JQuery :: Advanced Image Fader - Animate A Number Of Thumbnails In A Gallery
Oct 27, 2011
I would like to animate a number of thumbnails in a gallery. My idea is to have each thumb transit to another thumb, i.e. you put your mouse over a thumbnail, and it slowly fades to a different image. I have spent a lot of time trying to get this to work, using exhaustive combinations of fadeToggle() and stop(false, false) etc etc and I still can't get a smooth effect.
I have created my own fade engine using a variable that drives the opacity of the image that fades in/out over the other image. My issue is that I would like to get this into a function, as it works beautifully for one image, or if you simply duplicate the code for other thumbnails. The problem is there could be up to 32 thumbnails on the page, which means a lot of repeated code.
I have the basic image gallery set up for thumbnails to populate a larger image... i uploaded it quick, take a look: [url]
Only thing i need to do is make the next and back buttons work...i know its something simple im missing if you bring up the firebug console i have several console logs on the next button.
I came across this awesome image slider: Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery. The problem is ..you have to click on "best shots" to see the thumbnail navigation... 1) How do you show this thumbnail navigation straight away on loading the page? (ie "best shots" and other list items dont need to be there) 2) and get the thumbnails show near the bottom of the page? 3) and also get the next image to fade in automatically say after 5 seconds, without having to click on a thumbnail, although one can?
I'm looking for a very simple image gallery solution (no lightbox or something other fance) with a large image and a x amount of thumbnails at one off the sides, where the big image change whenever another thumbnail is clicked, without page refresh. ( a fade transition would be nice)!Which Plugin, preferably as light as possible, is the most suitable for this task?
First off, I am no professional coder, so bare with me. The goal was to implement a photo gallery using "ImgBrowz0r" (javascript), and a jQuery plugin called prettyphoto, to make the selected photo pop-up in front of the website. I am very impressed by the way it looks thusfar.
URL: Gallery One thing bugs me however, which I can not wrap my head around;
When viewing the above gallery in Windows 7, using IE8, the thumbnails display really weird rollover behavior. The thumbs are not clickable, except for on the 1-px border and sometimes the exact centerlines. I found out that it is an issue everywhere, except on the last row of folder thumbnails. The last row works perfectly fine! Can anyone explain this to me? I am lost!
i installed jondesigns smooth gallery from [URL] All installed fine, minus one problem with setting the thumbnails up. It asks for this to be entered im just not sure where that code should go: useThumbGenerator: true also it asks for a cache folder to be writeable does that just go anywhere or? Heres my version here: [URL]
Ive searched everywhere for an image gallery script which shows only thumbnails. -Ive found none =/ What i want is something like this: [URL] BUT i do want just the small thumbnails thats slideable. The below gallery-link is what I want, but it should be sliding like the thumbnails in the above gallery so that I don't have to place 100 pictures in one page. [UR:] Ive found galleries in flash, but it would be great to not have to use flash.. an1 knows about a script like the one in my description? Im not awsome at scripts. I know a little, and have tried to modify some scripts, but ive given up :)
The objective is to have an image fade to another one progressivly while the mouse is over, when its not it fades back to the original, whether or not it faded to the target completely or not. That is, if it takes 1 second to fade completely to the other image, and you take your mouse off it at 0.5 seconds, it will begin to fade back to the original. I have a problem where I want to give this ability to multiple images (thumbnails) on a page, without having reams and reams of code and instead just have one function accomadate any number of images.
i've got a drop down menu and an image fader. i need the drop down menu to overlay on top of the fader. currently it drops down under it. i've tried messing about with z-index but not getting far.
I am looking for a script that fades Text (description above and below a banner Banner) with Banners and hyperlink. A mouseoverstop would be very nice too. Here's an example of one of my Friendsbanners I would like to fade (all together there a 5 of these Friends Banners <font face="verdana" font-weight="700" color="darkgreen">Some Topic above <p> </p><a href="[URL]" target="_blank"><img src="[URL]" WIDTH="200" /> </a> Some Topc below</center>
i have a module in my site where there is a scroll of images.i would like to know if its possible to remove the marquee script and add images who are fading.
I have a gallery which loads in and animates content based on different navigation selections. There is also a background image which changes on click. I've just found that on opera and safari, the appropriate images aren't always loaded. When you click the navigation, it loads a set of subnavigation(via load() method), which then links to specific images. My issue, is that sometimes, the navigational items, when clicked, load in the appropriate content from the previous set of navigational items. It only does it sometimes, so it makes it tough for me to see if its a problem with my code or...Keep in mind this is Opera, and Safari specific, and only happens sometimes, so if you don't notice right away, click a few more times (usually happens after clicking the second level navigation). Code is also below.
