Enlarges ?
Feb 23, 2010
I am creating a grid of thumbnails. When a user hovers over a thumbnail, the image enlarges. The *trick* is, I want the "active area" to only be the size of the thumbnail. That is, the thumbnails are 180x120, and when the mouse leaves that area, I want the large image to shrink back to normal size.
I have a working demo here:[url]
The way I accomplished this feels hacky though, and I's like to know if there's a simpler/more elegant way to accomplish it. The thumbs are an unordered list of images.
Here is my javascript:
In essence, I add an overlay div over each thumbnail which acts as the trigger to shrink the enlarged image. I thought I could use the parent <li>, as it doesn't appear to expand with the image (since I've set its size in my CSS) but that didn't work.
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Jun 29, 2010
I am writing a script that will replace the src of an image when the user hovers over it. I am using jquery and regex to accomplish this and have tested it on my local server but the src of the images on the live server is different and uses a non-relative path.
Here is my code
$(document).ready(function() {
$("img.imagefield").mouseover(function() {
var regex = "^(http|https|ftp)://[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/sites/all/files/[a-zA-Z]*";
var src = $(this).attr("src").match(regex) + "_silly";
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Jan 18, 2010
I've been working at this one for a few days now, and I keep getting the same puzzling results on what should probably have been a simple issue.
My page has images I've loaded at the top and set to {display: none}. The eventual goal is to create thumbnails that will maintain the original images' proportions, but fit within 150x150 px (this is for an artist's gallery page, so it's pretty important to keep the thumbnails looking like the originals). Obviously, the first thing I need to do is get the images' heights and widths. I've tried to do this by iterating through the document.images array and just getting the widths and heights, but for some reason I always get 0 x 0 for the first image. I've tried fixing this by inserting another image before it and then starting the loop at 1 instead of 0 (so it excludes that first image), but I still get the same value. I even tried setting the script to "defer" so it wouldn't run until the page had loaded. Same results. It also doesn't seem to matter whether I ask for document.images[x].width or document.images[x].naturalWidth. The same thing happens either way. Does anyone know what's going on? There's got to be something I'm missing.
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Feb 2, 2010
I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?
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Apr 23, 2009
I am looking for a version of lightbox that would allow the user to click on a single reference image and when the "lightboxed" version appears a strip of thumbnails would be available at the top or bottom of that image. Thus, the user could navigate between images within the lightbox by clicking on a different thumbnail. If such beast exists a URL would appreciated. Extensive Googling hasn't turned up what I'm looking for at all.
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Feb 24, 2009
when the user clicks on a thumbnail the image displays. I actually managed to make this work with just two images, but wasn't sure how to make the script work with, say 6 images. Anyway this is what I have so far:
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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Mar 10, 2011
I'm trying to create a function to show a custom message as a tooltip when a user hovers over a table row.
My tr tag looks like this
The javascript function looks like this:
jQuery seems to be loaded correctly, as I get the alert. I don't get the tooltip, however.
What I'm trying to do, in case this is totally retarded and impossible to see, is to hover a tooltip over the clicked row instead of passing it in as a variable.
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Mar 23, 2010
Is it possible to play a small sound clip when the user hovers over a link? Usually the company I work for would use flash to do this but we have been asked to create it in HTML/JavaScript.
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Oct 14, 2011
I have been struggling with a loop of mine. The loop should create a grid, of 204,000 squares(div's). And the total would create a grid field of 340 pixels by 600 pixels. All div's are sized 1 pixel.The idea is to create a grid, that shows temperature data in a gradient style, like a weather heat map. The data is collected from temperature sensors which are connected to a database.The only problem is that because it's such a massive amount of calculations to be calculated by javaScript, the whole thing freezes. Here is a sample of my code:
function makeGrid()
for (var i = 0; i < 8160; i++)
Another problem is, the grid should be reloaded every 5 seconds or less.Because that's the interval used by the temp sensors, and for the usage that's planned for the project, its really important that the data is constantly up to date. using another web based language are welcome, as long as they are combinable with PHP or AJAX. Or maybe there is a ready to use library that I dont know of. Couldn't find anything for jQuery.
