I am looking for a script that fades Text (description above and below a banner Banner) with Banners and hyperlink. A mouseoverstop would be very nice too. Here's an example of one of my Friendsbanners I would like to fade (all together there a 5 of these Friends Banners
<font face="verdana" font-weight="700" color="darkgreen">Some Topic above <p>
</p><a href="[URL]" target="_blank"><img src="[URL]" WIDTH="200" />
</a> Some Topc below</center>
i've got a drop down menu and an image fader. i need the drop down menu to overlay on top of the fader. currently it drops down under it. i've tried messing about with z-index but not getting far.
i have a module in my site where there is a scroll of images.i would like to know if its possible to remove the marquee script and add images who are fading.
I would like to animate a number of thumbnails in a gallery. My idea is to have each thumb transit to another thumb, i.e. you put your mouse over a thumbnail, and it slowly fades to a different image. I have spent a lot of time trying to get this to work, using exhaustive combinations of fadeToggle() and stop(false, false) etc etc and I still can't get a smooth effect.
I have created my own fade engine using a variable that drives the opacity of the image that fades in/out over the other image. My issue is that I would like to get this into a function, as it works beautifully for one image, or if you simply duplicate the code for other thumbnails. The problem is there could be up to 32 thumbnails on the page, which means a lot of repeated code.
I have just inherited a website which has a javascript tab and picture fader on the home page. This moves through 6 states changing a tab and main picture beneath to make it look like you're flicking through the menu yourself. This works perfectly, apart from the fact that every time the picture changes the page flicks back to the top. Very annoying if you are reading things further down! I am a PHP man just starting to learn Javascript and don't understand why it is doing this,
I have some images that I want the user to be able to move around the page. So far, this script in the header allows me to do this: var ie=document.all; var nn6=document.getElementById&&!document.all; var isdrag=false; var x,y; var dobj; function movemouse(e){ if (isdrag){ dobj.style.left = nn6 ? tx + e.clientX - x : tx + event.clientX - x; dobj.style.top = nn6 ? ty + e.clientY - y : ty + event.clientY - y; return false; } }
function selectmouse(e) { var fobj = nn6 ? e.target : event.srcElement; var topelement = nn6 ? "HTML" : "BODY"; while (fobj.tagName != topelement && fobj.className != "dragme"){ fobj = nn6 ? fobj.parentNode : fobj.parentElement; }
if (fobj.className=="dragme"){ isdrag = true; dobj = fobj; tx = parseInt(dobj.style.left+0); ty = parseInt(dobj.style.top+0); x = nn6 ? e.clientX : event.clientX; y = nn6 ? e.clientY : event.clientY; document.onmousemove=movemouse; return false; }}
document.onmousedown=selectmouse; document.onmouseup=new Function("isdrag=false"); The body has this: <img src="images/balloons.gif" class="dragme">
Now, to be able to use this image as a link, I would have to find the displacement between the mousedown and mouseup coordinates. If the displacement is below say 10px, then the mouseup would bring them to another page. I also wanted to make it so that if the mouseup occurs in a certain area of the page, that the image would move itself to a certain spot.
I'm trying to create a switch image code that will allow the new image to be a link as well. In the list item where you'll see ('blue.jpg') if I try to make this an anchor tag - it breaks the code.
<head> <script> function switch1(div) { if (document.getElementById('blue')) {
On sorting out a drag&drop script. I'm a bit of a rookie with programming, so I found this script somewhere and I managed to implement it in my code...unfortunately now I need to slightly modify the code.
I have this drag&drop script that moves some images around the screen, but I'd like to assign an event - document.getElementById("XXXXX").onclick = blablabla - to each of those images.
The problem is that, of course, every time I click on the image to drag it around, this activates the link. With a doubleclick event everything works smooth, however it's a solution I don't quite like.
I was thinking about a way to control the code so that while the image moves the link is somehow "not active", but if the user simply clicks without dragging then it activates the .onclick function
I have the following piece of code in the head section of my page, which is the actual code for dragging the elements
i am trying to add a Link dynamic to a and Image that i am creating dynamic too to a table, here is the code that i am using to add the image but i dont now how to add the link to the images.