$(document).ready(function() { // Check for hash value in URL var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); var href = $('#project_navigation ul li a').each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr('href'); if(hash==href.substr(0,href.length-4)){ $(this).addClass("current"); var content = hash+ '.php #work'; var subnavigation = hash+'.php #project_subnavigation'; var gallery = hash + '.php #showcase_holder'; var copy = hash + '.php #inner_holder'; $('#bg').addClass(hash + 'bg'); $('#content').load(content); }}); .....
how to make the following two simple image galleries:This one displays a specific image when its link is clicked ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/gallerysimp.html) And this one displays the previous/next image for whatever's showing ((URL address blocked: See forum rules)/tests/prevnext.html). (During its code, it points to this .js file ((URL address blocked: See forum rules) /tests/ nextPrevious.js).)
My question is, how do I combine those two galleries? How can I make one gallery that contains both kinds of links? Since the two galleries were copied from different places, the names they use aren't the same, and I'm not sure what to change to make it all unified. (I tried fiddling with it for over an hour before giving up.)
I was viisitingand saw the images fade on the home page. It uses jquery and I was needing some assistance getting this working on my web site. Where would I locate any "how to" documentation?
Right, here goes: I'm using a modified "jQuery Cycle Plugin - 'goto' Demo 2 (aka: Poor Man's pager)" implementation of the Cycle plugin, this works fine in FF2+, Op9, Saf3+ and Chrome2 but in IE cycle stops the background- image from repeating! As usual I cannot give out a public link due to NDA but I can give you these two image locations to see the differences: [URL]
I am creating a custom gallery that I require an image and text to swap on click of an anchored thumbnail. I have successfully managed to change the image on click however I can't seem to manage changing the text. Currently when a user clicks on the thumbnail both the image and text is swapped however when the user clicks on another anchored thumbnail (after clicking on the first) the image swaps correctly but the text does not change My Code
I've implemented a photo gallery using Galleria and jCarousel on my site, and have chosen to use custom thumbnails instead of having Galleria generate them for me from the source images.
As far as I can tell, there may be an advantage in conserving bandwidth with this method, but the page also degrades to a nice set of thumbnails that link to the larger images (which is very nice, IMO).
Everything works beautifully, however when viewing this gallery for the first time, instead of the large image fading in nicely as it does in the Galleria demo, it almost kind of "slides" the image into view like it's rendering pieces of it as it loads in the container. This is definitely an effect i would like to avoid, but I also thought that one of the benefits of Galleria was that it pre-loaded images in the background, right?
So why does my gallery appear to be loading these images "on-demand"?
I am looking for a version of lightbox that would allow the user to click on a single reference image and when the "lightboxed" version appears a strip of thumbnails would be available at the top or bottom of that image. Thus, the user could navigate between images within the lightbox by clicking on a different thumbnail. If such beast exists a URL would appreciated. Extensive Googling hasn't turned up what I'm looking for at all.
I am creating a grid of thumbnails. When a user hovers over a thumbnail, the image enlarges. The *trick* is, I want the "active area" to only be the size of the thumbnail. That is, the thumbnails are 180x120, and when the mouse leaves that area, I want the large image to shrink back to normal size.
I have a working demo here:[url]
The way I accomplished this feels hacky though, and I's like to know if there's a simpler/more elegant way to accomplish it. The thumbs are an unordered list of images.
Here is my javascript:
In essence, I add an overlay div over each thumbnail which acts as the trigger to shrink the enlarged image. I thought I could use the parent <li>, as it doesn't appear to expand with the image (since I've set its size in my CSS) but that didn't work.
I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?
New to javascript/jquery, been trying to create a rotator which displays a large image with caption and uses next/previous button and thumbnails for control. Everything works fine but when the rotator gets to the last item i'd like it to go back to the first, and when the previous button is clicked at the first item I'd like it to go to the last.
$(document).ready(function() { //set to zero var x = 0;
I am brand new to JQuery but love it already. I have a couple of questions about a image effect I have found on a site and have used in my website. I found it herehttp://www.htmldrive.net/items/show/136/Image-Preview-Gallery and you can see how I am using it [URL]... The problem I have is. Is there anyway to add a per-loader into the jquery while theimage loads as the images I am using are larger then what the person that made used and the images are taking a little while to load. and also when you click the image it takes you to a new page with just the image on it is there a way to stop it from doing that?
I have a php script that gets all images in my directory and outputs them as gallery[0]=firstimage.jpg, [1], [2], .. The php script is supposed to work with the javascript, so to cover all angles here is the php
<? //PHP SCRIPT: getimages.php Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); //This function gets the file names of all images in the current directory //and ouputs them as a JavaScript array
There are many script on the e web that can easily do what I am looking for but they don't teach me anything. I am trying to learn this stuff, and the best way will be to know what each variable is doing, what function is being called when the thumbnail is hover or focus. All I need is to start with a single image, when I hover on the image, a larger image appear.I know how to declare a variable, create a function, how to put these things into everyday projects is what the books never tells you.
Looking for javascript, to do what i've hap-hazardly slapped together here: I'd like to do this without having to reload a page or create a new page for each image.
Specifically the switching of the main image by the thumbnails. The difference in what i've seen online, is that i'm actually using them as a cell background.