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Feb 15, 2012
I am looking for creating a grid/table that is editable online. I have browsed online for solutions, but I am short of time & I seem to getting more confused the more I search.
Basically I am trying to create a staff rota that the admin staff can edit online and save out so it is viewable - but not editable by staff members.
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Sep 28, 2009
I am to create a checkerboard which consists of an 8 by 8 grid of black and red squares in which no two squares of the same color are adjacent. Write a graphics program that displays a checkerboard.
When I compile this I receive an error Checkerboardwindow.java:14: 'class' or 'interface' expected
Checkerboardwindow.java:18: 'class' or 'interface' expected
The first coding is my CheckerboardWindow and the second coding is Checkerboard...
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Feb 19, 2011
I have the basic image gallery set up for thumbnails to populate a larger image... i uploaded it quick, take a look: [url]
Only thing i need to do is make the next and back buttons work...i know its something simple im missing if you bring up the firebug console i have several console logs on the next button.
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Feb 13, 2010
I would like to play a .wav sound file when someone hovers their mouse/pointer over an image. I am running a Linux OS.
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Jul 13, 2011
I have a question for flexigrid jquery grid control users.
I am able to display json data returned from my WCF service in my Flexigrid in my application.
The paging toolbar displays correctly and it's clear that the paging toolbar understands how I've configured it.
However, the grid is not actually implementing the paging filter on the data in the grid. For example, the paging toolbar says "Displaying 1 to 10 of 12 items". However, all 12 items are displayed in the grid.
I guess I'm missing a config setting or callback. Any idea what the problem might be?
Here is my grid config block:
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Sep 29, 2010
I was viisitingand saw the images fade on the home page. It uses jquery and I was needing some assistance getting this working on my web site. Where would I locate any "how to" documentation?
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Sep 21, 2009
I'm trying to use jQuery to produce something similar to this flash example [url]although I'd like the effect to be somewhat more controlled.
In a nutshell, what I'm trying to achieve is a 3 x 4 grid of (12) images which appears to load in a random order and then 1 by 1 (again in random order) fade out to be replaced by another image. I'd like the effect to be quite subtle, smooth and calming with the timing between image fades to be fairly even.
All images would be pulled from a folder on my webserver. I don't want the same image to be visible more than once at any time, although I don't mind repeating images as long as they're not already in the grid - hopefully that makes sense?
Ideally I'd like only one image to be changing at any given time with a pause before the next image starts to fade into new image.
The way I've been trying to tackle this so far is to use 12 different instances of a jquery image fade laid out in a CSS grid.
There are a few problems with my approach so far;
Doesn't appear random
Timing - multiple squares change at same time. (I only want one image to change at a time)
Same image often repeated at same time within grid
Its not long before a pattern emerges and you can tell which image will change next.
I'm sure this must be possibly, but my math or scripting skills aren't quite there yet.
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Feb 13, 2011
I'm looking for a very simple image gallery solution (no lightbox or something other fance) with a large image and a x amount of thumbnails at one off the sides, where the big image change whenever another thumbnail is clicked, without page refresh. ( a fade transition would be nice)!Which Plugin, preferably as light as possible, is the most suitable for this task?
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Sep 10, 2011
I came across this awesome image slider: Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery. The problem is ..you have to click on "best shots" to see the thumbnail navigation...
1) How do you show this thumbnail navigation straight away on loading the page? (ie "best shots" and other list items dont need to be there)
2) and get the thumbnails show near the bottom of the page?
3) and also get the next image to fade in automatically say after 5 seconds, without having to click on a thumbnail, although one can?
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Aug 18, 2010
So Im trying to create a slideshow with thumbnails the user can scroll through and use to navigate the slideshow. I'm a big fan of cycle so I wanted to use that as my main slideshow component and was planning on using jcarousel for the pager. So far it works great in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, yet in IE the thumbnails are not loading. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the images in the pager are generated and then jcarousel just isnt proccessing that in IE but I 'm not sure. I feel like I'm very close to getting this slideshow to work, yet I need to figure out why it is failing in IE.