Code: var cell6 = row.insertCell(5); var element6 = document.createElement("img");
Basically I have an application which generates HTML using VB dll's. This makes the code generated un-changeable as the dll's are not to me modified in any way. What I need to do is get hold of a image element so that I can switch its SRC to dynamically change the image. GetElementById is out as the nearest I can get to it is the <a> tag surrounding the <img> tag, so my question is what's the easiest and most bomb proof method of accessing this element.
I have over 100 images I would like to display on their own page, but link to them from an index page.Rather than have over 100 seperate pages can anyone think of a way to link to the same page but call the required image. This is an over simplification of what i'd like to do:
<a href = 'index.html' = 1.jpg></a> - Will open index.html and show 1.jpg. <a href = 'index.html' = 2.jpg></a> - Will open index.html and show 2.jpg.
I have a question and I think javascript is the way to go...So here's what im thinkingI have an image of half a quys face. When the mouse goes over it, the image should expand to reveal the whole face, when the image is clicked, it will act jst like a link.
in the right direction on how this can be done, I got the idea from some ad company.http://mcstuff.co.uk/static/likethis.jpgOnce I hover over the link, the thing pops up.All I really want is that once someone hovers over a link, a small image pops up beside their cursor until they scroll off it.
I wanted to add to the menu another image link so I copied the same coding, but I do not know where to place the URL target that I want opened. I know I want the userID (dUid) also to follow this link as well. If I want the coding below to act in the same manner as the coding above, but instead open a page called /gift.php, where do I set the Url?
I am having an issue where I am using lightbox, however what is showing up is a text link "Request Email." I understand how to manipulate this text to say anything I want. However, I am having difficulty changing the text link to an image.
Instead of the text, I want to have an image (button) stored on my server [URL] be the link to click on instead of the text. It seems this would be easy to accomplish
This specific to the messages posted by members for various sections on this forum. when I read through the message text, and if the member has typed in some link of other site, on mouse over of this link i see small image of the link contents. I wanted to know how to do that? Are the images stored in the database and shown on mouse over or its something else.
I am using a javascript gallery plugin, Galleriffic, to display an image gallery. I am having an issue with it as when the image is clicked it keeps jumping back to the top of the page. The problem with this is that the thumbnails which are underneath the main image on the page aren't visible and the user must then scroll to see them.
Is there any way that I can change this so that the link on the image doesn't make the page jump back to the top? I don't have my version online but the website will show you the code that is being used.
I want a new image to show when the user mouses over each link. I prefer a jquery plugin. Does anyone have recommendations for me? I'm a newb when it comes to Javascript so the easier the better
I need a random JS script which stores a hyperlink around a designated image.
Let's say I've got a company website which offers various products, and on the front page I want a random image to appear of one of the products. When they click on that image, they are transfered to the page for that product. This means that the link and image has to correspond.
i've searched this forum before posting but didn't find a "clean" solution to my problem. I have an image with a link on it:
<a href="#null" onClick="addValue('bold');"><img src="images/myimage.gif" title="Some text" alt="Some text" /></a> which adds the value in a textarea in the same page via this function:
function addValue( val ) {
var tb = document.forms['valuesform'].elements['valuesfield'];
if ( tb.value.length > 0 ) tb.value += " , ";
tb.value += val; }
I need to disable the link after the image has been clicked,preventing multiple insertions of the same value. I've modified the link this way:
<a href="#null" onClick="addValue('bold'); this.onclick=null;" ><img ...... but while only one click is allowed,i get many JS errors in the JSConsole like
uncaught exception etc.... and i think this is not a good sign.=
I have a menu of image links. I'd like them to have roll over images but also to have a drop down menu. Is it possible to have these two actions work at the same time? If so how would you put both actions in onmouseover and onmouseout?
Can you do an onmouseover swap image on an <img src tag instead of a link tag, e.g. <a href ? I want to swap images when mousing over the image but don't want the image to link to anywhere.