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Apr 13, 2011
<li><a href="dog.jpg"><img src="dog_t.jpg" alt="dog" /></a></li>
<li><a href="cat.jpg"><img src="cat_t.jpg" alt="cat" /></a></li>
<li><a href="pig.jpg"><img src="pig_t.jpg" alt="pig" /></a></li>
<li><a href="cow.jpg"><img src="cow_t.jpg" alt="cow" /></a></li>
My jQuery is set up so that when I click on a thumbnail, a div opens up with the bigger image. I also want the thumbnail of the next image to appear in the same div. So if I click the cat, I want to see the large cat and the pig thumb. How do I tell it that I want the next IMG inside the next A inside the next LI?
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Jun 17, 2009
Right, here goes: I'm using a modified "jQuery Cycle Plugin - 'goto' Demo 2 (aka: Poor Man's pager)" implementation of the Cycle plugin, this works fine in FF2+, Op9, Saf3+ and Chrome2 but in IE cycle stops the background- image from repeating! As usual I cannot give out a public link due to NDA but I can give you these two image locations to see the differences: [URL]
Here is my current code.
<div id="gallery">
<div id="thumbnails"></div>
<div id="slideshow">
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Aug 15, 2011
I am creating a custom gallery that I require an image and text to swap on click of an anchored thumbnail. I have successfully managed to change the image on click however I can't seem to manage changing the text. Currently when a user clicks on the thumbnail both the image and text is swapped however when the user clicks on another anchored thumbnail (after clicking on the first) the image swaps correctly but the text does not change My Code
<div id="container">
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Jun 2, 2011
I'm using joomla to build a website and I'm stuck to the point where the user is supposed to click a thumbnail and load the large image into a div where it shows another image. The code I have now is below and I'm sure something is very wrong:Here's the jQuery code:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j("a").click(function() {
$j("#imageBox").html($j("<img>").attr("src", this.href));
How am I supposed to load the image from the link to the div?
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Jul 26, 2009
I've implemented a photo gallery using Galleria and jCarousel on my site, and have chosen to use custom thumbnails instead of having Galleria generate them for me from the source images.
As far as I can tell, there may be an advantage in conserving bandwidth with this method, but the page also degrades to a nice set of thumbnails that link to the larger images (which is very nice, IMO).
Everything works beautifully, however when viewing this gallery for the first time, instead of the large image fading in nicely as it does in the Galleria demo, it almost kind of "slides" the image into view like it's rendering pieces of it as it loads in the container. This is definitely an effect i would like to avoid, but I also thought that one of the benefits of Galleria was that it pre-loaded images in the background, right?
So why does my gallery appear to be loading these images "on-demand"?
Here's a link to the page in question: [url]
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Oct 27, 2011
I would like to animate a number of thumbnails in a gallery. My idea is to have each thumb transit to another thumb, i.e. you put your mouse over a thumbnail, and it slowly fades to a different image. I have spent a lot of time trying to get this to work, using exhaustive combinations of fadeToggle() and stop(false, false) etc etc and I still can't get a smooth effect.
I have created my own fade engine using a variable that drives the opacity of the image that fades in/out over the other image. My issue is that I would like to get this into a function, as it works beautifully for one image, or if you simply duplicate the code for other thumbnails. The problem is there could be up to 32 thumbnails on the page, which means a lot of repeated code.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have gotten my script to do exactly what I want it to do with one exception. I have some thumbnail images that people can mouse over and the actual image is 100px by 75px. That is what I use for my thumbnail and they reside in www.website.com/images/thumbs/image1.jpg. I have the large version of the image that resides in www.website.com/images/image1.jpg. Its actual size is 640px by 480. When I mouse over my thumbnail, I don't want the thumbnail to appear for the larger image, I want the large image to appear instead? Let me know if you need ellaboration.
<script language="JavaScript">
function Change_Big_One(thumb){
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